Dividing Line

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Dividing Line Page 4

by Heather Atkinson

“Oh God,” she gasps, eyes filling with tears.

  “He's okay. He came out of surgery a few hours ago. It was a deep wound and he lost a lot of blood but the operation went well and he's going to be fine.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He's here on this ward. Room two.”

  Rachel sprints towards the private room at the end of the ward. Danny is asleep on the bed linked up to a monitor and a drip, a large bandage covering his stomach. Quietly she closes the door and sits by his side. He looks so vulnerable it’s frightening, normally he’s so strong and solid. She takes his hand in both of hers, disturbing him and he smiles when he sees her.

  “Hi Babe,” he whispers, voice hoarse.

  “What have you been up to now?” she says with a fond smile.

  “I was breaking up a fight at the pub. One of the blokes pulled a knife.”

  Rachel draws in a shaky breath at the horrifying image in her head. “The surgery went well. You're going to be fine.” She can't hold the tears back any longer and they start to fall, the pain of the last week and this fresh shock too much.

  “Hey don't cry.”

  “I was scared I would lose you.”

  “Come closer,” he says.

  She perches on the edge of the bed, gazing down at him. He reaches out a shaky hand and strokes her face. She closes her eyes and kisses his palm.

  “Who did it?” she says.

  He wonders whether he should tell her or not, he knows it will upset her. He decides to be honest, knowing he can never lie to this woman.

  “Jamie Law.”

  “This is because of me, isn't it? It was a revenge attack.”

  “Yes but this is not your fault. They've been after my blood for ages, it would have happened one way or another.” Tenderly he brushes a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. “Don't blame yourself.”

  “If anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do.”

  Danny looks confused. “I thought you didn't want me.”

  “Of course I want you,” she cries, throwing her hands in the air.

  “Then why…?” Realisation dawns and he looks angry. “My dad. He threatened you, didn't he?”

  “No. He threatened you.”

  “Oh Sweetheart,” he sighs pulling her towards him. “You should have told me. I would have sorted it out with him.”

  “I was scared of what he might do to you.”

  “Now it all makes sense. I knew something wasn't right.” He kisses her and she kisses him back forcefully. “Don't you worry about him, it'll be fine. Now, are you going to come home?”

  She smiles. “Well, you are going to need looking after.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Course it is.”

  “Great,” he grins, attempting to sit up.

  He groans in pain and clutches his stomach. Rachel helps settle him back into the pillows.

  “For God's sake man you've just had abdominal surgery. Lie still.”

  “Don't worry, I won’t be doing that again in a hurry,” he grimaces.

  Just as she kisses him the door opens and Frank Maguire walks in, furious to see Rachel with his son.

  “What are you doing here?” he demands.

  Danny turns to him angrily. “What the hell gives you the right to interfere? What goes on between me and Rachel is none of you business.”

  “My money bought you your clubs and pubs and you will do as I say,” he thunders back.

  “Actually you have a percentage in those businesses. I put up the rest of the money. It's my money, my business and my life and you won’t dictate any of it.” Danny's voice is still weak but nevertheless he radiates strength.

  Rachel is furious with the fact that Frank hasn't even asked how his son is yet. She shoots to her feet. “Your son's fine by the way. He's just undergone major surgery and he’ll need time to recover. I thought I'd tell you seeing how you didn't bother to ask.”

  Danny beams at her proudly.

  “No one speaks to me like that. Get out,” spits Frank.

  Rachel picks up Danny's chart and waves it under Frank's nose. “Sorry, but I'm Danny's named nurse, so it's me who tells people to leave, not you.” She makes a mental note to thank Beth later for that favour.

  Frank is speechless with rage.

  Rachel continues undaunted. “I know you're the big man around here but you've bullied me for the last time. You almost lost me the best thing that ever happened to me but not again. Now get out.”

  A very red faced Frank is about to bellow back when the door opens and the woman who had the fit in town enters the room, pushed in a wheelchair by a porter.

  “Thank you Pat,” she smiles. The porter smiles back and leaves.

  “I've just been told you were here Danny.” She jabs Frank in the arm with a long manicured fingernail. “Come on, help me get to my son.”

  Frank wheels her up to his bed and she regards Danny with concern.

  “How are you love?”

  Danny looks confused. “I'm fine but what happened to you?”

  “I collapsed in the street.” She trails off when she notices Rachel. “And this young lady here saved me.”

  “You?” Franks says to Rachel.

  She ignores him. “How are you feeling?” she asks Martina.

  “They said it might be epilepsy.”

  Danny and Frank gasp.

  “Oh I'll be alright,” she replies with a dismissive wave of the hand. “Tough as old boots me. They're going to do some tests so we'll know more then. I'm Martina by the way, Danny's mum,” she smiles shaking Rachel's hand.

  Martina has the same incredible blue eyes as her son. Her hair - obviously once dark - is dyed blond, the roots showing through and cut into a shoulder length bob. She is petite but slender and despite the fact she wears a hospital gown she still sports full make up and lots of gold jewellery. However the result isn't tacky; she looks elegant.

  “I'm so glad I bumped into you,” continues Martina. “I wanted to thank you for what you did.” She turns to Frank. “Do you know some moron was going to stick a spoon in my mouth but this young lady stopped them? People have lost teeth with clowns doing stupid things like that.”

  “Mum, this is Rachel,” says Danny.

  “You mean the Rachel, the one I've heard so much about?”

  Danny nods, positively bursting with pride.

  “Well my love you certainly have my blessing. Have you set a date yet?”

  Danny cringes and Rachel looks puzzled. “What date?”

  Martina realises her error. “Oh my mistake, must be the fit. I'm confused.”

  Rachel looks questioningly at Danny.

  “The night you left, I was going to propose,” he says.

  Her face lights up. “Seriously?”

  Martina frowns. “Why did she leave you?” Realisation dawns and she glares at Frank. “You didn't?”

  Rachel laughs inwardly at the fear on Frank’s face. Frank Maguire, the big man of Manchester, is henpecked.

  “I was just looking out for my son,” he sheepishly replies.

  “What can you possibly have against this girl? She's beautiful and bright and obviously has a good heart. Or isn't that enough for you? I suppose you want Danny to marry some horse-faced troll like that MP's daughter.”

  “I just thought he should be with someone of similar status.”

  “Don't be a snob Frank. You were brought up on an estate just like the Montford, as was I.” Martina gives him a disgusted look before turning back to Rachel. “I'm so sorry about my husband, just ignore him. I for one am very glad that Danny's found a good woman.” She taps Frank on the arm. “Come on, let's give these two some privacy.”

  Frank nods meekly.

  “It was lovely to meet you Rachel.”

  “You too Mrs Maguire.”

  “Please, call me Martina. Come on Frank, take me back to my room.”

  Frank wheels Martina out in silence. When they’ve gone Rachel smiles at Danny.
“I like your Mum.”

  “Great isn’t she.”

  “She's got your Dad whipped.”

  “He adores her and he'd never go against her wishes. Could you pass me my jacket Babe?” he says, indicating a black leather jacket hung up on the back of the door.

  She hands it to him. He roots about in the pockets then pulls out a small black velvet box.

  “Is that what I think it is?” she beams.

  He nods and opens it to reveal a very beautiful and very expensive white gold band with a diamond solitaire.

  “It's gorgeous,” she says, then frowns. “Have you been carrying this around in your pocket for a week?”

  He nods. “In case I bumped into you. This isn't exactly the romantic atmosphere I had in mind but here goes. I love you Rachel. Will you marry me?”

  She smiles, eyes shining with tears. “Yes, I will.”

  “Yes,” he yells loudly, making her laugh.

  He places the ring on her finger and she gazes at it happily. He pulls her down to him and just as they’re getting hot and heavy the door opens and a team of four doctors enter the room. They all gasp and Rachel shoots to her feet, smoothing down her uniform.

  “What on earth do you think you're doing Staff Nurse Thomas?“ demands the Consultant.

  “It's not what you think.” She holds her hand up for them to see. “We're engaged.”

  Beth, who had been lurking in the corridor, hears this and runs in screeching with joy, causing the doctors to jump. She hugs Rachel then demands to see her ring.

  “Congratulations,” smiles the consultant. “But if you could leave the celebrations till later and return to your duties I would be ever so grateful.”

  They both nod. Rachel looks over at Danny, who smiles and gives her a wink. She smiles back then leaves, chatting animatedly with Beth.

  Danny leans back in his pillows and lets the doctors examine him, barely aware of their presence. He is imagining his wedding day and his wedding night.

  Once the doctors leave, Frank returns to his son’s room. Seeing Rachel and Danny together made him realise he was wrong about her and if Martina likes her then that’s good enough for him. He apologises profusely to his son, who has the good grace to forgive him then he turns the conversation to more pressing matters.

  “Do you know who stabbed you?” says Frank.

  “Jamie Law.”

  “There will be severe retribution. Your brother’s onto it.”

  Danny nods.

  “I heard about the pepper spray incident,” continues Frank.

  Danny looks amused at the memory.

  “It's not funny boy, it was very reckless. You could have been killed.“

  “Nah, they were just a bunch of no necks.”

  “I know you love this girl but I hope she won’t be your downfall.”

  “You think she makes me weak don't you? But you're wrong.”

  “There'll be a war over this.”

  “No. Our enemies will use it as an excuse to attack us.”

  Frank nods, knowing he is right. There was always going to be a war, he’s dreaded it for years. Now it’s finally here he’s almost relieved. He just wishes his sons weren't going to get caught in the crossfire but that is one thing he can't protect them from.

  Danny rubs his eyes in an effort to stay awake. Frank can see he is exhausted so he gets to his feet.

  “Get some sleep son. I'll be back to see you tomorrow.”

  As his eyes close Danny murmurs, “keep an eye on Rachel for me. Make sure she's okay.”

  “Course I will. Your Mum would have my balls for earrings if I didn't. She's really taken to her.”

  Danny falls asleep with a smile on his face.

  “Oh my God. Look at the size of this place,” exclaims Beth, looking around Danny's flat. She is staying with Rachel while Danny is in hospital to keep her company. Rachel knows something big is going down because of the Maguire muscle outside the front door. That can only mean the Montford crew aren't about to forgive and forget. Rachel isn't naive enough to think it’s all about her. The Laws have been looking for an excuse to go after the Maguires for years and she has unwittingly given them one. A chill runs down her spine as she wonders what other retaliation there will be. She brushes the gloomy thoughts aside as Beth waves a pile of bridal magazines under her nose.

  “Bloody hell Beth, how many have you bought?”

  “I know I got a bit carried away but I'm so excited.”

  Rachel smiles at her fondly, the only friend who’s a friend enough to stand by her. “Will you be my bridesmaid?”

  “Yes,” she shrieks, wrapping Rachel in a tight hug, almost choking her. “Oooh I've seen the perfect dress for you in here,” she says, frantically sifting through the pile of magazines. “It'll really set your eyes off. Now I don't know what you had in mind but I thought you could have a theme, it's all the rage at the moment…”

  Beth continues to babble but the noise recedes into the background as Rachel stares out of the window at the ugly frontage of the Montford Estate. She can see her old flat looking empty and unloved. Although it’s small and tatty she’s very fond of it, she'd grown up there. Now she can never go back. A lot of her things are still inside but she’s accepted they are lost to her forever. Even though her life’s changing in a big exciting way the thought still makes her a little sad.

  Danny is improving rapidly. He has a robust constitution and is growing stronger by the day. Rachel visits him as often as she can.

  “The consultant says you can come home tomorrow,” she smiles, excited at the prospect.

  “Thank God, I'm going crazy in here. I can't wait to get back to normal.”

  “You've just had major surgery. You'll need to take it easy for a while and get plenty of rest,” she says firmly. “I've booked a few days off work to look after you.”

  He grins and runs a hand up her thigh. “Will you wear your uniform at home?”

  “If it'll help,” she smiles, kissing him. She glances at her watch. “Damn I'm late. I've got to get back to work.”

  She stands up but he pulls her back down.

  “Don't go yet,” he says, nuzzling her neck.

  “You're going to get me into trouble,” she replies, enjoying his caresses. Reluctantly she gets to her feet again. “I'll come and see you before I go.

  As she turns to the door two uniformed police officers enter, one of whom is Superintendent Jarvis.

  “We need a word Danny,” says the Superintendent gravely.

  Rachel immediately jumps to his defence. “You can come back later. He needs to rest.”

  Jarvis runs an appraising eye over her and is surprised. She looks a decent girl, not the usual type the Maguire boys go for. “You must be Rachel,” he smiles, holding out his hand for her to shake. “I'm Superintendent Jarvis. You'll be seeing a lot of me now you've taken up with a Maguire.”

  Her dark eyes narrow and he knows she dislikes him.

  “I need to interview Danny about the stabbing,” he adds.

  She is about to object when Danny interrupts. “It's okay Rach, it won’t take long will it?”

  “Course not,” says Jarvis pleasantly.

  “Well, okay then but no more than ten minutes,” she says firmly.

  “I wouldn't dream of it,” replies Jarvis.

  Rachel gives him a haughty look before leaving. When she’s gone Jarvis turns his attention to Danny.

  “On the mend are we?”


  “What a shame.”

  Danny looks amused. “So are you after the person who did this to put them away or give them a medal?”

  “If I had my way Danny it would be the latter but for some reason the law sees you as the victim. Funny that isn't it? So now I've got to ask you who did it, knowing full well you won’t tell me because you want to avenge yourself on them personally. It's all very boring. I don't know why I bother.”

  “Because you care,” he grins.

  Jarvis ignores the quip. He nods at the PC, who gets his notepad and pen at the ready.

  “So, did you get a look at the person who stabbed you?”

  “No, it was dark.”

  Jarvis sighs in annoyance. “Can you think of anyone who would want to do this to you?”

  “Apart from you? No.”

  “I can see I'm wasting my time,” he says, moving for the door.

  “Leaving so soon?” Danny smirks.

  Jarvis’s anger flares and he stomps over to Danny’s bed and leans over him, face contorted with fury. “Listen to me you smug little bastard, one day I'll bring you and your entire scumbag family crashing down. Just see if I don't.”

  Danny's cat-like eyes glitter with rage. “You'll have to get up fucking early you wanker.”

  The two men glare at each other fiercely then Jarvis straightens up, the amiable smile returning to his face. “Thank you for your time Mr Maguire. We'll no doubt be seeing you again soon.”

  Danny watches him go with a scowl. “Turd.”


  Rachel collects Danny from the hospital and brings him home. Although he’s improved he’s still in a lot of discomfort. As she helps him onto the couch he grimaces in pain. Once he’s settled comfortably she brings him a cup of tea.

  “Can't I have a beer Babe? I'm gagging.”

  “Not with your painkillers you can't.”

  “You're strict,” he replies, mock-sulking.

  “You've no idea.”

  “Come here,” he says, pulling her close. “We've some making up to do.”

  They’re interrupted by Frank entering without knocking. Rachel hastily sits up, looking embarrassed and Frank pretends not to notice. He is followed by a man she has never seen before.

  “How you doin' son?” says Frank.

  “Better now I'm home. How's Mum?”

  Frank's face falls. “They're still doing tests.”

  There's a moment's silence, which is broken by Frank.

  “Oh sorry Rachel, this is Alex, my eldest.”

  “Alright?” smiles Alex, shaking Rachel's hand.

  She smiles back. Alex is tall and well-built like Danny but unlike his brother he has brown eyes and sandy hair, inherited from his father. He is attractive and could be the boy next door however there is a coldness about him that Danny does not possess. She realises this man has done some dark deeds.


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