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Dividing Line Page 9

by Heather Atkinson

  “What the fuck is that freak doing here?” says Adam. “You said she'd be alone.”

  “What are you moaning for? Two for the price of one,” smirks Steve.

  Adam eyes Mikey uncertainly, who stares back at him impassively. “Alright, we'll take them both.”

  “Take us where?” demands Rachel.

  “It's a surprise,” replies Adam sarcastically.

  “You think we're going to let you just walk us out of here?” says Rachel.

  Adam pulls out a large knife. “Danny's not here to protect you now. He's busy, he will be for a long time yet.”

  “What makes you think I need protecting?” she says, looking at Steve meaningfully. He scowls back at her.

  “Rachel be a good girl. Come along quietly and we won’t hurt you,” says Adam.

  The three of them advance on Rachel and Mikey, who back away, Mikey still standing before her protectively. Although Adam is the one with the weapon he looks at his heavy. “Sort him out,” he orders, indicating Mikey.

  Mikey’s reputation is infamous and the heavy doesn’t seem too happy about tackling him. Without even breaking sweat Mikey aims a kick at his groin then punches him with incredible force in the head and the heavy drops like a stone. The whole things lasts seconds and everyone gawps at Mikey, amazed. Adam is the first to recover himself and launches himself at Mikey, knife raised.

  “Rachel run,” yells Mikey.

  Rachel races down the hallway, Steve chasing her. He grabs her by the shoulders, pulls her backwards and she lands on the floor with a heavy thud. He tries to bring his boot down on her face but she rolls out of the way and punches him in the back of the knee, causing him to cry out in pain. In the living room she can hear a violent struggle and she worries for Mikey.

  Rachel manages to get to the window and peers out. Below is a mass of people fighting and it’s impossible to pick out Danny in the chaos. As Steve gets back to his feet Rachel runs to the end of the hall, yanking her mobile phone out of her pocket. She dials Frank's number and hears it ring but Steve kicks her in the back. She hits the wall with a thud and slides to the floor, dazed. The phone falls from her hand and Steve kicks it away.

  “Danny's not coming to save you now,” he screams, spittle flying from his lips. He punches her hard in the face, splitting her lower lip then he punches her in the stomach and with a cry she crumples into a heap.

  Frank is raging. He’s just discovered that Dexie, the man he entrusts to run a major part of the money laundering operation, has been creaming off the top. Dexie is a short scrawny balding man with beady dark eyes and a hooked nose, an unpleasant individual nicknamed 'The Slug' because of his slimy nature. Frank employs him because he is a genius with numbers. Now this genius is getting greedy and lazy and Frank has had enough. His voice thunders through the small office and he bangs his fist repeatedly on the desk to emphasise his words. He tuts in annoyance when his mobile phone rings.

  “Shut it,” Frank roars, holding up one large sausage-like finger. Dexie instantly goes quiet.

  Frank puts the phone to his ear and frowns. At first he thinks someone is playing silly beggars because he can't hear anything then comes the sound of a man's voice yelling. Frank's face drops when he hears Rachel's voice scream back. Instantly divining that she needs his help he looks at Battler and Bruiser. “We've got to go. Now.”

  They storm out, leaving a relieved Dexie behind.

  “Don't think you've got off lightly Dexie,” Frank calls over his shoulder. “I will be back.”

  Dexie's heart sinks.

  Rachel lies in the corridor opposite her bedroom and through the open door she can see the bedside cabinet where she keeps her stun gun. She knows her only chance is to get to it but her head is pounding and her face aches horribly. She steels herself, looks Steve straight in the eye and smiles defiantly.

  “What the fuck are you grinning at you bitch,” he shrieks, slapping her hard across the face. She releases a cry of pain, giving him an enormous sense of satisfaction. “You think this is bad? Well it's nothing. I'm going to make you feel pain you never thought possible, give you a taste of what life has been like for me lately.”

  He hits her again and blood trickles from her nose, mingling with the blood on her lips. The pain in her face is intense and her vision swims in and out of focus. But she takes a deep breath and puts all her energy into pulling herself upright, her head throbbing.

  “You loved me once,” she manages to mumble through swollen lips. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  The anger disappears from his eyes as she tenderly runs her hand over his scarred cheek, trying not to show her revulsion at the feel of his ruined skin. He closes his eyes, enjoying the sensation. Despite his hatred for her he still wants her desperately. She moves closer to him as though to kiss him. Then at the last moment the tenderness disappears from her eyes and she head butts him, catching him square on the bridge of the nose. With a cry he falls backwards and she springs to her feet and makes a dash for the stun gun.

  The Maguires and their men are beginning to gain the upper hand. Danny is fighting a large shaven headed man armed with a broken bottle when he sees his father followed by Battler and Bruiser racing through the gate, knocking Montford people aside as though they’re bowling pins. Danny fells the skinhead with one blow and runs to meet his father.

  “Rachel,” yells Frank breathlessly, pointing up at the apartment.

  Danny runs after him into the Henley.

  Steve quickly recovers himself and chases after Rachel but he’s too slow. She yanks open the drawer, pulls out the stun gun and turns to face him. He sees the weapon in her hand but struggles to slow his momentum and she shoves it into his chest and presses the trigger. Steve drops to the floor spasming and twitching, his face contorted in agony.

  She leaps over him and races back into the front room, almost colliding with Mikey and hugs him tightly, relieved that he’s unharmed apart from a cut to the forearm.

  “Are you alright?” she says, indicating the wound.

  “It's fine, it's not deep. You?” His eyes cloud with concern at the state of her battered face.

  “It's not as bad as it looks. Where are the other two?”

  “In there. Don't worry, I've sorted them.”

  Rachel isn't sure what he means by this and is almost afraid to ask. As they enter the living room the front door bursts open and Danny and Frank charge in, followed by Battler and Bruiser, red faced and ready for action. They see Adam and his heavy unconscious on the floor and come to a sudden halt.

  “Danny,” says Rachel.

  “Jesus,” he gasps, sweeping her into his arms and holding her tightly, horrified by the damage inflicted on her. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, thanks to Mikey. He laid these two out all by himself.” Her words are muffled through her swollen lips.

  Mikey blushes at the compliment.

  Frank kneels down by the two men, grasps a handful of Adam Law's hair and yanks his head up so he can get a better look. “Fucking Law's again. I bet they came here for Rachel, in revenge for what we did to Simmy.”

  “Only they didn't bank on Mikey being here. They were surprised when they saw him,” adds Rachel.

  Frank looks down at Mikey sternly, who shifts uncomfortably beneath his gaze. He breaks into a grin and slaps Mikey on the back, almost knocking him flying. “Good on yer lad. I'll see you get a bloody good drink for this. You saved Rachel's life.”

  Mikey does not smile at the compliment but his eyes gleam with pride. Danny glares at the floor, annoyed with himself for being stupid enough to fall into the Law's trap but he has the good grace to shake Mikey's hand and thank him. Mikey on the other hand is very pleased. For the first time in his life he feels part of something.

  There comes a groan from the next room.

  “What’s that?” says Frank.

  “Steve,” Rachel replies.

  Danny's face hardens. “Steve, your ex? He came too?” he thund

  Rachel nods.

  Steve stumbles into the room, dazed and confused. When he sees Danny his eyes widen with fright and he runs back down the corridor. Danny tears after him, grabs him and throws him to the floor. Then he begins pummelling him mercilessly as Rachel watches, enjoying the scene. Battler and Frank have to drag him off before he kills him, leaving Steve a bloody pulp on the floor.

  “Not here son,” Frank whispers. “Not in your own house.”

  The sense of Frank's words permeates the red mist that has descended on Danny and he nods. But Frank only lets go when he feels his son's body relax.

  “What the fuck's happened here?”

  They all turn to see Alex, Jake and Terry gawping at the carnage in front of them. Alex has a bruise on his cheek and Jake a cut on his jaw.

  “What's he doing here?” demands Alex, pointing at the still unconscious Adam.

  “They came for Rachel only they didn't count on Mikey here,” says Frank, slapping Mikey on the back again hard, causing him to stagger.

  Alex kicks at the heavy's foot with his toe. “What the hell did you do to them? They're out cold.”

  Mikey smiles but says nothing. For the first time in his life, someone is successful in making Alex Maguire uneasy.

  “What's going on out there?” says Frank.

  “We beat the shit out of the lot of them,” replies Terry. “It's over but the Police are on their way.”

  “Let's get this lot out of here before they come sniffing round,” says Frank

  They begin dragging the three unconscious men out. Danny moves to assist but Frank holds him back.

  “Take Rachel and Mikey to hospital. We'll sort this shower out.”

  “I want that fucker,” hisses Danny, delivering a kick to Steve's ribs, causing him to whimper.

  “Let me deal with him. Right now Rachel needs you. Don't let her down.”

  Danny releases a shaky breath and nods his head. “Alright.”

  Frank watches his son walk over to Rachel and take her in his arms. She nestles into him and he kisses the top of her head. The tenderness almost breaks his heart.

  As they drag Steve out Rachel steps forward. “What are you going to do with him?”

  “Why? Don't tell me you actually care what happens to this scum after what he did to you?” demands Alex.

  “No. I just hope you kill the fucker,” she hisses.

  Danny smiles but Frank is stunned. He can't believe this is the same caring girl, the nurse. He's never even heard her swear properly before. There is a coldness in her eyes that wasn't there before as she looks down at Steve with disdain. Frank feels sad. His family have done this to her. Suddenly he wonders if this wedding is such a good idea after all, he doesn't want to see her destroyed. As Rachel turns back to look at Danny all the warmth and love returns to her eyes and Frank is reassured slightly. Still, it worries him.


  At the hospital Danny anxiously watches as a doctor attends to Rachel's wounds. They told him she got caught up in the riot at the Montford, which he swallowed readily as he’s already attended to a dozen patients who’d been involved in the same incident. Mikey is a few cubicles down having the cut on his arm seen to, which luckily is only a flesh wound and hasn't done any real damage.

  “You’ll be pleased to know the wounds are all superficial,” says the doctor as he works. “There are no breaks but you will be sore and swollen for a while, especially your mouth. That’s a nasty cut.”

  “We're getting married in two weeks, will it be gone by then?” says Rachel, wincing with pain.

  “The worst of it will be gone but you may still have some light bruising. I dare say a good make-up artist will be able to sort that out for you.”

  Rachel visibly brightens.

  “Right, all done,” the doctor says, straightening up and removing his gloves. “I'll arrange some painkillers and then you can go.”

  “Thanks Doctor,” says Danny.

  The doctor smiles reassuringly before leaving.

  Danny sits beside Rachel on the bed and wraps an arm around her shoulders. He kisses her gently on the cheek, unable to kiss her lips because of her injuries. He studies her face thoughtfully.

  “I must look a right mess,” she sighs.

  “Nope. Still gorgeous,” he grins. The smile disappears and he looks miserable. “What's wrong?”

  “I'm angry with myself for being so stupid. I fell for their trick and I left you alone. If it hadn't been for Mikey…”

  Rachel runs her hand down his face. “You weren't to know. No one could have foreseen that.”

  “If Mikey hadn't been there…” He gently holds her face in his hands. “I could have lost you Rach. It's my job to protect you and I let you down.”

  “This isn't your fault. Don't you dare blame yourself.”

  She is shocked to see tears welling in his eyes. “I can't lose you Rach. I can't.”

  Despite the pain in her face she kisses him hard. “You will never lose me.”

  He clutches her to him desperately. “I'll never let you down again, I promise,” he says, meaning it with every fibre of his being.

  “I know you won’t.”

  It’s dark by the time the three of them leave the hospital. Danny drives them all to his dad’s house, Rachel asleep in the passenger seat beside him, the painkillers making her drowsy. She snores ever so slightly, making Danny smile. Mikey is sat in the back seat staring out of the window impassively, cradling his bandaged arm. As they pull onto the driveway Rachel starts to stir.

  “We're here,” Danny says softly, stroking a stray strand of hair off her battered face. Every time he looks at her injuries he is filled with a rage so acute it almost paralyses him. But he knows half the anger is directed at himself.

  Martina comes out to meet them as Danny helps Rachel from the car. She embraces a startled Mikey and whispers her gratitude in his ear then gasps when she sees the state Rachel is in.

  “The miserable bastards,” she hisses. “Look what they've done to her lovely face.”

  “Hi Martina,” says Rachel weakly, attempting a smile.

  Martina smiles at her sympathetically. “Let's get you inside and settled love.”

  Frank has insisted Rachel and Danny spend the night with them while their flat is tidied up. At first Rachel had protested, resenting being run out of her own home but she was too tired and sore to protest for long. She’s more worried about her parents finding out because she doesn't want them to turn against Danny so she decides to give them the same story she’d given the doctor. This thought is accompanied by a rush of shame; she hates lying to her parents and wonders how many more times she’s going to have do it. Not only that, the danger of being a member of the Maguire family is finally being impressed upon her. The fear this creates is overshadowed by the fear she feels when she realises she doesn’t care, such are her feelings for Danny.

  Mikey enters the large living room first and is greeted like a conquering hero. Many of the Maguire crew are present and Mikey is overwhelmed by all the attention. He even manages a small smile. He is finally part of the family and it feels great. All their smiles turn to frowns when Rachel hobbles into the room and flops onto the couch. Her injuries are shocking and they are all appalled. Rachel is well liked and the fact this has been done to a woman just compounds the anger and outrage they all feel.

  Mikey glances at his brother, who is stood at the back of the room and frowns. Whereas everyone else looks concerned Jake appears positively gleeful as he studies Rachel's injuries. No one else seems to have noticed, their attention on Rachel. Jake realises he’s being watched and alters his expression to a more sombre one. Mikey makes a mental note to keep a close eye on his brother.

  Later that night Rachel and Mikey both retire early to their respective beds, exhausted by the day's events. Martina also excuses herself leaving Danny, Frank and Alex to talk in private.

  “Well, is it sorted?” begins Danny.
/>   Frank nods. “We disposed of Adam and his lackey. A mate with a breaker's yard owed me a favour.”

  “And Steve?” he spits through clenched teeth.

  “We sent him back to the Law's with a message,” replies Alex.

  Danny looks incredulous. “You let him live after what he did to Rachel?”

  “Calm down,” orders Frank. His expression softens. “I don't think Rachel meant what she said. She was still pumping adrenaline and in shock. If she knew Steve had died on her say so she wouldn't be able to live with herself and you know it.”

  Danny runs an agitated hand through his hair and nods in agreement.

  “So,” continues Frank, “I spared him. Don't worry he didn't get off lightly. He got the hiding of his life.”

  “And we inflicted some damage even the best surgeon would be hard put to repair,” grins Alex. He smiles at the memory. He had wielded the sander himself while Terry and Frank held him down. At least Steve won't have to worry about his scars anymore. He doesn't have any skin left on his face to scar.

  “We have to end this war soon. This is personal, not just business. Christ only knows who’ll be next,” sighs Frank, thinking of Martina. He feels tired and old. Maybe the time’s approaching to hand over the crown? He’s been considering retirement more and more lately. The question is, who will be his successor?

  “We've had more worrying news,” says Alex, coming out of his reverie of the tortures inflicted on Steve. “Ryan Law is going to be released.”

  Danny sits bolt upright. “He's not due out for another four years. Are you sure the information's sound?”

  “Trust me it's spot on,” replies Alex. “Only we can't get a release date. The powers that be are playing this one close to their chest.”

  Danny shakes his head and looks from his brother to his father. “What's going on? First Mikey's released early now Ryan Law. Coincidence don't you think?”


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