Invincible Heart: The John Baker Chronicles: A Permutation Archives Division (The Permutation Archives Book 1)

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Invincible Heart: The John Baker Chronicles: A Permutation Archives Division (The Permutation Archives Book 1) Page 14

by Bryan Tann

  As he ran, he skidded to a halt. The light areas of forestation continued to demand his attention as he looked around, scanning the area for a threat he could not see.

  “Something ain’t right.”

  “Something hasn’t been right for a little while, John.”

  “Yeah. I know. What do you think it is?”

  “I don’t know.”

  John reached behind himself, preparing to reveal his twin batons, before stopping himself at the last second. He stood still and breathed calmly, extending his senses as far out as he could.

  A blur exploded before him as twilight continued to turn to evening and slammed into him, sending him staggering backward into the train tracks, tripping him and sending him toppling end over end before he settled on his stomach, looking toward where he’d been standing.

  A figure wearing military fatigues stood in place of where he’d been. The man, John figured out by studying him, was far smaller than he was in height and body build. He was wiry, lithe, a tracker. His hair was cut short, but was beginning to grow outward. His brown colored skin was void of any effects of perspiration. His body didn’t look to show any exhaustion. The letter ‘E’ was stenciled on the right breast pocket of his jacket as identification.

  “He smells…strange.”

  “He has a Nanobot Hive.”

  “He…what? Like us?”

  “No, John. Not like us. I do not believe he has a Queen. I can see him through your eyes, he looks…”

  “Like I did with the trigger.”


  “You do not need to do this, brother.” John stood up rolling his shoulders. “You do not need to let them control you. We do not need to fight…”

  “Invincible Heart Project subject John Baker identified,” Echo replied.

  “Good job, Echo.” John heard through the communication device. “Engage. Let’s see what you can do. The rest of the squad are on their way.”

  “Copy that,” Echo replied.


  “This isn’t good, John. This isn’t good at all.”

  “You’re goddamn right it’s not!”

  Echo took a step toward John and exploded into a blur of motion sending John flying backward with a kick to his chest that felt like a freight train.

  When he hit the ground, he could barely register the foot coming down in a majestic arc that slammed into the top of his head, forcing his face to the rock covered ground. His face ricocheted back upward and rested on the ground.

  He placed his hands flat on the ground attempting to push himself up when another kick shattered his chin. He fell back onto his back from the force and lay still. He could feel the bone healing as he lay still.

  He looked up and saw Echo standing before him. John growled, pulled his knees to his chest and nipped back to his feet nimbly.

  “This is the last time I will attempt to reason with you. You do not have to do what they want. You have a choice, the same as I did,” John growled.

  “He has no choice, John. Not like we do.”

  “Too bad for him then.”

  John charged at Echo, his fist cocked back and sent it toward the smaller man. Echo dodged quickly, and John retaliated with a left. Then another right. Another left. A kick. Another kick. A spinning elbow. Nothing landed.

  Echo continued to dodge the strikes that came his way as though John were a slug in salt water.

  John took a few steps backward to regroup when his strikes hit nothing but air. He then exploded forward again with a kick aimed at the smaller man’s knees. When Echo moved his legs, John rebounded bringing his strike face level into a reverse hook kick.

  Echo took a slight side step, punching John harshly in the calf muscle then rebounded the punch into a back fist to John’s face sending him staggering again.

  The Nano then took two running steps and spun in midair masterfully sending a kick to John’s face with his heel.

  John staggered further, refusing to go to the ground. Echo stepped behind himself, chambered his knee to his chest and sent a kick for John’s face.

  He sidestepped the kick, throwing a punch to Echo’s kneecap with his right hand, then sent a hard left hook to his face, stepping through the strike and sent a spinning back fist attack to his face that dropped Echo to the ground harshly.

  John brought his right leg up over his head, and dropped it viciously to the Nano’s chest. Echo brought his hands up and caught John’s foot in midair.

  The two struggled for control before John decided to use Echo’s strength and launched himself into a perfect arch into the air. As he soared, he reached behind himself and freed his batons, extending them just before he landed.

  Echo nipped to his feet. He looked to his enemy, and smiled coldly. He removed his fatigue jacket. He was clad in an army green tank top. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body. He held his hand out, gesturing for John to attack.

  He exploded forward to the smaller Nano. He swung the batons at Echo’s face. When he ducked, John stepped through the attack swinging for his legs. When Echo jumped, he arched over John’s head and sent two feet into his chest. Releasing a feral roar, John retaliated sending a flurry of kicks from Echo’s legs, to his chest, to his head. He raised his leg to defend, then used his other leg and chest, and his forearm to guard his face from the kicks.

  Echo grunted as a baton hit him in the ribs. The sound of the cracking of bone let John know that he had an opening. He sent his other baton into the opposite side of Echo’s body cracking ribs as well.

  The first baton made contact with Echo’s face, shattering his jaw on his right side, the other baton shattered the left. John then leaped upward, wrapping his legs around Echo’s head in a vice. Echo hissed angrily biting into the flesh of John’s thigh, slamming his hands against the bag on his back.

  John growled angrily, slamming his right hand into the Nano’s face, releasing the smaller man’s grip on his flesh. He then sent his body backward, his head going between Echo’s legs, sending the smaller man onto his back, using the momentum to slam him roughly to the ground.

  He stood straight up, keeping his feet on either side of Echo’s head, and twisted. The sound of his neck breaking in the night brought delight to John as he stepped away from the fallen body, dropping to a knee to collapse the batons and place them back in their harnesses.

  “You had a choice, fucker,” John grumbled as he took another step from the fallen Nano Soldier.

  “John!” Queen shrieked.


  “You know that isn’t enough to stop him!”

  John looked over his shoulder to see Echo gripping his head and popping his neck back into place before standing to his feet. His face contorting back to its proper shape.

  Not wasting time, John stepped forward, and sent a spinning back kick into Echo’s chest sending the smaller man exploding backward and landing in a heap on the ground. John took a running step, leaped into the air and brought his feet to Echo’s chest, caving in the cavity.

  Punches rained down into Echo’s face sending blood flying. Bones in the attacker’s hand, and bones in the recipient’s face shattered with each punch before John stepped away.

  The bones in his hand began to snap and pop back into place. He could hear the same process happening with Echo as he sat up as the last of the bones in John’s hand began to heal.

  Echo pulled his field knife from his belt and slashed John up his chest and over his face slashing his left eyeball, blinding him in one eye.

  John stepped back from the onslaught as the slashing continued to take their toll. His shirt was rendered to nothing, his chest opening with massive slashes. The straps to the backpack continued to sustain the assault thanks to the thick material.

  John continued to retreat as the slashes came. He began blocking and dodging, sending quick punches to Echo’s face as the slashes continued to work their way in.

  “Pile it on, Echo! The rest of the squad should be
there in less than two minutes!” John heard the radio voice announce.

  Echo’s movements became faster. John was thankful when his eye fully healed and he was able to see the attacks coming allowing him to parry them expertly, keeping more slashes from getting in.

  “The squad? Less than two minutes?”

  “This isn’t good, John. If there are more of this one coming, we will be in big trouble.”

  “We’ve got to get the fuck out of here!”

  “Yes, I’m aware!” John roared internally. Another five shots sent him staggering, then the most beautiful sound he could have hoped to have heard sang into the night; a train whistle.

  “Thank God!”

  “Yeah! Now it just needs to get the fuck down here before…oh fuck.” John growled, seeing four figures moving rapidly in the night toward their location, a giant leading the charge.

  “Looks like the rest of the squad is here!” he shuddered blocking another shot.

  “Just run, John! Just run!” Queen roared. Another flurry of slashes made new cuts to John’s face. He’d had enough.

  John growled as he slipped behind Echo, sending a hard right hand to his face only to have the field knife sent deep into his ribs. John wrapped his arm over Echo’s, lifted upward and shattered his arm at the elbow, then gripped the bone that tore through the skin, held firm to Echo’s wrist with the free hand to manipulate his movements and sent the splintered bone into Echo’s throat before turning to sprint at full speed along the train tracks.

  The rest of the squad were still a way off as he ran as hard as he could. The train quickly came down the track, passing him effortlessly. He leaped with all that he could, grabbing an old, rusted ladder case on the side of the boxcar. He climbed quickly until he got to the top. He looked over his shoulder, and breathed with relief as he saw that the fast moving squad had been left behind.

  He laid on his back panting heavily, the full backpack causing his back to arch uncomfortably, but he didn’t care. He just chuckled.

  “Live to fight another day,” he panted.

  As he lay panting heavily, he kept his eyes closed. The feeling of the rushing wind calmed him, cooled him, and allowed him to feel comfort.

  He could feel the bumps of the train, yet he ignored them. He allowed himself to relax, his arms sprawled out against the roof of the boxcar. He cleared his throat again and inhaled the air.

  His eyes snapped open picking up a scent of danger and pulled his knees to his chest and rolled backward, barely avoiding the massive boot that slammed down where his head had been.

  He stood up tall, his hands up, ready for battle. The sight before him made him take a step back, his eyes widened in shock.

  The being before him stood just about a foot taller than him, and far wider. His body stretched the fabric of his fatigue jacket, stenciled with the letter ‘A’, to its absolute limits. The look on the being’s eyes were relatively similar to that of the one named Echo, but there was something else there. A malice. A joy for what was to be done.

  “The fuck bean stock did you just fall from?” John asked taking steps back.

  “Um, Queen?”

  “Have faith in me. Have faith in us. Have faith in yourself, John.”

  “How did they build this?”

  “Do not worry about how they built this, John. You are stronger. You can fight him. You will win.”

  “Invincible Heart Project subject, John Baker. You sure do not show me much pendejo,” the monster replied.

  “Is that right?” John replied, a smirk spreading over his face.

  “Yeah. That’s right,” Alpha replied removing his radio earpiece, tossing it from the train. “I read the reports of what you did. Impressive Baker.”

  “Thanks. You are?”

  “They call me Alpha,” he replied.

  “Alpha huh? And that was Beta, Charlie, and Delta running with you while I was fighting Echo?”

  “That’s right,” Alpha replied.

  “So they grew your Hives to kill me?” John asked with a smirk.

  “That’s right,” Alpha replied.

  “I’m honored,” John replied.

  “Be as honored as you want. You got five minutes or less before I tear your Hive out, homes.” Alpha grinned, pulling off his jacket.

  His massive muscles rested on top of massive muscles. Even with the jacket removed, the pale green tank top was still skin tight against his body. His left hand gripped the neck of his tank top and tore the tank top down the middle and let the pieces of fabric fly.

  He rolled his neck and shoulders, forcing his muscles to flex involuntarily as his eyes closed calmly. When he opened his eyes, the look of malice was intensified.

  “What branch did they get you from, Alpha?” John asked with a smirk.

  “Branch? None. San Quentin. Military test subject is better than death row.” Alpha chuckled. “You ready to die now?” Alpha asked cracking his knuckles.

  “Depends.” John smirked.

  “On what?” Alpha asked, perking his brow.

  “On if you’re good enough to get the job done, Big Papi. If you’re good enough to get the job done.” John smirked perking his lips. “You good enough?”

  “You making fun of me?” Alpha asked, his eyes narrowed.

  “Keep it up, John. You’ve got him.”

  “Making fun of you? No, sugar. I’m not making fun of you. Just telling you I think you’re too much of a pussy to do get the job done,” John taunted.

  Alpha roared and charged at John, his massive right hand sent back to deliver a single death blow.

  John leaped back avoiding the strike, throwing a hard kick to the left side of Alpha’s face, then jump switching his stance to throw a kick to the right side of Alpha’s face before sending another kick to Alpha’s chin sending the giant straight up on his feet.

  The colossal Nano roared and charged, moving almost faster than John could see. He ducked under the outstretched arms, gripped the giant’s waistband and threw himself to his own back using as much momentum as he could to send Alpha flying from the train.

  He looked over his shoulder seeing Alpha rolling repeatedly end over end. The speed of the train taking the Nano out of sight. John laid still keeping his eyes opened.

  For the better part of an hour, John kept his senses sharp. When no other attack came, he finally relaxed, and rolled onto his side.

  “Like I said. Live to fight another day.”


  Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, and Echo stood in formation, at attention as Commander Matheson paced a path in front of them.

  The commotion of military and police vehicles and air craft flew past as Matheson continued his walk up and down the line without speaking a word.

  “So he got away,” Matheson said calmly, quietly, in a whisper. The Nano Squad remained in full attention, not speaking a word.

  “Yes, sir,” Alpha replied.

  “And how did that happen, Alpha? How did John Baker get away?” Matheson requested, looking to the five of them with mock curiosity.

  “Huh? Nobody? Nobody has anything to say? No explanation?” Matheson asked as the five stood before him in silence.

  “Echo?” Matheson asked looking to the smallest of the five that was a good few inches smaller than him. “How did he get away?”

  “Sir, I…” Echo began.

  “I’ll tell you how he got away, Echo. In fact,” Matheson turned to address all five members of the Nano Squad. “I will tell all of you, exactly how John Baker got away. He got away because the five of you are industrial strength fuck ups! That’s how he got away!” Matheson roared. His calm demeanor suit pulled away to expose his rage.

  “You five fucks come here and are supposed to be the best of the fucking best, and the five of you aren’t able to deal with him?” Matheson got into Echo’s face, the intensity in his eyes threatening to blow him apart.

  “You’re supposed to be fast as fucking greased cat shit! How the fuck did Ba
ker stand up to you twice?” Matheson roared.

  When Echo remained silent, Matheson moved down the line and began jamming his index finger roughly into Alpha’s chest.

  “And you? You’re supposed to be the Billy Jack bad ass of these tribe of maggot cocked piss pots! Why the fuck did he get away from you?”

  “Sir I…” Alpha began.

  “Shut the fuck up! This whole ‘Invincible Heart’ bullshit is nothing! Nothing at fucking all!” Matheson roared turning his attention to the other four members of the Nano Squad.

  “Actually, Commander, that is where you are wrong.”

  Matheson turned around furiously to see Doctors Tee and Denton exiting a Humvee looking to him. Dr. Tee stepped forward, a wry smile on his face handing a metallic briefcase to Karen.

  “The fuck did you say to me, Tee?” Matheson growled.

  “I said that you are wrong. The ‘Invincible Heart Project’ is not, as you so eloquently put it, bullshit. You see, a part of the reason why we wanted to ensure that the Hives did not produce Queens is to ensure they could be evenly controlled, and contingencies against rebellion.

  “However David Newton also had a theory on what could or would happen if a Queen developed within a Hive. Dr. Denton?” Tee gestured toward Karen calmly.

  “It was a hypothesis of the late Dr. Newton that the Queen could also have certain other advantages that make controlling those Nanos not only near impossible, but would also have other implications.”

  “Implications like what goddammit?” Matheson roared. “Spit it the fuck out!”

  “To put it simply, evolution. The theory is that the Nano Queen can adapt and overcome,” Karen said calmly.

  “So when Echo fought Baker…” Matheson began.

  “Yes, Commander,” Dr. Tee replied. “He was overwhelmed. As he fought he was able to adapt because of the Queen. Perhaps the hypothesis is true.”

  “Well isn’t that fucking merry? So what do we do? These five are fucking useless!” Matheson roared.

  “Not in the slightest, Commander. To call these five useless is foolish. They are the most useful weapons in your arsenal. However we need to give them a bit of a boost.” Dr. Tee smiled.


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