Delphi Complete Works of Lucretius

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Delphi Complete Works of Lucretius Page 47

by Titus Lucretius Carus

Perils of war in yoked chariot;

  And yoked pairs abreast came earlier

  Than yokes of four, or scythed chariots

  Whereinto clomb the men-at-arms. And next

  The Punic folk did train the elephants —

  Those curst Lucanian oxen, hideous,

  The serpent-handed, with turrets on their bulks —

  To dure the wounds of war and panic-strike

  The mighty troops of Mars. Thus Discord sad

  Begat the one Thing after other, to be

  The terror of the nations under arms,

  And day by day to horrors of old war

  She added an increase.

  Bulls, too, they tried

  In war’s grim business; and essayed to send

  Outrageous boars against the foes. And some

  Sent on before their ranks puissant lions

  With armed trainers and with masters fierce

  To guide and hold in chains — and yet in vain,

  Since fleshed with pell-mell slaughter, fierce they flew,

  And blindly through the squadrons havoc wrought,

  Shaking the frightful crests upon their heads,

  Now here, now there. Nor could the horsemen calm

  Their horses, panic-breasted at the roar,

  And rein them round to front the foe. With spring

  The infuriate she-lions would up-leap

  Now here, now there; and whoso came apace

  Against them, these they’d rend across the face;

  And others unwitting from behind they’d tear

  Down from their mounts, and twining round them, bring

  Tumbling to earth, o’ermastered by the wound,

  And with those powerful fangs and hooked claws

  Fasten upon them. Bulls would toss their friends,

  And trample under foot, and from beneath

  Rip flanks and bellies of horses with their horns,

  And with a threat’ning forehead jam the sod;

  And boars would gore with stout tusks their allies,

  Splashing in fury their own blood on spears

  Splintered in their own bodies, and would fell

  In rout and ruin infantry and horse.

  For there the beasts-of-saddle tried to scape

  The savage thrusts of tusk by shying off,

  Or rearing up with hoofs a-paw in air.

  In vain — since there thou mightest see them sink,

  Their sinews severed, and with heavy fall

  Bestrew the ground. And such of these as men

  Supposed well-trained long ago at home,

  Were in the thick of action seen to foam

  In fury, from the wounds, the shrieks, the flight,

  The panic, and the tumult; nor could men

  Aught of their numbers rally. For each breed

  And various of the wild beasts fled apart

  Hither or thither, as often in wars to-day

  Flee those Lucanian oxen, by the steel

  Grievously mangled, after they have wrought

  Upon their friends so many a dreadful doom.

  (If ’twas, indeed, that thus they did at all:

  But scarcely I’ll believe that men could not

  With mind foreknow and see, as sure to come,

  Such foul and general disaster. — This

  We, then, may hold as true in the great All,

  In divers worlds on divers plan create, —

  Somewhere afar more likely than upon

  One certain earth.) But men chose this to do

  Less in the hope of conquering than to give

  Their enemies a goodly cause of woe,

  Even though thereby they perished themselves,

  Since weak in numbers and since wanting arms.

  Now, clothes of roughly inter-plaited strands

  Were earlier than loom-wove coverings;

  The loom-wove later than man’s iron is,

  Since iron is needful in the weaving art,

  Nor by no other means can there be wrought

  Such polished tools — the treadles, spindles, shuttles,

  And sounding yarn-beams. And nature forced the men,

  Before the woman kind, to work the wool:

  For all the male kind far excels in skill,

  And cleverer is by much — until at last

  The rugged farmer folk jeered at such tasks,

  And so were eager soon to give them o’er

  To women’s hands, and in more hardy toil

  To harden arms and hands.

  But nature herself,

  Mother of things, was the first seed-sower

  And primal grafter; since the berries and acorns,

  Dropping from off the trees, would there beneath

  Put forth in season swarms of little shoots;

  Hence too men’s fondness for ingrafting slips

  Upon the boughs and setting out in holes

  The young shrubs o’er the fields. Then would they try

  Ever new modes of tilling their loved crofts,

  And mark they would how earth improved the taste

  Of the wild fruits by fond and fostering care.

  And day by day they’d force the woods to move

  Still higher up the mountain, and to yield

  The place below for tilth, that there they might,

  On plains and uplands, have their meadow-plats,

  Cisterns and runnels, crops of standing grain,

  And happy vineyards, and that all along

  O’er hillocks, intervales, and plains might run

  The silvery-green belt of olive-trees,

  Marking the plotted landscape; even as now

  Thou seest so marked with varied loveliness

  All the terrain which men adorn and plant

  With rows of goodly fruit-trees and hedge round

  With thriving shrubberies sown.

  But by the mouth

  To imitate the liquid notes of birds

  Was earlier far ‘mongst men than power to make,

  By measured song, melodious verse and give

  Delight to ears. And whistlings of the wind

  Athrough the hollows of the reeds first taught

  The peasantry to blow into the stalks

  Of hollow hemlock-herb. Then bit by bit

  They learned sweet plainings, such as pipe out-pours,

  Beaten by finger-tips of singing men,

  When heard through unpathed groves and forest deeps

  And woodsy meadows, through the untrod haunts

  Of shepherd folk and spots divinely still.

  Thus time draws forward each and everything

  Little by little unto the midst of men,

  And reason uplifts it to the shores of light.

  These tunes would soothe and glad the minds of mortals

  When sated with food, — for songs are welcome then.

  And often, lounging with friends in the soft grass

  Beside a river of water, underneath

  A big tree’s branches, merrily they’d refresh

  Their frames, with no vast outlay — most of all

  If the weather were smiling and the times of the year

  Were painting the green of the grass around with flowers.

  Then jokes, then talk, then peals of jollity

  Would circle round; for then the rustic muse

  Was in her glory; then would antic Mirth

  Prompt them to garland head and shoulders about

  With chaplets of intertwined flowers and leaves,

  And to dance onward, out of tune, with limbs

  Clownishly swaying, and with clownish foot

  To beat our mother earth — from whence arose

  Laughter and peals of jollity, for, lo,

  Such frolic acts were in their glory then,

  Being more new and strange. And wakeful men

  Found solaces for their unsleeping hours

  In drawing forth variety of notes,

/>   In modulating melodies, in running

  With puckered lips along the tuned reeds,

  Whence, even in our day do the watchmen guard

  These old traditions, and have learned well

  To keep true measure. And yet they no whit

  Do get a larger fruit of gladsomeness

  Than got the woodland aborigines

  In olden times. For what we have at hand —

  If theretofore naught sweeter we have known —

  That chiefly pleases and seems best of all;

  But then some later, likely better, find

  Destroys its worth and changes our desires

  Regarding good of yesterday.

  And thus

  Began the loathing of the acorn; thus

  Abandoned were those beds with grasses strewn

  And with the leaves beladen. Thus, again,

  Fell into new contempt the pelts of beasts —

  Erstwhile a robe of honour, which, I guess,

  Aroused in those days envy so malign

  That the first wearer went to woeful death

  By ambuscades, — and yet that hairy prize,

  Rent into rags by greedy foemen there

  And splashed by blood, was ruined utterly

  Beyond all use or vantage. Thus of old

  ’Twas pelts, and of to-day ’tis purple and gold

  That cark men’s lives with cares and weary with war.

  Wherefore, methinks, resides the greater blame

  With us vain men to-day: for cold would rack,

  Without their pelts, the naked sons of earth;

  But us it nothing hurts to do without

  The purple vestment, broidered with gold

  And with imposing figures, if we still

  Make shift with some mean garment of the Plebs.

  So man in vain futilities toils on

  Forever and wastes in idle cares his years —

  Because, of very truth, he hath not learnt

  What the true end of getting is, nor yet

  At all how far true pleasure may increase.

  And ’tis desire for better and for more

  Hath carried by degrees mortality

  Out onward to the deep, and roused up

  From the far bottom mighty waves of war.

  But sun and moon, those watchmen of the world,

  With their own lanterns traversing around

  The mighty, the revolving vault, have taught

  Unto mankind that seasons of the years

  Return again, and that the Thing takes place

  After a fixed plan and order fixed.

  Already would they pass their life, hedged round

  By the strong towers; and cultivate an earth

  All portioned out and boundaried; already

  Would the sea flower and sail-winged ships;

  Already men had, under treaty pacts,

  Confederates and allies, when poets began

  To hand heroic actions down in verse;

  Nor long ere this had letters been devised —

  Hence is our age unable to look back

  On what has gone before, except where reason

  Shows us a footprint.

  Sailings on the seas,

  Tillings of fields, walls, laws, and arms, and roads,

  Dress and the like, all prizes, all delights

  Of finer life, poems, pictures, chiselled shapes

  Of polished sculptures — all these arts were learned

  By practice and the mind’s experience,

  As men walked forward step by eager step.

  Thus time draws forward each and everything

  Little by little into the midst of men,

  And reason uplifts it to the shores of light.

  For one thing after other did men see

  Grow clear by intellect, till with their arts

  They’ve now achieved the supreme pinnacle.



  ’Twas Athens first, the glorious in name,

  That whilom gave to hapless sons of men

  The sheaves of harvest, and re-ordered life,

  And decreed laws; and she the first that gave

  Life its sweet solaces, when she begat

  A man of heart so wise, who whilom poured

  All wisdom forth from his truth-speaking mouth;

  The glory of whom, though dead, is yet to-day,

  Because of those discoveries divine

  Renowned of old, exalted to the sky.

  For when saw he that well-nigh everything

  Which needs of man most urgently require

  Was ready to hand for mortals, and that life,

  As far as might be, was established safe,

  That men were lords in riches, honour, praise,

  And eminent in goodly fame of sons,

  And that they yet, O yet, within the home,

  Still had the anxious heart which vexed life

  Unpausingly with torments of the mind,

  And raved perforce with angry plaints, then he,

  Then he, the master, did perceive that ’twas

  The vessel itself which worked the bane, and all,

  However wholesome, which from here or there

  Was gathered into it, was by that bane

  Spoilt from within, — in part, because he saw

  The vessel so cracked and leaky that nowise

  ‘T could ever be filled to brim; in part because

  He marked how it polluted with foul taste

  Whate’er it got within itself. So he,

  The master, then by his truth-speaking words,

  Purged the breasts of men, and set the bounds

  Of lust and terror, and exhibited

  The supreme good whither we all endeavour,

  And showed the path whereby we might arrive

  Thereunto by a little cross-cut straight,

  And what of ills in all affairs of mortals

  Upsprang and flitted deviously about

  (Whether by chance or force), since nature thus

  Had destined; and from out what gates a man

  Should sally to each combat. And he proved

  That mostly vainly doth the human race

  Roll in its bosom the grim waves of care.

  For just as children tremble and fear all

  In the viewless dark, so even we at times

  Dread in the light so many things that be

  No whit more fearsome than what children feign,

  Shuddering, will be upon them in the dark.

  This terror then, this darkness of the mind,

  Not sunrise with its flaring spokes of light,

  Nor glittering arrows of morning can disperse,

  But only nature’s aspect and her law.

  Wherefore the more will I go on to weave

  In verses this my undertaken task.

  And since I’ve taught thee that the world’s great vaults

  Are mortal and that sky is fashioned

  Of frame e’en born in time, and whatsoe’er

  Therein go on and must perforce go on

  The most I have unravelled; what remains

  Do thou take in, besides; since once for all

  To climb into that chariot’ renowned

  Of winds arise; and they appeased are

  So that all things again...

  Which were, are changed now, with fury stilled;

  All other movements through the earth and sky

  Which mortals gaze upon (O anxious oft

  In quaking thoughts!), and which abase their minds

  With dread of deities and press them crushed

  Down to the earth, because their ignorance

  Of cosmic causes forces them to yield

  All things unto the empery of gods

  And to concede the kingly rule to them.

  For even those men who have learned full well

  That godheads lead a long life free of care,
r />   If yet meanwhile they wonder by what plan

  Things can go on (and chiefly yon high things

  Observed o’erhead on the ethereal coasts),

  Again are hurried back unto the fears

  Of old religion and adopt again

  Harsh masters, deemed almighty, — wretched men,

  Unwitting what can be and what cannot,

  And by what law to each its scope prescribed,

  Its boundary stone that clings so deep in Time.

  Wherefore the more are they borne wandering on

  By blindfold reason. And, Memmius, unless

  From out thy mind thou spuest all of this

  And casteth far from thee all thoughts which be

  Unworthy gods and alien to their peace,

  Then often will the holy majesties

  Of the high gods be harmful unto thee,

  As by thy thought degraded, — not, indeed,

  That essence supreme of gods could be by this

  So outraged as in wrath to thirst to seek

  Revenges keen; but even because thyself

  Thou plaguest with the notion that the gods,

  Even they, the Calm Ones in serene repose,

  Do roll the mighty waves of wrath on wrath;

  Nor wilt thou enter with a serene breast

  Shrines of the gods; nor wilt thou able be

  In tranquil peace of mind to take and know

  Those images which from their holy bodies

  Are carried into intellects of men,

  As the announcers of their form divine.

  What sort of life will follow after this

  ’Tis thine to see. But that afar from us

  Veriest reason may drive such life away,

  Much yet remains to be embellished yet

  In polished verses, albeit hath issued forth

  So much from me already; lo, there is

  The law and aspect of the sky to be

  By reason grasped; there are the tempest times

  And the bright lightnings to be hymned now —

  Even what they do and from what cause soe’er

  They’re borne along — that thou mayst tremble not,

  Marking off regions of prophetic skies

  For auguries, O foolishly distraught

  Even as to whence the flying flame hath come,

  Or to which half of heaven it turns, or how

  Through walled places it hath wound its way,

  Or, after proving its dominion there,

  How it hath speeded forth from thence amain —

  Whereof nowise the causes do men know,

  And think divinities are working there.

  Do thou, Calliope, ingenious Muse,

  Solace of mortals and delight of gods,


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