The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win

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The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win Page 30

by Jocko Willink

  aggressiveness vs. caution conflicts application for

  cell phones and meetings in

  contingency planning application for

  Decentralized Command for

  declining sales in

  de-escalation in

  detachment vs. focus conflicts application in

  discipline vs. rigidity conflicts application for

  “Easy Button” in

  employee feedback in

  following for leading application in

  hard training applications for

  humility vs. passivity conflicts application in

  leadership training application for

  mentorship vs. firing conflicts application for

  micromanagement and meetings in

  mission risk vs. care conflicts application for

  overbearing vs. lenience conflicts application for

  performance reviews in

  sales scripts in

  stretch goals in

  calmness, in radio communication

  Camp Marc Lee

  Camp Ramadi. See also Charlie Med

  capital, leadership

  care. See mission risk vs. care conflicts

  casevac (casualty evacuation)

  cash flow, aggressiveness vs. caution conflicts and


  grief and

  leadership despite

  SEAL Teams and

  of Task Unit Bruiser

  casualty evacuation (casevac)

  caution. See aggressiveness vs. caution conflicts

  cell phones, in meetings

  census operations

  chain of command

  following for leading and

  rebuilding trust for


  AD and

  communication in

  Charlie Med

  chief operating officer (COO)

  CJSOTF. See Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force

  C-Lake operation

  Clausewitz, Carl von

  clearance teams, for IEDs

  close-quarters combat (CQC) training block

  collaboration, of following for leading

  combat outpost (COP)

  Combat Outpost Falcon (COP Falcon)

  Combat Support Hospitals (CSHs)

  Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF)

  comfort zone, growth hampered by

  common sense, for leadership


  asking questions in

  calmness in radio

  in chaos

  for controlled detonations

  explanations and

  friendly fire and

  hard training with smart

  professionalism in

  radio for

  sales scripts and phone

  compliance, humility vs. passivity conflicts and


  experience and

  success and


  in radio communication

  of war

  contingency planning

  business application of

  to deconflict friendly fire

  equipment and

  failure in

  flexibility and

  overplanning and

  risks and

  SEAL training and

  secondary routes and

  time wasted in

  controlled detonations

  COO. See chief operating officer

  “cool under fire,” for leadership

  COP. See combat outpost

  COP Falcon. See Combat Outpost Falcon

  Cover and Move, Law of Combat

  SOPs and

  Task Unit Bruiser training in

  CQC training block. See close-quarters combat training block

  crash grenades

  credit, leadership and

  CSHs. See Combat Support Hospitals

  customer relationship management systems

  “danger crossing”

  debriefing, in SEAL training

  Decentralized Command, Law of Combat

  balance in leadership of Extreme Ownership and

  for business

  explanations for

  Extreme Ownership compared to

  hard training and

  ownership and

  self-reliance for

  slack and

  trust and

  declining sales, in business

  deconflict, concept of

  de-escalation, in business

  Default: Aggressive

  defiant leadership

  Department of Defense

  detachment vs. focus conflicts

  balance in leadership in

  battlefield aloofness and

  business application of

  Extreme Ownership and

  missing equipment and

  perspective and

  in preparation

  Prioritize and Execute and

  Dichotomies of Leadership

  accountability vs. empowerment conflicts in

  aggressiveness vs. caution conflicts in

  contingency planning and

  detachment vs. focus conflicts in

  discipline vs. rigidity conflicts in

  of Extreme Ownership and Decentralized Command following for leading in

  hard training for

  humility vs. passivity conflicts in

  hurting to help as

  leadership and

  mentorship vs. firing conflicts in

  mission risk vs. care conflicts in

  overbearing vs. lenience

  Dinnell, J. P.

  direct action missions


  balance in leadership and

  cell phones in meetings and

  SOPs and

  discipline vs. rigidity conflicts

  business application of

  common sense and

  sales scripts and

  “disease of victory”

  Eafrati, Tony

  “Easy Button,” in business

  Echelon Front

  confidentiality and

  Echo Platoon

  ego, checking. See also humility

  emotion, aggressiveness vs. caution conflicts and

  employee feedback

  empowerment. See accountability vs. empowerment conflicts

  EOD bomb technicians. See explosive ordnance disposal bomb technicians


  accountability and

  for Battle of Ramadi, 2006

  contingency planning and


  Fallujah mission, 2003, maintenance of

  temperature and

  weight of

  esprit de corps, of Task Unit Bruiser

  executive vice president (EVP)

  experience, confidence and arrogance from


  accountability vs. empowerment conflicts and

  employee feedback and

  for leadership

  explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) bomb technicians

  Extreme Ownership

  accountability and

  balance in leadership of Decentralized Command and

  Decentralized Command compared to

  detachment vs. focus conflicts and

  hard training and

  humility and

  impact of

  mentorship vs. firing conflicts and

  micromanagement compared to

  problems with

  responsibility and

  SEAL training lessons in

  Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win (Willink and Babin)

  extremes, balance in leadership and


  consequences of

  in contingency planning

  in detachment vs. focus conflicts


  in following for leading

  of hands-off leadership

sp; learning from

  of micromanagement

  Fallujah mission, 2003

  building clearing in

  civilian injuries in

  equipment maintenance following

  prisoner extraction and departure in

  family, SEAL Teams as

  fear, war and

  feedback, employee

  field training exercises (FTXs)

  Firecracker Circle, Ramadi

  firing. See mentorship vs. firing conflicts

  1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment (1/109th)

  first impressions

  “flank or be flanked”


  contingency planning and

  of SOPs

  FNGs (new guys)

  focus. See detachment vs. focus conflicts

  “the fog of war”

  followership, leadership culture and

  following for leading

  arguments over

  boss relations improved by

  business application of

  chain of command and

  collaboration of

  failure in

  rank and

  recognition of

  strength in

  fragmentation (frag) grenades

  freedom, discipline for

  friendly fire

  AD and

  Battle of Ramadi, 2006 and

  communication and

  contingency planning to deconflict

  FTXs (field training exercises)

  gear inspections



  grief, casualties and

  growth, comfort zone hampering

  Gulf War

  Habbaniyah Canal

  Hackworth, David H.

  hands-off leadership

  balance in leadership for micromanagement and

  micromanagement compared to

  hard training. See also leadership training

  balance in leadership and

  for Battle of Ramadi, 2006

  business applications of

  comfort zone hampering growth and

  criticisms of

  Decentralized Command and

  Extreme Ownership and

  learning from

  real-world experience and

  responsibility for

  smart communication for

  trust built through

  worst-case scenario and

  heroism, of SEAL Teams

  HESCO barriers

  High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (Humvees)

  “high port”

  “hot mics,” radio communication and


  employee feedback and

  Extreme Ownership and

  leadership and

  relationship building and

  respect and

  SEAL training and

  strategy and

  trust and

  war and

  humility vs. passivity conflicts

  balance in leadership and

  business application of

  compliance and

  Iraqi security forces collaboration and

  push back and

  strength and

  humor, war and

  Humvees (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles)

  hurting to help, as Dichotomy of Leadership

  IADs. See immediate action drills

  identification of location

  IED emplacers

  IEDs. See improvised explosive devices

  immediate action drills (IADs)

  improvised explosive devices (IEDs)

  clearance teams for

  in Firecracker Circle

  risks of

  on Route Michigan

  secondary route contingency planning for

  in trash piles

  Iraq War

  Iraqi security forces collaboration

  AD and

  humility vs. passivity conflicts and

  Job, Ryan


  junior leader empowerment, in Task Unit Bruiser

  Junior Officer Training Course

  “kill house”

  Kilo company

  Kyle, Chris

  land warfare training block, for SEAL Teams

  Laws of Combat. See also Cover and Move, Law of Combat; Decentralized Command, Law of Combat; Prioritize and Execute, Law of Combat; Simple, Law of Combat

  balance in leadership and

  descriptions of

  leadership. See also balance in leadership; Dichotomies of Leadership; following for leading; hands-off leadership

  accountability and

  aggressiveness and

  authoritarianism and

  burdens of

  casualties and

  challenge of

  common sense for

  “cool under fire” for

  credit and


  explanations for

  followership and culture of

  humility and

  micromanagement and

  observation for

  ownership for

  potential maximized with

  responsibility and

  risk mitigation and

  SEAL training and

  second-guessing and

  standards for

  stepping up for

  strength for

  Task Unit Bruiser challenges with allocation of

  team reliance on

  for underperformance

  utilizing principles of

  leadership capital

  Leadership Development and Alignment Programs

  leadership training. See also hard training; SEAL training

  building programs for

  in business

  combat experiences of

  Dichotomies of Leadership and

  fundamentals in

  leading petty officer (LPO)

  Lee, Marc

  legal issues, mentorship vs. firing conflicts and

  lenience. See overbearing vs. lenience conflicts

  Lima company

  listening, to employee feedback

  live-fire drills, for SEAL Teams

  location, identification of

  LPO. See leading petty officer

  .50-caliber M2 Browning (Ma Deuce)

  M88 tank recovery vehicles

  M203 grenade launcher

  Ma Deuce (.50-caliber M2 Browning)

  machine guns, Seal Teams and


  census operations of

  “remain over day” operations of

  “Sprint and Hold” and



  “Mav Market”


  medical evacuation (medevac)

  meetings in business

  cellphones and

  micromanagement and

  mentorship vs. firing conflicts

  business application of

  decision-making for

  evaluation for

  Extreme Ownership and

  legal considerations for

  live-fire drills and

  replacement issues in

  risk assessment in

  safety violations and

  standards for

  “task saturated” individuals and

  timing considerations for

  Trident Review Board and

  underperformance and


  balance in leadership for hands-off leadership and

  Extreme Ownership compared to

  failure of

  hands-off leadership compared to

  leadership and

  meetings in business and

  ownership with threat of

  Military Maxims (Bonaparte)

  military operations, urban terrain (MOUT) town, for SEAL training

  military time

  “miss movement”

sing equipment

  mission planning. See also contingency planning

  mission risk vs. care conflicts

  in battle

  business applications of

  Mk46 machine guns

  Mk48 machine guns

  mobility training block, for SEAL Teams

  modularization, in business

  Monsoor, Michael

  mortar attacks

  MOUT (military operations, urban terrain) town, for SEAL training


  Napoléon Bonaparte

  National Guard

  training of

  trust in

  Naval Special Warfare (NSW)

  new guys (FNGs)

  “no cell phone” policy, in meetings

  NSW. See Naval Special Warfare

  observation, for leadership

  Observation Post Veterans Affairs (OP VA)

  Ogden Gate, Camp Ramadi

  1/109th (1st Battalion, 109th Infantry Regiment)

  OP VA. See Observation Post Veterans Affairs

  operation order (OPORD)

  orders, explanations for

  overbearing vs. lenience conflicts

  business applications of

  leadership capital and

  strength and

  in training

  unit patches and

  overcorrection, of balance in leadership

  overplanning, contingency planning and

  overwatch teams

  ownership. See also Extreme Ownership

  Decentralized Command and

  for leadership

  micromanagement threat increasing

  passivity. See humility vs. passivity conflicts

  patches, unit

  Patton, George S., Jr.

  performance reviews, in business

  personality conflicts/clashes

  personnel shortages, in SEAL Teams

  perspective, detachment vs. focus conflicts and

  phone communication, sales scripts and

  PID. See positive identification

  P&L (Profit and Loss) statement

  planning. See contingency planning

  point man, in SEAL Teams

  positive identification (PID)

  potential, leadership for maximizing

  pre-deployment workup, of SEAL Teams

  Prioritize and Execute, Law of Combat

  detachment vs. focus conflicts and

  extremes and


  aggressiveness and

  of Army and Marines

  in communication

  SEAL Teams appearance and

  slack and

  unit patches and

  Profit and Loss (P&L) statement

  programming radios

  push back, humility vs. passivity conflicts and

  questions, asking

  quickie saws

  radio communication

  calmness in

  clarity in

  confusion in

  “hot mics” and

  procedures for

  programming for

  of SEAL Teams

  “stand by” meanings in

  Ramadi. See Battle of Ramadi, 2006

  Ramadi Government Center

  rank, following for leading and

  rapid expansion, in business

  ratio requirements, Iraqi security forces collaboration and

  Ready First Brigade

  Ready Room, of Task Unit Bruiser


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