Kiss Me : A Modern Sleeping Beauty Retold (A Modern Fairy Tale Series Book 2)

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Kiss Me : A Modern Sleeping Beauty Retold (A Modern Fairy Tale Series Book 2) Page 9

by Zoey A. Black

  “I have to remember if I don’t have anything good to say then I shouldn’t say anything at all.” I was speaking with Sheila and I could tell she didn’t agree with how I handled things.

  Sheila was wearing her displeasure on her face and I could tell she felt guilty for not coming to see me during my hour of need.

  “I’m glad to have you back where you belong.” She was wearing this old style white sweater and a pair of jeans with the knees cut out of them. There was actually a heart stenciled on the back pocket of the jeans.

  “I’m curious how you even recognized me when I came through the door.” I was poking fun and she knew I had a dark sense of humor.

  “I was wondering when you were going to bring that up. With what I had gone through, I wanted to remember you the way that I saw you the last time. It was selfish, but I couldn’t bear to see you like that. I did visit you in the hospital, but the long-term care wing was too much. I hope you can forgive me.” She had her own trials and I couldn’t expect her to relive what she had gone through with me.

  “Listen, we don’t have to ever talk about it again. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I know how painful it is for you. I’m sorry I brought up bad memories. Let’s talk about our business. It looks like you have flourished without me. I see several of my ideas. As I recall, you were steadfast against some of them. What could possibly change your mind?” I pretty much knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

  “I wanted to hear your voice and the best way to do that was to implement some of your ideas. The response was amazing. We have several people coming in to sell their old clothes through consignment. I hope you approve.” She was looking for a pat on the back and I felt she was owed more than that.

  I gave her a hug and felt more connected to my friend than ever before. Sheila was the one who had convinced me to go into business with her. She was afraid of the bookkeeping, but somehow she had found a way to persevere without me.

  “I wouldn’t have expected anything less.”

  “It’s almost closing time.”

  “We should take a walk and enjoy the Christmas decorations. They are lighting the Christmas tree in the town square. We can have some hot chocolate and bundle up underneath a blanket. It will be like old times.” The celebration Travis had mentioned was postponed until later in the evening. I knew Travis was up to something.

  “I’m sure you can find something better to do. You can’t possibly think you can hide the new man in your life. From the way you described him, he may as be the appetizer, main course and the dessert. Tell me you have hit that already.”

  It was a little crude, but it was Sheila.

  “I have been thinking about it, but nothing has gotten any further than the planning stages. If we are talking about fantasies then I have already hit that and done a whole lot more.” She turned the sign to the closed position and put on her off-white jacket. It went below her knees.

  “I think we both know fantasies are nothing compared to the real thing. I almost forgot I got this for your Christmas present before you had the accident.” She went into the back and came out with a black suede coat with white fur-lining along the collar. Sheila helped me put it on.

  “Awww…thank you Sheila. It’s the perfect fit.”

  “You’re very welcome. Are you sure Jemma didn’t have anything to do with it?”

  “I’m as sure as I can be. If she had anything to do with it then she knew how to cover up her tracks. Why do you ask?” I put the jacket on and it fit like a glove.

  “It’s really nothing I can put my finger on. She gives off this vibe. It’s probably my imagination. Forget I even mentioned it. I don’t want to make any trouble where there isn’t any. I just got the idea she had a lot more to gain by your hospitalization than anybody else. Have you forgotten about the inheritance? It all would’ve went to Jemma had you not come out of the coma. You were cutting it close by only a few days.” I[KC2]t gave her the motive to come after me where I lived.

  The inheritance was scheduled to be released on my birthday. It just so happened to fall on Christmas Day.

  “It’s not like you to stay quiet.” Sheila was opinionated and could expose a person’s weakness with a few words.

  “It’s funny you mention that. I did have a few words with her on her wedding day. Things got a little heated. I slapped her, but this was before I knew she was pregnant. The very next night, I was closing up shop and a car almost ran me down in the street like a dog. I couldn’t see the driver and the license plates were removed. I’ve never believed in coincidence.” I wouldn’t have thought my sister would be capable of such a heinous act. That was until she captured my husband in her web of lies and deceit.

  “Was there any other instances?” I wanted her to say no, but I was prepared to hear of other close calls.

  “There were some minor accidents. I would never swear on a stack of bibles she was responsible. Let’s say for argument’s sake she was in the car. It was probably a message to stay out of her business. If she really wanted to kill me she could have waited until I was preoccupied with putting my key in the door of my car.” We were soon walking down the sidewalk with streamers of different colored lights all around us.

  “She has always been vindictive and it got worse when she started to act out. I had to be the adult and put my foot down to her rebellious ways. I couldn’t see letting her future go down the drain. I had to be the bad guy. She never forgave me for making her life a living hell.” I had tried to give her a semblance of a family, but she resented everything I was doing for her.

  “You could only reach out so many times before you had to pull back. If she constantly slaps your hand away then you need to take the hint. I’m not telling you anything you shouldn’t already know. You have to admit you both have that stubborn streak.” I had my hands in the pockets and the only place cold on my body was my ears.

  I was about to say something about how my ears could afford to have a hat when she produced one in my favorite color purple.

  “Don’t tell me, you made this.” I was only kidding, but the way she turned two different shades of red told me this was exactly what she had done.

  “I had some time on my hands and I learned how to knit. It’s very relaxing. I never thought it would be. My mother was the one who introduced me to it. I fought her every step of the way, but I finally gave in one night. It was the best decision of my life.” I put it on.

  It instantly made me feel like I was lying in front of a bearskin rug. I could see the hallucination of a roaring fire crackling in front of me.

  There were kids jubilantly pointing out objects in the toy store for their parents to buy. It was a magical time and everybody was getting into the holiday spirit. The warmth of the coat and the hat gave me a reason to think the future was brighter than I thought.

  “Tell me more about Travis.”

  “He was the voice I heard while I was trapped in the dark. He was kind and gentle. He lifted me up when I was feeling down. I don’t want you to repeat this, but I was able to hear everything around me when I was in a coma.” She was the first person I had said anything about this. I knew it would go into the vault.

  “You’re making me feel bad. Had I known that, I would’ve stopped by every chance I got and be damned the reason why I didn’t. I’ve heard stories about comatose patients being able to hear, but I never thought about it.” I needed her assurance that she wasn’t going to tell anybody about my secret.

  “I haven’t told anybody including Travis. He thought I was asleep and he unloaded his personal baggage. He told me quite a bit about himself including his shortcomings. I don’t want him to know that I heard everything, I want to see how he behaves. I can’t be too cautious ever since how things ended with Andy.”

  I saw a stand on the street offering free hot chocolate. It was an offer I couldn’t refuse. They even had the little marshmallows for a small charitable donation. The whipped cream was a
little extra, but worth the price.

  I crossed to the other side where the park was located and the huge tree was being prepared for the evening’s festivities. Families had come out looking to share some holiday cheer with their loved ones.

  “My lips are sealed.”

  “Thanks girl. I know I can always count on you.” I got some whipped cream and melted marshmallow stuck to my lips.

  “Plus you have every right to be cautious. People say one thing and often mean another. And that’s both men and women. Though not all men are like Andy.”

  Sheila had brought along a blanket and was setting it up when I spied Travis looking around nervously. He was wearing a fisherman’s dark blue jacket and a knit cap. I probably wouldn’t have recognized him had he not turned for that split second.

  I have no idea what compelled me, but I decided to watch him without his knowledge. It was tempting to ditch my friend to play Nancy Drew.

  “Remember the last time we snuggled up and people watch during the holidays?”

  “Ya, our store had record sales that day.”

  They were getting ready to light up the tree and I didn’t feel it was in good taste to leave her standing alone. The warmth of the styrofoam cup was clutched between my bare fingers. I had taken off my gloves to get the full effect.

  I could still see Travis and he had met up with a woman dressed in black leather including her pants. She was attractive, had a slim figure. I instantly felt this jealous streak of green running down my spine.

  It was obvious from her body language there was a physical past between them. She was purposely running her fingers down over his arms. I recalled Travis telling me that his ex-girlfriend was back in his life. He did say he didn’t want her to be in his current life but I had to be skeptical after what happened with Andy. Action speaks for itself. My eyes were glued onto them.

  It was when she grabbed his package that I felt this angry animal trying to get out. He wasn’t doing anything to discourage her behavior, but he wasn’t touching her in reciprocation. At least it was a one-sided exchange of a physical pursuit. I would try my best to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  “Sheila, you mean the world to me and my life is nothing without you in it.” I was temporarily blinded by the dazzling display of lights splashing its colors on the surface of the snow.

  “I will always love you. Those are not two words I would easily say to anybody. I do have a favor to ask. Do you think it’s at all possible for you to take over running the store for the next couple of days? I would like to visit my family in Florida for the holidays. You will have full control over whether or not you open or close on any given day. You can even close up early.” I was trying to listen to her and watch Travis at the same time.

  He was trying to fight off the advances of a woman who didn’t know how to take no for an answer. I wanted to come to his rescue, but I didn’t want to be an overprotective girlfriend. Then again I wasn’t even exactly his girlfriend.

  “Of course, I will be more than happy to take over the shop for a few days. You didn’t even have to ask.” We sat down on the red and black checkered blanket after clearing away the snow from the spot.

  I was in the perfect position to watch how far things go between Travis and his lady friend.



  I had no delusions about what Harper wanted from me. The slur of her speech and the reek of vodka on her breath told me she was indulging a little early in the season. She had lured me to her to ply her craft of seduction on me.

  “I don’t know why you are resisting. I can give you what no other woman can.”

  “Harper, how many drinks have you had?”

  “A few. Tell me you don’t find me attractive anymore.”

  “You clearly had too much to drink. Let me get you home.”

  “I can feel for myself that isn’t true.” I was trying my best not to slap her hands away, but it was very difficult.

  “I thought I made myself clear. This job is too important for any distractions. This is gonna be my final job. I can’t afford to lose sight of the bigger picture.” I was doing my best not to mention Aurora as the reason.

  “I know a way to change your mind. We only have to slip into the alley and I can show you. You can’t tell me you don’t remember the way my hot lips feel on you.” There was no way I could forget the hungry stare looking up at me with her mouth full.

  “Harper, not now.” I pushed her hands off me.

  “I can’t imagine a better reaction when I take all of you into my mouth then how your eyes come out of your skull.” The woman was relentless.

  “You need to put it in dry dock until after the job. As much as I would like to, I’m going to decline your offers.” The very idea of oral gratification with her technique was hard to resist for long.

  The alley across the street would have afforded us a moment of complete surrender. Every part of me was freezing, but I knew she could warm me up with one flick of her tongue. That part of me was stiff and ready for her attention to detail.

  “You can’t expect me to wait for two days. I will go crazy. I need this and you can’t tell me you don’t. I’m starting to get a little self-conscious. Is there another woman I should be worried about?” I could have denied or confirmed her suspicion, but it was better not to poke the dragon.

  “There has never been anybody like you in my life. Harper, you have to know a woman like you comes around once in a lifetime. Imagine how sweet it will be when we can express ourselves physically rolling around in the money. The anticipation will make us wild for each other. You’ve always said you wanted to try something different.” I was using her words against her to extinguish the flame of desire.

  “I’ve always been willing to try something different. I never thought abstinence would be in the same category. I hope this is worth the wait for you. I have never been so fucking horny in my life. You might be able to wait, but I need something to take the edge off.” I wasn’t about to throw cold water on her parade.

  “I never said anything about you being off the market for other guys or girls. I know sometimes you don’t know how to make the distinction between the two. Go ahead and make the night for some lucky guy or girl. If you are really bad then maybe you can find one of each.” I was debating on whether or not to tell them to take their job and shove it.

  “Nobody in their right mind would consider turning down this. I better not have to hunt you down after the job is done.” I had purposely deflected from answering her question about there being another woman.

  “I’m guessing you’re going to have to beat them off with a stick tonight. You are certainly the gift that keeps on giving over and over again.” I thought we were going to discuss the job and any last minute details or changes, at least that was what she said over the phone to get me to meet her in person.

  “I will have more than enough for you after the job is done. You’ve always been there when I had the itch to scratch. Nobody has been able to fit in your shoes.” I had to tell another white lie to keep her at bay. She took one last grab. I felt obligated to stand there and take her physical abuse.

  “You’re making it very hard for me. I’m using that as a sexual euphemism.” She was a myth and the woman men would talk about in hushed whispers in a bar.

  “I can see there’s always room to negotiate. You don’t have to do anything more than stand there. I’ll do all the work.” I was playing a dangerous game and my libido was screaming at me to do what came naturally.

  “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. Not like that’s even possible.” The outline of my equipment was trying to raise the huge helmet above my waist.

  “If you won’t let me go down on you then maybe you will take a consolation prize.” She stuck her hand down my pants and made me a victim of her nimble fingers.

  I was turned in such a way that what she was doing was going unnoticed by those in the near vicinity. They were
busy singing carols and drinking hot chocolate. I didn’t want some overzealous police officer to get the wrong idea. We didn’t need the added complication of being seen together.

  “Fuck… you really do have a mind of your own. I have to say you are the only woman I have ever been with who knows how to take things to the extreme.” She was stroking the length and using her thumb to spread the stickiness of my essence around the head of my cock.

  “Every man is weak-willed when it comes to the affections of a woman. You fight me, but the words don’t match up to your reaction to having me touching you like this.” I was breathing heavier than normal with puffs of cold air coming out of my nose and mouth.

  “I can’t seem to stop you. I want this, but to give you an inch would only make it possible for you to take a mile.” I was proud of the way I had resisted, but there was only so much I could do before succumbing to those urges.

  “I can easily get you off in your pants. Don’t be so stubborn. I can tell you have one in the chamber.” Her fingers were tightly clasped around my shaft and I was close to giving into her.

  “You know I do and I certainly don’t need you reminding me. It’s cruel for the both of us to wait. There are other young men who would gladly give it up.” I jerked and she smiled knowing I was going to bow down to her expertise.

  I stood to lose her and I couldn’t risk making a mockery out of something special. Aurora was worth the pain that came from denying what was going to be my sweet release.

  I found the strength I didn’t know I had deep down in reserve. I took a deep breath and pulled her hand out of my pants. These stolen moments were necessary, but I was bracing myself for something more fulfilling.

  “I’ve never been more impressed and insulted at the same time. I’m going to find somebody to give me a thrill. I hope you remember how close you came. I could feel that vein throbbing for release. I’ve never worked this hard to get somebody in bed.” She was licking her fingers of the little bit of cream I had expelled during her hand job.


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