Love Under Two Adventurers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Adventurers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Cara Covington

  The Lusty, Texas Collection

  Love Under Two Adventurers

  Rebecca Jessop had just decided to damn her pride and go after Greg Benedict, when he arrives with his lover Cody Harper! But loving two adventurers brings complications she never saw coming.

  Greg, who already lost one lover to tragedy, knows he’s got to face his own demons if he wants to build a future with Cody and Rebecca. Nothing could please him more than to realize there’s a strong bit of lust at first sight between Cody and Rebecca. Now if only they can surmount one more hurdle.

  Cody is in need of recuperation time after a harrowing ordeal in Europe, but he’s suffering a little more than he wants to admit. Will the love of two people, and the support of an entire community, be enough to help Cody slay his own dragon?

  Rebecca’s not without her demons. It only remains to be seen if the threat to her is identified before it is too late.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 77,719 words


  The Lusty, Texas Collection

  Cara Covington


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Cara Covington

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-825-0

  First E-book Publication: April 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  No one is an island and that is particularly true for authors. I count myself very lucky and blessed by the people who are in my world, and in my corner.

  To my friend John, who is always ready to help with any questions I may have with regard to police procedure (he is one), fire fighting procedure (he was one), life in the service(he was in the Air Force) and EMT knowledge (yes, he was one of those, too). Thanks for your help, your patience and for making me assemble a Henry AR-7 blindfolded. Thanks for showing me how to safely fire several different types of guns, including a Glock 9mm so that when I write of them, I don’t sound completely stupid.

  To my very good friend Heather Rainier. Often, my friend, chatting with you online or on the phone is the highlight of my day. You are a complete joy to work with. I love our cross-overs, and I look forward to many more get-togethers between the folks of Divine and Lusty.

  David, we’ve been married for a long time. I wouldn’t be where I am without you. Thank you for being you, and for loving me.


  The Lusty, Texas Collection


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter 1

  Lusty, Texas, December 25, 2004

  “I’m surprised those artsy-fartsy friends of yours aren’t here, gobbling up free Christmas turkey and booze.”

  Rebecca Jessop blinked, the only outward sign she was willing to give that she’d even heard the “barb” in the words Greg had just tossed her way.

  His brother, Kevin, who’d been chatting with him as she’d come upstairs, just sighed, shook his head, then took the stairs down to the ground floor.

  “I don’t have any artsy-fartsy friends, and if I did, I’m quite certain they would desert me for you.”

  She walked away from him, and peered inside his sister’s bedroom. Julia wasn’t there, and when she turned around, she caught a look in Greg’s eyes, one she’d seen there briefly from time to time. It was a look of interest, not enmity. She held back her own smile. Rebecca Jessop burned for Greg Benedict today hotter than she’d ever burned for him before. And he was here, now, at home. As if from the heavens, he’d dropped in the day before from Jakarta, of all places. No one had known he would be home for Christmas. She hadn’t known he would be home.

  Who knows when I’ll see him again? Who knows when I’ll get another chance?

  The families all thought they were oil and water, that all they ever did was bicker. Everyone thought they didn’t like each other much, because all it seemed they ever did was snip at each other.

  Rebecca knew different, deep in her soul where her artist’s heart pulsed out the very essence of her being.

  And so, too, did Greg. She understood that in a flash as emotion, and, thank God, heat, flared in his eyes.





  With each new insult, the distance between them eroded. They were upstairs in the Big House while music played and family partied below. She really hadn’t known he was up here, and certainly hadn’t planned this encounter. She realized, in that slow way one did after having a couple of glasses of wine, that she was standing in the hall just outside his bedroom. She didn’t stop to think. The moment, the circumstance, cried out to her. The wine emboldened her. The alcohol had the added benefit of
stoking her fires. She was horny as hell, and decided it was high time she did something about that.

  She took one little half step closer. “You’ve always been a beanpole with way too big an opinion of yourself, Mr. Benedict.”

  “You know, Ms. Jessop, someone ought to shut that sassy little mouth of yours.”

  His breath bathed her face and she inhaled the scent of his beer and the scent that was pure Greg. Her hormones began doing the happy dance, and she felt moisture gather between her thighs.

  “Oh, yeah? Now, who d’ya figure ought to do that?”


  Rebecca wasn’t certain which one of them moved first. But finally, finally, with his body pressed close to hers, Greg covered her lips with his own and, yes, he kissed her.

  She felt the ability to think fly away as every bone in her body seemed to melt in response to the heat and the fire that only this man could ignite in her.

  Hot and heady, long and lush, his tongue stroked hers, a seductive salsa that lit her up more splendidly than the Christmas tree downstairs in the Great Room. She kissed him back, the taste of him more delectable than chocolate, the effect of him more potent than the strongest wine.

  For one instant she felt a nudge in her back and realized the doorknob to his room was poking her back. And then that sensation was gone—gone, because he’d opened the door of the room behind her.

  He wrenched his mouth from hers. “Hang on to me, baby.”

  She didn’t argue, and she didn’t speak. What she did was wrap her arms around his neck, and when he lifted her, she wrapped her legs around him, too.

  The sensation of being carried made her head swim. She thought the wine was making her dizzy, but no, he’d brought her into his room, kicked the door closed, and laid her on his bed. He came down on top of her and everything inside her shivered with arousal, with the need to have this man on her and in her.

  “So long. I’ve wanted you for so fucking long.” Greg fastened his mouth on hers again and plundered.

  Rebecca returned his kiss, her lips and tongue frantic to taste all, to know all. His fingers combed her hair then held tight, and she mimicked the gesture, holding tight.

  He lifted his mouth from hers. “You’re so damn beautiful, Becca. My Becca.”

  Rebecca couldn’t explain the desperation that overwhelmed her as she looked in his eyes. Urgency filled her, the urgency to have him in her now. Now, before he changes his mind. “Don’t talk. Just take me. Do it. Do it now! Oh, please, Greg!”

  “Shhh, baby. Don’t beg. Don’t worry, we’re going to take care of each other.”

  In a blur of movement fueled by greed, colored by a passion too long denied, and tinted with the alcohol so recently consumed, Rebecca pulled and tugged at Greg’s clothing as he pulled and tugged at hers. They were naked in mere seconds.

  Hurry, hurry, hurry. She gasped at the first kiss of his flesh on hers. Hot and heavenly, he settled on her, and made a place for himself between her legs. She wrapped around him, a vise to clamp him where she wanted him the most. She stretched up and locked her lips to his, inviting his cock to plunge by rolling her hips against him, rubbing her wet pussy on his hot cock and thrusting her tongue in his mouth.

  Greg slid against her then yanked himself back in a sudden, jerky movement.

  “No! Please, Greg, don’t tease me! Don’t leave me like this!”

  “Not teasing, not leaving. Condom.”

  Rebecca didn’t let herself consider that she maybe should have thought of that, nor did she wonder if her subconscious had wanted him naked inside her—naked and giving her his seed.

  She whimpered as he fiddled with his pants, swore, and then seemed to recall they were in his bedroom. He yanked the bedside table drawer open, and his “yes!” told her he’d found some there.

  Then he was back, and the feel of his latex-covered cock against her wet pussy nearly made her come right then and there.

  Who knew the sensation of a man’s cock could be so different from my own touch?

  The shivers, the thrill, the soaring of arousal gripped Rebecca in a fevered clasp. She rolled her hips again and caught his hot hard cock between her pussy lips, and began to pump so that she was rubbing up and down his hot shaft. The head of his cock brushed her clit and she whimpered, and cried out. “Please, Greg. Fuck me!”

  “Becca!” Greg covered her mouth with his and then pulled back, just enough to center his cock at the opening of her pussy.

  He plunged, pushing into her in one forceful thrust. His mouth devoured her scream as the pain, sharp but not unexpected, cut through the haze of arousal and alcohol.

  Greg pulled his mouth from hers. “Jesus, Jesus!” He went totally still, his body rigid as if frozen in time. “ Damn it, you should have told me.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I want this. I want you. I’ve always wanted only you. Don’t stop. Oh, please, don’t stop.”

  “Hush, now.”

  She felt him relax. He placed tiny kisses on her face—she felt her tears under his lips—and then he nuzzled her neck.

  “If I had known you were a virgin I would have made that moment better for you, baby.”

  “It couldn’t be better. It’s you. That’s all I’ve ever needed. You.”

  “Then you’ll have me, sweetheart. But we’ll do it my way, now.” Greg gave her the kind of look she’d longed for from him—aroused, tender, loving. She fell into his aqua gaze and knew she could never regret ceding her innocence or the control of her body to this man.

  He kissed her, softly, thoroughly, until the fires that the sting of losing her virginity had doused were lit once more. When he moved in her, slowly at first, she felt the thrill of him, the joy of union, and moved with him.

  She erupted in orgasm, the best she’d ever had. Rebecca sobbed his name as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over and through her. Greg held her, and cooed to her, and made her feel as if she was the only woman on the face of the earth. When he stiffened and followed her over the edge Rebecca tasted for the first time in her life the singular satisfaction of having pleasured the man she loved.

  He left her only briefly, returning with a warm, wet cloth. Though she blushed as he cared for her, he didn’t notice. He returned again and lifted her, pulled the blankets down, and climbed onto the bed beside her. He covered them both and drew her close. Lying in his arms once more, she snuggled in, and kissed his chin, and his chest, and let her hands play over him.

  Rebecca dozed lightly, satiation cradling her, and when Greg turned to her in the night, she let him set the pace. She fell in love with the way he loved her, gentle yet oh, so hungrily.

  She slept again, and opened her eyes as the bedroom door closed quietly. Morning light filtered through the curtain-covered window. Alone in the bed, she grinned, and figured he’d gone downstairs to get them some coffee.

  More happy than she knew she could be, more in love than she’d believed possible, Rebecca settled down and waited for Greg—for her lover—to return.

  * * * *

  I never should have touched her.

  Greg Benedict turned at the bedroom door and looked back toward the bed. The smile that stretched his lips came without his consent. His cousin, Rebecca Jessop, when she slept, slept deep, but not necessarily pretty.

  Cousin is a misnomer, because she isn’t my cousin, really. Of course that wasn’t the only thought he’d just had that wasn’t quite true. Rebecca was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known.

  He closed his eyes in response to the swift kick from his conscience. He really never should have given in to temptation.

  If he’d known before he brought Rebecca to his bed that she’d been a virgin, would he have stopped himself?

  Damn me to hell and back, no. Greg had been just emotional enough, just needy enough, and just tipsy enough that he’d stepped away from his better conscience and taken what he’d craved for so very long.

  Craved, and needed, but had been afraid t
o claim, because at heart he was a coward. How could he expect the only woman he’d ever loved to accept him as he was? Not only flawed, though he was that. But different.

  Hell, who would have guessed she could have still been a virgin? She was twenty-three years old, for God’s sake. She’d been away to college. At college and since, she’d hung out with that artsy crowd of hers, too.

  Everyone knew those characters were…what? Loose? Free? Jesus, Benedict, when the hell did you become a self-righteous prig?

  Greg quietly left the room, pulling the door of the bedroom closed as he did. He stopped and listened, but could hear no one up and moving about in the Big House on this early morning after Christmas. He wouldn’t be surprised if everyone slept very late today. That had been one hell of a party yesterday. He smiled when he recalled how happy his Grandma Kate had seemed. It was good to see her smiling and happy again. Losing both of her husbands—his grandfathers—within months of each other three years ago had been very hard on her.

  As he crept down the stairs, he turned his head and let his gaze linger for one more moment on the closed door to the room he’d just left. Making love to Rebecca Jessop had been everything, and more, that he’d dreamt it would be. But he really never should have touched her. Not without telling her everything about himself—and not so soon on the heels of his massive fight with Daniel.

  Daniel. His heart squeezed tight when he thought of the man. They’d been together nearly a year, and had been getting along fine, for the most part. They’d been happy, for the most part.


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