Blood of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Book 4)

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Blood of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Book 4) Page 12

by Teresa Greene

  Michelle opened her bedroom door and groaned, “Do you two ever take a break? Go to your room.”

  Lacy giggled, “That’s exactly where we’re going.”


  Bret Robertson walked out of prison a free man. He took a deep breath of fresh air and let it out slowly. A loud yell and a jump in the air, then he jogged the last remaining distance. His father waited by his company limo. He opened his arms and Bret embraced his father. He kissed his son on the cheek. “It’s good to see you, son.”

  “You too, father.”

  “Your mother is waiting at home.” He patted him on the back. “Let’s go home.”

  “Home, you have no idea how great that sounds. I feared I’d never get out of that horrid place.”

  Now that they were in the car, Bret asked, “Were you able to get me reinstated at Duke?”

  “Sorry son, no amount of money is going to get them to look the other way. The publicity has hurt the reputation of the school.”

  Bret pressed his lips into a thin line. He had hoped his father could convince the president of Duke University to allow him to complete his education. “Do you think you can get me into another prestigious university?”

  “No, you have a record.” His father patted his knee. “Don’t worry. I’m sure I can find you a position at the company.”

  A forced smile on his lips, Bret answered, “Thanks, Father.” He wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect of having a job to go to everyday. A job would cut into his partying. Dark Knight’s Frat House was the perfect place to sell drugs and meet women. Nevertheless, a position with his father’s firm was better than prison. At least he had his freedom.

  When they turned into the circle drive of his house, Bret saw Dylan’s Mustang and a shiny, black SUV parked next to the curb. Dylan and Josh Wilson were leaning against the SUV. Before he exited the car, the two men were already crossing the yard. His father asked, “What is the FBI doing here?”

  “Maybe they came to welcome me home.”

  Bret’s father stated, “I guess we’re about to find out.”

  Dylan opened the door. “Welcome home.”

  Bret’s sarcasm was thick with anger. “See, Father. I told you the FBI was here to welcome me home.” Bret got out and stood to his full height.

  His father snapped, “I’m going to sue you for harassment.”

  A huge grin on his face, Josh replied, “You do the honors, Dylan.”

  “Nothing would make me happier.” Dylan took Bret’s arm and shoved him over the gleaming, black limo. “Bret Robertson, you are under arrest for rape.” He clicked the handcuffs around his wrists. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

  “Yea, yea, I know the drill.”

  “I guess you do.” Dylan finished reading him his Miranda rights.

  Sebastian Robertson shouted, “I’m calling your lawyer, Bret. I’ll have you out in no time.”

  “Watch your fingers and toes.” Dylan shoved Robertson into the backseat. A huge weight was lifted from his shoulders when Dylan slammed the back door of Josh’s SUV. Two counts of rape should keep him off the streets for years, maybe even for life. Not even his high priced lawyer could help him now.

  Chapter Nine

  Lacy raised her fist to knock on Tonya Callicutt’s door. After a quick knock, she turned and peered at Sherry. “Are you nervous?”


  Lacy squeezed her hand. “It’s okay.” It was hard to believe that a month ago she was just as shy as Sherry. People still made her nervous, but she felt she had come a long way in facing her fears. Dylan had made that possible. She owed him a lot. He gave her courage she’d never possessed before.

  The door opened and Lacy stared at the tall, blond beauty standing on the other side of the threshold. It was true. Bret did have a certain type he found attractive. Same height, same build, same hair, they could all three pass for sisters.

  Like Lacy, Sherry stood staring at the woman. “May I help you?” Recognition showed on Tonya’s face. “Lacy Reynolds. I recognize you from having your face plastered on the front page of the newspaper. The photos were not very becoming, you look better in person.”

  “Thank you.” At least Tonya knew her story. She hated to repeat what Bret had done to her. It was like reliving the night all over again.

  Tonya swallowed hard before she spoke again. “I guess you came to try to talk me into something your boyfriend couldn’t.”

  “May we come in?” At first Lacy thought she would say no. Time ticked by as she just stood there staring at them. She finally stepped to the side and opened the door wider. Lacy stepped into the room and Sherry followed.

  “You have a nice place.” Lacy had done a little investigation of her own and discovered Tonya Callicutt came from money. Expensive furniture filled the apartment and she’d bet her last dollar the rug she now stood on was Persian. The colors were vibrant, yet tasteful.

  She gestured toward the striped sofa. “Please, sit down.”

  Lacy sat on the sofa, Sherry beside her. “Tonya, this is Sherry Wallace.”

  Tonya glanced at Sherry. “Let me guess. You work for the FBI. Aren’t you a little young to be an agent?”

  Sherry’s voice was weak and trembling. “No, I’m here because Bret Robertson drugged and raped me.”

  One thing Lacy could say about Sherry, she got right to the point. She didn’t even take time for Tonya to warm up to them.

  Tonya sat in the matching chair across from the center coffee table. She looked as if she would faint. Hands clasped together in her lap, she never said a word.

  Sherry explained, “A couple of my friends talked me into going to a party. I rarely socialize because I’m extremely shy. While there, Bret Robertson offered me something to drink. He was so charming and handsome. He made me feel special and confident. He is a master at deception. I never considered he had slipped ecstasy into my drink.” Unable to look Tonya in the eye, she dropped her head and looked at the coffee table. “The things he did to me will never go away. They will be with me until my dying day.”

  In a soft whisper, Tonya asked, “You never told anyone what happened?”

  “No, I was ashamed. I never wanted my family to know. I was afraid they would blame me for not being more careful. My lack of caution not only affected my life, but also their lives.” She raised her head and looked Tonya square in the eye. “Yesterday I told my family what happened. It was liberating. I have taken back my life. I will not let Robertson get away with what he did to me.” Sherry took Lacy’s hand and gripped it tightly. “Thanks to Lacy I have the courage to stand up to Robertson. Thanks to my statement, he’ll be in prison a long time.”

  “If you also press charges against Robertson, the District Attorney will see he is a serial rapist. Once the other women he raped discover you pressed charges, it is possible they will come forward. The more charges against Robertson, the greater the chance he’ll never be released from prison.” Lacy felt that Tonya was relenting. “Please, let’s don’t let the bad guy get away.”

  Tonya stood and turned her back to them. She moved to the picture window overlooking the park behind her apartment building. “You have no idea what you’re asking me to do. My family will be devastated.”

  Lacy crossed the room and stood mere inches from Tonya. “They will support you through this ordeal. They will be there for you. You need someone to lean on.”

  Tonya moved away from Lacy and sat on the sofa next to Sherry. “How did your family take the news?”

  “They cried, they got angry. It upset them that I didn’t divulge what Robertson did to me from the beginning. We talked and then they understood why I didn’t tell them. I explained how the shame almost destroyed me.” Sherry placed her hand on Tonya’s arm. “A heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I have the support and love of my family. I do not regret my decision. Now I can begin to heal.”

moved to the pictures of her family. Silver frames were filled with happy smiling faces. She stroked her fingers across one of the frames. It was a picture of Tonya with her brother. He was the total opposite of his sister. He was of average height and had black hair. “You have a story to tell. A chilling story, but one your family needs to know.”

  “I prefer not to tell it.”

  Lacy replied with emphasis, “You must. The shame will eat you up inside. Life will begin again once you have pressed charges against Bret. After Bret almost raped me, I talked to a psychiatrist. It took a while but the nightmares finally ceased.” Lacy saw the panic in her face. “You need to speak with a psychiatrist. You need to talk to someone.”

  “Thoughts of testifying in court makes me tremble. People knowing what Robertson did to me. I can’t.” She closed her eyes and balled up her fists. “I never want to see him again. I can’t sit on the witness stand and speak of the horrors I was subjected to at Bret Robertson’s hands.” Tears gathered in her eyes. Her face turned bright pink. “I remember it like it was yesterday.”

  Lacy opened her purse and handed Tonya a tissue. “Maybe Robertson will plead guilty and there will be no trial.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  Lacy didn’t have an answer. She didn’t relish the thought of testifying either, but then she hadn’t been raped. He didn’t rob her of her innocence. It would be more difficult for Tonya and Sherry to sit on the stand and give their chilling account of what Bret did to them. He was successful in taking their virginity.

  “Please, leave. You are pressuring me to do something I’m not ready to do. I need time to think.”

  Not ready to give up, Lacy raked her mind for just the right words to convince Tonya to press charges against Bret. Sherry stood and took Lacy’s hand. “Give her time to think about her options. I’m sure she’ll decide what is best for her.” She smiled. “She will do what is right and just.”

  Lacy didn’t want to relent, but she didn’t have any other choice. She let Sherry lead her right out the door. The sound of it closing behind them caused her to feel like a failure.


  Dylan popped open another bottle of champagne. The kitchen at Twelve Oaks was in an uproar. He filled everyone’s glasses except Nina’s and Juan’s. Because of her condition, Nina would be drinking water, and Juan was too young for champagne.

  All smiles, he leaned in and kissed Lacy on the lips before he raised his glass in the air and made a toast. “To Sherry Wallace. Her bravery put a rapist behind bars.”

  Lacy clanked her glass with Sherry’s. “Thank you.”

  Sherry gripped her brother’s hand. “Family support gave me the courage I needed.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. “I’m proud of you, sis.” He lifted his champagne flute and smiled as he shifted his gaze from one person to the other at the table. “For all you have done for my sister, I am eternally grateful.” His attention stopped on Beth. “I never knew you had such a charming family.”

  “We stick together. Violence has brought enough tragedy to this family. May this be the end of the turmoil. Only blue skies from now on.”

  “Well said, Beth.” Josh tapped his glass against hers.

  Sherry took a sip of champagne, and forced a smile. Dylan realized all the attention was making her uncomfortable. Like Lacy, people made her nervous.

  Maria cut huge slices of chocolate cake and placed them on tiny, bright yellow saucers. Beth and Maria carried the saucers to the table. Everyone became quiet when Beth announced she would like to say a prayer. Heads bowed, it was so quiet a person could hear a pin drop.

  “Dear God, thank you for giving Lacy and Sherry strength through this terrible ordeal. Thanks to them a really evil person is off the streets. By the grace of God, they will endure and survive. It is through your power, glory, and strength that gives them the will to carry on. Amen.”

  Nina replied as she picked up her fork, “Lacy, I’m sorry you couldn’t talk Tonya into joining our celebration.”

  “I think she is having a difficult time coming to terms with what happened. She wasn’t pleased with the thought of telling her story to a complete stranger at the bureau. She is very timid.”

  Michelle spoke up. “At least she had a change of heart. Maybe other victims will come forward and press charges against Bret.” She lifted her glass in the air. “The more the better. Hopefully, he’ll never get out of prison.” She grimaced when she took a of sip of champagne. “Cake and champagne don’t go well together.”

  Dylan noticed Scott couldn’t keep his eyes off Michelle. He studied her with apparent curiosity. When she stood and moved to the refrigerator to fill her glass with water, his eyes watched her every move. She did look fetching in the short, blue dress which showed a lot of her gorgeous legs.

  As Michelle returned to the table, her eyes met Scott’s intense stare. Bright color appeared on her cheeks. She averted her gaze, completely ignoring him. Apparently, she wasn’t ready for a new relationship. It would be a long time before she would trust another man.

  Juan asked Michelle, “We have a new baby goat. Would you like to see him?”

  “Yes, I would.” She placed her saucer and glass in the sink and followed Juan out the back door.

  Grant stood at the head of the table. “Let’s go outside and sit by the pool. It’s too nice of a day to stay inside.”

  Scott announced, “I think I’d like to see the farm animals. When I got out of the car, I saw the most beautiful black horse.”

  “That was Midnight.” Lacy offered, “I’ll go with you. Sherry would you like to join us?”

  “Sure. I’d love to see your animals.”

  Together they crossed the yard. Bright blue wings flickered as a male blue bird left his box to go in search of food for his baby birds. No sooner had he disappeared, the female flew into the box with a worm dangling from her beak. “Oh, Scott look!” She pointed at empty space. “I just saw a blue bird.” Sherry’s voice was full of awe. Another flew from a box nailed to the huge cedar tree at the edge of the pasture. Flashes of blue had her trying to follow the busy parents as they worked so hard to feed their babies. “I’ve never seen so many bluebirds in one location.”

  “We have Juan to thank for all the bluebirds. He builds the boxes.”

  Scott asked, “How many boxes do you have?”

  “We have a total of ten around the barnyard. Bluebirds will not nest unless the house is perfect for them. The hole must be the right diameter. The size of the box is also important to the female or she won’t lay her eggs inside.”

  “I never knew birds were so particular.”

  “Only the female bluebird is particular. Juan built some bluebird boxes in shop class at school. Grant was so impressed he and Juan built several more and the bluebirds came.”

  Scott admired the landscape. “It is a picturesque farm. Looks like the perfect place to renew mind and spirit.”

  “We love it here. It’s a lot of work to keep up, but even the work is calming.”

  From the back of the barn, Shadow raced into the barnyard. He picked up his pace when he saw Lacy. Tongue lolling out to the side, he was excited to see her. He dropped at her feet before rolling to his stomach for a belly rub. Lacy stooped and scratched her fingers against his belly skin.

  Sherry dropped down beside Lacy and began to scratch Shadow between the ears. He slathered her face with kisses. “Nice dog. What is his name?”

  “Shadow. A dog is a must on a farm.” He quivered with glee as Sherry showered him with attention. A couple of minutes passed before she stood and dusted off her hands.

  Lacy opened the gate and the horses immediately raced across the pasture hoping to get a treat. Because of his speed, Midnight was the first to gallop into the barnyard. He stomped his mighty hooves and shook his head. Scott raked his hands over his sleek, muscular neck. “He is spectacular.”

  “He belonged to my dad.”

p; Thunder, Pepper, Sugar, and her foal Scout trotted into the barnyard next to Midnight. Lacy wrapped her arms around Scout and gave him a huge hug. “Have you missed me, Scout?”

  “Is Midnight his sire?”

  “Yes, Nina planned to sell him, but Grant’s mother Grace has fallen head over heels in love with him. I think he is a permanent fixture on the farm.” Thunder, their paint horse, pushed Scout out of the way so Lacy would stroke his nose. “Do you ride?”

  “Yes, we both ride. Father raises Arabians as a hobby. Sherry and I ride when we find the time.”

  “Which isn’t often enough.” Sherry touched her delicate fingers to Scout’s nose. “I love to ride. Do you have other horses?”

  “Yes, Breeze and her foal, Rascal are probably on the far side of the pasture grazing. As soon as they realize it is feeding time, they’ll join us.”

  After spending some time with the horses, they entered the barn to see the new baby goat. Inside the barn it was shadowy and cool. Scents of leather, straw, and animals filled the alleyway. Lacy heard the faint clomping of shifting hooves as the horses entered the stalls ready for their evening meal. The only time the horses entered the stalls were to retreat from the heat and storms or as now, to eat their sweet feed.

  Cradled in her lap, Michelle held the tiny goat. The black and white Bore was enjoying the attention.

  Scott couldn’t take his eyes off Michelle’s thighs. The short, blue dress showed a lot of leg. “Would you like to hold him?”

  “Yes, I would love to hold him.” Michelle stood and gently placed the baby goat in Sherry’s arms. “He’s so cute.” She held him to her face and the little goat nuzzled against her cheek.

  A scream shot out of her throat. A stream of yellow urine ran down the front of her designer dress. “Ewwww, he peed on me!” She held the little goat out at arm’s length. It looked pitiful as it dangled from her hands by his front legs.


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