Steal Me From Heaven

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Steal Me From Heaven Page 19

by Crawford, Toni

  “Drink of me, Marion, one last time.” He arches back to expose his neck. I roll him over onto his back and tug his hair to angle his head in the position that I want. My fangs stretch out towards his jugular. I penetrate his skin as he penetrates my flesh. I take my time with my drink, coordinating my rocking on his rod with the drawing of his blood. He arches beneath me and moans in pleasure as I force my sex drugs into his blood. Releasing my mouth from his throat, I quicken my pelvis with my Vampire speed. I have never gone this fast with him; only Jacob can match me perfectly. He groans louder and louder. I do not know if it is pleasurable or if I am hurting him. I slow down.

  “No, don’t stop,” he pants at me.

  I pick up my pace as I bring him closer to the edge. I have already peaked and am climbing again. I cry out. There is a banging on the door. I feel Jacob on the other side. I cannot stop until Malachi is mine once more. Just before we climax together, my Angel raises his hand to my face. His eyes and hand emit a blue glow. Once he touches my cheek, he closes his eyes and blows a cool sea breeze onto my face.

  “Marion, I release you just as you have released me. Go in peace.” Tears are rolling down my face. Our bodies are trembling in the aftermath of our lovemaking. Malachi waves his hand at the door, and I see it swing open and bang against the wall, knocking a hole in it. I realize that he was blocking it to keep Jacob out.

  I hear Jacob scream as I feel his arm wrap around my waist. He is pulling me off of Malachi. I shout and kick at him. “Marion, no. You are mine. What have you done?” Jacob is yelling at me. He pins me up against the wall and turns to face Malachi, who has just gotten off the table. Jacob grabs a dagger from the surgical tray and backs Malachi into the wall and strikes him in the shoulder above his heart as Malachi expands his wings. His spear pierces Jacob’s side.

  I scream. “No.”

  Malachi speaks. “Remove your dagger, you fool, before I thrust my spear upwards and into your heart. Don’t think that I wouldn’t hesitate. All my problems would be solved with your death. You cannot come back from my blade.”

  Jacob complies and slowly draws out the dagger. Malachi’s wound does not bleed very much. I realize that I have taken more blood than I had intended. Malachi still has Jacob pierced with his spear. Jacob threatens him anyway. “You dare to bed her twice in my presence. Never again.”

  “If you hadn’t interrupted me earlier the first time, then maybe I could have severed our bond then.” Malachi withdraws his spear, and Jacob grabs his side. “Her connection to me will fade over time. She is released from our coupling. She has told me to move on and find another love. I have requested to be released in the past when you two were inseparable, but I am glad the committee refused. I finally got to experience her love the way it ought to be. She was worth waiting for. Now take her and be gone before I change my mind.”

  Jacob nods his head at Malachi. I cannot believe that he is actually thanking him like Malachi said he would. Backing away from him, Jacob does not turn his back. I look back and forth between the two of them. I need some time alone. My body has been tortured and my soul connection to Malachi has been severed. I ache with every fiber of my being. Reaching down, I pick up the robe and open the door. I hear Jacob calling after me as I run as fast as I can into the night. Malachi is yelling. His voice grows softer as I get further away. “Let her be. She will show up at the committee meeting. Give her space. When she comes back, she will be completely yours. Don’t…” His voice is gone.

  I notice Jacob is no longer following me. I swing my arms into the robe and tie it around me. Closing my eyes, I try to imagine a place that I could go to where I could be left alone and safe. The first thought that comes to mind makes me smile. I energize my body into a bright white shine. A spark ignites, and I disappear. I am heading home, to England.

  Chapter 12

  When I come through the doors at the committee house, Jacob and Malachi are standing on opposite sides of the lobby, each wearing pants of their chosen colors. Their wings are fluffed up like roosters. I laugh inside at their display and wonder if I just entered a cock fight.

  Jacob notices me first. His mouth opens before he smiles. My hair is layered short and barely touches my shoulders. I have outlined my eyes with black eyeliner, and my lips are red. My shirt is silk and strapless. It is tied tightly above my chest by a string that wraps around to my back, which is open and bare. The front of the shirt flows freely down to my black pants. I have on black heels and nothing on underneath my clothes.

  I hear Malachi sigh before looking away. Jacob comes up to me; his flesh looks unhealthy and his cheeks sunken in. He appears thin but retains his muscle mass. “You haven’t eaten,” I comment.

  “No, I was waiting on you,” he says.

  “Don’t be foolish. You didn’t know if and when I was coming back. I may have left you both. I pondered it.”

  He closes his eyes after I said that. I know my words hurt him. “I will not let you. You chose me before and once you remember, you will choose me again.” He smiles as he reminds me of his response to my question back during my transformation process—what if I chose death instead of him? “Besides, I knew you would come here tonight,” he says as he lifts up my short hair to bounce it around in his fingers. “You’re beautiful.”

  I blush and smile at him. “I guess you like my new look?”

  “Very much so.” He kisses my cheek and lowers his head to my neck. Drawing in a deep breath, he inhales my scent. I know not to wear perfume. He prefers my natural aroma, and the factory concoctions are too powerful for a Vampire’s sense of smell. He kisses my neck. I know that he is starving.

  “Go ahead,” I say. “You need your strength.”

  He stops before biting me. “Have you eaten?”

  “Yes, a woman at the boutique. I did not know how to do it as a Vampire so I just bit her and then asked her to forget about it.”

  He laughs. “And that worked.”

  “Yes, that is also how I got clothes, a hotel room, and a haircut. I just asked for it.”

  “We will have to get you access to some money.”

  “It would make things a little easier,” I joke.

  I run my hands up his well-defined arms as he leans his head down to bite me. I stroke the back of his hair with my hand. My breath increases as he sends his pleasure my way through his fangs. He does not care that we are in public or that he is making me want to unzip his pants and free him for my taking.

  “Careful, you must not drive me over the edge. There are people watching and no time to satisfy my needs.” My voice is low and sexy. I feel his eyelashes flutter open on my neck as he spins me around. His hand spreads out across my bare back. He sucks in more of my blood. I know that he is staring at Malachi, taunting him. I push him away, and he hisses.

  “Behave yourself,” I say.

  “I apologize.” He takes me back in his arms and licks my neck to clean and close the wound. He looks instantly nourished.

  “Don’t go without again,” I say as I turn around to see Malachi looking at us. I nod my head at him, and he returns the gesture. We walk up to the double doors that lead to the banquet room, and the guard opens them. As soon as we pass through, we each head for our destined spots on the floor. This is our third time before the committee. Malachi had said that he only appeared before them once when the Queen ruled the Vampire seat. Now I know that it was to ask to be released as my Guardian.

  I call forth my wings and flap them out to the side. I am stronger now and they grow bigger as time goes on. Jacob and Malachi both look at me and are shaking their heads no. Too late; I am tired of hiding who I am. I am Angel, and I am Vampire. Bring it on.

  Adam comes through the door first. He sees me and shakes his head side to side as he smiles. Maybe this wasn’t my brightest idea. Next, Jessica comes through the door wearing a black spaghetti strap dress. She smiles at the three of us, but I notice she lingers her gaze a little longer than needed on Malachi. I stop mysel
f from growling. He is not mine.

  Adam begins to speak. “Lilith will not be here tonight, and I think by the way you are all presented that is for the best.” I know he is talking about me. “Alasdair, do you wish to be bound to Marion by marriage?”

  “Yes,” he says and bows his head.

  “Marion, do you wish to be bound to Alasdair by marriage?” Adam asks me. I find it funny to be staring at Adam and not at Jacob.

  “Yes,” I say and bow my head.

  “Then since you come before me as Vampires already, and you do not need the transformation process to complete your union, I will warn you of choice. Eternity is a long time to commit to a partner. Adultery is not something tolerated in marriage or by your species. Death could be your punishment if it is proven as truth in front of the committee. Are you both ready to make that commitment? You may speak freely.”

  I do not dare look at Malachi. I have made my choice. “I do have a question but I think it is foolish to ask.”

  “Feel free to speak. No one believes you to be a fool,” Adam says.

  “The prophecy says that the Angel-hybrid will bed Angels, Demons, and Vampires. I do not know why I bring this up. I do not wish to bed anyone, but most of what I have seen of the legend has been true.” I hear Jacob snort from my right side.

  “Alasdair, would you like to clear up the matter or should I?” Adam asks.

  Jacob turns to me and walks over to take my hand. “Do you honestly think that I will let you take anyone other than me to your bed?”

  “Well, you did order me to sleep with my Guardian.” I prefer not to speak his name. Jacob hisses and drops my hands. I watch him as he paces in front of me, thinking before he speaks.

  “I did not know for certain that I would be able to return to you. I knew that I could not touch you as long as Deborah was joined to me. He was your best choice other than me. I knew that he would take care of you, and that he would die to save you. I used him and his feelings for you. I apologize for my actions. I thought that I would be doing him a favor by consenting to let him bed you. I know now how wrong I was. It was easier for him to have never touched you than for him to lose you. Having loved you and lost you, I know how difficult the years will be for him.” I turn and look at Malachi. He is gazing at the floor. His wings are folded behind him. I still love him, but I am not drawn to him by the depths of my soul. “Malachi, I am sorry that I have given you the one thing that you have always desired and then taken it away from you so abruptly.” I cannot believe that I hear Jacob apologizing to him.

  Malachi looks up and past me over to Jacob. “I am grateful to be given what would seem like an hour with her in my long existence of a life. You have my blessing. Go in peace.” He stares at me now with his blue eyes. I have seen those eyes glow as I made love to him. He has pierced my soul with his gaze. I know that I will always love him, but I will never hold him again.

  “Go in peace,” I say.

  Jessica’s voice interrupts my goodbye. “You have released Malachi from his Guardianship just as he released you from your mating?” She seems too eager for my answer.

  “Yes,” we both say.

  Adam tells us to separate and take our positions. “You are legally hereby seen as a married Vampire couple. Let no one tear you apart.” Jacob nods his head, and I imitate.

  “Now, Marion, since you are part Angel and you have no Guardian to protect you or no charge to guard, I hereby nominate you as Alasdair’s protector. He has no Guardian, and his Demon is now dead.” Jessica looks at Adam.

  “I concur. We do not need Lilith’s vote since she is already outvoted.” I knew that this was coming. Jacob must be the one who tries to release the Demons from Hell. I nod at their assignment. Next, I hear Adam say something that makes my blood boil. I try not to react.

  “Malachi, you are free of your charge. Do you wish to be reassigned?”

  “Yes. I am a protector, a warrior, that is my call of duty. I would like to request that it be somewhere close by so I can aid in the upcoming war.”

  “I figured as much. My charge for you is Jessica Elizabeth Jacobs. She has had no Angel since the death of Nathaniel. Do you accept?” Adam awaits his answer and so do I.

  “Yes.” I know he will fall in love with her. It is the way of the Guardian. There is nothing I can do but to watch it happen. She lives in our house.

  “Alasdair,” Jessica asks, “do you wish to regain your seat on the committee?”

  Jacob did not expect to be asked this question. He sways between his feet on the floor. “No, I will never sit beside Lilith again. The seat is yours if you will have it.”

  “Thank you. I will rule with honor and integrity.”

  “Do you wish to speak of the matter?” Adam asks Jacob.

  “No.” Jacob raises his voice. “I will talk with my wife first. If I need the committee to know something then I will reveal it.”

  “Do you seek healing?” Again Jacob did not expect to answer this tonight.

  “Can my wife heal?” They all look at me, and I in turn look at Malachi. I am not reprimanded for looking away from the committee panel.

  “Malachi?” I ask.

  “She has an internal glow so yes, I believe that she can heal others,” he says.

  Adam asks him, “You did not teach her this?”

  “No, there was no need. She can heal herself as a Vampire and others through her blood. I did not think to teach her to heal the minds.”

  “Did you heal her mind?” Jessica asks. I feel these questions are getting out of hand. No one needs to know everything about our business.

  “You should ask her,” Malachi says.

  “Marion, are you healed? Do you remember your past?”

  I am feeling uncomfortable now. Rolling my shoulders side to side, I nod my head yes.

  “Speak. Alexander cannot see your reply.” Jessica uses the name I called Jacob when we were young and living on the farm before the knights appeared. I grow angry because this is not the place to discuss this matter.

  Finally, I give my answer. “Yes, I am completely healed, and my memory is intact.”

  From my peripheral vision I see Jacob look down at the floor. Jessica will not let it go. “When did your memory return?”

  “Malachi healed me when we coupled. I saw everything in my past at that time.”

  “How long did your coupling last?”

  “Several hours. I had a long history to remember.”

  “And I was informed that you did not have sex when you bonded. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, that is an accurate statement.”

  “You do know that being coupled that way is the most sacred bond you could share with your Guardian. It is the strongest bond to break and that you must have sex in order to break it. Is this how Malachi released you from your union when Jacob came back?”

  I am going to strangle her with my bare hands. “I do know that the way we coupled is very rare. Malachi has been around since the beginning of time. He has had other charges, and he now has you. I am sure that I am not the only one that he has coupled with. He told me that he has done it before. Yes, he took me to bed twice after Jacob returned. Yes, Jacob knows about it. Yes, Malachi released me from our coupling five nights ago when we had sex for the last time. I am Jacob’s till the end of time. Are you satisfied with this line of questioning? It is my wedding night after all.”

  Jessica nods her head. My face is flushed. She turns to Malachi. “How many charges have you had?”

  “Six thousand and twenty-three.”

  “And of those, how many have you coupled with?”

  “Two hundred and twelve,” he says. I know where she is headed with these questions.

  “How many have bonded without sex?”

  “Only one,” he replies.

  “Have you ever slept after being coupled to a charge?” she asks. Someone has been doing their homework since getting promoted to the judge and jury.

  “Only with o
ne,” he replies. I hear Jacob gasp. I guess he knows what that means as well. Adam looks at me and then at Malachi.

  “Marion, if I had known this before I married you, I would have refused your union to Alasdair. A Fallen can only couple with his life partner once in a millennium after the partner dies. You are his mate, and the fact that you will live for an eternity almost guarantees that Malachi will have to wait a very long time until he finds another. Malachi, you should have spoken this truth. If you wish to appeal this marriage, you have a limited time frame.”

  “She is happy with her choice. I will not beg or seek love that is not all mine.” Jessica looks a little gloomy now. She should have stopped asking the questions that led us here.

  Adam finally closes the meeting. “Malachi, I am sorry for your pain and loss. I hope you find peace. Marion and Alasdair, you have my blessing. Call on the committee anytime. My prayers are with you on this leg of the journey.” I think Jessica finally knows not to speak. She just nods her head and stands. We bow our heads and wait until they are out of the room.

  Once the door closes behind Jessica, both Jacob and Malachi walk up to me.

  “You should have told me before you entered with your wings all spread out announcing what you are,” Jacob says.

  “Lilith wasn’t even here. I’m tired of pretending to be something that I am not.”

  “She has spies everywhere. Why do you think we were being so careful in guarding you? She probably knows already. But we will all discuss the matter back at the house.”

  “What do you mean? Who exactly do you mean when you say we all will discuss it?” I ask.

  “Malachi and Jessica. You remember where my sister lives?”

  I look at Malachi. “Can’t you build her a house or buy them a place? Surely you do not mean for us to live in the same house.”


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