The Wife Game: A Hotwife Novella

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The Wife Game: A Hotwife Novella Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  Judging by the look on his face he’d seen it. He’d seen everything. He’d seen it all. And he had a huge grin on his face that was one hell of a relief. I let out a tense breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding and looked back to Dylan.

  “You okay?”

  “Damn Erin!”

  “You might want to come over to the bar with me lest that girl find you again without me around to save you.”

  Dylan grinned. A mischievous grin if I ever saw one. “I dunno Erin. What if I want you to save me like that again?”

  “Perv,” I laughed, and then walked back towards my husband. My real husband. I looked over my shoulder and Dylan was following, staring at my ass the entire time which sent a thrill running through me that might not have been there even a day ago.

  That was then. This was now. Things had changed in a big way on that dance floor. I just wasn’t sure exactly how or by how much, but I intended to find out.

  3: Oddly Aroused

  I stared at the streetlights moving past, at the lines going under the car, but I wasn’t really paying attention. No, I was in that strange zone behind the wheel of the car where my mind was so preoccupied with other thoughts that I was going almost completely on autopilot. Red. Stop. Green. Go. Turn left. Go straight past the burger joint.

  No, my mind wasn’t on the drive home at all. My mind was back at the club we’d left about twenty minutes after Dylan came over to join us. He’d mentioned being terrified of that girl tracking him down again and was done for the night, though I’d seen the odd look he gave my wife as he mentioned that girl tracking him down. It was as though some unspoken joke was passing between them as they both smiled at each other.

  I turned the wheel without thinking because in my imagination I was watching Erin moving out onto the dance floor. I was watching her ass swaying in her impossibly tight jeans that showed off her perfect ass sculpted from countless sessions in the gym. I was looking at the way her tiny waist flared into a perfect hourglass figure. I was watching other men watching her as she made her way out on the dance floor seemingly unaware of the effect that her walk was having on so many men. She was literally the body that was launching a thousand boners on that dance floor.

  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t launching a thousand boners. The club wasn’t nearly that full. Dozens, at least. Enough to give me one hell of a raging hard on thinking about all of those guys thinking about all the depraved things they’d do to my wife given half an opportunity.

  Then there was that display out on the dance floor. I thought I was going to blow my load and make one hell of an embarrassing stain right there on the dance floor. Seeing her grinding up against Dylan like that was far more than I ever thought would actually happen, and holy shit was it hot! It was way fucking hotter than seeing bartender staring at her chest, and that had already gotten my cock’s attention in one hell of a major way.

  I figured that would be the end of it. I figured that would be one of those memories that went into the permanent spank bank to be trotted out when I was feeling particularly turned on or maybe even incorporated into some of the dirty talk we got up to when Erin was feeling particularly frisky. Nothing could have prepared me for what was coming.

  It was a singularly odd experience watching my wife making out with another man. The way he seemed to hesitate, to look over to me as though he was looking for permission, was actually pretty funny. That was where the humor ended though.

  I felt sick to my stomach as I watched it happening. I suppose in a way that was a natural reaction. I was watching my wife with another man, after all, and I suppose that deep down inside me the instinctive reaction was to get jealous of seeing her with another man. Hell, that’s how the rational part of my mind and society told me I was supposed to react.

  Only that wasn’t the only reaction. Definitely not. If jealousy was all I felt then it would’ve been a short lived makeout session indeed. I would’ve stormed out onto the dance floor and pulled my wife away from my friend. I would’ve put an end to things right there.

  I didn’t put an end to things. If I had then we’d probably be nursing our wounds from the bouncers kicking us out of the club if we weren’t meeting with the police to explain how a fantasy spiraling out of control led to a fist fight. Of course none of that had happened, because I very much wanted to watch the show.

  It was so frustrating too. I had a pretty good idea from her body language and the way she was acting grinding against Dylan as they made out that my wife was in the throes of one hell of an intense orgasm out there on the dance floor. I wanted to be up close and personal where I could hear her moans, where I could see the subtle jerking movements of her body, where I could watch her body pressing against his as she went over that delicious precipice that I was so familiar with.

  And I was forced to sit back and spectate. I couldn’t get the up close and personal show that I so desperately desired. I couldn’t even touch myself because of the whole being in the middle of a crowded bar thing. That was a surefire way to take a different path to a conversation with the police. A path that I definitely didn’t want to take.

  So I’d watched, frustrated and aroused, as my wife came on another man’s cock without even having that cock pressing up inside her. That seemed like one hell of an accomplishment!

  And now here I was sitting in the car not saying anything to Erin. Not hashing out what just happened at the club even as it was running on repeat through my imagination. I was afraid that if I said something it would somehow break the spell. That she’d maybe be pissed off that I threw her to the wolves by sending her out there to help Dylan out when I knew the whole time that I was really encouraging her to go out and maybe do something exactly like what had happened.

  Sure what had happened went far beyond my wildest dreams, but the fact remained that I was the one who’d instigated. I was the one who’d encouraged her to go out there in the first place, and so even though it was fucked up to think that she’d be mad at me when she was the one who was grinding against my best friend there it was. I had that worry. I couldn’t explain it any more than I could explain this strange new desire to see my newlywed wife performing with another man.

  Did I say something? I should say something. Dare I risk saying something?

  “So that was interesting out on the dance floor tonight,” I said.

  There. It was out there. I was addressing the elephant in the car. The reason why we hadn’t said a word to each other when we’d usually be flirting back and forth in preparation for one hell of an intense fucking session after going to the club. I was always especially turned on after I’d been out to the bars or a dance place with Erin, and I’d always written it off to seeing her wearing skimpy skintight clothes and having her rub up against me in said clothes.

  Only now I was starting to wonder if there was another reason. If maybe part of the reason why I was so turned on was because going out also meant getting to see other men seeing her in those outfits. Maybe that had been revving my engine on a subconscious level all this time without realizing it, and it took bartender checking her out tonight and her subsequent performance with Dylan to bring that to the surface.

  Not that I had much time to think about any of that, because no sooner had the words left my lips than Erin made a noise that was halfway between a laugh and a sob. Definitely not the pissed off reaction I was expecting.

  “I’m so sorry!”

  I blinked. Okay, that definitely wasn’t the reaction I was expecting! What was going on here? Why did she sound like she was on the verge of tears? I glanced over and oh shit, she wasn’t on the verge of tears. There were actually tears running down her cheeks. Damn it. I was losing control of the situation, but not in the way I’d worried about. Why was she freaking out like this?

  “What’s wrong honey?”

  “What’s wrong? I just acted like a complete slut with your best friend at that club. I came grinding against him out on the dance floor!”

  My cock was immediately rock hard and twitching at that admission. So I hadn’t been imagining things! She had come while she was out there grinding against Dylan! And suddenly at that admission it was all I could do to keep from blowing my own load right there in the car. Damn!

  That also felt like the completely wrong reaction. Here my wife was pouring her soul out and feeling like shit because I’d thrown her to the wolves and she’d enjoyed her walk on the wild side, and instead of consoling her or trying to make her feel better I was just driving along with a rock hard cock between my legs and a goofy smile on my face thinking about how hot the situation that led to my wife’s immediate emotional distress was!

  Yeah, some great husband I was.

  I reached out and grabbed her shoulder. Tried to rub it in a reassuring way, though it was a difficult move to pull off since I was driving and there were seat belts getting in the way.

  “Hey Erin. Don’t cry like that. It’s okay!”

  She looked over at me, her red eyes reflecting in the light of a car passing by on the other side. I glanced over at her and tried to give her my best reassuring smile, though I wasn’t sure how good it was considering I had to pull my attention back to the road.

  Now I wanted to get home just so I could give her my undivided attention rather than wanting to get home in a timely manner so I could take care of the rather hard visitor between my legs. If I’d known she’d react this way I wouldn’t have encouraged her to “rescue” Dylan in the first place.

  “It’s okay? Really?”

  “Well yeah! I was the one who sent you out there. I was the one who came up with that whole stupid “rescue” excuse in the first place. Why would I be mad at you for going along with something I came up with?”

  Why would I be mad? Well I had felt a little jealous back in the club. It was a knee jerk reaction and I managed to get over it, or at least subdue it, pretty damn quick, but I could understand why she’d worry about that knee jerk reaction.

  “So I wasn’t imagining that? You really did want me to go out and have a little fun with Dylan?”

  The sniffles were gone. I glanced over at her again and it looked like the waterworks had stopped as well. I figured that was a good sign.

  Of course that question was bringing some of the things that had just been lurking around in my subconscious into sharp relief. It was forcing me to confront some of the naughty thoughts I’d been having tonight pretty directly. And now that I was opening my mouth and thinking about admitting to some of the things that had been running through my imagination to make my wife feel better I realized I was terrified to actually give voice to those thoughts.

  Now it was time for me to have some irrational fears. I worried that if I actually told Erin that I was getting a little turned on tonight watching that bartender checking her out, watching her grinding up against Dylan and then making out with him, that she’d get pissed off. That she’d think I was just using her for my sick perverted games. It was a crazy and irrational fear that was right up there with Erin’s crazy and irrational fear I’d just talked her down from, but nothing about this night and these fantasies seemed particularly sane or rational in the first place.

  I felt something running up my leg. I glanced down and Erin’s hand was making its way up towards my cock. Her fingers were dancing up and down the length of my shaft. Through my jeans, to be sure, but this was a hell of a lot more than we usually did in a moving car despite me trying to get her to take a walk on this particular wild side from time to time. I swallowed and looked over to her and was surprised to see a slightly seductive smile on her face.

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” she asked. She punctuated the question by squeezing my cock which caused my body to tense more because I was suddenly trying to keep from blowing my load in my pants than anything else. Damn she knew just how to manipulate me! It wasn’t fair that she could short-circuit my brain by putting her hand on my cock like that.

  “So what if I was turned on a little by bartender checking you out or you dancing with Dylan?”

  There. It was out. Sort of. Phrasing my answer in the form of a question like that made it seem a little better. Made it seem a little less momentous that I was admitting this fucked up fantasy to my wife.

  “So you liked it when I was grinding against Dylan out there? You actually enjoyed watching your pretty innocent new wife out there grinding her pussy against your friend’s cock?”

  I groaned from a combination of things. First and foremost the groan was a reaction to what she was saying. Damn that was some first rate dirty talk she was breaking out! I didn’t know Erin had it in her, but now that I’d discovered this side of her it was something I intended to explore more fully in the future! The second reason for that groan was far more practical though. Her hand deftly worked the button on my jeans and there was a zipping sound that went along with her dirty words as her hand slipped inside my pants.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head as she started jerking me off inside my pants and it was all I could do to keep control of the car. Suddenly I was understanding why she was hesitant to do this sort of thing in a moving vehicle because damn was this dangerous but it’s not like I was going to stop it because hey, hot girl with her hand on my cock! What guy in his right mind would try to stop that from happening?

  “Oh my,” Erin said. “It seems you don’t need to answer me. I think I have all the answer I need right here.”

  I could see the street I turned on to get into our neighborhood up ahead. Just one more right turn and then a left turn and we’d be home. It was a drive I’d made hundreds of times before and it was probably a good thing I was so familiar with the route because otherwise there wasn’t any way we were getting home considering how distracted I was. The brain down below was calling the shots and making it very difficult for the brain up above to do things like concentrate on driving.

  The distraction of having my wife jerking me off while I was driving was nothing compared to the distraction that was about to hit me though. I heard her seatbelt unbuckling and the car started dinging to protest someone taking off their protective restraint. Before I could turn to see what was going on her head was down between my legs and I felt a delicious wet warmth enveloping my cock and moving down the length of my shaft.

  Holy shit. Holy fucking shit! The sexual escapades just continued to escalate. I don’t think I’d gotten road head from her since we first started dating and we agreed that it was fun but probably not worth the risk. Then again the risk here was pretty minimal other than the worry that we might run into one of the local constabulary patrolling our nice quiet neighborhood trying to keep it nice and quiet. There wasn’t anything in the way of traffic at this time of night which was a good thing because holy shit my wife was moving down and in one quick motion my entire cock was buried in her mouth and the back of her throat.

  She was deep throating me as I drove! Talk about the ultimate road head fantasy. I only had a moment to enjoy the feeling of being buried in her throat because then she was pulling back and bobbing up and down like a champ. At least she was trying to bob up and down like a champ. The steering wheel was getting in the way just a little but I didn’t dare try to adjust it given our current situation. No, it was all I could do to hold onto the steering wheel for dear life and try to keep the car on the straight and narrow while the rest of my mind was focused on how incredible it felt with Erin’s head bobbing up and down on my cock.

  I was close. So goddamn close. It’s not like I could help myself. Everything that happened tonight was just too much for me. Top that off with a blowjob and you’ve got a recipe for one serious case of premature ejaculation. Only it didn’t seem Erin was ready for me to come quite yet. No, she pulled off of my cock as soon as it started twitching, she seemed to have a sixth sense for when I was about to come, though I suppose it was pretty easy to figure that out when my cock was lodged inside her.

  “Want to know a secret baby?” sh
e asked.

  I licked my lips. I very much wanted to know a secret considering where things were going. I didn’t trust myself to speak, though, so I just nodded.

  “I got turned on too. I got so hot coming on your friend’s cock. The only thing wrong was that our clothes were in the way.”

  I whimpered and my cock started to twitch again. It didn’t matter that her hand was there holding me in place. It didn’t matter that she was blocking the path of exit. No, I was coming and I was coming right now and it didn’t matter how much she tried to hold be back because it was fucking happening!

  Erin seemed to understand what was going on because she moved back down, her hair brushing against my legs as her lips moved around my twitching cock which was shooting dry shots that were almost painful since she still had her thumb clamped down on the base of my cock preventing anything from coming out.

  That changed the moment she pulled her thumb away. It was like an eruption and I sighed as the tension at the base of my cock turned to pure pleasure. I blew load after load deep in her mouth and she swallowed every one like a champ, and through it all I found myself imagining that her mouth was going down on another man’s cock. That it was Dylan who was blowing his load down my wife’s throat and filling her with his come. That thought occupied me until the last blast erupted and Erin finally came up for air.

  I blinked when I looked out the front windshield. We were stopped in front of our garage. Somehow while I’d been preoccupied with Erin’s mouth on my cock autopilot had taken over again and brought me right to our destination. And a good thing too, because there wasn’t a chance I was going to be able to pull that off with all the distractions that were on offer tonight.

  “So were you thinking about me blowing Dylan while I did that?” Erin asked.

  I blinked in surprise. “How did you know that?”


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