Around the Way Girls 10

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Around the Way Girls 10 Page 27

by Ms. Michel Moore

  I remained quiet because I wasn’t really looking for a full-time nigga, more like a fuck buddy with benefits. But I didn’t know how to tell him at least not so fast. “Okay, I hear you. So are you saying you don’t have any other bitch?”

  “I’ma keep it one hunnit wit’ ya. I got bitches I fuck on the regular, but none I want to be wit’. Can’t trust these bitches. But I have a feeling you a thorough broad and I can trust you.”

  “Well, you’re right, you can trust me.”

  “See, I know you hear shit about me. Some is true and some is made up, but I run these motherfuckin’ streets and I can’t have no disloyal people ’round me. You feel me?” He looked straight into my eyes.

  I could tell he was very serious about what he was saying. I wasn’t trying to hear none of that shit. I only cared about him eating my pussy and spending money on me.

  It was getting late and I needed to get out of there. “It’s late, so I’m going to go.”

  “Hell nah, you spending the night. I got a new T-shirt that you can put on.”

  I didn’t fight it. I was tired too; plus, it wasn’t like I had something to run home to. I took a quick wash off and put on the shirt he gave me. We smoked a few blunts, then called it a night. Shit, this was a feeling I could get used to. He held me in his arms as I laid my tired head down.

  * * *

  I rolled over and noticed Amir was nowhere in the bed or in the room. I grabbed my cell phone and checked the time; it was eight-fifteen. Damn, I must’ve been tired as hell if I slept that long. I wondered where Amir was. I hoped he was fixing us breakfast. That would definitely help push him into the main nigga category.

  I logged on to Facebook to see what was new. Same old shit: niggas bragging about how much money they supposedly made, and bitches fronting about who they fucked with. I went over to Keon’s page and people were still sharing their stories of him and them. I really felt bad for his family, and especially my girl. I couldn’t help but notice that a few bitches were on there, claiming they were his wifey. Old, thirsty-ass bitches. I hurried up and logged off, ’cause this was definitely foolery.

  I threw the covers off and got up off the bed. I still didn’t see Amir, so I walked out of the room. I walked down the stairs. Before I got on the last couple of stairs, I heard him on the phone. The nosey part of me stopped and leaned my ear against the wall.

  “Yo, bro, I’m tellin’ you I got this bitch on lock. It’s only a matter of time before she starts tellin’ me all dem niggas’ business.”

  Nothing couldn’t have prepared me for what he said next. “Bro, I’m for real. Man, this bitch in my bed sleeping right now. You know yo’ boy put that dick game down the proper way,” he bragged.

  I rolled my eyes! I was getting angry. So was this a fucking game? This nigga was only using me to get to Whitcomb niggas? I was so fucking confused, I just wanted to run into the kitchen and address this nigga.

  “Yo, dawg, that nigga Keon got everything that was coming to him, trust me. I ain’t goin’ to rest until I touch all them pussy-hole niggas,” he continued to rant.

  I knew I had to do something before he caught me on the stairs. I turned to go back upstairs, but not before he said, “I still don’t know which bitch was in the car wit’ him, but I’ma find out and, when I do, I’ma body that bitch also. Can’t leave no loose ends, you feel me, dawg?”

  This was too much for me to continue listening. I tiptoed back into the room. I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to digest everything that I heard. This nigga was on some bullshit, and to hear him talk about killing Keon and wanting to kill my girl hurt my heart.

  “How long you been up, babe?” He walked up on me and planted a kiss on my neck. The hair on my back stood up immediately and I shivered inside as my palms got sweaty.

  I swallowed hard, then responded. “Oh, hey, boo. I just got up.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I have a slight headache from all that drinking last night.”

  “My bad. I would cook you breakfast, but a nigga can’t cook.” He laughed.

  “That’s fine. My stomach feels queasy anyways. I’ll grab some hot chocolate from Dunkin’ Donuts on my way home.”

  “Damn, babe. I got some moves to make, but you can come through tonight again.”

  I didn’t respond, but I didn’t want him to know that I overheard him on the phone. I felt flabbergasted and I needed to get out of there. I picked up my clothes and started to get dressed. He walked over to me and grabbed my ass. “You sure you good? I didn’t beat that pussy up too bad, did I?”

  I smiled at him. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  He walked away and over to a safe that was built into the wall. I turned my head and focused on putting my clothes on. He walked back over to me and handed me some money. “Here you go. Get your hair and nails done. You know a nigga need his lady to be on point.”

  “Nah, you did enough for me already.”

  “Chill out, shawty. You my woman now and you got to get used to me spoiling you.” He took my hand and shoved the money in my hand.

  “Thank you.”

  After I finished getting dressed, we hugged and he walked me to my car. I was happy to be in my car. I hurriedly locked the car. I sat for a few minutes so I could calm my nerves down a little. I finally pulled off. My thoughts were racing. I needed to let London know what I found out, but if the police were involved they would want to talk to me. Another thing that bothered me was why this nigga chose me out of all people to fuck with. What were his motives?

  This nigga was a snake. I thought he was all into me, but the truth was he was trying to get close to me so I could give him inside information on what the Whitcomb niggas were doing. The crazy thing was I wasn’t around Whitcomb niggas like that, and I damn sure didn’t have any information about what was going on with them.

  I needed someone to talk to, but who could I trust? No one for real. I would have to figure out this shit on my own. I remembered that I didn’t check how much money he gave me. I grabbed the stack he handed to me. It was $3,000. My eyes lit up. This nigga was really putting on his charm. The smile left my face, though, when I remembered what he was saying to his boy earlier.



  After a week had passed with me being totally out of touch with everything, I decided to do lunch with my girls. Ever since Keon’s death, I hadn’t been hanging with them like we used to. I was even more excited to see Nay’s brand new Lexus that she’d been telling me about. I was happy for my girl because she deserved that and so much more.

  I heard a car honking, so I peeped out the window. Damn, that bitch was not lying, I thought as I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

  “Hey, girl,” I said as I got into the car.

  “Hey, boo. I am so happy that you finally decided to get out of this house. You kind of had me worried, boo.”

  “Girl, I ain’t goin’ lie; it’s been hard. You know I didn’t know how much I loved him until I lost him, Nay. I swear if I could just get one more day to tell him I love him, I would. . . .” My words trailed off. No matter how much I tried to stop the tears, it’s like they were right there, ready to fall out.

  “Baby, trust me, Keon wasn’t no fool, and I’m pretty sure he knew how much you loved him.”

  “Yeah. I went on his page yesterday and I saw all these bitches claiming how they were with him and all that bullshit.”

  “Yeah, I saw that shit too, but you know that nigga loved you. Fuck what these hoes saying now. You need to keep the good memories that y’all shared and tune out all that negative shit.”

  I didn’t have a chance to respond because she pulled up to pick up Sheika. She walked out to the car and got into the back seat. “Hey, girl, how you feeling?”

  I couldn’t believe this bitch really asked me how I was feeling. We lived walking distance from each other and not one time did she stop by to see me. I swore if it weren’t for Nay’s ass, I would h
ave cut off this old, ungrateful bitch a long time ago. “I’m good,” I barely squeezed out.

  “Okay, bitches, we haven’t done this in a while so let’s get some well-deserved pampering. Let’s do lunch, then go get mani’s and pedi’s.”

  “Damn, I ain’t got no money for all that,” Sheika said.

  “Bitch, you stay broke. You need to start taxing these bitches you keep fucking with,” Nay said, but I swear I was thinking the same damn thing.

  “Bitch, I don’t be fucking with nobody for real ’cause these bitches ain’t go money. I am not lucky like y’all to find me a baller.”

  “That’s ’cause yo’ ass keep yelling that you’re a carpet muncher. Try taking some dick, and yo’ ass will get a baller too. Just for the record, I ain’t got no baller. I’m just fucking one. Anyway, bitch, I got you.”

  “Thanks, boo,” Sheika said.

  * * *

  After our food came, we started eating and talking about all the gossip that had been going on lately. I ain’t going to lie, it felt good to be out there again, even though every once in a while thoughts of Keon crept up on me.

  “So when is Keon’s funeral?” Nay asked.

  “I’m not sure. Gonna call his brother this evening to find out.”

  “And you, missy, why didn’t you tell us Keon was the dude you been messing with?” Sheika asked.

  “I didn’t tell y’all because, truthfully, we wanted to keep it a secret.”

  “Secret? I thought we shared everything. Wow! That’s crazy.”

  “Sheika, chill out. London has a right to feel the way she feel. I’m pretty sure we all have stuff that we don’t tell each other. Shit, I know I do.”

  “Nah, Nay, let Sheika tell how she really feel.”

  “I’ont feel no way. I just think it’s fucked up that we supposed to be cool and you kept that a secret. But it’s all good.”

  “But, it’s my life and whoever I’m fucking is my damn business,” I blurted out. I was super tight; I could feel the veins in my neck standing up. God, I didn’t know if it was my hormones or this bitch was just getting on my last nerve. Whichever one it was I was seconds away from jumping my pregnant ass on this damn girl.

  “All right, bitches, get out y’all feelings. Sheika, leave it alone, London is dealing with enough as it is. We are here to relax and catch up on the latest news.”

  I continued eating my food while trying to calm myself down. After we were finished, we paid and left to go to get our sexy on. I tried to avoid Sheika the rest of the day, even though she tried her damnedest to talk to me.

  I must’ve fallen asleep because I felt the car stop, and I quickly opened my eyes. Sheika got out and we pulled off. I let out a long sigh, because I didn’t want to be around this bitch much longer.

  “Yo, what’s going on with that bitch?”

  “Girl, I’ont know, but lately she seems to be on some other shit. The other day, Big Tony approached me—”

  Before she could finish her sentence, I cut her off. “Approached you about what?”

  “Talkin’ ’bout I’ve been acting funny. He also said he heard I was going to talk to the police about them fucking up my car.”

  “Okay, and is you supposed to be scared? I loved Keon to death, but he knew I couldn’t stand that old, Fat Albert–looking nigga Tony.”

  “I wasn’t tripping off that nigga. You know I got my gun. What bothers me is what he said about me going to police. See, you was going through it, so I didn’t call you, but I was with Sheika when that shit popped off and she’s the only one I said anything to about the police.”

  “You serious?” I looked at her for confirmation, while I recalled something Keon said to me a few months ago.

  “Yeah, I’m serious. I know what I said and who I said it to. Ever since that, I started looking at her differently. I mean, I hate to think our bitch would tell this nigga some shit that we talked about.”

  “Hmmm. Keon used to tell me all the time to be careful of who I be around because he knew for a fact that one of them wasn’t legit. I used to think he was just hating on us. Now that you brought this up, I’m wondering if this bitch been talking behind our backs. Keon used to say her ass wasn’t gay like she claimed.”

  “I don’t know if she gay or not, but something don’t seem right for real. But until we have proof, we can’t really accuse our bitch of being grimy.”

  “You right,” I said, but I was lying. Nay could keep fucking with that bitch, but I was going to feed her ass with a long-handled spoon. “Anyways, I got something to tell you. I didn’t want to tell you in front of her.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m pregnant,” I blurted out.

  Honk! Honk! Another driver blew the horn at us.

  “Damn, bitch, you almost made me crash. You what?”

  “You heard me. I am pregnant with Keon’s baby.”

  “That was going to be my next question. Oh, my God, friend. Did he know before he—”

  “Before he died? No, I just found out a few days ago.”

  “Damn, that’s fucked up. They took that dude’s life before he got a chance to meet his firstborn.”

  “Girl, I don’t know what am going to do. I feel so lost right now. Keon was my source of income. How the fuck am I gonna go to school, work, and take care of a baby? Shit, I can’t sell no pussy.” I busted out laughing.

  “You are a fool; but, on a serious note, you going to be all right. Right now, you need to get through the funeral first. Then worry about what you’re going to do.”

  “Nay, I’m not even sure I want to go. All these bitches . . . I don’t want to be part of ‘team Keon bitches.’ I prefer to stay home and mourn him.”

  “Bullshit, we’re going. Yeah. I am pulling up in this Lexus and we’re going to walk up in there with our heads held high.”

  “Bitch, stop making me laugh. So, enough of me, who is this new nigga who bought you this nice car?”

  “It’s a nigga I’m fucking. Trust me, he ain’t even worth talking about. But you my bitch, so I’ma tell you. It’s Amir from Creighton.”

  “What! Bitch, you lying. Not the nigga Amir?”

  “Yup, that’s him.”

  “How the fuck you pull that off? Bitch, you know it’s a deadly sin to fuck a Creighton nigga. And the head nigga at that. No wonder these niggas tight with ya.”

  “Fuck these niggas, but that nigga hollered at me when I was visiting Melody the other day. I was shocked my damn self but, hey, I am a bad bitch, and every trap nigga want a bad bitch on his side. If you can’t tell, that’s why Keon cuffed your pretty ass.”

  “Ha-ha. Girl, whatever. But shit, this is good. Just be careful. Can’t trust these niggas. I heard he is slimy and don’t give a fuck about who he do dirt to.”

  “Yeah, trust me, I know. I don’t plan to be with him for long anyways.”

  “Well, you know, I support whatever you do.”

  “Thanks, boo. But, anyways, get yo’ pregnant ass out of my ride.” She laughed.

  “See how bitches act brand new when they get a car? Fuck you, bitch. I’m gone,” I joked before I exited her car and she pulled off.



  I saw our friendship coming to an end really soon. These bitches always had something smart to say to me, not knowing I would fuck up not one but both of them bitches. The only thing Nay had was that gun, but she would have to get it to it first. As for that bitch London, she’d better pipe down. Her money tree was gone. Sooner or later, she would realize that she was just another broke bitch like the rest of us. I sure hoped that she saved some of that money that Keon was splurging on her.

  After I got out of Nay’s car, I called Big Tony to check if he was at his spot. He was there, so instead of going home, I decide to slide through there. I was about to turn on his street, which was adjacent to London’s street. I saw Nay’s car. So, these bitches dropped me off and now they were sitting out there talking. I bet
you that London’s old scary ass waited for me to get dropped off before she started talking shit.

  I was very tempted to walk over to the car, but I dismissed that idea quickly. I was on a mission to go see my homie and kick it with him for a little. I planned to deal with them bitches at a different time.

  I reached the trap where he ground at. I called his phone so he could let me in. I hated coming over here, because in the front he had his workers bagging up crack, and in the kitchen he had a few bitches whupping that powder up. He had offered me a job, numerous times, but I turned him down. I swear to God, as broke as I was, I wasn’t about to deal dope. Plus, I was comfortable with the role I played in his life right now.

  “Let me in,” I said after he answered the phone.

  He opened the door and I walked in. “Hey,” I greeted him.

  “Whaddup, shawty. Looking all sexy and shit.” He licked his lips.

  I followed him all the way into the back of the house, where he had a big room. He locked the door behind us. My eyes popped open when I saw all the money he had laid out on the table. I knew this nigga had a few dollars, but I didn’t know he was balling like that.

  “So what’s good, shawty?”

  “Nothing, just wanted to see what was up with you.”

  “Well, you know, a nigga just out here grinding and trying to stay out of the way. Yo, did you find out which nigga yo’ homegirl fucking with?”

  “No. I tried to, but she real tightlipped about the shit. She just said he wasn’t from around here.”

  “Uh-huh. I told yo’ ass that I don’t trust them bitches. I don’t even see why you be around them, ’cause can’t you see they don’t fuck wit’ you like that?”

  I stood there thinking about what he was saying. Truth was, I wasn’t really listening to him. I was thinking about how I was going to get my hands on some of this money he was flaunting in my face.

  “Hey, Tony, how about we get out of here and go to a room? I mean, you’re always working and shit. Let me get a few hours with you, throw this pussy on you, daddy.” By this time, I’d made my way over to him and was stroking his dick and rubbing on his chest.


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