Protecting Emma

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Protecting Emma Page 41

by ML Michaels

  “Um, wow Hayden, thank you,” Jesse said, staring at the cloth strangely.

  “It’s not really for your benefit as much as it is mine, to tell you the truth,” Hayden said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I…” Hayden struggled to say what he meant without offending her. “I just don’t want other guys gawking at you,” he admitted.

  “So you’re…ashamed of me?” Jesse whispered, despair evident in her tone. Hayden shook his head.

  “No, of course not,” Hayden answered.

  “But you want me all covered up because you don’t want anyone to see me, right?” Jesse snapped, anger taking over her now.

  “Yes, exactly!”

  “I don’t believe you. You’re such a jerk,” Jesse said, dropping the cover up and walking away. Hayden put his hands on his head and wanted to slam it on the wall. She misunderstood him again. He was getting pissed off because she still didn’t get it, even after everything he’d been doing to show her. He crossed the room, put his hands on his shoulders and turned her towards the mirror in he hallway.

  “What would it take for you to understand, Jesse?” he groaned, looking at her reflection in the mirror. His fingers tightened around her shoulders making her wince. “I am not ashamed of you. I’ve never been ashamed of you. I will never be ashamed of you!”

  “I want you so badly it hurts sometimes! Damn it. I get so mad because you don’t understand how damn beautiful you are. I’m trying so hard to show you that, but you just don’t believe it. How can I make you see reason, Jesse?” Hayden cried, turning her around toward his anguished face. He slowly pushed her backwards against the wall, trapping her there. Jesse opened her mouth to protest but was assaulted by Hayden’s brutal kiss as he forced his tongue into her mouth.

  “I want to kiss you every single day, Jesse,” Hayden whispered at her lips, making her shiver. He pressed himself against her and Jesse gasped, feeling the telltale signs of an erection through his pants.

  “Feel that? That’s what you do to me. All the time. Now do you still think I could never really want you?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.

  Jesse gulped and shook her head no. Hayden kissed her once, twice, three times before letting her go.

  “Nice to know we’ve finally cleared that up. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He walked back to his room leaving a stunned Jesse in the hallway.

  Hayden wasn’t finished with her. Not by a long shot. He vowed to Jesse his by the end of the trip.


  Lido Beach in Sarasota County was a beautiful place for a company outing. It had beautiful white sand and a breathtaking view of the coast.

  Everyone on the company trip had gone to their hotel rooms and changed into their swimwear before heading to the beach. Hayden had opted to pay for his own room, while Jesse and Camille roomed together. Camille was dubious about Jesse’s decision to wear the netted cover up that Hayden had given her. She wanted Jesse to strut her stuff in her new swimsuit. But she but gave her approval when Jesse started blushing as she confessed that she actually loved it and wanted to please Hayden as well.

  Jesse had thought long and about Hayden and assessed her feelings for him. Her initial attraction had gradually turned into deeper feelings, but she realized she was afraid to act on her feelings because she was unsure of him and always wondered if he was teasing her or considered her someone suitable for a quick fling.

  His words and actions yesterday had sent her mind reeling. Hayden had proven to her that he was serious. He really wanted to be with her, and since Jesse felt the same way, she couldn’t see any reason to keep him at arm’s length.

  She didn’t want to wait any longer. She was ready for love. She had finally found someone she could trust with her heart and her body.

  By the time they went down to the beach, the guys from work had set up some umbrellas and beaches blankets, and were in the process of putting up a volleyball net. Jesse spotted Hayden in the middle of a group of young women from their company, and she felt a bit deflated. Camille quickly pointed out that Hayden was looking around, likely trying to find Jesse, and was oblivious to the women trying to catch his eye.

  Hayden raised his head up in their direction, a smile lighting up his handsome face. He made his way through the women and walked towards Jesse. When he reached the blanket Jesse and Camille shared, he slowly looked up and down Jesse’s body, his eyes darkened with longing, and Jesse’s heart answered with a summersault.

  “You still look sexy covered up,” Hayden said, his velvet voice sounding like a caress to Jesse’s ears.

  “Maybe you should’ve bought a cloak,” Jesse seductively suggested, and Hayden’s eyes widened at her newfound confidence.

  “Maybe I should’ve,” Hayden replied, and Jesse laughed.

  The outing officially got underway and everyone started relaxing in the warm sun and the salty sea air. Hayden mingled with the crowd but he gave the beautiful and sexy women who ogled him a wide berth. He simply wasn’t interested and didn’t want to give any of them the wrong idea.

  He looked out at the waves rolling towards the shore and saw Jesse and Camille swimming a few feet away. Hayden smiled. They looked like they were having fun, and he knew they both needed regular doses of “girl” time. He turned away from them and started talking with one of the men by the umbrellas.

  He enjoyed learning more about the investment company where Jesse and Camille work and the minutes flew by. Suddenly, he heard people yelling by the water. He ran toward the shore, fearing the worst, and asked one of the women standing at the edge of the water what had happened.

  “It’s Jesse and Camille! They were waving their hands wildly in the water and then went under…” Hayden recognized the woman as one of Jesse’s colleagues but didn’t wait for her to finish before jumping in the water. He waded across, catching a glimpse of a man pulling Camille’s semi-conscious body to shore. He felt a small gush of relief, replaced by a huge feeling of dread. He didn’t see Jesse anywhere. He took a deep breath and dove down in the water swimming in the direction that he had last seen Camille and her rescuer. Finally, he saw Jesse’s body sinking down below the surface of the water. He kicked hard and swam toward her, then pulled her body above water. He took her face into his hands to get a good look and cursed when he realized that she wasn’t breathing. An accomplished athlete, he swam with all his might until his was able to stand in the water. Then he carried Jesse the rest of the way and laid her gently on the wet sand.

  “Jesse? Baby, come on wake up,” Hayden said, his voice cracking as he slapped her cheeks lightly. When she remained unresponsive, he started pumping her chest several times then breathed air into her mouth. In moments, she spewed water and started coughing. Hayden gave a silent prayer of thanks before he wrapped her in a towel, picked her up and carried her back to the hotel. Camille looking on with a weak smile on her face, despite the fact that she nearly drowned herself. “I’m so glad she’s finally found someone to take care of her,” Camille thought, wishing all the best for her dearest friend.


  “You are never doing that again, you hear me?” Hayden scolded, Jesse lying awake on his bed. She had told him that they had been having so much fun swimming that they hadn’t realized how far out they were until it was too late. Neither of them were good enough swimmers to make it back safely. “You almost gave me a heart attack. You do that to me again, and I swear I will make you regret it,” Hayden threatened menacingly.

  Jesse nodded meekly but knew very well Hayden was just worried and didn’t mean anything he said. Hayden walked back and forth the room, trying to work the tension out of his shoulders. Jesse bit her lip, watching him stretch. She really wanted to tell him how she felt now.

  “Hayden,” Jesse said softly, causing Hayden to look at her curiously. Jesse pulled him over to sit on the bed next to her. “Thank you for saving me,” she started. Hayden smiled slightly.

  “It’s nothing, don’t mention i
t.” Hayden replied, but Jesse shook her head.

  “No, it’s not just about me drowning at the beach. I’m saying ‘thank you’ for all the times you’ve saved me. You’ve saved my life from danger more times than I could ever repay you for. But the greatest thing you’ve ever done is save me from myself.” She took both of his hands and concentrated on them, not brave enough to look him in the eyes. “You’ve been telling me over and over that I’m not ugly, that I don’t give myself enough credit, and I’ve started believing in that now. I’m not one hundred per cent solid yet, but, I’m getting there, and that’s what matters. And this is all because of you, Hayden. Thank you.” She raised her head up and swiftly placed a peck on his lips in gratitude. Hayden’s eyes widened. It was the first time Jesse had initiated a kiss and not simply responded to his advances.

  “There’s more,” Jesse said, covering his lips with her fingertips to prevent him from interrupting. “I’ve been hiding these feelings for a while now, because I wasn’t brave enough to tell you but,” Jesse took a deep breath before speaking again. “I think I’m falling in love with you, Hayden. It’s scary and weird and I’ve never felt this way before, but I’m happy you’re the first person who’s ever made me feel like this.” She looked at Hayden’s eyes now, her own shining bright with unshed tears. “I want to be with you, too. I want you, Hayden. I want you so bad it really hurts.” She embraced him tightly, afraid of what he would say after her confession.

  Her anxiety rose as the moments passed. Finally, she felt Hayden’s arms snake around her waist and held her tight. They stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for a few more moments until Hayden loosened his hold on her and leaned in to kiss her. Jesse felt tears stream down her face as she kissed him back wholeheartedly.

  Hayden pulled back and looked at Jesse closely, wiping the tears off her face as they smiled at each other.

  “Stay with me?” Hayden asked.

  Jesse wasn’t sure if he meant to stay with him in his room or to stay with him forever, and she didn’t think Hayden was sure himself, but she nodded anyway. The question was didn’t matter, after all.

  It was the answer that did, and that was all they cared about.


  Jesse was as nervous as hell.

  Since they had gotten back from Sarasota County, she and Hayden had been inseparable. Camille and Haylee had been ecstatic over their relationship and had started giving her advice on all matters of the bed, which made Jesse feel all kinds of stressed out.

  Granted, Hayden wasn’t pushing her into anything. They’d made out a lot and shared a couple of long kisses and breathtaking caresses, but he never forced her to do anything she didn’t want to.

  Except that these days, she absolutely wanted to do them. She just didn’t know how to go about doing it. And that was the reason she was nervous now. She had followed Camille’s advice and bought a sexy nightgown to seduce Hayden.

  She was so nervous she felt like she was going to…barf. That would be a great mood setter, she thought wryly.

  The front door opened and Jesse started praying that her plan would work. She felt like she was watching in slow motion as the knob of Hayden’s room turned.

  Hayden entered his room and was shocked to see Jesse sitting in the middle of his bed wearing nothing but a blue silk nightgown that reached mid-thigh. He closed his door softly and composed himself before speaking.

  “Baby, what are you…” Jesse cut him off by kissing him and pulling him down on the bed. She pushed him back into the mattress and climbed over him, straddling his hips while she slowly tracing his lips with her tongue.

  Hayden let her have her way for a while before stopping her. “What is this, Jesse?”

  “I want you. I need you.” Jesse declared, her nerves gone. Hayden opened and closed his mouth a few times.

  “Jesse, are you su—,” he asked but was cut off again by Jesse’s kisses.

  “I’m positive,” Jesse said, placing Hayden’s hand in between her breasts, above her heart. Hayden’s eyes clouded. “I’ve never been surer of anything. I want this, Hayden. I want you to be my first.”

  The next thing Jesse knew was she was lying on the bed and Hayden was on top of her, both of her hands pinned above her head by one of Hayden’s while this fingers of this other hand moved slowly down her eyes, her nose, and her lips.

  “I don’t want to be just your first, Jesse,” Hayden said, slowly grazing her neck. Jesse gasped, thinking he was rejecting her. “I want to be your last, too,” he whispered, leaning down again and kissing her softly.

  Jesse moaned at his response and deepened the kiss, wanting more. Hayden quieted her, taking his time sweeping the tip of his tongue on the roof of her mouth before tangling with hers. Jesse’s hands struggled against his hold, wanting to touch him but he refused, keeping them pinned above her.

  Hayden’s hand slowly glided to her left breast, and he groaned when he discovered that she wasn’t wearing a bra. He began slowing circling his finger around her nipple above the cloth causing Jesse to pant. He then moved his hand further down her body, finding the hem of her gown, and swiftly pulled it up and over her head. She was now bare from the waist up. Jesse’s face flushed with embarrassment. She made a motion to cover her breast, but Hayden stopped her.

  “Oh no, baby. Let me look at you. You are so beautiful.” He let go of her hands and sprinkled butterfly kisses all over her body, prompting Jesse to grip the bed covers in an effort to control herself.

  Hayden kissed the curve of her breast before licking his way up to her nipple. Jesse gasped and put her hands above his head, pressing him closer to her. She moaned as he continued to lick and nip at her nipple before repeating the process to her other nipple, and she thrashed her head as powerful sensations flooded through her body.

  Hayden got up and pulled his shirt over his head, and Jesse’s hands traversed the plains of his body almost reverently. She wanted to explore and kiss his body the way he did hers, and she did. She started kissing him softly from his navel to his abs all the way up to his jaw. Then he tilted his head to catch her lips with his. He laid her back on the bed again and they both tried to remove the remained of each other’s clothing without breaking their kiss.

  At last, they were fully naked, their hands and lips moving across each other’s bodies, feeling, worshipping and memorizing each part. They reveled in each other’s gasps and reactions, and took their time exploring each other prolonging the moment.

  The time finally came when they could no longer quench their need for each other. Hayden was the first to make his intentions known by creeping his hand down between Jesse’s thighs. He groaned, finding her more than ready for him, and parted her legs wider.

  “I want to be inside you. Are you sure you’re ready?” Hayden asked.

  Jesse looked at Hayden, her eyes widening as she saw his girth. She looked at Hayden fearfully, and he shook his head, knowing what she was afraid of.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”

  “Would we even fit?”

  Hayden chuckled and Jesse flushed crimson.

  “Baby, I’m willing to bet we’re a perfect match,” Hayden answered. He kissed her, waiting until Jesse had loosened up again before finally pushing himself inside her.

  Jesse cried at the pain she felt, her eyes stinging with tears and wanted to push Hayden away, but Hayden covered her mouth with his, swallowing her cries. After a few moments, he tried again, pushing more and more until he was finally fully inside her. A line of sweat fell from his forehead as he concentrated, groaning at the tight fit.

  “Are…you…okay?” Hayden panted. Jesse nodded, the pain fading away. She was starting to wonder why people liked having sex when Hayden finally moved and all of Jesse’s doubts flew from her mind.

  Hayden slowly stroked in and out, letting Jesse acclimate to his size and struggling to take it slow. Jesse moaned deeper, gripping on Hayden’s arms as he continued his slow movements. She was losing her mind fro
m the pleasure building inside her, and she wanted more.

  “I need…I want,” she didn’t know what she wanted really, but she wanted him to do it now. Thankfully, Hayden seemed to understand, and he snapped his hips to hers.

  Jesse cried out in ecstasy and Hayden’s control broke. He started moving inside her faster and faster, Jesse’s cries spurring him on. He snarled as he felt Jesse’s nails biting into his back as she shoved her hips to his, deepening their contact. He groaned and stroked harder, thrust upon glorious thrust, and both couldn’t stop as they neared the elusive peak.

  “Come with me, Jesse,” Hayden whispered.

  And suddenly the dam burst, and Jesse cried as she felt her walls tighten and convulse around Hayden’s shaft, making Hayden drive into her three more times before releasing inside her. He collapsed on top of her, and Jesse adored the feeling of his weight on her.

  After a while, Hayden sluggishly moved to the side and on his back on the bed, pulling Jesse to his side. Jesse snuggled up against him, still basking in the afterglow of sex, when he spoke.

  “We might want to look for another roommate,” Hayden said, causing Jesse a moment of panic. “Because you’re never sleeping without me again.” Hayden said firmly, tightening his hold on her.

  Jesse smiled contentedly, not saying a word.

  Forget the new roommate. But sleeping together from now on sounded like her dream — the one she thought would never, ever happen — had finally come true.

  The End


  Secret Protector:

  A Historical Suspense Older Man Younger Woman First Time Romance


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