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About the Author
Tian Dayton, MA, PhD, TEP has a master’s degree in educational psychology and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a board-certified trainer in psychodrama. She is also a licensed Creative Arts Therapist and a certified Montessori teacher. Dr. Dayton is the director of the New York Psychodrama Training Institute and was on the faculty of New York University’s Drama Therapy Program for eight years.
Dr. Dayton is a fellow of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP), winner of their Kipper Scholar’s Award. She is the editor in chief of the Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy, and sits on the professional standards committee for ASGPP. She has been awarded the Mona Mansell Award and the Ackerman/Black Award for contributions to the field of addiction and serves on the advisory board of The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA).
Tian created a model for treating trauma called Relationship Trauma Repair, An Experiential Multisensory Process for Healing PTSD, which includes a Therapist Guide, A Client Journal, DVDs, and guided imageries and is currently in use at treatment centers across the United States.
She is a Huffington Post blogger and has been a guest expert on NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, The Montel Williams Show, The Ricki Lake Show, The John Walsh Show, and Geraldo and radio. Dr. Dayton is the author of fifteen books including Emotional Sobriety, Trauma and Addiction, Heartwounds, The Living Stage, and Forgiving and Moving On. Her work has been featured in The Process, an award-winning docudrama that uses psychodrama to tell stories of addicts and ACOAs Healing Childhood Abuse through Psychodrama. For more information, please visit www.tiandayton.com and Dr. Dayton’s blog on emotionexplorer.com
Dr. Dayton is the creator of the Internet’s first interactive, self-help site, emotionexplorer.com.
Other books by Tian Dayton, PhD
Emotional Sobriety
Forgiving and Moving On
Trauma and Addiction
The Living Stage
RTR Relationship Trauma Repair
Daily Affirmation for Parents
The Soul’s Companion
The Magic of Forgiveness
The ACOA Trauma Syndrome Page 23