Go Long

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Go Long Page 13

by Joanna Blake

  I tilted my head, staring at it.

  "It's a nice chair. Is there a reason it couldn't wait?"

  "That's not just any chair my love."

  "What is it?"

  Kyle came up behind me, kissing my neck. I sighed and leaned back against him. He seemed to always know exactly where to touch me to make me relax. He whispered in my ear.

  "It's a sex chair."

  "It's a what?"

  "I'll show you."

  "Kyle, we have guests!"

  "They can wait. I can't."

  I chewed my lip, undecided. I was curious. And I was feeling tingly from his kisses...

  "Here. Just hold your dress up, like this."

  He gathered my dress and lifted it, pressing it into my hands. He bent me over the chair and I heard him kneeling behind me. He pulled down my white lace panties and leaned down, kissing me between my legs from behind. I felt my knees go weak at the wicked things he was doing with his tongue.

  For a minute I thought- yes- he was spelling out the alphabet!


  I was pretty sure he spelled it twice. Maybe three times. I was getting close to coming when he stood up and unzipped his pants.

  I felt his stiff cock slide into me in one smooth stroke. We moaned in unison as he started to move. He didn't hold back. He started to drill me, hard.

  Drilling for oil he liked to call it.

  "Come on Princess, position number two."

  He lay on his back, his tux still on. He lifted me over his lap and lowered me onto his cock. I'd never been astride before, not like this. My feet were on the ground so I could lift and lower myself with ease.

  It was ahhhhhhmazing.

  "Hmmmffff... that's it beautiful... reach for it..."

  I bounced up and down faster now. His eyes were heavy lidded as he watched me ride his cock. Suddenly he grabbed my hips and started to pump upwards.

  "Fuck Bellie, I don't think I can wait."

  "Good. Don't- I-"

  An orgasm tore through me, rendering me incapable of speech for a moment. I almost flew off of his cock, I was shaking so hard. But Kyle held me down on him as his cock jetted his come into me. He let out a strangled groan and we both collapsed, me on top, him with his legs falling off the chair.

  I smiled at him, knowing we were both a sweaty mess.

  "I like this chair."

  "You haven't seen anything yet."

  "There's more?"

  "Oh yeah, there's a little book. I've been thinking of things to try all day."

  I smacked his arm.

  "Kyle! It's our wedding day!"

  "What better time, Princess?"

  I climbed off of him with a sigh.

  "Call me 'wife.'"

  He smacked my ass.

  "Alright... wife."

  I straightened my hair and dress as much as possible, but I was definitely rumpled. With a rueful shrug I turned away from the mirror. It was more than worth it.

  We walked downstairs only to be immediately cornered by the photographer.

  "Time for photos!"

  I groaned, my hands flying to my hair. Every time I looked at these photos I would notice that my hair was messy. And I would know why.

  Actually, that was kind of cute.

  I took my position beside my husband and smiled for the camera.

  Six Months Later


  I bounced Gabe on my knee, cooing at him softly while the bottle cooled. I was already a pro at midnight feedings. Hell, I even liked them.

  I liked it even better when my wife thanked me in the morning.

  Belinda was getting very creative. I'd even say a little bit wicked. The truth was, my bride had a dirty mind.

  I walked through the house. It was an older house, but well maintained. Not too far from campus, and sadly, not too far from her parent's house.

  They had developed a habit of swinging by unexpectedly to see the baby.

  That had caused quite a few interrupted moments in the marital bed. Or in our case, the marital chair. I smirked, leaning back on the lounger where we kept it in a spare room.

  Best damn seat in the house.

  I arranged Gabe on my knee and lifted the bottle, testing it on the back of my hand. Then I offered it to my son, who grabbed onto the nipple and immediately started sucking.

  He knew a good thing when he saw it.

  Just like his dad.

  I watched him eat, thinking about everything that had happened over the past year. I'd met Bellie. I'd gotten her pregnant without knowing it. Then, I'd met her again.

  After that, it was pretty much the wildest ride of my life. Things had gotten FUBAR for sure. But now... I was in school with my love. We were settled, for now.

  I didn't think we'd be here forever, so I tried not to gripe about the in-laws too much. They were way better than my dad, that was for sure. And Coach and I had an agreement now.

  A gentleman's understanding.

  If either one of us hurt Belinda, the other one would murder him.

  Our arrangement aside, I was beginning to think the old man was starting to like me again. He'd even helped me chose a sports agent. Some pro scouts had already expressed interest. We were planning for the future. And it looked good.

  Gabe hiccupped, signaling he'd had enough. I picked him up and walked him until he'd digested a bit. Then I layed him gently in his crib.

  I shut the light and walked to the bedroom. My wife was sleeping, her beautiful red hair covering most of her pillow and some of mine. I smiled in the darkness.

  Oh yeah, the future looked good.

  Fucking A.

  Thank you for reading GO LONG! If you enjoyed this book please let me know on Amazon and Goodreads! You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, or you can email me at: [email protected]


  LJ Anderson, Mayhem Cover Design

  Furious Fotog

  Chase Ketron

  Just One More Page Book Promotions

  StarAngels Reviews

  Pincushion Press

  Other works by Joanna Blake:

  Wanted By The Devil (Devil's Riders MC Club)

  Still Waters (Devil's Riders MC Club)

  Safe In His Arms (Devil's Riders MC Club)

  Devil's Riders: Before You (A short prequel to the Devil's Rider's Trilogy)

  Slay Me (Rock Gods)

  Dare Me (Rock Gods)

  Cover Me (Rock Gods)


  A Bad Boy For Summer





  RIDE (The Delancey Brothers Trilogy)


  Turn the page for your bonus books HEAT, or skip ahead to BRO' and excerpts from Joanna Blake's PLAYER, GRIND and Bound To Me.


  Joanna Blake

  Copyright © 2015 Joanna Blake

  All rights reserved.

  For my favorite bag of nuts. You know who you are.


  One - Inebriation

  Two - Admiration

  Three - Probation

  Four - Attraction

  Five - Frustration

  Six - Exploitation

  Seven - Consolation

  Eight - Perspiration

  Nine - Accusation

  Ten - Reflection

  Eleven - Sensation

  Twelve - Destination

  Thirteen - Vacation

  Fourteen - Germination

  Fifteen - Temptation

  Sixteen - Humiliation

  Seventeen - Reflection

  Eighteen - Devastation

  Nineteen - Equation

  Twenty - Reconciliation

  Twenty-One - Devotion

  Twenty-Two - Revelation

  Twenty-Three - Annihilation

  Twenty-Four - Celebration

  Six (and a half) Months Later - Creation

  To my Readers,

  I've taken a slight depar
ture from my regular style with this book. If you've read all of my stories, you know that the characters dictate what happens. I often have a plan for my H & h that gets completely thrown out the window. With HEAT, I expected to write another fun, sweet, somewhat dirty love story.

  And then I met Trent. He had other ideas in mind. Because of who he is, and what his experiences have been... well, let's just say this book is a bit naughtier than my others. He needs love more than most, and he needs it in a variety of ways. Don't worry, I promise that he's a good guy deep down and this book does have a very happy ending.

  I have included TWO bonus books for your enjoyment- please enjoy your BONUS BOOKS BRO' and A Bad Boy For Summer



  *HEAT was previously tilted BANG, but this title was censored. I think HEAT is even better though!

  Chapter One


  I closed my eyes, breathing deeply. Around me people were scurrying, adjusting lights and cameras. In front of me on all fours was Anastasia Berlin. Like me, she was frozen in place, with my cock balls deep inside her.

  I wasn't concerned about losing my erection. I wasn't concerned about the camera they were moving behind me, practically touching my ass. I wasn't worried about cuming too fast.

  I was just bored.


  I opened my eyes as the set quieted again. My hands flexed on Anastasia's hips.


  I flexed my hips, driving all the way into her. She was overly slippery with a silicone based lubricant. It was necessary for these long shoots. Otherwise, she would dry out.

  Besides, when you shot with Rez, you needed extra lube.

  I took small thrusts, careful not to smash backwards into the camera. They were there for the money shot. The grand finale.

  It was time to unleash the snake.

  I focused hard, letting images of every dirty, nasty thing I'd ever seen or done flash through my mind. For me, staying hard wasn't the challenge. It was getting excited enough to shoot my load.

  And the audience wanted a big ass load.

  I started to get that feeling at the base of my spine, traveling up to my nuts then forward, up and out of my shaft.

  Fucking A.

  I yanked my cock out and sprayed it all over her back.

  Anastasia flipped over like the pro she was and I covered her. I angled it up for the best effect, spraying my cum all over her enormous, obviously fake tits.

  I let my head fall back as the pent up release slowed.

  In an instant the lights would turn off.

  In an instant, and just for a heartbeat, I would feel dirty.



  And then they would hand me a giant check and the feeling would pass.

  A stiff drink and a line of coke wouldn't hurt either. And I knew they'd have one of each of those waiting for me too.

  "That's a wrap!"

  I did my best to ignore the people bustling around me. One handed me a baby wipe, which I used to clean my dick off. Anastasia was cleaning off her tits while someone wiped her back.

  Just like that, it was over.

  I debated about going for a run, taking the night off. It would be nice to stay home with my girls. But then George waved me over and handed me a rolled up hundred dollar bill.

  I leaned down and inhaled a line of the white powder.

  I tilted my head back as the rush flooded my body.

  Cuming had nothing on coke.

  I took a pull of the bottle of bourbon he handed me.

  "There's a party in Malibu. You coming?"

  I shrugged.

  "Why not?"


  I tugged the thick white shoe off with one foot, rubbing it along my calf. My feet were sore, my legs were sore and my back was sore. My work shoes were old and did little to support my arches during my 12-36 hour shifts. I needed new ones.

  I needed a lot of things.

  I was making my rounds when Kelly stuck her head into Mr. Pollard's room.

  "It's you sister."

  "Tell her I will call her back in..."

  I did a quick calculation of how long it would take to finish checking in on every patient on the floor.

  "Forty five minutes."

  "She's freaking out, Lex."

  I closed my eyes. I finished marking down Mr. Pollard's vitals and left the room. It was bad form to stop in the middle of rounds. But when Char called, it was inevitably an emergency.

  I flexed my hips, moving at a rapid clip down the hallway towards the nurses' station. I had long ago mastered the art of running but making it look like I was walking. It was important not to show panic in a hospital. Never mind at home.

  At home, it was even worse. My sister was extremely sensitive. So I had learned to project an aura of calm at all times.

  Even if I was panicking inside.

  Kelly held out the phone to me. I could hear sobbing before I even lifted the phone to my ear. It wasn't the sound of a normal twenty-year-old woman crying.

  It was the sound of a terrified little girl.

  "Char, what's wrong?"

  It took a few seconds for her to compose herself enough so I could understand her. When I did, my blood ran cold.

  "She left me."

  I stood up straight, outrage flooding my system.

  "What do you mean, she left you?"

  My voice was harsh, clipped, which only made her start to wail even louder. The other nurses at the station had sympathy written all over their faces. They knew how hard it was to be my sister's guardian. My sweet, loving, chemically unbalanced and developmentally disabled sister.

  I forced myself to modulate my voice. She did not respond well to criticism. And even if she'd done something off the wall, it wasn't her fault.

  I was pretty sure she'd done something to freak Suzie out.

  "What happened, Char?"

  What I really meant was 'what did you do, Char?' But I couldn't say that. Not unless I wanted her to have a complete meltdown.

  This might seem like an epic crisis to a normal person, but trust me, it barely registered. The fact that her new caregiver Suzie had left my sister alone was another matter altogether.

  A very, very serious matter.

  Basically, heads were going to roll.

  "I hate her. She made me take my meds with orange juice. You know I only take them with my Arnold Palmer. She said that was stupid."

  I closed my eyes again, praying for patience.

  One of my sisters most charmingly frustrating tendencies was to only drink beverages that were named after people. Arnold Palmers. Shirley Temples. Virgin Mary's.

  I was hoping she would outgrow this particular tic, but so far, she had not.

  "I'll call Mrs. Keeley. Hold tight."

  "Don't hang up!"

  "I won't love. Now, think carefully. Did you take your pills Char?"

  I called Mrs. Keeley, holding a phone to each ear. She was our neighbor and the kindest person I knew. She was also the only other person who Charlotte would listen to. Unfortunately, she was 80 years old and couldn't keep up with Char anymore.

  Thus the endless stream of inept caregivers that had been walking through our doors the past few months. I sighed as I finally set the phone down, staying on the line with Char until Mrs. Keeley was in the house. Kelly handed me a cup of coffee. I took it, sipping it gratefully.

  At least our hospital had decent coffee.

  "She needs to be in assisted living."

  I didn't argue with her. I knew it was true. But that was expensive. And I couldn't bear to relegate my sweet, beautiful sister to a state home. God knows what would happen to her there.

  "Lexi, you can't keep this up."

  I shook my head. I had to. I didn't have a choice. Our parents had died when I was barely into my first year of nursing school. No other family member had been willing to take on my sister.

  I couldn't really bla
me them. Who would take on a teenager, let alone a chemically unbalanced, disabled girl who was nothing but a distant relative?

  So even though I was barely six years older than her, I took on the role of parent.

  I'd been looking after her since she was born, so it wasn't that big of an adjustment.

  What had been a big surprise was the fact that our parents had been up to their eyeballs in debt when they died. All the special doctors, the tutors, the medication. It had all added up over the years to a huge deficit. The only thing left was the house, which wasn't worth much. I would have loved to sell it and move away. But interrupting Char's stability was dangerous.

  So we'd stayed and managed to keep the bank from taking the house. They'd taken everything else.

  Thank God for student loans and scholarships. Without them I would have never been able to keep the lights on, or finish getting through nursing school.

  As it was I would be paying for school for the rest of my natural born life.

  Never mind someone to take proper care of my sister.

  Something would change for the better eventually.

  It had to.

  Chapter Two


  The first thing I saw was the water sparkling on the surface of the cool blue pool. I blinked. It was a very nice pool.

  It just wasn't my pool.

  Surprise, surprise, I'd passed out again.

  I groaned and rolled over, realizing I was tangled up with another body. I glanced over my shoulder.

  Make that three different bodies.

  I looked down. I was wearing pants. So whatever I'd done last night, or if I'd fucked anyone, it must have been earlier in the evening. That was good. I hated to fuck sloppy.

  It was against my policy. I was a professional. I didn't mix business with pleasure.

  Getting massively fucked up being pleasure. Sex was just a job. A fun, pleasurable job, but a job all the same. I groaned, glancing at my watch.


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