Go Long

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Go Long Page 17

by Joanna Blake

  I didn't want to believe him. But I did. Either way though, he had to stop.

  "Fine, I would like you to focus on getting better."

  He gave me a look that was tragic.

  "No more fun?"

  I shook my head firmly.

  "If I lose."

  I nodded.

  "Yes, if you lose."

  He brightened then.

  "But you are still having dinner with me, regardless."

  I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time.

  "Yes. As friends."

  He grinned at me.

  "Friends is a good place to start."

  He shuffled the cards, utterly focused. He dealt the cards in silence. I picked up my hand. I had three aces. My stomach sank.

  I realized in that moment that I didn't want to win.

  He was frowning at his cards, utterly focused. He glanced up at me. I realized how much this meant to him. To both of us.

  I just didn't know how the hell that had happened.

  "Do you need anything?"

  I nodded, exhaling.

  "I'll take two."

  I handed him the two other cards. I'd nearly handed him one of my aces. But that seemed wrong somehow.

  The next two cards were unremarkable. It was still a great hand. A winning hand.

  I looked up at him. He was deep in thought. I knew I was going to win. I wanted to call a halt right now. I wanted to get up, make an excuse and start all over again tomorrow.

  "I'll stay."

  I almost groaned.

  "We don't have to do this. We can just call it a draw."

  He looked at me, his eyes dark and serious.

  "Not a chance, Sexy Lexi."

  Then he laid his cards out.

  He had a royal flush.


  Ten of hearts, jack of hearts, queen of hearts, king of hearts and ace of hearts.

  My eyes lifted to his, utterly amazed. He wasn't smiling in victory though. He was staring at my mouth.

  He looked... hungry.

  Without a word he grabbed my hand, pulling me down the hallway.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Shhh... you don't want to wake the patients."

  I noticed that his limp was barely there. I smiled. Perhaps this was good for his recovery after all.

  Then he pushed me inside a supply closet. He smiled at me, blocking the doorway with his body. Then he used his foot to shut it behind him.

  We were alone. In a closet. My heart started beating double time.

  I stared at him, no clue what he was up to.

  "Trent. Is this... your idea of a joke?"

  He stared at me.

  "No joke sweetheart."

  "I don't get it. I need to go-"

  "Are you welshing?"

  I sighed. I wasn't. But this was a very, very bad idea. Whatever it was he was planning.


  He grinned at me, clearly relieved.

  "Good. We just need a timer. Does your phone have one?"

  I nodded, pulling it out.

  "Set it for seven minutes."

  I did, holding it up to show him.

  He reached backwards and locked the door of the supply closet. Then he hit the light switch.

  We were in total darkness.

  That's when I felt him. His hands were on my hips as he dragged me towards him.

  His lips came crashing down on mine, silencing my protest. He kissed me like he was dying of thirst and I was a cold glass of water. He kissed me like I was the last girl on Earth.

  So help me, I kissed him back.

  Chapter Eight


  Lexi's back was pressed up against the heavy metal shelves on the far wall. Even with the lights off, I knew where everything was. I'd made sure of that before I flipped the switch.

  I even knew where the blankets were. Three feet to my left, on the middle shelf.

  You know. In case we wanted to get horizontal.

  I sure as fuck did.

  It was crazy but just kissing her was giving me that same glow I got after cuming. I groaned, imaging how fucking amazing that would feel. All the things I wanted to do with her.

  And to her.

  That train of thought made all the blood in my body flow straight to my cock. I wasn't just hard. I was diamond hard. I ground my massive boner into her, raising her leg with my good arm so I could get closer.

  It was awkward, trying to get closer to her with the massive cast covering half of my upper body.

  But I was up to the challenge.

  Nothing was going to stop me from getting at her.

  Her hands were on my shoulders. At first I'd thought she was trying to push me away. But she wasn't.

  She was holding on for dear life.

  I knew it. She wanted me too. I smiled in the darkness, letting my lips slide to her neck... that perfectly kissable neck that I'd been staring at for a month now.

  Wanting to bite it.

  I took a little nip.


  I grinned, trying to lift her top up. I only had one hand to do it with. So I used my teeth.

  "What are you - Oh!"

  Her voice changed as my lips closed over her nipple. I wasted no time, pulling it hard into my mouth. I flicked my tongue against it rapidly. I was known for my tongue work. Not everyone knew that.

  Most guys who did porn just envied my cocksmanship.

  But the ladies in the industry also knew me as a premier fucking pussy eater.

  It was a niche brand of porn- watching women have honest to God orgasms. Usually they faked it. But not with me.

  Never, ever with me.

  And I was going to get Lexi off.

  Or die trying.

  Actually, maybe I'd get her... almost off. Get her hot and keep her on the edge until the timer went off. Make her beg.

  Then she'd ignore the seven-minute rule and let me have my way with her.

  That was going to take longer than seven minutes.

  Much, much longer.

  I worked her other nipple as my fingers slid up her thigh to her pussy. I pressed against her soft mound through her scrubs. We both groaned at the contact.

  I rocked my hips against her thigh, out of my mind with lust.

  I never felt this when I was working or fucking for sport.

  I don't think I'd even felt this turned on way back in high school.

  My fingers made their way into her elastic waistband and down into her soft cotton panties. Her lips were buttery, slick with desire. I closed my eyes, every bit of my attention in those fingers as they parted her folds and started to play.

  She was gasping for air as I teased her, circling her clit and tracing the outline of her tight little slit.

  Then I slid a finger inside.

  Holy fuck she was tight.

  Tight. Hot. Wet. Utterly slippery and smooth inside.

  I felt her clench down on my finger.

  I lost my thin sliver of control.

  I dropped to my knees, finding her clit with my tongue. Rapidly I flicked it against her soft little nub again and again. My finger slid in and out of her as she pressed against my head.

  I was insane.

  I was literally insane.

  That's when I realized she was pushing me away.

  "Trent- don't!"

  I leaned back, gasping.

  She was turning me down? Turning down the greatest pussy eater of all time?

  I mean, I was a fucking Olympian when it came to cunnilingus.

  But in the dim light I could see her face.

  She was on the verge of tears.

  I stood up, pulling her against me again.

  "Lexi? What's wrong?"

  "Too much, Trent. Too fast."

  She shook her head. Not looking at me. She pushed me away slightly and slid out from under my arm.

  I stood there as the door opened, trying to get my mind to work.

p; My mouth.

  To say anything.

  "Lexi... wait..."

  I could see her silhouetted in the doorway as she turned her beautiful head slightly. Then she shook it.

  Just then her timer went off.


  I was shaking as I walked back to the nurses' station. It had been only seven minutes. But I felt like a completely different person. A hungry, wanton woman who didn't care about her responsibilities.

  A tramp. Not a nurse.

  I checked the vitals of all the patients quickly. Everyone was fine. Then I practically ran for the bathroom.

  I could not handle seeing him again.


  Even his name made my cheeks flush with embarrassment. And lust.

  He had done things to me... made me lose every sense of decorum.

  I was a nurse dammit! I had a vitally important job to do. I had to be on the ball. Not getting off with the patients!

  It's true a lot of people knitted or read books during the night shift.

  But it wasn't the same. Playing cards was a mistake. Letting him take me into the closet- even if I hadn't understood at first... it was unforgivable.

  I splashed cold water on my face, patting it dry with a stiff paper towel. I was almost afraid to look in the mirror. Afraid of what I'd see there.

  Brightly flushed cheeks. Mussed hair. Lips that had obviously been kissed.

  And kissed well.

  Dear Lord, Trent could kiss. He was practically a professional. The man could give lessons.

  I touched my lips, closing my eyes again. My whole body felt awake and alive. I was practically zinging from head to toe.

  I wondered what would have happened if I hadn't stopped.

  I didn't have to wonder.

  We would have done it right then and there.

  I laughed at myself, finally seeing the humor in the situation.


  What was I, twelve years old?

  I felt like a kid though. A stupid, inexperienced kid.

  Not that I hadn't had boyfriends. I had. In high school and college. But not a lot. And I'd only done anything beyond kissing with two.

  And that had been a while ago.

  A long while.

  I pressed the backs of my hands to my cheeks. I was hot. If I was a patient, I would say I had a fever.

  Trent had done this to me, just with his hands. And his mouth. Dear lord, his mouth.

  I pressed my thighs together. His mouth had felt so good. So outrageously dirty and hot when he was kneeling between my legs.

  I was glad the lights had been off. He hadn't seen how hard it was for me to stop him. It had been damn near close to impossible.

  I groaned, realizing I would have to face him again.


  In fact, it was time for my rounds.

  I did them briskly; trying not to dwell on how uncomfortable this was going to be. But by the time I got to Trent's room, he was asleep. Blissfully asleep.

  He actually had a smile on his face.

  I couldn't help it. I stood there, watching him sleep.

  He looked so sweet and innocent. His skin was swarthy and smooth, other than his stubble. His eyelashes were thick where they brushed his cheeks. His lips were pink and juicy looking.

  His smiled widened.

  Oh no.

  He was awake.

  He'd just caught me staring at him. Not staring. I'd been perusing.

  No wonder he was smiling.

  "Come to finish me off?"

  I swallowed. My throat felt dry. He was joking I knew but I felt like I wanted to find a place to hide and never come out again. He rolled onto his side, grinning at me.

  "Better yet, let me finish you off."

  I stiffed my spine, looking down my nose at him.

  "No Mr. Davis. And that cannot happen again."

  His smile grew wider.

  "Why not?"

  "Because- all kinds of reasons!"

  "Don't you like me, Lexi? I like you. A lot."

  He had tilted his head to the side, watching me struggle for words. Thank goodness it was dark in here. I was beet red. And miserable.

  "A lot, a lot."

  "That has nothing to do with it! I have a job to do. You have to stop distracting me."

  He narrowed his eyes at me. The joking look was gone. He looked pissed.

  "I don't have to do a damn thing."

  I felt the fight go out of me.

  "Please Trent. I can't... I need this job. I have people counting on me."

  He sighed.

  "Okay. I will back off. But you are coming to dinner with me."

  I nodded, relief flooding my system.

  "Alright. But I'm not promising anything. Like- what just happened."

  He was watching me.

  "How many men have you been with Lexi?"

  Once again, I wished for a hole to open in the floor and swallow me up.

  I closed my eyes. And then I answered him.

  Chapter Nine


  I was staring at Lexi, waiting for her to answer me. She was so skittish, it was like trying to seduce a cat!

  And I was definitely a dog person.


  I forced myself not to react. Two? How was that possible?

  She looked at me, her incredible eyes full of doubts.

  "And none of them ever did what- you tried to do. In the supply closet."

  No one had ever- she'd never-

  My mind was blank for a minute as that astounding, wonderful, very arousing information sank in to me.

  I was the first. The first to taste her. The first to make her feel the way only that felt.

  Holy hell, I could not wait to properly eat this woman out.

  I was going to make a meal of her. I would perform oral gymnastics. I would linger over her for hours.



  It was going to be a God Damn Pussy Eating Festival.

  I could still taste her on my lips. Still smell her sweet, clean, musky scent. Still feel her plump breasts and hips in my hands.

  I moaned. I thought I'd calmed my cock down, but now it was rising again.

  I grabbed a pillow and held it over my lap.

  Her eyes got wider. She knew what I was doing. I got nothing past this woman. I shrugged.

  "Sorry. Like I said, you do things to me."


  I loved how she said that word. 'Oh.' She said so little but it meant so much.

  Plus, it was cute as fuck.

  "Lexi... I will do my best. I can't promise that I won't try to jump your bones again."

  Her eyes were wide as saucers now.

  "You can't. Promise me Trent."

  "You don't think you can resist me?"

  "No- I mean- don't make me... please."

  I knew I should take pity on her. But I didn't want to. I really was a bastard. I'd known it all my life.

  Why stop now?


  Her mouth opened. She looked devastated. Worse, she looked defeated.

  "I- I have to go."

  "Lexi - wait."

  She shook her head. She reattached the machines that checked my vitals in silence. Then she walked stiffly from the room.

  I closed my eyes.

  This was not going according to plan at all.

  I had to get to her before she found out who I was. A girl like that? She'd never go for me once she knew.

  Ever since puberty, women had been easy for me. Older, younger. I'd had my share of them, even back in foster care. Neighbors, girls at school, girls already out of school...

  They had always been plentiful. Easy. Pleasant.

  Now the woman who had my balls in a fucking vice was the opposite of that.

  Exciting. Stimulating. Impossible.

  I had a sudden certainty that she was going to break my heart.

  Or I would break hers.

  Maybe both.
  I reached for the call button.

  I didn't care if she was pissed about coming back in.

  I needed a fucking sleeping pill.


  I spent the next few days with Char. We went to the park. We made cookies. Today, we even went to the beach.

  It was so blissfully normal that I almost pinched myself.

  Of course, I didn't really want to wake up. I just wanted to scrub him out of my thoughts once and for all.

  Trent was emblazoned in my mind.

  His lips. His chest pressed against mine. His eyes when he said my name. He'd looked tortured.

  I knew the feeling.

  I was in deep trouble. I knew he wouldn't be at the hospital much longer. I knew it.

  I could hold out.

  And then when he called about dinner, IF he called about dinner, I would just... avoid him. Not answer the phone. Done. He would go away and I would go back to my safe, boring little life.

  I was watching Char dip her toes in the Pacific when my phone beeped.

  I glanced down.

  I want to taste you again

  My mouth went dry. I felt an answering warmth between my legs. It was him. It must be.

  Somehow, Trent had gotten my phone number.

  I took a deep breath and started to reply. I would tell him that this was a private number and not to message me again. I would be cold and firm and not take no for answer.

  And then a picture popped up.

  It was him in the hospital bed, looking silly, sipping his juice through a straw and giving me a thumbs up.

  My heart cracked open a bit.

  Of course, the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt didn't hurt. The man was beautiful. Strong. Muscular.


  He knew it too.

  Why was he even bothering with a plain Jane like me?

  He could have any number of women. He was famous wasn't he?

  I stopped short. Famous for what? I'd never even asked him. That's how distracted he had me.

  I could solve this with a quick little Google search...

  I deleted my reply and opened a search browser. I typed in Trent Davis. My eyes got wide as the screen filled with hits.

  My world imploded.

  He was- oh my God.

  There was picture after picture of him performing sex acts. Holding a whip. Smiling. Fucking.

  He was a porn star. An extremely famous one by the looks of it. And I'd been completely ignorant the entire time.


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