by Julie Dobrow
17.Ibid., March 5, 1960.
18.Ibid., July 28, 1962; August 24, 1962.
19.Richard Sewall, “Preface,” in Austin and Mabel, xi; Richard Sewall, “Appreciation of Millicent Todd Bingham,” n.d,, Newton, MA.
20.MTB, “Reminiscences,” May 18, 1959, MTBP, II, 46–6–10.
21.MTB, “Journal,” March 24, 1963; MTB, “Reminiscences,” August 2, 1962; August 24, 1962, MTBP, II, 46–6–10.
22.MTB, “Diary,” December 31, 1966, MTBP, VII, 141–79.
23.MTB to Green Mountain Marble Corporation, June 1953, MTBP, VIII, 159–88.
24.MTB, “Journal,” January 1, 1964, MTBP, VII, 130, 28; “Millicent T. Bingham, Dickinson Editor, Dies,” Washington Star, December 3, 1968.
25.“Millicent Todd Bingham Dies; Authority on Emily Dickinson,” New York Times, December 3, 1968.
26.MTB will, 1967, Jones.
27.MTB, “Reminiscences,” March 13, 1960, MTBP, II, 46–6–10.
1.White, “Mabel Loomis Todd,” 274; MLT, “Diary,” 15 May 1886, MLTP, III, 41, reel 3; Guthrie, Thermopylae, 181.
2.MTB to Charles Green, January 28, 1965, Jones.
3.ED to MLT, in MLT, “Journal,” 6 October 1882, MLTP, III, 45, reel 7; Carol Fleming to MT, January 26, 1907, MTBP, III, 65–168; Jean Mudge, e-mail to author, May 22, 2015; author interview with Douglass Morse, August 8, 2016.
4.MLT, “Preface” to Letters, x.
5.Bianchi, Single Hound, xviii; Revelation, 9,; Jay Leyda to MTB, September 20, 1954, MTBP, V, 84, 236–242.
6.Washington Star, December 3, 1968.
7.MTB, “Journal,” July 28, 1964, MTBP, VII, 130–28; Martha Dickinson Bianchi, Emily Dickinson Face to Face (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1932), 37.
8.Ellen Louise Hart and Martha Nell Smith, eds., Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson’s Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson (Ashfield, MA: Paris Press, 1998), xv.
9.Smith, Rowing to Eden, 6, 13, 25, 40.
10.Life, 228.
11.Revelation, 10.
12.Smith, Rowing to Eden, 1.
13.MTB, “Journal,” July 28, 1964, MTBP, VII, 130–28.
14.Jennifer Schuessler, “Enigmatic Emily Dickinson Revealed Online,” New York Times, October 23, 2013.
15.Ancestors’ Brocades, 399.
16.Jeremy Jennings, “Intellectuals and the Myth of Public Decline,” in The Changing Role of the Public Intellectual, ed. Dolan Cummings (New York: Routledge, 2005), 17.
17.MLT, “Scrapbook,” MLTP, VI, 84–19.
18.Gay, Education of the Senses, 71, 74, 101.
19.Coontz, Marriage; Gay, Education of the Senses, 110.
20.Nancy Cott, The Bonds of Womanhood (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1977), 204; MLT, “Millicent’s Life,” 30 June 1882, MLTP, III, 46, reel 8.
21.Brooke Steinhauser, “Public Spirit, Private Ambition: Mabel Loomis Todd and the Women’s Era in Amherst MA 1881–1917” (MA thesis, SUNY Oneonta, 2011), 4.
22.MTB, interview with Sutherland, 1959, MTBP, II, 46–11–12.
23.Richard Sewall, “Appreciation of Millicent Todd Bingham,” n.d., Newton, MA.
24.MTB, “Journal,” July 24, 1963, MTBP, VII, 130–28.
25.See, for example, Shea Dunham, Shannon Dermer and Jon Carslon, eds., Poisonous Parenting: Toxic Relationships between Parents and Their Adult Children (New York: Routledge, 2011); K. N. Levy et al., “Change in Attachment Patterns and Reflective Function in a Randomized Control Trial of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 6 (2006): 1027–40.
26.MTB, “Journal,” July 28, 1964, MTBP, VII, 130–28.
27.Adrienne Rich, Of Woman Born (New York: W. W. Norton, 1986), 3.
1.MLT, Witchcraft in New England, Connecticut River Historical Society (Springfield, MA: F. A. Bassette, January 1906), 15.
2.MLT to Charles Green, n.d., Jones.
Selections from the Emily Dickinson Collection, the President’s Office Collection: Charles W. Cole and President’s Office Collection: Calvin Plimpton, printed with permission of Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College.
Selections from R. W. Franklin’s The Editing of Emily Dickinson, © 1966 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Reproduced courtesy of the University of Wisconsin Press.
Selections from Elizabeth Horan’s “To Market: The Dickinson Copyright Wars,” The Emily Dickinson Journal 5:1 (1996), pp. 93, 95, 101. © Johns Hopkins University Press. Reprinted with permission of Johns Hopkins University Press.
Selections from Austin and Mabel: The Amherst Affair and Love Letters of Austin Dickinson and Mabel Loomis Todd by Polly Longsworth reprinted by the permission of Russell & Volkening as agents for the author. Copyright © 1984 by Polly Longsworth.
Excerpts from The Life of Emily Dickinson by Richard B. Sewall. Copyright © 1974 by Richard B. Sewall. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Selections from Brooke Steinhauser’s “Public spirit, private ambition: Mabel Loomis Todd and the ‘Woman’s Era’ in Amherst MA, 1881–1917,” MA Thesis, SUNY Oneonta, 2011. Reprinted with permission of Brooke Steinhauser.
Six lines of poetry [#s 600, 623] and brief quotes from pp. 301, 317 of Bolts of Melody: New Poems of Emily Dickinson, edited by Mabel Loomis Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham. Copyright © 1945 by The Trustees of Amherst College. Copyright renewed 1973 by Richard B. Sewall, Executor of the editor Millicent Todd Bingham. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers.
Map of Amherst 1886. Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, Digital Map Collections. Annotations by Nick Allen.
Page 3
Main Street, Amherst. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 10
The “Wilder women.” Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 17
Mabel Loomis Todd. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
David Peck Todd. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 23
Mabel with baby Millicent. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 30
Austin Dickinson. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Susan Huntington Gilbert Dickinson. Courtesy of The Emily Dickinson Museum.
Page 32
The Homestead. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
The Evergreens. Courtesy of The Jones Library, Inc., Amherst, MA.
Page 39
Ned Dickinson. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 54
Mabel Loomis Todd diary. Mabel Loomis Todd Papers (MS496C). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Austin Dickinson diary. Mabel Loomis Todd Papers (MS496C). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 71
Neologism. Mabel Loomis Todd Papers (MS496C). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 79
“Mabel Loomis Dickinson” signature. Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database.
Page 91
“I had a daily bliss.” Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
“Lost Joy.” Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 95
Eben Jenks Loomis. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Mary Alden Wilder Loomis. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.r />
Page 100
Millicent with violin. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 112
Daguerreotype of Emily Dickinson. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 119
Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Courtesy of the Boston Public Library.
Page 125
Ad for World Typewriter.
Page 136
Cover of first edition of Poems. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 152
Portrait of Dickinson children. Houghton Library, Harvard University.
“Doctored” image of Emily Dickinson. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 165
Mabel with bicycle. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 174
Portrait of William Austin Dickinson. Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Bequest of Mrs. Millicent Todd Bingham.
Page 177
The Dell. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 182
Lavinia Dickinson. Courtesy of The Jones Library, Inc., Amherst, MA.
Page 194
Mabel at midlife. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 195
Millicent at midlife. Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database.
Page 198
Millicent, Mabel and David in Peru, 1907. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Ticket to Mabel’s talks. Courtesy of the Amherst Historical Society and Museum, Amherst, MA.
Page 203
David and Mabel, 1907. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 207
Walter Van Dyke Bingham. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 212
Millicent in France, 1918. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 214
Possibly Joe C. Thomas. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 219
Arthur Curtiss James. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 225
Mabel and Millicent at Millicent’s wedding. Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database.
Page 227
Walter and Millicent. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 231
Balloon launch. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 251
Mabel and Millicent on Hog Island. Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database.
Page 253
Martha Dickinson Bianchi. Courtesy of The Emily Dickinson Museum.
Page 259
Mabel Loomis Todd’s gravestone. Photo by Lawrence J. Vale.
Page 282
One of Emily’s “scraps.” Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 288
Judge Otis Phillips Lord. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
A “Master” letter. Amherst College Archives and Special Collections.
Page 324
L. Quincy Mumford and Millicent at the Library of Congress. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page 330
Rachel Carson and Millicent on Hog Island. Photo courtesy of Friends of Hog Island.
Page 340
Walter and Millicent’s gravestones, Arlington National Cemetery. Photo by Lawrence J. Vale.
Page 346
Emily Dickinson’s dress. Photo by Basya Kasinitz, Amherst Historical Society and Museum, Amherst, MA.
Page 360
Mabel toward the end of her life. Yale University Manuscripts and Archives Digital Images Database.
Page 361
Millicent toward the end of her life. Todd-Bingham Picture Collection (MS 496E). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
“Absent treatment”/faith healing, 161
Alcott, Bronson, 10
Alcott, Louisa May, 15, 88
Alcott family, 11
Alden, John and Priscilla, 9, 98, 339
Amherst, Massachusetts:
Dickinson family’s influence in, xiv, 2, 31, 47–48, 85–87, 163, 182
Mabel’s civic activities in, 82, 85–86, 158, 202, 243, 354
Puritan values in, xiv, 53
Amherst Academy, xv, 145
Amherst College:
copyrights assigned to, 317, 318, 319–20
David’s work at, 25, 54–55, 104, 162, 209, 224, 327, 339
and Dickinson collection digitization, 351, 352
founding of, xiv, 47
Frost Library, 310, 365
Homestead purchased by, 344
Mabel Loomis Todd Forest, 332
Mattie’s honorary degree from, 301
Mead Gallery, 326
Millicent’s gift of Dickinson materials to, 141, 316–24, 324
Millicent’s honorary degree from, 322
negotiations for Dickinson papers, 297–301, 304, 305, 310, 313–14, 318–21, 323
“Todd Family materials” sent to, 300, 317, 326–28, 334, 352
Amherst Historical Society, 85, 326
Amherst Woman’s Club, 85, 158
Andrews, Caro Lovejoy and John, 75, 76, 77
Angers, France, 211, 212
Arlington National Cemetery, 338, 339, 340
Atlantic Monthly, 135, 142
Attachment theory, 359, 407
Audubon Camp for Adult Leaders, 329–32; see also Hog Island
Babb, James, 327, 328
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 83, 338
Bates, Arlo, 134–35, 139
Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, 33
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 83, 338
Benfey, Christopher, 287, 351
Bervin, Jen, 115, 348–49
Bianchi, Capt. Alexander Emmanuel, 236, 296
Bianchi, Martha Dickinson “Mattie,” 253
death of, 277–78, 296, 297, 298
early years of, see Dickinson, Martha
Emily Dickinson Face to Face, 242, 346
and Emily legend, 345, 346–47
and Emily’s letters, 252, 254–55, 273, 295
and Emily’s poems, 236–44, 247, 250, 252–53, 271, 273, 274, 278, 285, 295, 333–34, 348; see also Dickinson, Emily, poems by
and Hampson, see Hampson, Alfred Leete honorary degree to, 301
and Mabel, 33, 58, 68, 73, 252–53
Millicent’s and Mabel’s critiques of, 237–44, 250, 252, 278, 317
and negotiations for permanent home for family papers, 297–98, 301–2
papers at Brown University, 252–53, 395
and right to publish, 278, 279–80, 295–96, 315, 317
Bingham, Millicent Todd:
achievements of, 292, 322, 339, 353, 354, 357
and camphorwood chest, 191, 209, 233, 246–48, 252, 273, 276, 280, 283, 287, 288, 324, 339, 342, 348, 359, 362
conservation and preservation efforts of, 329–33, 334, 353–54, 406
death of, 340, 342
donation of parents’ artifacts to Amherst College, 300, 317, 334
early years of, see Todd, Millicent
and Emily’s legacy, 312, 343, 345, 35
1–52, 362
and Emily’s letters, 251, 252–57, 289–93, 309–16, 342, 349
and Emily’s poetry, 7, 9, 97, 101–2, 123, 130–31, 155–56, 192, 204, 221, 237–38, 239–41, 247–50, 276–78, 280–85, 309–10, 320, 324, 333–34, 339, 348–50
final arrangements of, 337–41
and Hog Island, 202, 204, 253, 262, 263–64, 268, 306, 329–32, 330, 334, 337
honors and awards to, 292, 322, 353, 357
and Mabel’s death, 257–63, 359, 362
and Mabel’s unfinished business, 262–64, 329–33, 334–36, 357
and Mattie, 237, 239–42, 244, 252, 262
and negotiations for permanent home for Dickinson papers, 298–324
obituary of, 338–39, 345
promise to her mother to “set it right,” 244, 245, 248–49, 263, 270–71, 273–74, 275, 283, 310, 313, 316, 322–23, 324, 332, 333–34, 336, 338
in psychotherapy, xxi, 229, 269–70, 356
and Todd family papers, 317–18, 325–29
and Walter, 206–7, 222, 226–29, 227, 248–49, 293–94, 335–36, 358, 359
in Washington, 272–73
wedding of, 222–23, 224–26, 225
work ethic of, 228, 229, 270, 316, 329, 332, 335, 352, 353, 357
Bingham, Millicent Todd, writings of, 228
Ancestors’ Brocades, 69, 117, 129, 130, 141, 142–43, 146, 156, 237, 238, 239–41, 252–53, 270, 274, 275–76, 297, 352
autobiographical notes, 332, 337
Bolts of Melody, 101–2, 248, 277–78, 280–85, 297, 303, 310, 319, 348
Emily Dickinson: A Revelation, 148, 270, 286–87, 291–93, 314–15, 345
Emily Dickinson’s Home, 244, 249–50, 270, 289, 307, 309, 315
“A Friend of Amherst” (homage to Mabel), 261
Geography of France (with Blanchard), 216, 353
“The New England Way,” 98
Peru: A Land of Contrasts, 199
planned projects, 274–78
Principles of Human Geography (transl.), 228
“Reminiscences,” 72, 86, 90, 97, 99, 107–8, 109
“The Story of Hog Island,” 202
Bingham, Walter Van Dyke, 207, 227
and apartment break-in, 268–69, 316
Aptitudes and Aptitude Testing, 286
burial in Arlington National Cemetery, 338, 339, 340
death of, 294, 309, 338, 358
education of, 228, 308
and Emily’s poetry, 248–49
health problems of, 285–86, 293–94, 336