With Caution

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With Caution Page 13

by J. L. Langley

  “Remi, that was Rhys. He told me to tell you that Sterling—”

  Oh my God. Sterling. Remi started for the door, digging in his pocket for his keys. Goddamn, what if he was hurt? Why hadn’t Remi waited until his phone was charged before coming here?

  “Remi, wait.” Catching his arm, Keaton halted him. “Jake was there and went to get Sterling.”

  Sterling is okay. He’s with Jake. Jake won’t let anyone hurt him. Remi kept repeating it to himself, trying to calm his racing heart. “Mind if I use your phone?”

  Keaton handed it to him. “Here.”

  He dialed Jake’s cell phone.

  Jake answered it on the first ring. “He’s fine. We’re on the way to your apartment.”

  Remi heard Sterling laughing in the background. Oh fuck. Smacking the kitchen counter with his fist, Remi let out the breath he’d been holding.

  * * *

  “He hit Mom because I went to Hell’s Kitchen to have a few drinks?” Remi asked, only half believing what he’d heard, and leaned back on his couch. Dirk was a psychopath. Why did his mom put up with that? Why did she subject Sterling to it?

  Nodding, Sterling reclined on his hands in the middle of Remi’s living room floor. “He asked her what you were up to and why you were hanging out at a dive like that. That’s how the whole thing started, then he started going on about how worthless she was.” Sterling darted a glance at Jake then back to Remi before looking down, embarrassed.

  Jake bent forward on the couch, resting his forearms on his knees. “How did he know you went to the bar?”

  Remi shrugged. That he didn’t want to think about. He was going to have to be more careful. He’d been sure no one at the bar would know him. He’d been wrong.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Sterling is right. You’re more like a father to him.”

  Remi blinked. Father? He’d never thought about it, but he supposed he was, more than Dirk ever was to either of them. He hadn’t purposely tried to do that, it just sort of came natural.

  Shrugging, he finished covering Sterling and looked across the bed at Jake. “He said that?”

  Jake brushed the hair off Sterling’s forehead and grinned. “Yeah, he did. He’s right, too, you take very good care of him.” He jerked his head to the side, indicating the door. “Come on.”

  Remi closed the door behind them and followed Jake into the living room. “Thanks for getting him away from that mess.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I would have gone and gotten him regardless.” Jake cleared away the plates from the coffee table where they’d eaten dinner and took them to the kitchen.

  Remi smiled. That much was true. Jake seemed to make a habit of protecting those weaker than him. Grabbing the empty coke and beer cans, Remi trailed behind his mate. “Well, thank you anyway. You helped me take his mind off Dirk and my mom fighting.”

  “I didn’t actually let him kick my ass at video games for his amusement.”

  “Yeah, the kid is a shark. I never actually let him beat me either.” After tossing the cans in the trash, Remi turned, intent on helping Jake wash dishes, but he got sidetracked by the breadth of Jake’s shoulders. He appeared so damn big in Remi’s tiny kitchen. God, it was sexy how big he was, how powerful. It felt great to finally give in to his attraction.

  Remi trailed his fingers across Jake’s back, feeling the muscles tense and relax under the black T-shirt. He laid his cheek between Jake’s shoulder blades and wrapped his arms around Jake’s waist. He inhaled deeply, taking in his mate’s soft, musky scent.

  “Jesus, Remi, don’t start that yet.”

  “Start what, I was just—”

  “Moaning and nuzzling?”

  He’d moaned? Remi grinned and let go. “Yeah.” He got a dishtowel and dried the plates as Jake handed them to him, then put them in the cabinet. When he put the last plate away, Jake drew him close, kissing him.

  Remi’s brain melted. How could he have ever fought this? The connection between them felt as natural as breathing.

  Without breaking their kiss, Jake maneuvered them toward the living room. With his hands on Remi’s ass, he walked backward, pulling Remi along. They ended up bumping into the kitchen counter and the wall and an end table before they broke apart laughing.

  From the end of the couch Jake retrieved the throw-over saddlebags he’d brought in off his motorcycle. “Get your ass in the bedroom before we kill each other or demolish the furniture.”

  “You started it that time.” Remi jumped out of the way of the swat aimed at his butt and hightailed it into the bedroom. He loved the sexy growl Jake got when he was playing.

  Sitting in his computer chair, Remi took off his shoes and socks, while Jake closed the door and sat on the edge of the bed to do the same.

  After Jake got his boots off, he opened the motorcycle side bags he’d brought in with him. He set his cell phone on the nightstand and laid the bags next to the bed. “Come here.”

  Remi walked over to the bed and started to kneel, but Jake stopped him, pulling Remi to stand between his legs. Slowly, Jake unbuttoned Remi’s blue shirt. “You really do want this, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Oh God, yes. He’d been longing for Jake the entire day. Over and over he replayed last night at the pack meeting in his head. The way Jake had taken him, demanding Remi give in, made him hard just thinking about it.

  Jake pushed Remi’s shirt off his shoulders, then lifted Remi’s undershirt and kissed the skin he’d bared. “Take it off.”

  As Remi grabbed the hem and pulled the undershirt up, Jake’s tongue traced the center line of his abdomen.

  Hissing out a breath, Remi lifted the shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. His abs tensed at the soft tickle of Jake’s tongue and his heart raced in anticipation. He wanted Jake so badly. His cock was already hard, straining at the material of his black jockstrap and jeans.

  Jake looked up at Remi, reaching for his pants. “You will tell me if you want me to stop.”

  Whether it was the command or the voice, Remi didn’t know, but it made his insides flutter. “Yes, sir.”

  Making a low purring sound of approval, Jake smiled. He set to work on Remi’s pants, leaving Remi in only his jock, then leaned forward, covering Remi’s erection with his mouth. The heat of his lips seared through the cotton as he mouthed the length of Remi’s cock.

  “Oh fuck…sir.” Remi drove his hips forward without thought. Jake’s touch felt incredible.

  Jake hooked his fingers through the elastic waistband and tugged the jock off. “Lay down on the bed, pup.”

  Remi hurried and did as he was told, watching as Jake stripped.

  Jake had an amazing body. He was a big man to begin with but he had to work out or something in order to get that kind of muscle tone. He wasn’t sinewy like Remi. Jake’s chest, arms and thighs were thick, more dense. His abs were defined, but not overly. Black hair covered the area above his cock, under his arms and on his legs, but there was very little on his chest, attesting—along with the striking tanned skin—to his Apache heritage. His cock was wide, long and cut. Remi’s mouth watered just looking at it. Fuck, he couldn’t believe he’d had that huge thing in his ass.

  Right before Remi’s eyes, the thick prick started getting hard, reaching for him.

  “Goddamn, the way you look at me.” Jake’s voice was nearly a growl.

  Remi licked his lips.

  Straddling his hips, Jake lowered himself on top of Remi, giving him no choice but to spread his legs and accommodate Jake’s body. Once they were face to face, he bent forward and touched his finger to Remi’s lip. “Not a sound, pup.” Sliding his finger across Remi’s chin and over his neck, Jake caressed the spot he’d bitten last night.

  Remi nodded as Jake made his way down his body.

  “Put your hands over your head and don’t move or say a word until I tell you.” Jake licked a long line from Remi’s throat to his nipple. The air blowing over the wet trail raised
chill bumps on his skin, but it felt good.

  Jake circled one nipple, then the other, before meeting Remi’s gaze and continuing toward Remi’s cock. Their legs tangled together and Jake’s prick brushed across Remi’s thigh. It could have been the only thing in the room for all the attention Remi gave it.

  Jake’s mouth hovered above his dick, so close Remi could feel the warm breath fan over him. His thigh muscles flexed and his cock twitched, anticipating the moist heat on his prick. It didn’t come. Instead, Jake nudged Remi’s thighs wide and licked the inside of his thigh all the way to his foot. After trailing his tongue around Remi’s anklebone and over his arch, he released the leg and started back up the other one. He took forever dragging it out, tormenting Remi.

  Evil bastard. Jake was trying to kill him, Remi was convinced of it.

  By the time Jake got to his hipbone, Remi’s eyes had shifted and his fangs had lengthened.

  “Mmm… You smell good, pup.” Jake buried his nose against Remi’s balls.

  Remi bit his lip to keep from whimpering. A fine sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead and chest. His hands clenched and unclenched, wanting to reach for Jake and beg him to suck his cock. His legs shook with the effort to remain still and quiet.

  Finally, Jake lapped at his balls, but before Remi could even enjoy it, he stopped. Leaning over the edge of the bed, he dug around, through his saddlebags Remi assumed, looking for something. “I brought something for you.” He held up a length of chain for Remi to see. With his canine vision, Remi couldn’t tell whether it was gold or silver, but it was definitely metal. It had an odd oval thing at each end. They resembled misshapen peace signs, like a kind of—

  Oh fuck, they were nipple clamps. Remi’s nipples tingled, getting hard at the thought of Jake putting the clamps on him. He hefted his hips up and his prick skimmed along Jake’s chin.

  Jake nipped his thigh. “Be still, pup.” He laid the clamps on Remi’s stomach.

  Oh, man, he loved that commanding tone. He wanted to please Jake, to surrender and do whatever Jake asked of him.

  The metal felt cool against his heated skin. His prick throbbed and seeped precome. Remi opened his mouth to say, “Yes, sir,” surprised at how easily the words were coming to him, but caught himself in time.

  Jake reached toward the floor again. His chest lay heavy against Remi’s thigh, making Remi’s body list to the side. Nostrils flaring, Jake set a bottle on the bed beside Remi and caught Remi’s dick in his palm. Swiping the tip with his tongue, Jake closed his mouth over the head and sucked. When he raised his head, his teeth and eyes had shifted to match Remi’s. “No coming until I say, pup. Bend your knees.”

  Closing his eyes, Remi raised his knees. A cool breeze caressed his balls, then a warmth covered them. Jake’s mouth. The skin over Remi’s balls drew tighter and his whole body trembled. A snick sounded in the quiet room and something warm and slippery touched beneath his balls, over his perineum to his hole.

  Jake’s finger probed, sliding inch by inch inside Remi, as his tongue laved Remi’s shaft.

  Oh fuck me. Sweat dripped down Remi’s temple. His legs shook and blinding pleasure started in his groin and spread outward.

  Adding another finger, Jake eased it into his ass, pushing until he brushed over Remi’s prostate. It felt good, so intense it was nearly painful. Remi didn’t know whether he wanted to push toward Jake or move away.

  Gripping Remi’s cock, Jake held it for his mouth and started sucking.

  Remi lost it and moaned aloud.

  Pulling his fingers free, Jake nipped Remi’s hip in reprimand, hard enough to sting.

  The bed shifted and he opened his eyes.

  Jake knelt between his legs. He snagged the chain off Remi’s stomach and clamped one hard nipple then the other. One side of his lip turned up and he tugged the chain.

  Remi squirmed. They pinched a bit, but not too hard. The slight sting added to his mounting pleasure instead of dulling it.

  He couldn’t take any more, he was close to begging. He actually had tears in his eyes. His whole body was one big trembling mass.

  Grinning a full-out sadistic grin, Jake grabbed the bottle of lube and coated his cock nice and slow. He stroked the thick length, teasing Remi with it. “You want this, pup? Want my cock?”

  Remi jerked his head up and down. Oh God, please, sir, please…

  After agonizing seconds, Jake greased Remi’s hole with the lube before tossing the bottle aside. He tugged the chain between Remi’s nipples and circled his hole with his prick.

  The pressure against his ass and on his nipples had him nearly screaming.

  When Jake finally pushed in, Remi was so turned on he felt nothing but mind-numbing pleasure. And God, if Jake didn’t hurry, he was going to go fucking crazy. He bit his lip, trying not to moan as Jake thrust forward. When his balls rested against Remi’s ass, he stopped. Just stopped. The gleam in his eyes said he knew exactly what he was doing to Remi. “You feel real fucking good, so damn tight.”

  Remi whimpered.

  Hooking his arms under Remi’s knees, Jake lifted his legs and thrust. He fucked Remi hard and fast, slamming into him over and over, grunting low in his throat.

  Remi’s cock slapped against his lower abdomen with every powerful shove. Drops of precome dotted the line of dark hair below his navel. He kept himself from driving toward Jake’s thrusts only because the position made it difficult for him to do so.

  By the time Jake let go of his legs and leaned over him, they were both out of breath and coated with sweat. It dripped off Jake’s forehead and chest onto Remi.

  Jake pulled on the chain as his mouth covered Remi’s.

  Remi’s back arched into the tingling sensation stabbing his nipples. It hurt and felt good at the same time. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Moving with his mate, he moaned as Jake’s tongue speared into his. He managed to angle his hips just right for Jake’s cock to graze his gland.

  Jake’s mouth slid to Remi’s neck.

  The delicious pain and drag on his nipples and the cock in Remi’s ass was too much. Remi groaned. “Oh God, please. Please, sir…”

  Jake bit his shoulder where it met his neck and tugged the nipple clamps so hard they snapped off Remi’s chest, flying to the sheets.

  He saw stars. His whole body stiffened and he came. As hot semen shot over Remi’s stomach and chest, Jake stilled, letting out a guttural yell. Then heat filled Remi’s ass.

  The next thing he knew, Jake was sitting on the edge of the bed with a glass of water in hand.

  He sat up and Jake helped him drink. Damn, his throat was sore, and his hair was sticking to his face and his neck. Why was his throat so—? Oh God, he’d not only failed to be quiet, he fucking yelled his head off. Thank God Sterling slept like the dead.

  Jake moved the glass away. “More?”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t very quiet.”

  Smiling, Jake cupped his cheek and kissed him. His tongue traced Remi’s lips lovingly before slipping inside. It wasn’t long before he drew back and caressed his cheek. “You’ll make up for it next time I’m sure.”

  * * *

  “I fucking love your mouth.” Remi dropped his head back to the pillow, his eyes closed, taking in every little sensation.

  The suction on his cock increased as that clever tongue danced along the shaft.

  “Oh, fuck. Gonna come. Stop. Not yet…” Winding his fingers through his lover’s hair, Remi fought the growing sensation. He tried to slow the inevitable by pulling those delectable lips off him.

  A soft, seductive kiss tickled his stomach, making him loosen his grip. As soon as his hand fell to the mattress, his prick was once again engulfed.

  He shivered, his ass muscles clenching tight. His balls drew closer to his body and his legs tensed. It was absolute torture. A tingle raced up his spine. No, not yet. “Oh God, oh—”

  The wonderful warmth left his cock.

  Remi half growled, half la
ughed. “You fucking tease.”

  A snort answered him, then his dick was gripped, held upright and laved from tip to balls.

  Fisting his hand in the thick hair again, Remi pulled his lover’s face closer to his groin. “Yessss, that feels good.”

  His legs were shoved up higher, exposing him more, then that wicked tongue laved his crease.

  Remi concentrated on the slick caress over his perineum, the breath across his balls. Suddenly it stopped and saliva dripped down his crease.

  More spit landed on Remi’s hole. A finger circled, spreading it around his anus.


  The finger pressed inside.

  Remi moaned. “God…Billy, would you just fuck me already?”

  “Mmm…” Another finger joined the first then both slid out and the blunt tip of a cock took its place.

  Remi’s eyes snapped open. Reaching toward Billy, Remi tried to get him to hurry.

  After pushing in just a little, Billy pulled out. Again and again, he stabbed at Remi with his prick, barely breaching him until Remi had had enough.

  Remi wrapped his legs around his lover and squeezed, bringing Billy closer.

  Falling forward on his hands, Billy laughed. His brown eyes danced as he dipped to kiss Remi. Billy’s long hair tickled Remi’s cheek, and his tongue flicked over Remi’s lips. “Fuckhead.”

  “Yeah, yeah, bite me. You’ve gotten off once already this afternoon, asshole. Remember the blowjob?” Remi dropped his legs, looping them over Billy’s to get more leverage. Pumping his hips up, he impaled himself further on Billy’s cock. “Harder,” he gasped into Billy’s ear.

  Thrusting forward, Billy grunted, his balls smacking against Remi.

  A loud roar echoed through the quiet room. Billy’s head jerked backward and he yelped.

  Suddenly, Remi’s body was cool where Billy had been.

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” Dirk stood at the side of the small twin bed, his face twisted in an enraged scowl. He reached for Remi.


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