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Crave Page 13

by Violet Vaughn

  “Your hair. I want to shave mine off right now. Yours is barely messy. I wish I had your hair.”

  “Are you serious? Oh, my God, I would kill to have your hair. I have to pay mine to stay in an elastic band. It’s so straight and slippery. Trust me, you would hate it too.” She pulls open the door to The Baked Bean. In New England we would assume it was a play on words associated with beans in a pot. Here? It’s a different connotation. And it looks that way, too. Torn muslin triangles hang from a string-like garland in random places throughout the shop. Each is tie-dyed in a different way. The food is organic, but the owners appreciate sugar.

  “Don’t mind me, I’m cranky today.” The smell of coffee sends craving pulsing through my body. I want caffeine in a big way.

  “Then let’s get something yummy to go with the coffee. Something gooey and sticky and oh-so-bad for us.”

  I feel better already. “Now you’re talking.” We order coffee and two desserts to share.

  I pull a heavy oak chair away from a scared wood table. Clunking the big mug and plate of cake down, I drop to the chair the same way. “It feels so good to get out of that wind. What a miserable day.”

  “Who peed in your cornflakes? Blaine?”

  “No.” Well. Maybe. I’m not sure why I’m so cranky. Things are just not right. I sigh. “I’m probably pms-ing.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you the funny story first.”

  “No, I want to hear the news. I’ll bet it has something to do with Nick. Spill it.”

  She leans forward, “Nick and I are moving in together.”

  “Really?” I reach for her hands and clasp them. We both let out a little “Squee!” “Megan, that’s so awesome. You totally just made my day.” It did. I love her and Nick together and am glad to know things are getting serious.

  “It gets better. He told me I’m the one.” She beams.

  “Oh, my God!” I say this loud enough that people stare. I lift my coffee cup in the air. “To true love.” She clinks hers with mine.

  I decide I have an ally. I lower my voice. “Okay, I have something to share with you, but you can’t breathe a word to anyone.”

  Megan leans forward with an eager face. I look around to make sure nobody is listening. “Blaine told me he wants me to have his babies.” She grabs my hands and we do another “Squee!”

  “You know what this means? We could be planning weddings together. How fun would that be?” Excitement shines on her face.

  “Shhh.” I look at her with mock panic.

  She snorts. “I just had a thought. Do you suppose Nick and Blaine are at the shop checking out china patterns online?” We both laugh. Only, on the inside, I panic. I know what bothers me now. It’s been two days and Blaine hasn’t mentioned our little problem at all. It’s as if he pretends it doesn’t exist.

  Megan reaches over and takes a forkful of the carrot cake. “This is just what we needed,” she says with it still in her mouth. She slurps her coffee. “So you remember Jess, right?”

  I roll my eyes. “How could I forget?”

  “I guess she comes into the shop often to see Blaine.”

  “Really?” I feel a twinge of jealousy.

  “Yeah, and it bugs the crap out of Nick. She hangs all over Blaine, and he kind of lets her. So the other day, Nick told him he had to put a stop to it. That it was disrespectful to you.”

  Yup, I’m definitely a little jealous right now. But liking Nick even more, I take a big swig of my coffee.

  “Today, Jess was in the shop. I was in the back talking to Nick. Of course I just had to know what was going on. So I’m being all stealthy and pretending to check my phone. I don’t know what she said, but Blaine took her hand off his chest and told her to stop. That she wasn’t allowed to touch him and he was very much in love with you. And then.” She leans toward me. “He told her to stop coming by the shop. She was pissed.” Sitting back she says, “The moment she left, I ran right out there and gave him a big hug.”

  “Kiss your Nick for me. He’s amazing.”

  “Happy to.” She flashes me a love-struck smile. “You know, for such a great guy, Blaine sure is stupid when it comes to women.”

  I think the same thing.

  Chapter 34

  “Girls night out tomorrow, you in?” I read the group text from Tara. I knew it was coming. Blaine told me Kaleb had broken up with her. I know Tara well enough to understand her ego is bruised and she needs a bar full of men drooling over her to ease the pain.

  I text Megan. “I’ll go if you do. :)” We both know what a night with Tara involves. It’s fun, but it’s better with a sidekick to help deal with the wake.

  “Deal. Wheee! We get to dance.”

  Yes, we do. There is a club in town called The Fish Bowl. The owner of the space is a genius. He has a restaurant and bar area with pool tables in one section and then across a small atrium is the dance club. Girls want to dance all night while the guys they are with may not. The way it’s set up, a guy can walk across to the pool tables when he needs a break.

  I haven’t danced much since moving here. I text the group, “I’m in. Dress and heels required?” I’m being selfish. Tara has the sexiest body I know. Mine is not curvy. I have small breasts and slender hips. However, I do have great legs and a decent butt from running. A body-fitted dress and heels will show it off nicely.

  Tara immediately texts back. “Hell ya! Saturday night my house at 9.”

  Tara lives in an apartment downtown, which is probably why she gets in so much trouble. She never has to drive. Well, there’s that need to be noticed too.


  Blaine sits on my bed and watches me get ready. Fresh out of the shower, I have just come out to the mirror in my bedroom and I’m stark naked. I open my underwear drawer and take out a thong and push-up bra. I slide the panties on and turn so he can look at my butt. I glance over my shoulder at him. He has his head tilted. He likes this.

  I lean over so my breasts hang down and put on my bra. Once hooked, I reach in and pull them higher. I turn to show him my cleavage. He smiles appreciatively. I pull a dress off a hanger and slide it seductively over my head, making sure to wiggle my hips back and forth in a slow motion. It fits my body like a glove. The neckline is scooped and low. I turn so my butt faces him. I bend over a bit and ask, “See any panty lines?”

  He coughs. “Ah, no.” I hear the lust in his voice.

  Cocking my hip out, I move my hand slowly down over my backside. “I think you’re right, nice and smooth.” I walk over to my closet and bend over instead of squatting down to find my shoes. I know my dress exposes more than my legs. “Now where are they?” I grab my highest black heels and saunter over to the bed. With a shoe in each hand, I crawl like a cat over to Blaine. I know he can see down my dress. He’s looking. I put my mouth right next to his ear and whisper, “How do I look so far?” I don’t wait for an answer and nibble his earlobe. I move down to his neck and leave a trail of kisses.

  “Dangerous,” he breathes.

  I straddle him and take his face in my hands. “Perhaps you should give me a reason to stay home tonight.” I kiss him and reach my hand down to place it on his crotch. I rub the rough denim and feel him grow hard. Taking that as a cue, I unbutton his jeans, slide the zipper down and slip my hand into his boxers. I stroke him as we kiss and he moans.

  I want him inside me. I push him down on the bed and strip his pants off. I look up at his face, and it’s Jason. I take him in my mouth so fast; he doesn’t have a chance to stop me. He moans. I suck hard; his smooth, tender skin is sleek and soft on my tongue. He trembles, and I have no doubt he likes this. As he’s on the brink, I rise up and guide him into me. Oh, God, it’s so glorious. I gyrate my hips and his body shudders. I meet him there and cry out. “Jason!”

  I jerk awake. Wait. Blaine was on that bed. How did he become Jason? I
close my eyes, willing a replay with Blaine. It doesn’t work. Damn it. Blaine can’t even sleep with me in my dreams. I let out a big sigh and get out of bed. I pad to the kitchen and the tile is cool under my feet. The moon dimly lights the yard. The world wavers as tears fill my eyes. How can something be so perfect in every way but one? A really big one? Millions of stars twinkle above the Continental Divide. I watch for a while and am rewarded with what I hoped to see. One shoots by. I make a wish, and go back to bed.

  Chapter 35

  It’s been haunting me for a couple of days now. How am I supposed to kiss Blaine, feel what I do and know he doesn’t? I think it’s like the being the only drunk in the room. When everyone is buzzed, you do whatever you wish. When you’re the only one? You second-guess every move. This calls for a plan.

  “Lunch? I’ll meet you at the shop.”

  I text Blaine with one thing in mind, I need to kiss him. Kiss him knowing he feels nothing and see if I still get that burning desire. Ice runs through my veins. If I don’t, where do we go? Gretchen’s words haunt me. “Just make sure you aren’t seeing only what you want to see.” That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. All these months I’ve been kissing him with intense desire for more while ignoring the suspicion he felt nothing. Betrayal is what comes to mind first, but that’s not really the emotion. I think he has no idea what people usually feel. I don’t know the right thing to do here. I just know what it is I need. To be craved.

  The shop door opens with a familiar jingle announcing my presence. Blaine is working on a bike. “Hey, beautiful!” Last week those words made me feel special. Today? They don’t.

  He doesn’t stop working. “I can’t leave for lunch. Want to get us something?” Sure. It’s what girlfriends do.

  My feet clomp down the street like those of a petulant child. When it’s my turn, I place the order and wait. Because that’s what girlfriends do. I’m in a mood, and nothing is going to be right. Tapping out an inpatient beat with my foot, I see a couple kiss, as they wait for their sandwiches too. She moves over to his ear and whispers in it. He looks a little flustered, and I notice he shifts his hips a bit. Exactly. That’s what’s supposed to happen when your girlfriend makes suggestive comments in your ear. The girl next to me gives me a quick glare. She’s probably annoyed with my tapping. I stop. Casey, get a grip. You’re expecting the worst of Blaine right now. And that’s what you’ll get. Chill.

  I take a deep breath. Okay, let’s set the stage to get this right. You love this guy, a lot. Give him a chance to show you why.

  Walking back to the shop, I look out over the mountains and let them be awesome. I pay attention to the breeze in my hair and stop to smell a flower box. The sun is on my face offering its gentle embrace. I walk into the shop in a much better mood. “Lunch time!”

  Blaine and Kaleb come out from behind the counter. Kaleb takes his food and says, “Thanks, Casey. You’re the best.” I flash him a smile.

  Blaine takes his and sits down to eat. He looks up at me after a few bites and says, “Thanks.” Okay. No boyfriend of the year on that one, but let’s be fair. He didn’t know he was being tested.

  I sit next to him. This is so hard. How is it I used come up with clever things to say and somehow end up kissing him? I’m at a total loss here. Maybe it’ll just come to me.

  “Hey, Kaleb, I’m sorry to hear about you and Tara.”

  “No worries.” He takes a sip of Coke to empty his mouth. “We weren’t really a good mix. She’s fun, but a bit too much for me.”

  I give him a knowing smile. “So you’re back on the market. It shouldn’t take long for some girl to snatch you up.” Kaleb is big and muscular. Along with his dark skin and vivid blue eyes, he is swoon worthy.

  He snorts. “I don’t know about that. The odds here are five to one. It’s tough out there.”

  He’s right about that. “You just need to go fishing.” I tease. “But don’t go tonight. Tara organized a girl’s night out.”

  He chortles. “Thanks for the warning.”

  I can’t seem to eat my sandwich. I’ve only taken a couple of bites. I wrap it up to take with me and realize I haven’t eaten much lately. A memory of Jason comes back to me.

  “Ugh! My jeans are too tight.” I say as Jason lies on the bed while I get dressed. He reaches across and yanks me onto my back.

  He tickles my stomach with kisses. “I like you fat and happy.”

  I smack his head playfully. “That’s not the kind of thing you’re supposed to say to me.” But I laugh because I know he doesn’t think I’m fat.

  “I’m serious. When you aren’t happy, you get skinny. You look great this way. Buy bigger jeans.” He goes back to kissing my…

  Whoa. Don’t go there. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

  “Hey, Blaine,” I sing out in a provocative voice. “Want to make out with your girlfriend and remind her why she shouldn’t dance with any guys tonight?” Clever, I’m not.

  Kaleb stands and grabs our garbage. “I’ll bring the trash to the Dumpster. You guys have five minutes.” He looks down at his watch and then winks at me.

  I get up and saunter over to Blaine. Taking his face in my hands, I straddle him. My lips meet his, and his arms wrap around my waist. He slips his tongue into my mouth and I respond. This is nice. My body warms up. This works, whew. Except. I can’t help but wonder why you would do this if it didn’t. I pull back and look into his eyes. Why does he do this if he feels nothing? He whispers, “I love you.” He pulls me back and kisses me again. This time, it doesn’t work. I pretend anyway—and realize I’ve become him.

  Chapter 36

  I slither into the tight dress. Black with a slight scoop neck, I opted for no cleavage tonight considering I’m going to be with Boobs-R-Us. The sleeves are sheer lace and make my arms look long. Pulling my hair forward, I look at the effect. My makeup is sexy and my curls are cooperating. I do a quick turn to make sure the thong doesn’t show through and flash to my dream the other night. Desire twinges.

  Now for the hook. I slide violet patent-leather heels onto my feet. Not too high to walk, but high enough that I’m all legs. Oh yeah, that works. The eye is drawn to the color, and you can’t help but notice my toned calves. I lean into the mirror and slide on a touch more coral-pink lipstick.

  I’m jittery with excitement. I want to drink with the girls tonight. I should be okay to drive if I do it early. But I decide to pack an overnight bag just in case I have too much. I can always crash at Tara’s if I need to.

  Base pulses through the stairs as I step up to Tara’s apartment. With music that loud, I don’t bother to knock. The door opens to the smell of all things girl. Tara walks out of the kitchen area with a tray. “Casey! You’re just in time for Jell-O shots.” She hands me a little paper cup filled with red Jell-O and whipped cream. Her perfume accosts my nose as she breezes by handing them out to Megan, Lisa, and Jill. Tara raises her cup and says, “To dancing until the cows come home!” Why not? I slurp the sweet contents down.

  Megan gives me a hug. “Casey, you’re looking hot. I love your shoes.”

  Megan is looking darn hot herself. She has on a tight fuchsia dress that looks fabulous with her dark blond hair and blue eyes. “Wow, you’re smoking too. Did Nick see you in that outfit?”

  “He did.” She pauses. “Both times I put it on.” She winks at me and then blushes.

  I chuckle. “You hussy! How’s playing house?”

  “It’s awesome. No more driving back and forth to each other’s place. I love it.” Megan has a wine cooler in her hand.

  Perfect. Not too strong. I need to pace myself. “Hey, did you bring enough of those that I could have one?”

  “Of course! I’ll go get it for you.” Megan heads to the fridge.

  I turn to Lisa and Jill. They both work with Tara. “Casey, you’ve got to try the Irish whiskey cheddar we just got.
It melts in your mouth.” Jill’s warm brown eyes are glowing tonight. Lisa hands me a piece. “Try it.”

  I’m not the least bit hungry, but I should eat something. I nibble it. The soft cheddar starts off with a bite and ends smoothly. “Oh, yum.”

  Megan slips a cold wine cooler into my hand. “Are we talking about food again?” She reaches over and takes a slice of apple. I do too.

  The apple is tart, making my mouth water. I take a sip of the wine cooler, and the sweetness balances the flavor. Tara starts to dance and we all join her. She yells, “Ladies, I think we need to do some fishing!”


  The staccato clicking of stiletto heels on the sidewalk sounds like distant fireworks. With alcohol pulsing through our veins, our voices are high and loud. When we enter The Fish Bowl, the darkness tries to damper us. It can’t. We radiate a level of energy that could drown the strong.

  Tara takes the lead and works her way over to the bar. “Five Jelly Beans, please!”

  Uh-oh. I’m not doing shots. I exchange looks with Megan. She leans in to the bartender and says, “Make that three, please. We’ll take two wines with seltzer.”


  “No worries. I don’t think Nick would be impressed if I came home and threw up.”

  Lisa and Jill have found us a table near the dance floor. Tara walks over with the shots while Megan and I trail her. Sweat laced with perfume and cologne and the faded red spotlights swirling around create a sensual atmosphere. The throaty beat calls me. I set down my drink and grab Megan’s hand. “C’mon.”

  Music flows over me and I begin to move. I let it seep into my pores. I gyrate my hips and sexual energy reverberates through my body. I close my eyes and let it take over. When I open them, I see a guy dance behind Megan, his hands on her hips as they sway. I smell a familiar mix of male and woodlands. My core begins to pulse with the music. Jason. Hands land on my hips, and I don’t have to turn around to know who’s behind me. I don’t want to anyway. We’ve done this a million times. I know how to move, and so does he. I’m dying to lean back into him. I don’t. I’m not sure what might happen if I did. The heat of exertion, and something else, drives my movements. I tremble with hunger and feed it with music. His hands are light on me, but their presence sears. I don’t ever want to stop. Megan looks over at me. She tilts her head toward our table. I turn to Jason and say, “Thanks.”


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