Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow

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Dragon Alliance: Rise Against Shadow Page 30

by J. Michael Fluck

  Razor Claw struck the manticore from the underside, tearing into the creature’s hide with its talons. Its beak tore a deep gash in the manticore’s chest, and it ripped the base of one wing with the other talon, almost disemboweling it. Lupek thrust his javelin at the rider, who was human and wearing the typical Morgathian leather armor of an aerial soldier, striking his midsection before he could parry with his own spear. The mithril tip cut through the blackened leather armor like going through air. Manticore riders couldn’t wear very heavy armor because their mounts were not strong flyers, so weight must be conserved.

  Lupek pulled his javelin out of the rider’s chest just as his griffon let the dying manticore go. Both were mortally wounded, but their end would come quick at the conclusion of their fall. He looked back at his griffon’s hindquarter and saw that the spike had gone in at a shallow angle, so the wound would not be serious.

  “Lupek, we are ready to teleport,” Deless shouted at his ranger comrade. Lupek yelled a command to his griffon to turn left and rendezvous with Deless. The other three manticores were closing the distance on them, and then they heard the challenge roar of a dragon in the distance. A red dragon then flew around the mountain about a mile and a half back, making its way toward them. This would not be a fair fight; Lupek thought to himself and quickly flew to Deless’s griffon.

  As the elf raised his bow and whispered the spell, they were immediately surrounded by blue streaks of light and then disappeared. Just as they dematerialized, a shower of dozens of manticore spikes whistled through the air in the spot they had just occupied. The manticores let out warbled roars in frustration and split off, turning around to head back to the fire giant’s stronghold. The red dragon had just caught up to them and roared in a deep, sinister, angry voice, “Fools, you let them get away! You will pay for your incompetence”. He then opened his crimson-colored jaws, filled with jagged teeth, and breathed out a cone of fire, engulfing one of the manticores and its rider, instantly incinerating them. The other two immediately dove and scattered to try to escape the dragon’s wrath.

  Lupek and Deless emerged over the plain in front of Keystone Weir. “That was closer than I would have liked,” Lupek called to his elven comrade.

  “Are you and Razor Claw all right?” Deless asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

  “I’m fine, but Razor Claw has a spike in his hindquarter. Looks worse than it really is, for the angle of penetration is shallow. He will be fine after a healer removes it and puts a little of your clan’s aloras salve on it.” This opaque cream was derived from a particular plant that the elves harvested; it acted as both an anesthetic and an antibiotic, and it healed most wounds very quickly. Alliance soldiers and healers carried small jars of the salve, which could instantly stop blood flow from a wound and numbed tremendous pain at the same time. It formed a protective type of second skin over a wound or burn, which fell off once the skin was healed. This gave the Alliance Army a distinct advantage, for a soldier could return to fight in minutes instead of weeks, saving literally tens of thousands of lives.

  The two griffons soared around the Weir Mountain and gave their greeting cry to announce their intention to enter and land. The gate watch blew the warning horn to announce the griffons were going to enter the opening into the mountain. Lupek called through his seeing crystal to the tower watch to have a healer ready by the stables. They sailed in at great speed and immediately veered toward Lupek’s and Deless’s stable perch, where their griffons called home. A healer was waiting for them with a pack full of bandages, aloras salve, and stitching kit, and a worried look on his face.

  Lupek and Deless’s mounts both back winged onto their adjacent landings. The healer ran over to Lupek to see who was wounded. “Sir, are you or Deless hurt?” the young healer asked.

  Lupek pointed to the black spike still half buried in the griffon’s hindquarter. “That little spike, sir; it’s only a splinter for Razor Claw,” he said with slight smile. The griffon’s large white eagle-like head turned toward the young man and stared at him with a small hiss. The healer’s expression quickly turned serious with a slight twinge of worry. “I will get on it right away,” he said with a slightly nervous tone.

  “A good idea, son. I’ll hold his head steady so he won’t eat you if you miss a stitch,” Lupek said in a serious tone, which gave way to a smile as he turned away from the healer and faced Deless to hide his chuckle. The elf smiled back and began to unpack his flying rig. The healer quickly applied the aloras salve to the wound and prepared his healing kit. The great white head of the golden brown griffon eased a little as the salve quickly numbed the pain.

  “Whenever you are ready, lad, I have his beak,” Lupek told the healer.

  “All right, sir, I’m pulling it out now.” He gave the spike a good yank and barely got it out as Razor Claw jerked up with a deep screech. Lupek quickly spoke to his mount in elvish to calm him down. The large majestic creature quickly settled and lowered its head to allow Lupek to scratch the white feathers above its sharp eyebrow crests. The healer put another layer of aloras on the puncture and began to fasten the silver staples to close the wound, which he accomplished with surprising skill for someone so young. He finished quickly and applied one more layer of salve.

  “Sir, it should heal quickly. His hide is very tough,” he said.

  “Thank you, lad, you did a good job,” Lupek answered. “All right, you big vulture,” he said in elvish to his griffon, “let’s get you something to eat so you can rest and heal.” They started to walk down the ramp to the Weir landing and the stock pens on the far side of the grounds.

  Razor Claw wasted no time in moving over to the herding area and snatched a sheep, quickly snapping its neck and devouring it. The great war bird would take at least two more sheep before he would be satiated. Griffons only bathed occasionally, unlike dragons, which swam regularly. Being part eagle, they preened the feathers of the upper body and were actually very clean creatures.

  After the griffon satisfied its hunger, Lupek walked him back to its loft to sleep. He then went back to his living quarters to clean his weapons and equipment, and to see his family.

  “Toderan, are you about?” Mkel called through his seeing crystal.

  “I’m here, Captain, just tending to a couple of small matters this morning,” the Weir senior sergeant replied.

  “Sorry, I forgot the time difference from here,” Mkel said. “It’s late afternoon, and we just completed a pretty substantial battle with a good-sized force of orcs, Morgathian soldiers, and drow. Gallanth and I also tangled with several chromatics.”

  “Are you all right?” Toderan asked with a concerned tone in his deep voice.

  “A small wound for me and a couple of scratches on Gallanth,” Mkel said. “About two dozen casualties for the Battle Point legionnaires and seven killed in action; may the Creator watch over their souls. There were also several who were captured by these new creatures called dragon spawn, a kind of half-man, half-dragon. Some abomination created by a Morgathian sorcerer and the drow, most likely. This is why I called you. We will be conducting a raid to rescue the captured men, and I need our Weir council mates to assist.”

  “I will muster them immediately, although I think Lieutenant Lupek and Deless just got back from a long patrol from the Smoking Mountains,” said Toderan.

  “What? I told him to stay with his family and take a couple of days off. I will talk with him later,” Mkel said with a modest irritation.

  “Before you get too set on scolding him, he has some very valuable information that must be disseminated.”

  “I’ll have him brief me when I see him,” Mkel answered. “I’ll need the council leaders here before evening, and unfortunately I will need Lupek, for we will be conducting a mission behind the enemy encampment in coordination with the Battle Point rangers. I wanted him to rest with his family for a couple of day
s, ahh. Tell the council as a warning order that we will be conducting a raid to rescue the captured Battle Point men, as the legion conducts a frontal attack to distract the enemy.”

  “Yes sir, I will let all of them know immediately to prepare; how are we getting out there?” Toderan asked.

  “Gallanth had a tough fight today and must sleep in case we run into more chromatics tomorrow, so Silvanth will have to bring all of you here,” Mkel answered. “I also want Jodem’s staff to fully recharge. I’m sending you the map of the area through the seeing crystal, as well as a brief summation of the battle.”

  “Thank you, Captain, we will be ready,” Toderan said with his usual business-like confidence.

  “I look forward to seeing you all later,” Mkel said as he concluded his message. Toderan immediately called for a runner to send word to Ordin in the lower levels, for the dwarf routinely forgot where he put his seeing crystal. He picked up his crystal and spoke Dekeen’s name into its lighted surface. The elf’s image quickly appeared in the smooth crystal face.

  “You called, my good sergeant?” Dekeen answered.

  “I just talked to Captain Mkel. He requested that the council leaders meet him at a small town outside Battle Point. There was a surprise attack of substantial force along with several chromatic dragons.”

  “Is he all right?” Dekeen asked with a concerned tone in his voice.

  “He and Gallanth had a rough fight but held the day,” Toderan replied. “Gallanth is resting now but there will be another fight tomorrow, and they need us to be there by nightfall.”

  “How are we getting there?” the elf asked.

  “Jodem will be coming back to guide Silvanth to teleport us,” Toderan answered.

  “I will be at the Weir shortly. Just have to gather a couple of things, since we are going into battle,” Dekeen exclaimed.

  “I will see you and Lady Beckann then,” Toderan said as he blanked his crystal. When the Keystone Weir council members were away on a mission or traveling, Annan and whatever senior officer from the garrison that remained would be in charge of the Weir. Beckann and Watterseth would help if need called for it and if they weren’t traveling with the rest of the council. However, this time, the situation required both of their magical abilities to be brought to bear.

  Toderan thought to himself that Tegent and Watterseth would be very useful for this mission. Tegent, the Weir’s bard, was also an excellent hunter, warrior, and expert archer. He made up for Deless staying behind to oversee the patrols that were still being conducted to watch the gathering army in the fire giant lands. Watterseth would be needed with his combined healing power and combat prowess, for the condition of the prisoners would likely not be good, and he could defend himself quite well, while a normal healer would need protection. Minimizing the size of the group would also keep them from being discovered.

  He then picked up his crystal and spoke both their names into it. Within seconds, both their faces appeared side by side on the mirror surface.

  “Yes, my good sergeant?” Tegent’s smiling face appeared.

  “You called, my son?” Watterseth answered.

  “Captain Mkel needs our assistance for a rescue mission of several Battle Point legionnaires, who ran into some trouble in a big fight they just had,” Toderan explained.

  “I’ll be there in a couple of hours,” Tegent said.

  “Likewise, my son,” the cleric answered.

  “Excellent; see you all this afternoon,” Toderan replied and blanked his crystal. He got up and walked back to his living quarters to get his armor and gear ready, and let his family know that he would be leaving for a day or two.

  All the remaining members of the Weir council gathered later that afternoon in Mkel’s leader’s room. “Gentlemen and my lady,” Toderan said as soon as they were all gathered, giving a slight bow to Beckann. “As per Captain Mkel’s request, we are to take part in a rescue of a dozen captured Battle Point soldiers that were taken during a battle that took place earlier today in the village of Handsdown. This is a small but busy trading town located approximately one hundred miles east of Battle Point.” He put his crystal down and spoke several keywords, and the image of the enemy encampment appeared, along with a glowing map of the area. “Here is a view that Captain Mkel sent me of the enemy camp where the prisoners are held. We will be teleported by Silvanth to Handsdown, which is now back in Alliance hands, and get more details then. Any questions?”

  “Was the fight today a big one?” Ordin asked.

  “Yes, a large force that included several chromatic dragons, drow, a new type of creature called dragon spawn, a half breed of man and dragon, and several hundred orcs and men,” Toderan explained. “Gallanth and Mkel teleported a mixed battalion from Battle Point, and their combined strength, along with Jodem, drove the invaders back and decimated them. Several new and disturbing events unfolded, however. Two of the chromatics had an extraordinary power, and a new breed of dragon made its appearance. While Gallanth and Mkel defeated all five dragons and helped route the enemy air and land forces, it was still a tough fight.”

  “Jodem is coming to teleport us to the battle?” Ordin asked.

  “Yes, he should be here to guide us, but Silvanth will teleport our group …” Toderan began to answer but was interrupted by the sound of the tower watch horn blowing, followed by a distant screech.

  “That is Vatara’s cry; Jodem has arrived,” Dekeen spoke out.

  “He is weary and concerned over the events of today,” Beckann added. Her powers of foresight almost rivaled Gallanth’s, and as far as elves were concerned, only Queen Eladra herself had a greater ability to see the future and be aware of the events around her. Vatara streaked into the Weir and flew directly over to the council room. The great eagle back winged and landed. The portly wizard slid down from his feathered mount and walked over to the group.

  “Gentlemen, and my lady,” he said with a quick head nod to Beckann, “are we ready for a rescue, my friends?”

  “I understand there was a heavy drow presence at the fight today,” Beckann asked.

  “Yes, news travels fast, I see. A priestess and a male sorcerer of mid power led the dark elf company. I had to slay him, but Mkel and Gallanth were lucky enough to capture her. We questioned the priestess back at the village, but then a Shidanese black scarab assassin killed her. We started to get an interesting picture from her, in spite of her resistance. She did, however, tell us about the extraordinary power of the blue and black dragons that Gallanth and Mkel slew, and the origin of these new talon dragons as well as the man/dragon spawn. Apparently the Morgathians and drow are experimenting with cross breeding and introducing dark crystals into the mix,” Jodem explained. “She also alluded to some impending threat but was killed before I could get it out of her.”

  “I will have to let Eladra and Denaris know of this, Master Jodem,” Beckann spoke up. “We must link dragonstones before we depart.” The dragonstones in both wizards’ staffs and in weapons had memories that can be shared just by the gemstones touching each other or by a directed message. The latter takes more time, however, and drains energy from the powered gems. These images can then either be projected or accessed telepathically, just as with the seeing crystals, only in greater detail.

  “No problem, my lady,” Jodem replied. “Now are all of you ready to go, in say one hour?” All nodded in agreement. “Good, Ordin, why don’t you ride with Toderan; Watterseth, you can ride with Tegent on his griffon,” he delegated. “Let us go, there is a long night ahead for us, followed by an even longer day.”

  “Yes, Master Wizard, I am looking ever forward to felling giants,” Ordin said, “but can’t we just teleport from the Weir grounds?” The dwarf tried ever so tactfully to hide his fear of flying.

  “Master Ordin, Gallanth can perform teleportation from the ground much easier than
I or Silvanth, and it takes more energy from my staff to do that. You will be fine on Toderan’s Alvanch,” he said with a slight smile, seeing through Ordin’s bravado.

  “Yes, of course, Master Wizard. I just thought that it would be faster to just leave from the ground,” he courteously replied in a shallow attempt to hide his anxiety about flying on something besides Gallanth.

  “No worries; we need to prepare to leave. I will meet you all back here in an hour, agreed?” Jodem asked the group. A rounding yes came from the assembled, after which he turned and started to walk to his quarters to gather more materials for his spells and two old books he needed for background on the potential fight they were facing.

  They all met back at the landing with all their gear ready for a several-day fight, in case they could not get back to the Weir for a while. They all mounted up, with Ordin grudgingly climbing onto the white winged horse. He secured himself very tightly with the flying straps and grabbed Toderan’s belt. Toderan looked at Jodem and smiled at Ordin’s trepidations. Annan mounted on Silvanth’s back, and the statuesque silver dragon moved in front of the group.

  “After you, Master Wizard!” Toderan shouted to Jodem.

  A smile came over the stout wizard’s face. He then nodded to Silvanth and gave Vatara a small nudge with his heels, and the giant eagle spread its wings and sprung into the air. Toderan’s winged horse galloped and launched off the ground, followed by Dekeen’s eagle and Lupek’s and Tegent’s griffons. Beckann closed her eyes and spoke a small incantation in Draconic, after which a soft glow enveloped her and her unicorn, which she had charmed with a flying spell. Silvanth let out a low roar to announce she was taking to the air and then gracefully took off. Once they were all airborne above the plain past the Severic River, Jodem waved his staff to signal them to form up to within wingtip distance of Silvanth. The two eagles, two griffons, unicorn, and winged horse all angled to where they were almost overlapping wing lengths under and around the great silver dragon.


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