Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance

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Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance Page 11

by Joanna Wilson

Pax’s bedroom above the Camden Knight’s clubhouse, on the other hand, was on the second floor and the windows faced east out over a large, tree-lined parking lot. Thin curtains and shades, even when pulled down, failed to block the light. So, Sammie rose with the morning sun.

  She lay with her head on Pax’s chest and lightly stroked the muscles of his abdomen. Even asleep, the ridges of his six-pack were clearly evident. As she ran her hands over his chest, Pax’s breathing did not change. In the many nights which Sammie had spent with him, she had learned that he seemed to be able to sleep through almost anything, but somehow was still able to hear the slightest noise that was out of place.

  If Sammie got up before him, as she normally did, she could stomp around the room, take a shower, or otherwise make all sorts of noise without disturbing him at all. But if she intentionally tried to be quiet and sneak around the room, Pax was awake and alert almost immediately.

  She had also discovered that Paxton Keller didn’t have to wake up to get turned on. As she let her hand wander slightly lower on his body, part of him started waking up. She slid her hand over his stirring manhood. He wasn’t the biggest man she had ever seen, but he was well above average, carrying a “concealed weapon.”

  Flaccid, his penis was only a little over two inches long, but once it came to attention, it grew to almost seven inches and was big enough around that if she circled it with her thumb and forefinger, the tips of her fingers did not quite meet.

  She smiled as she remembered the morning that she had decided to wake him with oral sex. It had been an almost playful experiment on her part to see how far she could go before Pax actually opened his eyes. She started stroking him that morning, and soon he was at full attention with quite a large tent under the sheets.

  She expected him to move or at least moan a little when she slid the sheets from his body, but he didn’t. She expected him to open his eyes when she softly stroked his turgid shaft, but he didn’t. She expected him to run his hand through her hair as she kissed her way down his body, but he didn’t. He didn’t even move as she slipped her mouth over the tip of his manhood.

  As she used her tongue and lips, it was obvious that Pax was enjoying the pleasure which she was giving him, but his eyes remained closed and his arms remained relaxed at his side. She continued to swirl her tongue across his glans and moved her lips up and down his shaft until he began to slowly thrust upward to meet her movements. He breathed harder and harder and writhed slowly on the bed.

  Somehow, he was still asleep.

  It was not until he erupted within her mouth—musky and full—that he awakened with a groan.

  “That’s a hell of a way to wake a man up in the morning,” he said.

  “You didn’t like it?” she replied

  “Of course I liked it,” Pax answered, “and I was dreaming of you before I came.” He suddenly turned a bright shade of red and stammered, “I mean, before I woke up.”

  At that moment, Pax looked almost like an embarrassed little boy. As he smiled over at Sammie, she could imagine him as a small child smiling at his mother after getting caught doing something wrong.

  It was a vulnerability that Sammie did not often see in him and it showed a side of him that he probably allowed no one else to ever see. A quick peek, that was all he was willing to show, yet he showed it to her nonetheless. Sammie knew then that the feelings they shared went beyond simple lust for each other’s’ physical bodies. In that playful moment, Sammie knew that she deeply and truly loved Pax, and even more importantly, she knew that Pax deeply and truly loved her.

  He showed that love in the way that he would stop by the diner where she worked part-time, just to talk for a few moments. He showed that love when he openly brought her to his apartment at the Camden Knight’s clubhouse even after most of the club became aware that she was the daughter of the head of their hated rivals, The Hell’s Marauders. He showed that love in the ferocious way in which he had defended her against Keith’s cruelty.

  But nothing showed that love more completely and absolutely than the little boy smile and embarrassment that he had allowed her to see that first time.

  Sammie was pretty sure that Pax had recognized the importance of that moment also. They made passionate and intense love that morning once he was fully up. Ever since that morning, there was something different about their lovemaking. Yes, it was sex. It was hot, intense, fabulous sex, but somehow, that morning, and after that morning, it was more than just sex. Both Sammie and Paxton knew it. How else could she describe it?


  As she remembered that morning from weeks ago, Sammie’s hand continued to wander over Pax’s body. Soon, Pax’s manhood rose and Sammie briefly considered giving him a lip alarm, but her thoughts about their love for each other had an effect on her body. Her body was definitely not asleep and she continued to run her hands across Pax’s body, she could feel herself swaying slightly against his side, her own level of sexual excitement growing within her.

  A wicked grin crossed her face as she slid the covers down to the end of the bed. Pax was still asleep, but his prick was now standing at full attention. Sammie carefully lifted herself over Pax’s leg and straddled him with her knees on either side of his hips. She positioned him carefully beneath her and then she slowly lowered herself onto his waiting shaft. He took a deep breath but remained asleep.

  She sat there for what seemed like several minutes, breathing deeply and feeling the fullness of his manhood within her. We were made for each other. she thought silently. He filled her completely and gave her a feeling of fullness that brought pleasure even without movement.

  She began slowly, rocking at first and pushing her hips against his as she started her ride. Then, as her passion began to mount, she started moving up and down more and more as she continued her thrusts. Her hands were now on her knees as she bounced and rode the wild horse of passion.

  Suddenly Pax began to thrust up to meet her movements. She looked down at his face and could see that he was now obviously awake. His eyes were not open, but they were not closed in sleep either. They were closed in passion and he was in control of his body as he slammed up to meet her thrusts.

  Hands closed on her breasts and tweaked her stiff nipples, loosing deep moans from her lips. She felt the tremors of orgasm beginning to sweep through her body. Her legs were growing weak from pleasure but she didn’t want to stop, refused to let it stop. Crying out, she fell against Pax’s chest, hips still grinding against him.

  Pax pulled her tightly against his chest and thrust upward one last and forceful time as he too, cried out in climax.

  He continued to hold her tightly against him as their bodies slowly returned to normal. Sammie felt Pax slowly shrinking inside her. She moaned softly as she felt him slip from within her. For several minutes following that, he continued to stroke her back before finally saying that he had to visit the bathroom.

  When he returned, he pulled her against him as they lay side by side on the bed. He pulled the sheet up over them and lightly stroked Sammie’s breasts. His fingers traced the white circle which now enclosed the small red devil at the top of her left breast. He then ran a finger along the lance which protruded from the K which was positioned in the same place on her right breast.

  “Have you shown your father?” he asked.

  Sammie answered with “Have you told the Knights?”

  “I guess we need to face both of those things.” He cupped her face and smiled. “The daughter of the head of the Marauders living with the leader of the Camden Knights might be a little difficult to accept for both groups.”

  “Are you asking me to move in with you?” she asked.

  “I guess I am,” he answered. “But first we have to figure out how to explain all of this to the members of the Camden Knights.”

  “You’ll find a way,” said Sammie as she laid her head on his chest and snuggled her body tightly against him. Washed in Pax’s scent, Sammie kissed his fingertips—
one by one—and whispered. “You’ll find a way.”

  It was at that exact moment that Short John, Pax’s wingman and body guard, began banging on the door to the apartment. “Pax!” he yelled. “You’d better get your ass downstairs. Keith has called a meeting without you and is getting everybody really stirred up about you having a spy in your bed. He says you are love sick and don’t know what you are doing and are no longer able to lead the Knights. He wants to force a vote to make him President and kick you out.”

  “Be right down,” Pax yelled in response.

  He rolled off the bed to grab his clothes and said to Sammy, “I guess it’s time.” Then he asked, “Do you have one of those tube top things to put on?”

  Sammie looked at him in surprise and asked, “Why?”

  “Something that shows the tops of your breasts,” he answered.

  “How about a peasant top blouse?” She suggested. “I think what you want to be seen will show just fine.”

  “Whatever,” he said as he grabbed his shirt and jeans. “But we need to get downstairs in a hurry before Keith manages to do something really stupid... even for him.”


  A few minutes later, Pax entered the back of clubhouse. As he and Sammie walked rapidly toward the crowd gathered in the main room, he heard Keith’s raised voice.

  “Can you really trust him to lead you properly?” Keith asked. “Are you willing to put your life in his hands when he is literally in bed with the Marauders?”

  A murmur went through the Knights as Pax walked up behind Keith and said quietly but firmly. “Thank you for asking that question, Keith. And yes, the Knights have a right to hear my answer.”

  Keith was taken by surprise by Pax’s sudden appearance, and before he could respond, Pax began to address the club. “I owe each and every one of you a personal apology. I should have called this meeting weeks ago. Keith has told you that I have fallen in love with Sammie Johnson, daughter of Theo Johnson who leads the Hell’s Marauders.” He looked back at her and threaded his fingers through hers. “Well, gentlemen, that is the honest-to-God truth. I have fallen deeply and absolutely in love with Sammie Johnson.”

  A gasp went through the room and Pax waited for silence before he continued. “It is true that she shares my bed on many nights, and it is also true that she is Theo’s daughter.” He paused to look slowly across the crowd, meeting all eyes who would look at him. “But she is not a Marauder. She is a Knight.”

  He turned to Sammie and said, “Sammie, would you please show these people your tats.” Sammie stepped alongside Pax and pulled the top of her loose fitting blouse down slightly so that both the devil and the lance could be seen.

  “Sammie was a Marauder.” Pax began, pointing to the small red devil with black horns and a black goatee. “But this… This tells a different story.” He pointed to the tattooed “K” with a white lance protruding from it. “This says that she’s a Knight.”

  Pointing alternately to the top of both of Sammie’s breasts, he continued, “Any of the Marauders or the Lobos would be able to tell you what these tats mean. The white circle of the Knight’s lance around the devil’s head says that Sammie Johnson has gone over to the Knights, but will not fight against the Marauders. She’s one of us.

  “Most of you came with us from Camden. Those of you who did know especially that all we have ever cared about from the members of this club is that you are a loyal Knight today. Nothing else has ever mattered.” Pax looked out over the crowd and asked, “Isn’t that right Tiny Tim, Sig, Big Jay?”

  Tiny Tim was a rather large man, but was born with a severely crippled leg. One of the three wheeled Can-Ams in the parking lot was his. Despite his impairment, he was always considered fully a member. Big Jay had run with one of the Knight’s rivals back in Camden before coming out west with Long John. And Sig—whose size and physical strength dwarfed all the others—was a girl.

  Sig was one of the original Knights and was as motorcycle crazy as any of them had been back then. She knew her way around a bike and could bring a dead or ailing bike back to life better than any other mechanic the club had ever known. It had taken a couple of years for someone to eventually realize that she was, in fact, a woman. But by then, she was already one of them, with her own Momma riding behind her.

  Pax paused to let what he had said sink in slightly. “And as far as whether or not you can trust your life to me,” he continued. “Many of you were here that day that Keith mistook Sammie for a wannabe Momma and tried to forcefully initiate her against her will. I had every reason that day to let him die.”

  Pax had not intended to let his emotions affect him. But the force of his speech betrayed him. He took advantage of the murmuring that went through the crowd as a few of the Knights were brought up to speed on what had occurred. After a deep breath to regain control he continued. “Instead, because Keith was a Knight, and because this club means the world to me, I rode south into the desert to explain things to El Jefe.” Pax made it sound like his having risked his life for Keith had been but an ordinary business discussion.

  He looked out across the now very quiet crowd. “But Keith is right about one thing. It’s time for us to ride or go home. Long John has been dead for some time now. I have been leading you fine folks the Knights for too long. It’s time for you to make the final decision and say who you want to lead you permanently. If you want Keith, or someone else, I will remain a loyal member of the Knights. If you want me, I will continue to lead you.” He paused for just a moment before saying loudly, “Those who follow me, stand with me. Those who follow Keith, stand with Keith.”

  Short John and a large number of the Knights moved immediately to stand with Pax. A small, but significant number held back, waiting to see which way the tide was turning. As others moved across the floor and it became obvious that most were moving away from Keith, the rest moved to stand with Pax. Keith stood alone.

  “Well,” Keith spat out, “I guess that’s the way it is..., for now. But when he lets you down, I’ll be here. Never forget that.” With that, he turned and stomped out.

  “That went better than it could have,” said Pax softly to Sammie. The relief was obvious in his voice.

  “As your new, official President,” said Pax loudly, “I want to make my first ruling. Mommas are no longer community property unless they want to be. And if you have a special girlfriend, you can declare her to be off limits to everyone else.” He pulled Sammie into his side. “Sammie is mine. I love her and she loves me. She’s mine, not the club’s.”

  Pax turned Sammie’s face up toward his own and bowed his head slightly so that their lips could meet. The kiss had just begun when the screeching warble of one of the baby alarms split the air. It was followed rapidly by a second alarm.

  “Sentries down,” someone shouted.

  Double D ran to the corner where his monitors displayed camera feeds from throughout the property. “Police coming in fast.” He yelled. “Two black SUVs with lights. One SWAT tactical squad in an armored vehicle holding back. Tommy and Dave are just standing there with their hands in the air. I think someone is covering them.”

  Pax began yelling orders starting with “No resistance! No resistance! Anything or anyone that needs to be hidden! Get down to the hole.” Two Knights were already pushing everything off of the dance floor. Two more were working levers they had stuck into concealed holes behind the old bar. The entire dance floor lifted up revealing a stairway that led down into hidden rooms beneath the club.

  The clubhouse had been built back in the twenties as a speakeasy and the hidden cellars had originally been storage areas for illegal booze. There were also escape tunnels that led from there and came up in the open area on the far back side of the property.

  Several knights, a couple of the Mommas, and arm loads of illegal weapons went rapidly down the stairs before the floor was lowered back into place. As the tables and chairs were quickly pushed back into place, an amplified voice fille
d the building. “Paxton Keller, come out with your hands up. All we want is to take you in for questioning concerning the death of John Silverman.”

  Pax told everyone to remain cool and do nothing. Then he walked slowly out into the parking lot with his hands in the air. The two police SUVs were at the edge of the lot with several police officers in body armor standing in front of them. A middle-aged man in a long overcoat lifted a microphone to his mouth and spoke. “Everyone else remain in the building. Paxton Keller, walk out to where I am standing.”

  Pax did as he was instructed. As he crossed the parking lot, he could see that many of the Knights, despite the instructions from the police, were gathering in front of the building. As he reached the armed men, he asked, “Am I under arrest?”

  “We just want to take you downtown for questioning,” the detective responded. “Please stand still while an officer checks you for weapons.”

  “May I ask your name?” Pax said in a very calm and polite voice.


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