Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance

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Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance Page 16

by Joanna Wilson

  She sighed as he got off the bike, sorry the ride was over. “I could have done that for a couple more hours.”

  “Me too.” He took the helmet she handed him and watched her gracefully dismount, getting a good look at a long expanse of thigh in the process.

  Ellie dug her keys out of her small bag, heading up the walkway to her front door, Rex close on her heels. The overhead light was out again. She’d have to remember to replace the bulb tomorrow. Leaning down, she managed to get the key in the lock and open the door.

  She turned to say thank you for the ride home and Rex was standing too close, causing her to bump against his hard chest. Her hands came up to steady herself while his came around her waist to do the same and somehow, before she realized what was about to happen, his lips were on hers.

  All her adult life she’d been awkward at these types of things. Saying goodnight after a date ended one of two ways, a polite kiss on the cheek or a handshake. It took at least three dates to get to the kissing on the lips phase. She’d never expected him to want to kiss her, much less kiss her the way he was.

  His lips were soft but demanding. While her brain had been working overtime, her body had done what it wanted—arms around his neck, pulling him in closer until her body was plastered to his. His arms were tight around her waist. When his tongue licked at the seam of her lips, her brain caught up and she pulled away, breathing hard.

  It was the look in his eyes that did her in. He was in as much shock as she was. Was breathing as hard as she was. Her hands slid down to his chest and his heart was pounding the same rhythm as her own. She’d always played it safe, letting her characters take the risks.

  Decision made, she slid her hands back up and untied the leather strip holding his hair back, gripping two handfuls and pulling his mouth back down to hers.

  He had her pressed back against the door frame in seconds, sweeping his tongue inside her mouth and absorbing the needy little sound that came from her throat.

  Hands still gripping his hair, she lifted one leg and hooked it around his hip, trying to get even closer to him. He took advantage of the position she’d put herself in and ran his hand up her thigh to cup the plump swell of her ass. When he started grinding against her she had to break away to pull in enough air to think straight.

  They were still in her doorway, visible to anyone who might be looking out their window. Even with the light out she felt too exposed, too conscious of what was happening. She opened her eyes and looked for his. “Inside,” she managed to whisper. “Now.”

  Ellie thought he’d step back, let her lead him into her home but she was wrong. He acknowledged her words by gripping her ass tighter and lifting her until both legs were wrapped around him and carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind him. All she could do was hang on, amazed at how strong he was. She was a big woman, but he handled her like she weighed nothing.

  He found the couch even though it was dark in the room, Ellie a little stiff in his arms. He thought she might be having second thoughts and that just wouldn’t do. He sat down on the edge of the couch, letting her magnificent ass rest on the tops of his thighs.

  She wasn’t having second thoughts, she just wasn’t good with the whole sex thing. It was easy to weave fantasies but acting them out with a real person was always a bit awkward for her. He took the decision to bail out gracefully away when he tugged on her hair to get her head to fall back so he could get to the sensitive skin on her neck and chest with his lips.

  It wasn’t a gentle caress. His teeth nipped at her flesh, marking her. She liked it. Arching her back, she gave him better access to her body. Whatever he wanted, she was willing to give. Wanted him to feast on her until he was as desperate as she was.

  She was all rounded softness and smooth skin. The flare of her hips were a perfect fit for his hands. He squeezed hard and she moaned, pulling herself upright and yanking at his shirt. It didn’t budge and he laughed when she blew out a frustrated breath. Releasing her hips, he pulled the shirt up and over his head, tossing it down beside him.

  The skin he exposed was heavily tatted. Her fingers traced over the bold lines she could see in the feeble light. The dark hair on his chest was soft, warm from the heat of his body. She couldn’t resist running her palms over the wide expanse of flesh.

  Her slow caresses were frustrating and erotic at the same time. He wasn’t usually so worked up over a hookup but with Ellie he was close to losing the little sense he had left. Pulling her close, he wrapped his arms around her waist and turned until she was laying under him on the couch. He settled into the cradle of her hips with a small groan. She was hot against the fly of his jeans and he couldn’t stop the almost spastic thrust of his body into hers.

  Rex had her head spinning with his bold moves. She’d been concentrating so hard on the feel of his skin under her hands that his quick change of their positions had shocked her. Not to mention the way he’d ground himself into her, almost as if he’d been unable to control himself. She liked the idea of him being out of control more than was reasonable. Unbound, his long hair was like a curtain around her face, the ends tickling the skin of her collarbones and shoulders. Gooseflesh broke out along her arms and chest.

  The elastic top on her dress had shifted down enough to expose a sliver of the dusky pink area that surrounded her nipples. Bracing himself with one arm on the back of the couch, he used the other to slide the material down and under her plump breasts. Her nipples were a much darker pink and sat high on her breasts. While he feasted with his eyes, her nipples got even harder and the dusky areola puckered up tight. When she shifted, the slight jiggle had his mouth watering for a taste.

  He stared so long that she felt the urge to cover herself with her hands. She hated that she was suddenly feeling so shy. Her characters would never feel so exposed while half nude or feel the need to cover up with a man like Rex looking at her the way he was right that second. They’d bask in the attention and enjoy the moment. So why was her brain trying to sabotage this opportunity?

  The fact that his hands were shaking when he raised them up off the couch was telling. He wanted her as out of control as he was feeling. Going on the attack, he latched on to one hard nipple and sucked it into his mouth, flicking at it with the tip of his tongue. Back and forth he worked those tight buds until she was gasping and raking her nails down his forearms. It was a pain he enjoyed.

  Out of her mind, she yanked at the belt at his waist, managing to get it undone in seconds. The buttons of his fly took slightly longer but she was determined to get her hands on him and make him as crazy as she was. Cooperative, he released the nipple he was torturing and moved back enough for her to slide her hand into his jeans and wrap her fingers around his cock.

  Rex blew out a long breath and leaned his forehead against Ellie’s. Her fingers were long, warm and she knew how to use them. Long slow down stroke, a little squeeze at the base then back up to run her thumb over the head. He let it happen twice. Before she could start a third trip he gripped her wrist and pulled her hand away, taking both of hers and pinning them above her head while he tried to catch his breath.

  With his free hand he slid up and under the thin skirt, grabbing the band of her panties and pulling down forcefully. Her hips lifted and he yanked until they were down as far as they could go with him in the way. Frustrated, he pulled a little harder and they ripped. When she laughed, he relaxed and finished the slip of silky material off, tossing the scraps on the floor.

  Ellie reached for him, only to have him pull away, taking her hands and placing them back on the arm of the couch over her head. Leaning down, he slid his lips against hers and slid his fingers inside her heat. He worked his tongue in and out of her mouth the way he worked his fingers in and out of her body. She broke the contact with his lips to gasp for air.

  His thumb pressed down exactly the way she needed and her eyes popped open, meeting his. He’d been watching her the whole time, she could see it in the set of his jaw a
nd the way he was breathing. She clenched tight around his fingers, once, twice before he pulled out and moved away, sitting back on his heels and reaching for something in his pocket.

  It was a good thing he had enough sense to think of protecting them because she was too far gone to care. All she could think was, hurry. She watched him roll the thin latex over himself and held her breath.

  There was no jockeying for position. No moment of awkward poking and searching. He moved forward and she lifted her hips, allowing him to slide inside perfectly. He went deep and she cried out. No fantasy of him had ever come close to this.

  He had to move. The couch didn’t offer much in the way of leverage but it didn’t matter. Each thrust brought her hips up and into his pelvis, her body as anxious as his for release. When she cried out this time, her hands clamped down on his arms and she ground her pelvis into his. She begged incoherently. He was there with her, harder, faster.

  When it hit her she went wild. He held her down by the hips and plunged inside her one last time. There was no breath left in her to scream. Her heart was pounding so hard that she couldn’t hear over it. When it returned, Rex was breathing hard near her ear and whispering her name, the sweat from his forehead dripping onto her shoulder.

  After a couple of minutes, he lifted his head and looked at her. Their faces were a mirror of each other. What the hell have we just done?


  “So, did he see you following?” Manny asked, downing the last of his beer.

  “Nope. He was too wrapped up with Xander’s fat princess.”

  Taking in the man’s demeanor, Manny frowned. “Speak of that girl with respect or you’ll find yourself missing some teeth. She’s got nothing to do with what her Daddy did to me.”

  The younger man dropped his head an inch or two before replying. “I just thought that maybe if your boy was banging her--”

  “That what? It meant she was open for you to insult her?” He motioned to the bar for another beer. “Get the fuck out of my sight.”

  When the man turned to walk away, Manny stopped him. “One more thing. You keep your mouth shut about what you saw. You hear me?”

  Nodding, the man walked away, obviously pissed off. Manny didn’t care if the fucker was mad. For the time being, it was in his son’s-and Ellie’s- best interest if no one knew about their little nighttime adventure.

  That didn’t mean he wouldn’t eventually use the situation to his advantage. His son had just given him the opening he needed to get inside Xander’s organization. He hated having to use Ellie as a bargaining chip but if it came to that, he’d do what had to be done.

  Xander thought he was untouchable. Too bad he was so arrogant. It would be his downfall.

  Would Rex tell him about hooking up with Ellie or would he keep it from him? His bet was on keeping it secret. After all, it might not be anything more than a one night stand. A little sowing of some wild oats on Ellie’s part? She always had a thing for his boy. Always watching him when Rex had his back turned. If it was more than a little fun in the sack, all the better.

  He really didn’t want to have to hurt the girl to get what he wanted from her.


  Ellie let the hot water from the shower wash away her humiliation. God, what had she been thinking? The look on his face when they came up for air had nearly destroyed her. Talk about a confidence killer.

  Sure, he hadn’t been alone in his shock over what they just did but dammit, did he have to look like he regretted it so much? He could have at least tried to make the effort to not appear so disgusted.

  Regrets were better saved for huge life mistakes. This didn’t qualify and while it might hurt that he acted like such a jerk, she refused to dwell on it. In fact, she'd use the experience in one of her books. They always said to write what you know and now she knew what it was like to be rolled by a guy like Rex. Hot sex with a less than stellar exit strategy.

  Besides, she hadn’t seen him in years when he showed up in her world tonight. It would most likely be years before she had to see him and face the humiliation all over again. Yes, this was definitely going in a book. Maybe there she could express the hurt she was refusing to let herself think about in her real life.


  Rex was halfway home before he realized that he couldn’t leave things the way he had with Ellie. Talk about a train wreck. Sure, both of them had sudden realizations about whom they just had sex with but she handled it much more graciously than he had. Like a teenager, he threw on his clothes, made a ton of excuses and practically ran out the door. He came across as a real jerk.

  He didn't regret a moment but there was no way to tell that by his reaction. Not only did he not regret it but he couldn’t stop thinking about her now that he was over the initial shock. Every reaction he had replayed in his mind like a movie.

  It wasn’t just the sex either. It was the open and easy way she talked with him. How she really listened to what he said and seemed interested in his life. Yes, they shared a history but it had been so long since they saw each other that it was like meeting a whole new person.

  Dammit, why was he so shocked in the first place? Didn't he make up his mind that he was going to have her while he was on that dance floor holding her in his arms? Maybe the shock was that she actually wanted him back. Women like Ellie didn’t go for men like him.

  Relationships never worked for him. Not that he hadn’t tried, but to be honest, women didn’t see long term commitment in Rex. Well, he should say, the women he liked didn’t see him that way. The women at the club were always ready and willing. That was the problem; they were always ready and willing but not ready to commit that readiness to one man.

  Growing up in a world where sex was as easy to get as a beer didn't exactly foster a good image of what the future might hold. His mom had jumped ship when he was a kid, unprepared for what life with his father Manny was really like. It was a surprise that she lasted as long as she did considering the way she was treated: like an outsider. Someone who didn’t belong.

  The truth was that his mother didn't really belong. She was a nice girl from a good family, a nice girl who fell for the bad boy on a bike and got knocked up before she really knew whom she'd been sleeping with. When she realized she made a mistake, it was too late to fix things. So she took off and pretended her life with Manny--and the kid she gave birth to--didn’t exist.

  When Rex was ten, he ran into her--completely by chance--at the little convenience store close to his school. He'd been skipping, thinking about shoplifting a couple of candy bars and heading over to the ditch to hang out until it was time to go home. She pulled up in a fancy little Mercedes convertible, wearing an expensive looking outfit and smelling like money.

  At first, all he could do was stare at her. The woman he remembered changed little yet was a complete stranger. It was a temptation he couldn’t resist. Making himself look as big and grown up as possible, he walked right up to where she was pumping gas, leaned against that shiny car and proceeded to introduce himself.

  She looked at him like he was a snake. There was no doubt that she recognized him, even before he opened his mouth. His resemblance to her was undeniable. She couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

  She yelled at him and called him a mistake. He had been taught to be tough but the rejection still hurt.

  After that day, Rex became a real handful. Getting into trouble was his only outlet for all the hurt his mother caused. He skipped school more, got into fights over stupid things and began stealing. He didn’t care about much of anything.

  His father Manny didn't know how to deal with him other than to kick his ass on a regular basis. Rex deserved what he got most days, but other times, not so much. It had made for a tense and violent home life... until Manny was locked up.

  Rex soon found himself in the foster system. The first placement had been a nightmare but he survived it. It didn’t take him long to figure out how to get kicked out and sent s
omeplace new. He went through three homes before he turned fifteen. His last placement was the one that changed everything for him.

  They were good people. Caring and understanding why he was so angry even when they didn’t know the whole story. They were older, in their fifties when he came to them, with at least twenty other foster kids under their belt. They were patient with his outbursts, talking to him instead of yelling or using physical punishments.

  He learned that acting out wasn’t going to get him the kind of life he longed for. They became an example of what a real family could be. What he could have if he wanted it.

  Then he met Ellie. The one person who had been his only friend, the one person who never gave up on him even when all the other kids did.

  From that day on he worked on being a better person. They took him to see Manny on a regular basis so that he could rebuild some kind of relationship with the one parent who could still look him in the eye. They talked to him about what he wanted when his dad got out. For a while, he actually considered leaving it all behind and asking his dad to let his foster parents adopt him.


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