Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance

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Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance Page 57

by Joanna Wilson

  The big party was tonight and Mallory was told there were going to be three very important drug lords attending tonight. Richard and the crew were going to be outside and on call when Mallory gave the signal to raid the party.

  Mallory headed into the bar and watched as Jack tossed a bottle around. Jack was her favorite. She shouldn’t have favorites, but once she’d heard how Jack had offered to work for Victor if he paid for his mother’s medical bills, her heart warmed to both him and Victor.

  So far, Victor hadn’t done anything that could get him locked up for a long time, and Mallory didn’t want him to. She knew she shouldn’t feel this way, but she couldn’t help but feel something toward the large man. He was supposed to be evil, according to the people who had tried to capture him last time, but to Mallory he seemed kind and caring. Except when someone didn’t pay for their drugs–then he would send Jesse and Billy to sort them out.

  From what she’d seen so far, Victor didn’t get his hands dirty at all. He seemed to be the man behind the curtain.

  “Mallory. I’m taking you dress shopping. Come on.” Victor caught her by her forearm and tugged her toward the doorway.

  “Wait, what?”

  “The party tonight. I need you to be the most beautiful lady in there tonight.” Victor cupped her face and gently placed a kiss on her lips. During the past three weeks, they had exchanged kisses and touches, but Mallory had never gone all the way with the man. She wanted to, though. Boy, did she want to.

  “I don’t need any clothes, Victor. I already have some.”

  “I know, but I need to get you out of the clubhouse for a bit.” Victor tugged on her arm again. Mallory frowned and tried to pull herself away from him, but Victor kept a tight grip on her.

  “I don’t want to go out.”

  “Mallory, please.” Victor tried pleading with her, and Mallory saw an emotion in his dark eyes that she couldn’t quite pinpoint, but when the door to the club house came crashing open she realized what it was. Fear.

  “Get behind the bar.” Victor reached into his waistband and pulled out a gun. She leaped over the bar and cowered behind the wooden surface even as she phoned Richard.

  She heard gunshots and yelped in shock as she was dragged up and out from behind the bar by a person in a balaclava. The cool barrel of a gun was pushed against her temple, causing her to cease her protests.

  “You don’t want to do that, Tony,” Victor’s voice sent shivers across Mallory, and it wasn’t for a good reason. The man’s voice was emotionless and hard. It didn’t sound like the Victor she’d grown to know and love over the past three weeks.

  Love? Where did that thought come from? She couldn’t possibly love the man. Could she? Mallory felt tears well in her eyes as she thought about it. She was in love with Victor Klein. She was in the love with Florida’s biggest drug lord, and she a police officer.

  “Why? You killed Charlie!” Tony pressed the barrel of the gun more tightly into her temple, causing her to wince. She stared at Victor, who in turn glared at Tony.

  “I didn’t kill him. My club don’t kill people. We give warnings but never, I mean never, have we killed anyone.”

  “Then who killed Charlie?!” Tony screamed and Mallory sighed quietly before closing her eyes. She jabbed her elbow into Tony’s ribs. The man gasped and released his hold on her. Mallory swung her leg around and kicked the gun away from his hand before picking it up and aiming it at Tony’s head.

  “Victor, run.” Mallory whispered as he headed toward her.


  “There are police officers on the way. Just run.” She snapped and Victor gave her a confused stare as the rest of the club started rushing for the back exit.

  “How do you know?”

  “I’m an undercover agent and you need to get out of her immediately!” Mallory snapped, and watched as the man turned that emotionless stare on her and walked away from the club. He’d just left the room when the door opened and Richard along with three other officers barged through the doors.

  “Where’s Victor?”

  “He ran,” Mallory glared at Tony, who was holding his hands up in the air in the classical gesture of surrender.

  “He won't get far.” Richard shrugged, took Tony by the arm, and dragged him outside. Soon enough, Mallory was leaning against the pool table, alone and looking around the club.

  “You’re in love with him.” Jack said as he propped himself against the doorway to the men’s toilet.


  “You’re in love with Victor and you’re a police officer.”


  “I understand. The question is, what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t give my job up for him and I know he wouldn’t give the Jokers up.”

  “How do you know? Have you asked him?”

  “It’s common sense, Jack.”

  “If you actually listened to the bug you planted in the conference room, you would’ve known that Victor is stepping down and giving Billy the presidential role.” Jack was now standing in front of her with a frown on his face.

  “What am I going to do? He hates me.”

  “I have an idea to make this all better.” Jack took her hand and pulled her into a brotherly hug.


  “You’ll see, kid.”


  Not even the chaos earlier could keep the party from going. Victor was reclining in a leather chair in a corner. Mallory was a police officer. The last three weeks had been a lie. Every touch, every caress had been a part of her job.

  “When are we announcing Billy becoming president?” Jack asked as he reclined next to him.

  “Later,” Victor snapped, and he swallowed the shot of amber liquid in his glass before sighing.

  The door to the club opened for the hundredth time that night and in walked the most stunning women ever to set foot in the Jokers Motorcycle Club. Mallory Jackson stood at the entrance, her body encased in black silk and her blonde hair piled high on her head.

  Victor stood without realizing it and headed toward her. She blinked innocent blue eyes at him. He glared at a man who offered Mallory a drink. She nodded toward the young man and swallowed the liquid in the glass before turning back to Victor.

  “Victor, I can explain.”

  “Explain what? That you’re a police officer who somehow managed to make me fall in love with you without even trying?” Victor glared at her and Mallory gasped quietly. Victor didn’t know why he’d just said that, but now he noticed that his whole body was starting to buzz, even though he knew for certain that he hadn’t taken any drugs that day.


  “Jack drugged you,” Mallory announced, taking him by the hand and leading him from the club to his bedroom upstairs. She gently pushed him onto the bed and stood in front of him, but not so close that he could reach out and touch her.

  “I need you to listen to me.”

  “I’m listening,” Victor husked as he started at her. She seemed to glow.

  “I was asked to come on this case and I jumped at the opportunity. Who wouldn’t want to be the one who got to finally prosecute Victor Klein? Biggest drug lord in the city? Anyway, after that first meeting, I knew you weren’t the type of man everyone made you out to be. You’re kind and caring, you worry about your family, and you never get yourself or them in trouble. Jack told me you were handing over your leadership role to Billy. Why?”

  “I’m in love with you and I want to be with you. I don’t want to be a drug lord anymore. I want to have a family. I want to have kids. I can’t do that in this job,” Victor swung his arms around and frowned up at Mallory.

  “I forgot to tell you. Another side-effect of O is that it causes users to tell the truth more than normal.”

  “Where did you get it?”

  “My station seized it off an up-and-coming drug dealer downtown.”


  “Victor, I ne
ed to know what I’m going to do here. If you seriously want us to be together, then I need to figure out a way to get you off the hook.” Mallory stepped forward and cupped his face in her hands. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she looked into his dark, chocolate eyes.

  “Shh, don’t cry,” Victor wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her on top of him while making shushing noises. His hands slipped into the back of her dress and stroked her bare skin.

  “I don’t want to be without you, but I don’t want to lose my job.”


  “What about him?”

  “We can pin it on Jesse. I know he killed Charlie. The drug deal that was supposed to go down next week was supposed to be with Tony and Charlie. Jesse killed him last night.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He confessed to me last night. If I offer shelter to Rose and her child, I can get Jesse to take the rap for the drugs. I’ll tell Billy that he’d need to move the Jokers Motorcycle Club so the police don’t get suspicious.” Victor started kissing down her neck and Mallory moaned quietly as her body started to tingle.

  “Victor, we can’t.”

  “Yes, we can. We’ve been dodging it for three weeks.”

  “You’re angry at me.”

  “Don’t tell me how I’m feeling. I’m pissed that you lied to me, but I don’t care anymore. Mallory, I love you and I want to be with you. I don’t care about giving up the club. It’s just that. A club. You’re special, Mallory.”

  “How are you going to live?”

  “I have a couple million stashed away. Now please stop talking.” Victor pushed her shawl off her shoulders and kissed her on the mouth when she tried to talk. Mallory’s mind was awhirl, but she gave in to Victor. For all she knew, this could be their only night together.

  Victor gently nudged her off his lap and urged her to turn around. Mallory turned willingly and sighed in pleasure as Victor unzipped the dress and whipped it off her in a matter of seconds. Her body was on fire for him.

  “Dammit, Jack,” Mallory groaned and rested her head against Victor’s.

  “That’s not my name.”

  “Jack drugged me too.”

  “So?” Victor tossed his shirt away and unzipped his pants with a smirk. Mallory winked at him, forgetting about Jack before laying back on the bed. If Victor wanted to do this, then he was going to have to prove it to her.

  “Tempting fate, Jackson?”

  “Reynolds. My name is Mallory Reynolds.”

  “Should’ve seen that coming,” Victor chuckled and lay down beside her on the bed. Now that they were both naked, she wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t that she hadn’t had partners before, but this was Victor.

  “Just relax.”

  “I want you inside. We can play later,” Mallory whined when Victor reached down and gently squeezed her nipple in his fingers. Her body arched off the bed when he twisted slightly. She felt on the edge of orgasm already, and was worried what was going to actually happen when Victor went inside her.

  “Victor, please?”

  “I want to explore your body,” Victor growled before settling himself between her thighs. He smirked at her again before he slipped his fingers between their bodies and touched her where she really wanted him. She gasped and her whole body trembled as Victor stroked her gently.

  The second Victor slid his finger inside her, she crumbled. Her body trembled and shook as her orgasm washed over her body. She was unable to move since Victor had pinned her down with one hand on her hip, and the few seconds of her orgasm stretched out for what felt like hours.


  “Shh, I got you.” Victor reached over the nightstand to grab a condom. He was sheathed and shuddering in seconds. He gritted his teeth to fight off his orgasm. This was their first time together, he didn’t want to ruin it by acting like a teenage boy.

  “Are you ready?”

  “If you don’t get inside me soon, I will fucking rip your hair out!” Mallory growled, and Victor chuckled at her again.

  Victor bent down and kissed her as he positioned himself at her entrance. He gently pushed inside a few inches before Mallory tried to take control and force him inside. He pinned her hips down with both of his hands to stop her from squirming.

  It was only a few seconds before he was inside her completely. The pleasure infusing his body was overwhelming. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the drug or simply because it was Mallory. Maybe it was a concoction of both.

  When Victor felt her relax around him, he began to move. Mallory reached up and wound her hands in his hair as she cried out. Each time he pulled out, she wanted him right back inside, but when he was inside the pleasure was almost too intense. She couldn’t decide which she liked better.

  She felt another orgasm rising up inside her and clawed her hands down Victor’s back as moans erupted from her throat. She was usually a quiet lover, but with Victor everything changed.

  “Let go,” Victor husked in her ear before gently biting on her shoulder. Mallory’s orgasm washed over her, and for a second all she could feel was pleasure. Her vision went dark and there was white noise in her ears. Then she heard Victor yell and shudder as he filled the condom.

  When Victor finished tying the condom and he lay back on the bed, Mallory rested herself across his chest and ran her hand through the light smattering of hair there.

  “Are you serious?” she dared to whisper.

  “About what?”

  “Giving it all up.”

  “I would give the world up if it meant I got to spend even an hour with you. Giving up the club to hopefully spend the rest of my life with you isn’t going to be a sacrifice.”

  “Will it work, though? Framing Jesse, I mean?”

  “Of course. I’ve covered for Jesse more often than not. It’s about time he suffered the consequences on his own.”

  Mallory closed her eyes and smiled. Maybe she won’t be getting that police captain promotion, but what was really for the best? Gaining a promotion or finding the love of her life on the job. At the moment, things were good for them both. They weren’t sure what the future would hold for them, but in this moment they were comfortable. And that was all that really mattered.





  Even before the sirens began wailing Miriam knew she’d been overzealous with the gas pedal. Swearing under her breath, she pulled over and waited patiently for the cops to come over and question her, praying for them to just give her a speeding ticket and send her on her way. The officer approached the window and Miriam obligingly rolled it down, looking up with a pleasant smile.

  “Is there a problem, officer?” she asked, innocently.

  “Turn off the engine and put the keys on the dashboard,” the officer ordered her gruffly, “then show me your license and registration.”

  Miriam quietly did as she was told, not wanting to antagonize the officer. She handed the officer her ID and sat waiting while he read it.

  “So where are you heading, Ms Harper?”

  “I’m driving up from Vegas to see my boyfriend.” Miriam replied, giving an answer that was at least half-true.

  “You must be in a hurry to be going ten mph over the speed limit.” The officer noted and handed Miriam back her ID.

  “We’re in the middle of the desert, officer,” Miriam pointed out, a tinge of annoyance creeping into her voice, “and yours is the first car I’ve seen for miles. Do you seriously care if I was going a little faster than the law says I can?”

  “Even so, do you mind if I look in your trunk quickly?” the officer asked.

  “Why do you want to?” Miriam flinched, suppressing her nervousness.

  “I’m just curious.” the officer shrugged, “I mean I can’t force you if you don’t want me to look, but then I’d have to ask ‘why not?’”

  “Fine,” said Miriam, tryi
ng to sound like she had nothing to hide, “take a look.”

  The officer went round to the back of the car and started fiddling with the trunk. Miriam seized her chance and snatched the keys off the dashboard, and turning it in the ignition; but at the crucial moment, the engine stalled. She frantically turned the key in the ignition, but to no avail, and slapped the wheel in fury.

  The officer couldn’t fail to notice Miriam’s failed attempt to escape, and when he popped the trunk and saw what was inside, it became obvious why.


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