Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance

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Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance Page 59

by Joanna Wilson

  Miriam inhaled sharply at the sight of Brad’s muscular chest; though the skin was partly disfigured by some scar tissue above his nipple, he was still as hot as he’d been ten years ago. She eagerly pulled her own shirt off as Brad pulled down his pants before tugging aggressively at hers, eager to gain entrance again.

  Miriam unbuttoned her jeans and let Brad yank them off. Advancing on his knees, Brad’s cock stood to attention, stiff as a flagpole at around seven inches. Miriam hyperventilated in anticipation and eagerly spread her thighs for her ex-boyfriend as he lowered himself down on top of her and pressed the mushroom-shaped head of his manhood against her pussy lips. A shiver of pleasure ran up Miriam’s spine as his sex made contact with hers. She was already moist from anticipation, but the sight and sensation of her virile, ex-flame poised to fuck her, made her pussy start to drip with sexual excitement.

  Brad didn’t waste time with extra foreplay, and moved his hips forward. Miriam bit her lip to suppress an audible gasp of pleasure as Brad drove his manhood home. He was at least an inch thick, and his cock forced her womanhood to stretch to contain him. Miriam embraced Brad, hugging his body close to hers as she savored feeling of his manhood inside her. More or less straightaway, Brad began to thrust.

  Miriam moaned aloud through gritted teeth as Brad fucked her, driving the tip of his penis all the way up to the back of her pussy with each slippery stroke. Miriam sat up on her elbows as Brad bent over her, driving his hips back and forth. His six-pack was even more pronounced when hunched over, and the sight of his gorgeous body drove her excitement to new heights.

  Although there was no friction from his thrusts, the size of Brad’s hard-on inside Miriam caused a slightly uncomfortable stretching sensation as her pussy muscles constantly stretched and relaxed in response to Brad’s relentless thrusts and withdrawals. Strangely, the discomfort melded seamlessly with the growing pool of pleasure in her groin which was seeping up into her belly as Brad quickened the pace of his strokes.

  Miriam reached up and wrapped her arms around Brad’s neck, pulling him down to the bed again as his thrusting became more intense, more like a rutting animal than a civilized human being. In addition, he skillfully angled his thrusts so that his pubic bone rubbed ever so slightly against Miriam’s clitoris. The resulting stimulation sent spikes of ecstasy shooting up from her cunt into her belly, simultaneously causing and heralding the impending arrival of a powerful orgasm.

  In a kinky twist, Brad freed one of his hands and wrapped his fingers around Miriam’s throat, giving it a gentle squeeze as he did so. The sheer power Brad had over her in this situation was intoxicating; the animalistic vigor of their mating and the gentle pressure Brad applied to her neck added the final boost that pushed Miriam’s body over the edge of the orgasmic precipice. She squealed aloud as her climax flushed through her body, barely managing to restrict the noise by clenching her teeth together as the ecstasy nearly short-circuited her senses. She could care less if anyone else on the floor could hear her and Brad’s coupling. Still, a tiny part of her felt that was no excuse for waking the dead.

  In the midst of being ploughed with alpha male vigor, it did occur to Miriam that Brad’s female partner was in the room next door. Were the two sleeping together? The thought of stealing – or rather stealing back – another woman’s boy-toy brought a dirty smile to Miriam’s lips as Brad’s already vigorous mating entered its home stretch.

  “Just imagine what those biker thugs you’re so loyal to would think if they knew you were spreading your legs for a federal agent.” Brad said in Miriam’s ear, his whisper twisted into a growl by his lust.

  More than a few of the Speeding Seraphim had served time in prison, and some had been shot and killed in shootouts with state and federal law enforcement. The actual consequences of Miriam’s fellow Seraphim finding out about the betrayal she was perpetrating would be very severe, even if she was doing it for the good of the club; but the dirty thought of sleeping with ‘the enemy’ sparked a second firestorm of pleasure that overwhelmed her senses. Miriam moaned aloud as her second orgasm momentarily shutdown her critical faculties, no longer caring if she was overheard by the rest of the floor.

  This time, Brad joined her. His relentless rhythm of incoming and outgoing strokes had grown to an intensity of bestial proportions which he couldn’t sustain for much longer. Finally, he succumbed to his own inexorable climax and thrust his cock as far inside Miriam as possible, releasing an audible snarl of masculine ecstasy as he did so. Miriam felt a delicious chill slither up and down her spine as she felt Brad’s manhood pulse rhythmically and eject the first stream of warm, virile seed inside her, followed by a second and a third and a fourth.

  In the heat of the moment, Miriam pressed her lips against his neck and sucked as hard as her lungs would allow. Brad hissed in pain as Miriam left her mark on him, still busy pumping one dollop after another of his sticky pleasure into her. Once Miriam had finished planting a hickey on Brad’s neck, the two embraced, soaring high on the shared cloud of post-coital bliss.

  “That was better than I thought I remembered it would be,” giggled Miriam, trying to catch her breath as she playfully scratched Brad’s back.

  “Same,” Brad replied tersely, but sounding no less pleased with the experience.

  Having copulated so vigorously on top of the covers, the pair awkwardly maneuvered underneath them before rolling over so that Miriam was sprawled on top of Brad’s powerful chest. Together they snuggled and gradually drifted towards sleep.

  Only Brad actually got to sleep. Miriam was kept awake by the sweet memories of what she had just done mixed with the sour knowledge of why she’d had to do it. She’d seduced her ex-boyfriend ostensibly to escape his clutches, but sleeping with him for the first time in a decade brought back a deluge of emotions that were eating away at her resolve. Everything she’d said in the process of honey trapping Brad had been true; it had broken her heart when he’d left her and their hometown, and the knowledge that she would have to betray him for the sake of her ‘family’ was breaking her heart all over again. She had to leave now or not at all.

  Miriam slowly extricated herself from Brad’s embrace and carefully removed his now flaccid cock from inside her pussy. His cum dribbled messily out of her slit, and she padded quietly to the bathroom to wipe herself down before putting her clothes back on. She rifled through his pockets and fished out the car keys that the woman agent had given him. After pocketing the keys, she took Brad’s gun and quietly pulled the slide back, loading a round into the chamber. Then she went back over to the bed and picked up a cushion, holding it against the sleeping Brad’s head with one hand and pressing the muzzle of the gun into her makeshift suppressor with the other.

  The men in the Seraphim wouldn’t hesitate to kill a federal agent if it was for the good of the club, but Miriam’s resolve dissolved at this point. She tried so hard to muster up the willpower to pull the trigger, but she just couldn’t do it. Spreading her legs for the good of her fellow Seraphim was one thing, but murdering a man she’d once loved was just too much. Silently cursing her weakness and holding back the tears, Miriam stuffed the gun into her belt behind her back and slipped out of the room.


  Before getting into the armored SUV, Miriam nosed around the wheels of the vehicle before finding a small black box concealed behind the wheel guard. She detached the tracking device from its housing and dropped it on the ground before climbing into the vehicle and speeding away.

  Driving for two hours brought her to a small bar in the next town. ‘Beer Angel’ was its not-so-original name; even the emblem was almost identical to that of the Speeding Seraphim. It was used as a safe house by the Speeding Seraphim and operated as a legitimate business front for their operations. Miriam parked the SUV at the other end of the road – hiding an armored vehicle that big would have been impractical – and walked to the bar.

  It being long past midnight, the bar was closed; but there were
four men inside the bar, sorting through the contents of heavy crates and moving them one-by-one to the back. All four of them were wearing heavy biker jackets sporting the Speeding Seraphim emblem.

  “We’re closed sweetheart,” said one of the men gruffly, “if you want liquor, go buy some at the convenience store.”

  “That’s no way to greet your old lady, Bear.” Miriam retorted, making all the men look up. The man who’d ordered her out dropped the box he was carrying and marched towards her, enveloping her in a bear-like embrace.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Miriam,” he exclaimed, “are you ok?”

  “I’m fine,” Miriam replied, kissing her boyfriend affectionately.

  “When you didn’t call, I thought something had happened to you.”

  “I was stopped by the cops on the way up from Vegas,” Miriam explained, “it was a routine check, but they found the guns.”

  “How’d you get away?” Bear asked, puzzled.

  “I convinced them I was just a groupie and managed to jack a car to get here. I don’t think I was followed, but we should probably hurry up with the packing.”

  “You boys keep loading the guns,” Bear ordered the other three men; “we need to be out of here in the next twenty minutes.”

  “Look, I’m really sorry about the shipment, Bear,” Miriam said, feeling strangely free of guilt at the fact that she’d escaped ATF custody by cheating on the man to whom she was apologizing.

  “Don’t sweat it, darling;” Bear reassured her, “the cops and the feds have been trying to crawl up our asses for years, these things happen. The important thing is you got away. Plus, fewer guns available means higher prices at the auction tomorrow.”

  “Always a silver lining,” said Miriam with an appreciative smile.

  “Always,” Bear leaned in and kissed Miriam, running his hands up and down her body.

  “I still have a spare rubber if you’re down for a quickie,” suggested Bear, worming his hand underneath Miriam’s jacket.

  “Not while there’re all these guns to move,” said Miriam, gently removing Bear’s probing hands, “maybe later tonight.”

  Adding to Miriam’s discomfort was the leaking sensation in the crotch of her panties as Brad’s cum dripped into her underwear. The longer she kept Bear away from her goodies, the less likely it was that he’d find another man’s DNA inside her.

  “Fine by me, sweetheart,” said Bear with a grin.

  Without warning, the glass of the windows shattered. A small cylinder flew in through the broken window and came to a halt on the floor. Miriam and her fellow bikers knew what it was before it landed but all failed to react in time as the stun grenade blossomed with the light of a million suns and a deafening bang.

  Miriam woke up on the floor, but had to wait for the momentary deafness and blindness to dissipate before realizing that a full SWAT team was crowded into the bar, arresting and hauling away three of the Seraphim bikers. As Miriam staggered to her feet and her vision cleared up, she saw a fourth biker lying on the ground with a gun in his hand and blood leaking from his chest and mouth. An ATF agent was standing over his body, clutching a shotgun with a smoking barrel. The flash-bang had been so loud she hadn’t even heard the shotgun being fired. As the agent turned around to face her, Miriam was horrified to recognize both the agent and the man he’d gunned down. Her boyfriend had just been killed by her ex-boyfriend.

  “You should at least have stayed till dawn, sweetheart,” said Brad, sporting an ATF Kevlar vest on his chest, and an evil smile on his face, “we don’t like fugitives going AWOL in the middle of the night.”

  “You son of a bitch, you killed my boyfriend!” Miriam screamed in anger and grief.

  “Well, he was going to kill me,” explained Brad casually, “so I killed him first.”

  “We’d like the keys back, now.” said Agent Philips, holstering her own weapon.

  “What keys?” asked Miriam, confused and still frozen with shock.

  “The keys to the SUV you stole in order to get here,” Philips clarified, “we know you have them, or else we’d never have found this place.”

  “You put a tracking device inside the car keys?!” stammered Miriam in disbelief.

  “Well, people can’t throw the keys away like they can the decoy next to the front wheel,” explained Brad, “you used me to escape from custody, so we used you to find the criminals we’ve been hunting for over a year without any success.”

  “What the fuck happened to you, Brad?” Miriam asked, barely able to comprehend the scale of the deceit of which the man she’d once been so close to was evidently capable.

  “I left home and left you. That’s what happened.” was Brad’s cold and terse answer, “although last night’s stroll down memory lane was very gratifying…”

  Miriam drew her gun in a fit of anger, the gun she’d taken from Brad in the motel, and pulled the trigger in his direction. The click of an empty weapon echoed around the bar before Agent Philips’ fist made contact with Miriam’s temple. Miriam hit the ground for the second time in a row and she started to fade out of consciousness.

  “It’s nothing personal, Miriam,” said Brad’s voice, coming from somewhere above her, “I really did love you once; but in my position, you’d have done the same thing.


  Miriam unzipped the grease covered overalls and stepped out of them, grateful to be finished with fixing cars and bikes for the day. She hung the overalls up on the rack and went to the office. Spider was already sitting at the desk, fiddling with the parts of a disassembled handgun.

  "I thought we were out of the gun-running business." said Miriam as she signed out.

  "Of course we are, sweetheart," Spider replied without looking up from his work, "you remember the ATF screwing us at the bar, right?"

  "I was there, remember?" said Miriam, flinching at the unwelcome memory.

  "Shit, I'm sorry," said Spider apologetically, getting up to face Miriam, "I didn't mean to make you go through all that again."

  "It's ok, Spider, I'm over it," Miriam lied.

  The truth was she could barely stand being reminded of it, even after four years. Every detail was still fresh, from her unfaithful, honey-trap coupling with Brad that night in the motel, to the sight of that same Brad, clad in ATF garb and holding a smoking shotgun, standing over the corpse of her boyfriend--the now deceased leader of the Speeding Seraphim.

  Spider went over to the office safe, dialed in the combination, and pulled out a wad of cash, counting out several bills and handing it to Miriam.

  "There's a thousand bucks in there," said Spider, pulling out a ledger to log the payout, "business has been pretty damn good this past week, and you've earned a bonus."

  "About time," said Miriam with a satisfied smile as she pocketed the cash, "I've been working my ass off at this job."

  "You sure have," answered Spider, "the club's not gonna go near the gun-running business again anytime soon, but we are looking to expand the car parts business."

  "It's only the men who run the Seraphim's business ventures," Miriam pointed out, "what's that got to do with me?"

  "You might not be an 'official' Seraphim biker, but you're as much a part of the family as anyone else. And you're sure as hell more than just another groupie." Spider explained, "We all know it hasn't been easy raising Bear's kid without him; so if you ever need extra work for extra cash, you should know it's on the table for you."

  "Thanks, Spider," Miriam replied with an appreciative smile, "but Emily and I are getting by just fine, and I need to be there for her on the weekends. Plus, I don't want her exposed to this kind of life. I'll help cut up the cars you boost to help pay the bills, but I'd like to keep my little girl away from all that."

  "That's fine, Miriam," Spider said with a nod, placing his hand on her shoulder affectionately, "you do what's best for her."

  "Shit!" Miriam cursed when she saw the time, "I have to go pick her up from kindergarten."


  As she drove down Main Street, Miriam's mind wandered uneasily back to the events of four years ago, and its enduring consequences. As the girlfriend of their dead leader and the ostensible mother of his daughter, all the Speeding Seraphim held her in exceptionally high regard. She had even earned the position of unofficial Seraphim given all the practical work she did around the club garage. If they knew the truth, they would probably kill her.

  She and Bear had always used condoms without any accidents; that meant that Emily's father was undoubtedly Miriam's treacherous old flame: Brad. She loved her daughter more than anything in the world, but it was pretty galling to have been impregnated by the man who'd double crossed her and then killed her boyfriend. Worst of all, it was total hypocrisy on her part to complain about being deceived by Brad given how she'd slept with him in order to steal his car and his gun. She'd even put the gun to his head when he was asleep, only to find herself unable to pull the trigger.


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