Building Forever

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Building Forever Page 13

by Cary Hart

  “I’ll be there soon enough, but first I need some help.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Nat…she ran again.”

  “Ah hell…what did you do, man?”

  “Fuck, it’s a long story, you got time?”

  “No time, but I’ll make it for you.”

  “You want the long story or the short?”

  “Short…always the short, man.”

  “We had a great day, followed the plan we came up with, we fought, she told me she loved me, we fucked and then she ran.”


  “Yeah, so what do I do?”

  “You chase her.” He says like it’s the simplest thing ever.

  “Chase her?” I question his sanity.

  “Yes, chase her. She fucking told you that she loved you. Chase her down, catch her and never let her go.”

  “Handcuffs or ties?” I joke.

  “Either or…depends on her kink.” He gives it right back.

  “On that note…I’m going to get off here.”

  “Alright man, just chase her down and when you catch her, carry out your original plan. That is some epic shit right there.” He laughs.

  “Thanks, Jack.”

  “You’re welcome. Just hurry and get your ass back here. I can’t hold down the fort forever.”


  Taking Jack’s advice, I begin my chase. First stop, Gamms.

  Knock. Knock.

  When she opens the door, Gamms doesn’t looked surprised to see me. “What took you so long?”

  “Were you expecting me?” I step inside and follow her to the kitchen.

  “You could say that.”

  “Gamms, I need help. I just need to see her.” I plead my case hoping she will give me just a little information on where I can find Nat. “I messed up and need to make this right.”

  “Damn straight you do…what are you going to do about it?” She opens a drawer, taking out a paper and pen.

  “I’m going to chase her.”

  “Vague, but you are on the right track.”

  Gamms takes the paper and starts to mark it up. I’m twisting my head in different directions to trying to make heads or tails out of it.

  “Okay, scoot closer young man and let’s discuss. This here is a map. You are the cat, she is the mouse. You follow? See how the cat runs all over chasing the mouse? No matter how long the cat chases, he will never catch the pesky little rodent.”

  Feeling desperate, I play along. “So what do you suggest?”

  “Be the cheese. It’s actually pretty genius if I do say so myself.”

  “The cheese?” Gamms is losing her damned mind.

  “The cheese is what attracts the mouse. Let her come to you.”

  Pulling Gamms in for a big hug, I kiss her on both cheeks. “I gotta go! I have a mouse to catch!”

  I run out the door, hop into the car and head for home.

  Chapter 22


  Leaving Santa Barbara behind, I go to the only place that ever felt like home. Our hill in St. Helena.

  I have a letter from my mom and this is the only place I felt like I could read it and be close to her. I can't put it off any longer.

  My Dearest Nattie Bug,

  Writing this letter has been one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but it needs to be done. I’m going to ask you to give your dad another chance.

  He never abandoned you. I asked him to leave and stay gone. I didn't want you growing up witnessing the unpredictable behavior, living with the stigma that was your father. The times he came back, I would give in because he missed you so much, but when I got scared or felt threatened, I asked him to leave again. I had no right to take him away from you, but I was young and scared. As it turns out, you grew up in his shadow anyway. I feel enough time has been robbed from the two of you and made him promise me when he was ready, and if you ever came back, he would give you this letter. I would never ask this of you if I didn’t know in my heart of all hearts that he has changed this time for good.

  While you were living in NYC, your father came home and begged for my help. He was stuck in a vicious cycle and needed a hand to pull him out. He has been sober since I was diagnosed with cancer, but battled with the gambling.

  One day your dad came home with a business proposition. Abby DeLuca was opening her own winery and wanted to do it on her own terms. Instead of using her family money, she sought out investors. Your dad was one of them, he respected what she was trying to do. We ended up selling his portion of the land and took out a second mortgage out on the house. A dumb move, but I believed in the investment. I believed in your father.

  Everything seemed like it was going according to plan until her husband skipped town and drained her account. The money was gone and we had nothing to show for a return. We lost it all, but we still had each other.

  We managed to keep it all together, until the hospital bills got out of control. When they did, this is when I think your dad started using the loan sharks again. He was scared of losing me and thought if he didn’t pay the hospital, they wouldn’t treat me.

  Nattie, I know none of this is an excuse, but if I could have one wish, it would be to see you repair your relationship with your father. Please seek him out, find him and when you do, forgive him, and please forgive me.

  Love you with all my heart!


  “I love you Mom.” Wiping the tears from my face, I stand. I’m not sure if I can forgive my dad. My mom sent him away, but he didn’t have to listen. If he was such a wonderful father, why didn’t he fight for me?

  I may not be able to do the things my mom wanted me to do, but I can go find him, and at least see what he has to say.

  In order to move forward with my future, I have to stop reliving the past.


  Finding my dad wasn’t that hard, I just had to call Gamms. Even though we didn’t talk about it, I know they still kept in contact.

  The next day I go to see him. Surprisingly enough he is staying at our old house. Walking up to the door. I pause, not sure if I want to do this.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Coming!” I hear him yell. When the footsteps stop the door swings open.

  “Hi Dad.”

  “Hi, Nattie Bug. Your Gamms said you may be stopping by.”

  “Dad, I really don’t have a lot of time, but I do need to talk.” I try to sound firm and stay on track.

  “Well, come on in.”

  We walk over to the couch and sit down.

  “I got the letter from Mom. I know that she asked you to stay away. She told me about the investments and reassured me you haven’t been drinking. Is that still true?”

  “Yes, baby girl, all true.”

  “Good, but I do have a couple questions. Why didn’t you fight her to see me and what did you do with my land?”

  “I didn’t want to leave, not at all. But you’re right, I didn’t fight like I could have. That is where my sickness came into play. I did ask to see you, but even drunk, I knew your mom had your best interests in mind and was protecting you. As for the land, I didn’t sign it over to the broker. I sold to a young man, a local.”

  “Is that how you got the house? Used the money from the sale?” I’m curious as to how he saved it from the bank.

  “Actually, no. Abby DeLuca was able to retrieve some of the funds her husband stole. I received a check last week for the remaining amount of my investment. I was able to buy your mom’s house and have enough left over to fix it up.”

  “So what did you do with the money from the land?”

  Walking over to his old desk, he came back with a cashier’s check. “I had it put back for you.”

  “Dad, thank you, but I would have rather had the land. Do you know who bought it? Maybe I can see if he would let me buy it back.”

  “I don’t have his number, but I heard he was back in town and goes up to the hill nightly to work
on plans for the house.”

  “Thanks. I don’t know how I feel about us right now, but I’m willing to try, if you are.”

  “Nattie that is all I would ever ask. I just want to prove myself to you.”

  “Then please stay, Daddy."

  Chapter 23


  Be the cheese!

  As corny as it may seem, Gamms is right. I need to get to the end. Driving six hours from Santa Barbara was exhausting, but in order to get there by sunset, I couldn’t stop, unless it was for gas.

  Pulling up to the property line, I take my pencils, sketch book and blanket out and hike up the hill. On my way up, I rehearse everything I’m going to say to her. I can’t afford for her to run again.

  Reaching the top of the hill, I glance around and see nothing. She’s not here. Feeling defeated for the day, but not giving up, I set the blanket down and begin to draw the image I have seen a million times. I’ll come here every day if I have to, this is her end. She will come.

  Stupid, she thinks the land is sold.

  Deciding, I’m a little worn out, I lie down on my back and enjoy the view.

  “Colin?” a soft voice calls my name. Either she must have been whispering or I had fallen asleep.

  Jumping up, I brush off my pants and run my hands through my hair. “Hi.” I wave at her like a fucking chump.

  “What are you doing here?” She looks around like she is searching for someone. Me! I’m right here babe!

  “I’m being the cheese.” Did I really just say that?

  “The cheese? Why are you being the cheese?”

  “Just forget the cheese. I was wondering when you were going to show up.”

  “Colin, I’m sorry.” She comes closer to me now. “I ran when things got tough. I accused you of being with other women and I doubted your intentions. My insecurities got in the way of what could have been a good thing and I’m sorry.”

  “Baby, don’t be sorry. I know I have a million things I need to apologize for after listening to you at the ball. By the way, did you know you said fuck that night?” I smile, giving her a knowing look. “The night of prom, I never kissed Jessa. I was coming to see what was taking you so long and she stopped me and planted one on. I pushed her right off, but I guess you had already run by that time. Also, Katrina, she helped me find a designer to make you the one-of-a-kind dress. She did proposition me, but when I couldn’t stop smiling and told her that I was happy with you, she kissed me on the cheek and said her goodbyes. She meant nothing to me.”

  “Oh Colin, none of that matters. Not anymore.” She meets me halfway, then stops, trying to put two and two together. “How did you know I would be here? Dad sold the land.”

  “You always come here.”

  “I came here tonight because I heard the new owner comes out every night to work on plans for his house.”

  “I do. Well, I have been doing that since before I bought the land.”

  “When you bought the land?”

  “Nat, I couldn’t let this land go. When you signed it over to your dad, I had to get it back. So, I approached him before he had time to list and bought it.”

  “Why? Why would you do that?”

  Walking over to her I grab her by the hands and pull her back to the blanket. “Natalie Isabella Russo, you are it for me. I knew it the first day on this hill and it’s still true today. I don’t just want a ten-year plan with you, I want a forever. Natalie, please tell me you will build forever with me.”

  “Yes…yes! Yes! Yes!” She jumps into my arms and almost knocks me to the ground. “But first, I have to know, what is in this old sketchbook of yours?” She lets go of me, grabs the book and starts flipping through, seeing all the times I have drawn her looking at the sunset. “These are all me.”

  “Baby, you are the blueprint to my heart.”

  The End

  Sneak Peek

  Saving Forever

  The Forever Series (Book 2)


  6 weeks ago


  This should be one of the best nights of my life. Turning twenty-one only happens once and I should be living it up, but tonight I find myself distanced from the party.

  It was only supposed to be a few of us having a couple drinks on our private beach. Then a friend told a friend and the next thing you know it’s a bigger fire with an even bigger crowd.

  “Hey, guys! I’m a little tired, I think I’m going to head in,” I tell the group, pointing back to my grandparent’s cottage, but no one hears me.

  Jogging back to the house, I can’t help but replay the conversation from earlier today.

  “Daisy, you’re twenty-one, when are you going to take responsibility for yourself and do something with your life? Mom and Dad can’t support you forever,” Lillian, my older sister by ten years, drills into my head.

  “Lil, I have a job…and I’m house-sitting for Nonie and Pops.” I give her a sideways glance to gauge her reaction.

  “You have done nothing with your life except frolic back and forth between home and this rundown shack.” She looks around, disapproval written all over her face. “What do you find so special about this place? It’s falling apart and in need of major renovating. This house is taking up space on a prime piece of real estate.”

  Here she goes again. She won’t stop until this place is on the market. “Can you just imagine what this could be if—”

  “DON’T!” I raise my voice, bringing her attention back to me. I know what she is going to say. “Don’t even go there, Lil. This house may mean nothing to you, but it means everything to me.” I start feeling sick just thinking about it not being here.

  “I think you are just being selfish now. If they sold this property, they would be set for life and could travel year-round instead of a couple months here and there.” She grabs a towel and heads toward the bathroom.

  “But this is my home,” I whisper, knowing she can’t hear me. Lillian doesn’t get it. She lacks the sensitivity gene.

  Foregoing sleep, I grab my favorite hoodie, a blanket and head to my spot. Just me and the endless deep blue.

  When I get there, I spread out the blanket and take off my flip-flops. Tucking my hands in my hoodie, I let the breeze carry my thoughts away, just looking out over the water and wondering about today.

  Maybe Lillian is right?

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been standing here lost in thought, but my legs are starting to get cold. Sitting down, bringing my knees up to my chest, I pull my hoodie over my legs.

  Looking back in the direction of the party, I contemplate returning, but instead I settle in and get comfortable. I lean back on my elbows, throwing my head up to look at the stars.

  “Holy shit!” I jump up to my feet, taking a few steps back to put some distance between me and the lunatic suddenly standing before me. I’m going to die.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just dropping someone off and noticed you standing out here.” He looks confused.

  Maybe he’s drunk.

  “Nice try. You can’t see this spot from the parking lot.” I take a few more steps back, looking between him and the party. I wonder if I can outrun him to get close enough to scream for help.

  “You’re right. When pulling off, I received an important call, but dropped my phone. I pulled over, right up there…” he points back to the railing where a car sits on the other side. “…I had to get out to get to my phone. When I was trying to call them back I noticed you out here.”

  “So you decided, ‘Hey, I’ll just go to a complete stranger and see why they are standing out here alone?’ Yeah, I’m not buying it.”

  Running a hand through his hair, he exhales and tips his head back. “Yes, that is what happened and honestly, I don’t know why I’m here.”

  He looks confused and lost. I know the feeling. I don’t know what comes over me, but decide to take a chance. “Well, are you going to stand there staring at me all night or you
going to cop a squat and keep me company?” I pat the spot next to me.

  Pulling out his phone, punching a few buttons, he curses, “Damn it!” Looking at his watch he continues. “Thanks for the offer, but I have to pass. My phone is dying and I need to respond to this email.”

  “So?” I don’t know why I’m testing him, but there is something about him. I’m not ready for him to go.

  “I have to respond to this…I wouldn’t expect you to understand,” he spits out, suddenly venomous, while turning and walking away.

  “You’re right!” I holler back to the stranger. “I don’t want to sit and watch life pass me by, I want to live it.”

  Stopping, he turns around to look at me one more time.

  I wave.

  He cocks his head and smiles.

  “So, what do you say? Live or watch?” I torment him.

  Looking back at his car, then back at me, the stranger fights an internal battle.

  “Maybe this one can wait until tomorrow.” His deep voice overpowers the crashing of the waves and into my heart.

  Slowly he begins to return, coming to a stop at the edge of the blanket. He removes his shoes one by one before he takes a seat. He looks awkward and out of place sitting here, but I feel as if he belongs.

  “So, stranger, you have a name?”

  “No names,” he’s quick to respond. “This is out of character for me, my world…” he pauses “… it’s complicated. Tonight I just want to be a stranger, sitting by the ocean with a beautiful young lady.”

  I don’t mean to stare, and I know it’s crazy, but I feel as if we have shared much more than names in the past 10 minutes than some do in 10 weeks. The way he makes me feel when he is near has me curious and scared at the same time.

  “See something you like?” His voice nearly knocks me down.

  I have been so consumed with my thoughts, I forgot I was staring at him.

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry, I …” Deciding to go for honesty, I blurt out, “It’s just, I can’t help but feel connected to you. I’m not sure what brought you here, but I’m glad you are.”


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