The Veritas

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The Veritas Page 20

by Wendy Saunders

  Sam smiled softly; he’d fallen in love with her instead.

  The smiled faded as his thoughts were drawn back to the girl. His father wouldn’t be pleased he’d rejected her, and he knew his father would simply send another in her place. It didn’t matter how many he sent he wasn’t interested. Even if he had any interest in fathering a child, he wouldn’t betray Scarlett that way, not ever.

  He needed to escape as soon as possible, he just needed to figure out how to get a message out to Tyrel. His father was more or less keeping him on lockdown. He slumped down in a nearby chair, his head in his hands as he tried to figure a way out of this mess.

  Barely an hour had passed when the door suddenly crashed open with such force the wall shook. Sam stood up abruptly, his eyes narrowing as his father strode into the room, eyes blazing furiously and dragging someone behind him.

  He stopped directly in front of Sam; his lips peeled back in disgust as he yanked the person in his iron hard grip to their feet.

  It was the girl, Marlyia. Her robe was pulled loose from his rough handling, hanging off one shoulder exposing her breast. Her lip was bleeding and her cheek red from being struck hard. Her terrified eyes bolted to Sam, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  ‘Did I not make myself clear?’ Thomas growled. ‘All you had to do was fuck her and put a baby in her belly but now you’re forcing me to do this the hard way.’

  He gripped the girl tightly around her throat, his large meaty hand crushing her larynx and causing her eyes to widen as she scrambled for breath.

  ‘Stop it,’ Sam shouted, knowing if he didn’t do something, he’d kill her. ‘I did,’ he lied, ‘I did what you asked, that’s why I sent her away, I was done with her.’

  ‘You think me a fool?’ Thomas growled. He released her throat, spinning her until her back was pressed against his chest, her tiny body overshadowed by his larger more menacing frame. He tore her robe open and shoved his thick fingers brutally between her thighs causing her to cry out in pain.

  He lifted his fingers in front of Sam rubbing them together slowly.

  ‘Still tight and dry as a bone,’ his voice was low and dangerous. ‘This is what happens when you defy me.’

  Sam watched in horror as he pulled his knife from his belt and slid it across her throat with barely a whisper of sound. She blinked, her mouth opening and closing silently as she tried to gulp, and a fountain of crimson erupted from her neck spilling gruesomely down her half naked body and ruined robe. Thomas stepped back dispassionately as her body sagged lifelessly to the ground in a heap.

  Sam wasn’t exactly sure what the sound was that erupted from his mouth only that it was loud and filled with disgusted fury. He launched himself at his father, seeing nothing but a red hazy film and feeling nothing but the uncontrollable need to wrap his hands around his throat and squeeze.

  Tyrel entered the room in the midst of the commotion, his gaze quickly scanning the scene. He launched himself across the room as he saw Sam going for his father with murder in his eyes. He grabbed Sam and slammed him back against the wall, pinning him before he could do anything stupid.

  Thomas, seeing his son restrained by his lieutenant stepped casually over the young girl’s body as if she wasn’t even there. Pressing close against his son, his eyes burning, his mouth curved into a smirk.

  ‘How could you?’ Sam hissed, ‘she was barely more than a child.’

  ‘She was nothing to me, just like you. You only have one purpose now and that is to continue my bloodline.’

  ‘Why?’ Sam spat, ‘why do you even need me at all? Why not just do it yourself? A son, even a second born is still more valuable than a grandchild.’

  Something wavered in his father’s eyes, a flicker, barely a second and then it was gone, but Sam had seen it. The realization dawned slowly, and his mouth curved into a cold smile.

  ‘You can’t, can you?’ he taunted. ‘What’s wrong father, can’t get it up anymore?’

  Thomas growled and pressed his knife to Sam’s throat.

  ‘Go ahead,’ Sam dared him, ‘kill me and I win. Your precious bloodline dies with me.’

  Thomas swallowed tightly as he forced his rigid control back into place. He wiped the blade of his knife, still wet with Marlyia’s blood across Sam’s jaw, leaving a red sticky smear across his skin.

  ‘Her blood and the blood of every one of them you reject will be on your hands,’ he threatened as he stepped back.

  ‘No father,’ Sam told him defiantly, his eyes blazing with a steely resolve, ‘they will be on yours, and I will make sure you account for every single one of them before we’re done.’

  Thomas held his gaze for a fraction of a second before turning and stalking out of the room.

  ‘Tyrel clean up that mess,’ he threw over his shoulder as he passed the dead girl.

  The door slammed shut and Tyrel eased his grip and stepped back.

  ‘Sorry brother,’ he glanced down at the dead girl, his eyes filled with disgust and sadness. ‘He’ll pay for this but not today. We’ve worked too hard for you to lose your head now.’

  ‘You’re right,’ Sam dragged in a shaky breath, ‘thank you. I’m not sure I could have stopped myself from trying to kill him.’

  ‘I understand,’ he shook his head, staring at the dead girl. ‘You’re right, she’s barely more than a child. How did it come to this, when our women and children are treated no better than cattle?’

  ‘She will be avenged,’ Sam turned toward him, ‘they all will.’

  Sam kneeled down next to her, carefully arranging her robe to cover her, trying to at least give her some dignity in death.

  ‘We need to get you out of here as soon as possible Sam,’ Tyrel frowned. ‘The longer you’re here, the more innocents like her will die.’

  ‘I know,’ Sam stood slowly, as he turned to face his friend. ‘I need you to go to Earth.’

  Tyrel drew in a resigned breath, shaking his head lightly. ‘It won’t be easy; I think I’m being watched.’


  ‘Thomas is getting more paranoid,’ he replied, ‘he’s worse than usual, agitated, erratic. I think it’s partly about you, but I don’t know… there’s something else going on. Marcus is being just as cagey, they’re up to something.’

  ‘That can’t be good,’ Sam frowned.

  ‘No, I don’t expect it will be.’

  ‘Can you get to Earth though?’ Sam asked.

  He nodded slowly, ‘what do you want me to do?’

  ‘I need you to find Julien…’ Sam’s eyes darkened, ‘and I need you to tell him the truth.’


  Scarlett shifted sleepily, her brow folding slightly in confusion at the soft, warm furry body currently spooned into her chest and belly. Gingerly cracking open one eye she found herself staring down into adoring liquid brown eyes, a tail thumped on the bed next to her and a long, wet tongue licked her face.

  Wiping the wetness from her skin she lifted her head and glanced at the golden colored cocker spaniel who was curled against her, wagging his tail happily. He climbed to his feet and nuzzled her with his face. Given no choice, she sat up pushing him gently away when he padded all over her with his paws.

  ‘Hey, cut it out,’ she murmured. Unable to help it she stroked him softly and glanced down at the little silver bone shaped tag on his collar. ‘Beau,’ she read aloud.

  He gave a quiet ruff as if he was returning her greeting then jumped down off the bed, his claws scrambling on the wooden floor as he nudged the door open with his nose and disappeared from the room.

  Blinking slowly as she stifled a yawn, she stared out of the widow. Sunlight was streaming in, filling the sweet, if slightly shabby room with bright light and warmth. Pushing herself gingerly to her feet she stood still for a moment, testing herself. Certain that there was no dizziness or lingering stiffness she walked slowly to the window and looked out.

  It certainly was a beautiful spot; she’d give Olivia that. From her w
indow she could see part of the woods, but most of the view captured the gorgeous lake, with the light catching the ripples of water and sparkling brightly.

  She briefly considered climbing back into the comfortable bed, now that her surprise bedmate had abandoned her, but decided against it. She wasn’t sick and although her body still felt out of sorts, she couldn’t continue to lie in bed and stare at the walls and ceiling. It gave her too much time to think. Too much time to dwell.

  Olivia had told her she was safe in her little house by the lake, that the others wouldn’t find her there, but she wasn’t sure she could trust it. Her instinct, everything in her told her to run, to rely on no one but herself. She appreciated Olivia’s kindness, but she was still far from trusting her. She was a witch and a Guardian, and in her experience, people with that kind of power always had an agenda of their own.

  She glanced across the room and found some underwear; clean, brand new and still in its packaging, and a shirt, folded neatly on the chair. Glancing out of the window once more she turned and began to pull off her pajamas.

  Brushing her teeth again, she pulled the band out of her hair, allowing her curls to spill down her back and over her shoulder. Since the injuries to her scalp she’d hated having her hair pulled back off her face. Even though her injuries were now healed any tightness in her scalp made her feel uncomfortable.

  Slowly opening the door, she stepped out into the hallway. This was the first time she’d been out of the room and not knowing where she was going, she followed the distant voices. Padding silently down the stairs in her socks she turned and passed a huge, gorgeous old grandfather clock and headed to what looked like it might be the kitchen.

  The voices got louder and as she entered the room, she saw Olivia sitting at a big table, with a gorgeous little dark-haired boy in her lap. He was maybe a year and a half, possibly two years old. Next to them in her high chair was a little dark-haired girl about the same age, quietly drinking from her sippy cup as she watched everyone.

  ‘Hey,’ Olivia looked up and smiled, ‘I was going to bring something up for you in a little while. I hope we didn’t disturb you?’

  Scarlett shook her head, standing awkwardly in the doorway. ‘I feel like I’ve been asleep for a week.’

  ‘Not far off,’ Olivia nodded to the chair next to her. ‘Come take a seat and have some breakfast.’

  She wandered slowly into the room and sat down, her eyes locked on Julien who was sitting across the table and watching her carefully.

  ‘Scarlett,’ Julien greeted her, ‘how are you feeling?’

  ‘Better thank you.’

  ‘I’m Theo,’ a good-looking guy with dark brown hair smiled at her, holding out his hand. ‘We haven’t been properly introduced yet, but welcome to our home. I’m glad you’re looking so much better; we were worried about you there for a while.’

  ‘Thank you for letting me stay,’ she murmured as she shook his hand.

  Her gaze landed on a darker skinned man sitting next to Julien. She could tell he was a Sentinel; she could feel it. His dark black hair was tightly curled and fell to his chin and his eyes were dark brown as they too watched her.

  ‘You must be Issac,’ Scarlett returned his stare.

  He nodded.

  ‘I think it is you I owe the most thanks to,’ she told him quietly. Even though she wasn’t sure being saved was a good thing she felt she should thank him anyway.

  ‘You are welcome,’ he intoned pleasantly but his eyes told another story. It was almost as if he could read her thoughts and knew she wasn’t sure she’d wanted to be saved.

  ‘That’s Davis there,’ Olivia nodded to a slim, fair skinned guy seated comfortably next to Theo, sipping a coffee. He was an unusual looking man. He was nice looking, but he had a very strange coloring. His hair was pretty much pure white, scrapped off his face and secured in a messy knot. She imagined it would probably fall to his shoulders if it were loose. He could almost have been mistaken for an albino due to the lightness of his hair, if not for the fact that his brows and eyelashes were dark in contrast. His eyes were also very pale with just the barest hint of blue green, almost like polar ice.

  ‘Davis is my uncle,’ Olivia told her, ‘well kind of, though he’s not that much older than I am. He and his twin sister are my father’s younger half siblings.’

  Scarlett nodded in greeting, not saying anything else. She didn’t want to think about half siblings seeing as hers had set her up for murder, then stabbed her in the chest and technically killed her, until she’d been brought back to life.

  What was it with everyone trying to save her life lately? Given the long line of people queueing up to kill her, keeping her alive and in one piece was likely to be a very long and laborious task.

  ‘Who’s this?’ Scarlett smiled down at Theia.

  ‘This is my daughter Theia,’ Olivia introduced the little girl, ‘and this is my son Logan.’ She leaned down and kissed the little boy in her lap, who continued to gnaw on a strip of toast as he drooled down his shirt.

  ‘They’re beautiful,’ Scarlett murmured, ‘you’re very lucky.’

  ‘Yes, we are,’ she smiled across the table at Theo who smiled back.

  ‘God, you two are sickening sometimes,’ Davis shook his head as he reached out and grabbed another slice of toast, dipping his knife into the butter.

  ‘Just you wait,’ Theo laughed as lifted his mug and drained his coffee. ‘One day you’ll fall in love.’

  Olivia didn’t miss the way Davis shifted in his chair, nor the way Julien stared down into his cereal so hard you’d have thought he’d just discovered the Mona Lisa at the bottom of his bowl… and neither did Scarlett. She turned to glance at Olivia who simply picked up her own piece of toast and took a bite as if nothing had happened.

  Scarlett suddenly gasped out loud, leaning back in her chair with her hands raised as she stared into her lap. A small creature of multicolored flames had climbed up her legs and into her lap. He padded his seat in her lap experimentally a few times, before sniffing at her belly, then her breasts, then stretching his neck and sniffing her face, staring at her with his large obsidian eyes.

  ‘What is it?’ Scarlett asked with wide eyes.

  ‘Oh, that’s my…my…Manny,’ Olivia concluded for want of a better word. It was kind of hard to explain that he was the physical manifestation of the awareness of the Hell book, Infernum, and that he was a part of her but also separate. Besides she didn’t really want people knowing the truth about Manny. Most people just assumed he was an extension of her power, like her dragonflies and it was safer to let them think that. ‘He’s a firedrake usually, unless he’s a dragon,’ she added, before tilting her head thoughtfully, ‘…or a bigger dragon, it really depends on the situation.’

  ‘What’s he doing?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Olivia murmured as she watched him sniff Scarlett’s belly again and then settle down into her lap, coiling around himself and closing his eyes to take a nap. ‘Interesting…’ Olivia’s eyes narrowed.

  ‘What is?’

  ‘Manny doesn’t interact with other people,’ Olivia replied. ‘Very occasionally Theo, though most of the time he’ll interact with the children, more Theia than Logan, but he seems quite taken with you. That’s never happened before.’

  ‘You have some strange pets,’ Scarlett frowned when she realized the little firedrake was actually snoring in her lap and unlikely to move any time soon.

  ‘Trust me,’ Olivia grinned, ‘this is barely scratching the surface of strange. You’re in Mercy now, things have a tendency to get weird around here.’

  ‘You have a dog too?’ Scarlett changed the subject.

  ‘Beau,’ Olivia nodded, ‘wait…did he wake you?’ Seeing the look on Scarlett’s face she sighed loudly. ‘Sorry, he likes to snuggle. I should have made sure your door was firmly closed, although that doesn’t seem to stop him. I’m not sure how he does it, he’s not big enough to reach the door handles.’
br />   ‘Manny does it for him,’ Davis interrupted as he sipped his coffee, ‘I saw him do it earlier. He clambers up and turns the handle.’

  ‘Figures,’ Olivia rolled her eyes.

  There was a sudden and loud knock at the front door, followed moments later by the sound of the door opening and two voices calling out a greeting.

  ‘We’re having breakfast,’ Olivia called out as Logan offered her a piece of mangled toast from his mouth. ‘No thank you baby,’ she shook her head, ‘you eat it.’

  Theia let out a shriek and launched her sippy cup across the table as Jake rounded the corner. Theo reached out and caught it with one hand, midair, just before it hit Scarlett in the face. Setting it down calmly on the table he continued to eat his toast.

  ‘Nice arm,’ Jake grinned as he rounded the table, ‘now where’s Uncle Jake’s princess?’

  Theia reached up making grabby fists at him until he lifted her out of her high chair and blew large raspberries on her neck.

  ‘Scarlett, this is Jake and Roni,’ Olivia introduced them as Roni rounded the corner and stopped. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of Scarlett.

  ‘Hi,’ she nodded as Scarlett smiled awkwardly, but as Scarlett turned away, Roni caught Olivia’s eye questioningly.

  Olivia gave the barest shake of her head. She knew Roni would recognize her from the photos taken from the Nazi microfilm she’d found in the possession of her now deceased great aunt. Even though Scarlett wasn’t the one in the photos it was hard not to see the resemblance between Scarlett and Aurelia, the actual woman in the photos, who just happened to be her mother.

  Her eyes flashed in warning and Roni nodded. Having seen the pictures, they were both well aware of the atrocities the Nazis had subjected Scarlett’s mother to, but Olivia was willing to bet money Scarlett didn’t and there was no way in hell they were going to tell her, especially not after what she’d just been through.

  ‘Grab some extra chairs Roni and take a seat. Help yourself.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Jake reached out and grabbed the last slice of toast, shoving it in his mouth without bothering to butter it first, as he still had Theia in his arms. ‘I’m starving.’


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