My Besties PT 3: The Downfall

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My Besties PT 3: The Downfall Page 13

by Asia Hill

  Chapter 26

  JuJu (one week later)

  Today was the day my trial started. I had a long conversation with my lawy­er and he told me that it could go either way. Boo came to see me before it was time for court and brought me a professional pants suit.

  “Thank you, Boo. I wish my auntie was here.”

  “Don’t worry. She’s always going to be here with you. Just relax. We got this.”

  “We? I’m the one going on trial for a double murder. If I lose, I’m the one fucked. Not ‘we.’”

  “I understand your frustration, but lil girl, watch your mouth. I’m still your godmother. Respect me!”

  “Have you heard from Jaw?”

  “Yeah. He asked about you.”

  I wanted to tell her how triflin’ her nephew was, but that was our business. I was going to handle that if I made it outta here.

  “Tell him I love him, and I hope that he had fun. He’ll know what I meant.” The C.O. came and tapped on the door.

  “Time’s up!”

  “I love you, Boo.”

  “I love you, too, baby. I’ll be out there.”

  I didn’t know how boring court actually was, until I sat there fighting to stay awake. The prosecutor was an ugly white man with a baldhead and cheap suit. He painted a very disturbing picture of me.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I stand before you today seeking justice for Shauntae Morgan and Tamiko St. Clair. They were both brutally murdered by that monster sitting right over there.”

  When he pointed at me, all eyes were on me. Let me tell you that shit made me wanna crawl up under the table. There was a member of the jury that had to be in her late 60’s. She mugged me so hard that I had to look away. Not because she made me nervous, but because I didn’t want to mug her old wrinkled ass back.

  “I’m going to prove that Ja’ziya Campbell viciously attacked and murdered her best friend and legal guardian. Why? We’ll never know. She needs to be convicted of double murder and put away. Forever!”

  I turned to look at Boo and I was shocked to see Jaw sitting next to her. When our eyes locked, I wanted to cry. I felt sad because if I beat this, it was a chance that I was going to murder his black ass for breaking my heart. Dang, he looked good though. Punk ass nigga!


  After that bullshit happened with Mia at the cabin, I had been on my solo shit. The ride back to the city was tense. She cried the whole ride back. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to feel sorry for her or what. I got so tired of all that sniffling and shit that I turned my radio up high on her ass. I discovered her little secret, and she couldn’t say shit. When I pulled up to her crib, it looked as if somebody tried to burn it down. It was fucked up but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed.

  “Can you help me with my bags?”

  “Man, bitch you better get the fuck outta my car before I stomp yo fucking ears together.”

  I pulled off before she even closed the door. Stupid bitch! I spent the re­st of my New Year’s holiday alone. I hit the streets and put my mind back in grind mode. JuJu’s trial was less than a week away. I needed to get my mi­nd right if I was going to be there for her. Hopefully when she came home, we could go back to being Bonnie and Clyde.

  The first day of her trial, I woke up feeling anxious. I didn’t know what to expect. I called Poohman to see if he wanted to come with me.

  “Bruh, I can’t. It’s cracking out here. Tell my lil sis to keep her head up.”


  I got dressed and hit the streets. I couldn’t help but think about what would happen if she didn’t beat this case and come home.Ring, Ring I really didn’t feel like being bothered. I looked at the screen and saw Mia’s number.


  “I think that we should talk now that things have cooled down.”

  “Shawty ain’t shit to talk about. Everything about you was a lie. I fucked up with my girl and let yo bum ass in. I’m glad that you was on some other shit. Had I known sooner that you was Big Moe’s cousin, I would have bodied yo ass.”

  “LJ didn’t know until the night at the cabin that you were the same Jaw that played a part in all of my family’s drama. I fell for you. I thought that we could build something. Now you’re telling me it was all a mistake?”

  “I love my girl and that’s that. I ain’t fucking with you. So if you’re still planning on making any moves against me, you gon’ fuck around and end up just like them pussy ass niggas you loved.”

  “Damn, I thought we had something special. That’s how you speak to me?”

  Was this chick serious?

  “Man, Joe, miss me with all that shit. You were trying to have me killed. Th­at shit sounds crazy. I let you suck my dick and now you are in love? You need to thank God that yo ass is still alive. We ain’t got shit between us. And if you see me in the streets, bitch, you better act as if you don’t know me.

  “Nigga, you got me twisted. I wonder what yo bitch will say about me if she knew who I was.”

  “You can’t threaten a nigga like me, hoe. She already knows about yo THAT ass. You thought you did something by answering my phone, but you didn’t. I fucked up on my girl when I fucked yo ass. Yo pussy whack ass fuck. Get the fuck off my line hoe!”Click

  That’s what the fuck I get for fucking around. Now I had to worry about th­at psycho. As a matter of fact, no I didn’t. I picked up my phone.

  “What the hell you want, nigga?”

  “Damn, shawty, that’s how you answer the phone?”

  “For you? Yeah.”

  “A’ight. Re, you got every reason to be upset. I fucked up big time. Now ole girl is threatening to do something to JuJu because I don’t want her ass.”

  I had to make the shit sound good. If I would have just asked her to get at Mi, she would have cursed me out and some more shit.

  “I should fuck yo ass up too for putting my girl in that position. Ole girl ain’t gon’ do shit to JuJu. She already on a countdown to death. I’ma get her ass.”

  “Where are you at right now?”

  “On my way to court to support my girl.”

  “Me too. I’ll see you there. We can sit together.”

  “No we can’t, nigga. You done lost all cool points with me. I should pop yo ass anyway.”Click!

  On the real, I just might have to shoot Re’s ass. Don’t nobody put no fear in my heart. I ain’t even gon’ lie. That lil hoe does make me nervous. I found a parking spot and then hauled ass. I was late as shit. By the time I got in the courtroom, it had already started. I sat next to my auntie, Boo.

  She grabbed my hand and held it.

  “You’re late.”

  “I know. I didn’t know if I should show up with all the shit I’ve been putting her through.”

  “You know damn well you should be here, no matter what. That right there is your girl.”

  I think JuJu must have felt us talking about her because she turned around and looked dead at us. When our eyes locked, I saw so much anger, love, hurt, and pain in her eyes. I do know that if she does beat this case, I was goi­ng to have a big problem on my hands.

  Chapter 27

  Detective Malone

  “I don’t care what it takes. I want those bitches dead!”

  I threw my phone across the room in frustration. My ass was going down if I didn’t find those bitches that broke up in my house. Officer Dixon got lucky. I got a cleaning service to come out and clean my basement from top to bottom. I told them I had a few pit bulls that I was caring for. I needed to lay low if I wanted that little bitch convicted. I called Derrick because I needed him to go over a few things with me.Ring, Ring

  I got up and grabbed my phone that I had just thrown. Speaking of the devil: “Where the hell have you been boy?”

  “Some bad things have happened. Can I come stay with you until this trial shit is over?”

  Aw hell no! I didn’t want that damn, little street punk living under the same roof with
me. But damn I needed him.

  “Derrick, my home is a mess. How about I put you up in a room until after the trial is over?”

  “You can do that. You gotta feed me, too. My pockets are on E, and I need some clothes to wear.”

  “Damn, is that all?”

  “You got an extra car I could drive?”

  “Yeah right? You better stick to stealing them.”

  I was getting too old for this shit. I should have quit while I was ahead. I just wanted some extra security before retirement. I mean, I couldn’t travel the world on a yacht with my budget. I deserved more, and I intend to get what’s owed to me.

  I woke up this morning feeling like a new man. Today was the day that I appeared in court with Derrick. I was ready to be down with him for good. That little leech has been getting on my damn nerves, but I had to play nice. He was my whole case. After I nailed Ms. Ja’ziya Campbell with those double murders, I made the mayor very happy. I just have to see the case through and get my conviction. When court was over, I was leaving the city behind. Forty years of this shit was enough.

  “Come on, Derrick. What the hell is taking so long?”

  I knocked on his hotel door and heard nothing. I checked my watch and wal­ked back to my car.

  “Where the hell is that kid?”


  I was worried. The prosecutor tore into my character like kids at Christ­mas opening presents. Fast! My lawyer was quick on his toes but first impressions were the most important.

  “Do you think the jury bought that shit?”

  “It’s not really about what they bought. It’s about who tells the better story.”

  “Well, after what that bald headed Uncle Tom said yesterday, we might be in trouble.”

  My lawyer looked like a square. He was black, 6’2”. He was well dressed and talked immensely proper. No sense of street smarts, or so I thought. He leaned in to whisper to me.

  “I see that you doubt me. I’m from the streets, too. Rockwell Gardens to be exact. Don’t let the suit and these Urkel glasses fool you. We are in their world now. No matter how high we black folk climb on that ladder called su­ccess, we are still never good enough. We are always targets. The jury ain’t just looking at you. They’re looking at me, as well. I have to be proper, on point, and ready. I know what I’m doing. Let me do me, all right? Or should I use your lingo a’ight?”


  “Come on then. Let’s go to war.”

  My lawyer showed his ass that day. He made the prosecutor look like a rookie. I mean he went over childhood drama to my good grades in school. Thank God I had good grades in school. The picture that he painted of me was better than a fancy Picasso was. It was a plus for us today. Tomorrow was going to be the real test. The state called its first and only witness Lil Man. When I got back to my cell, I was exhausted. I cried myself to sle­ep. If I didn’t beat that case, I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to do life in a place like this. I tried to think happy thoughts, but I couldn’t. There was a dark cloud hanging over this building. I found myself dialing Jaw’s number. Not because I wanted to talk, but because I just wanted to hear his voice.

  “Yo? Why you calling my phone private?”

  I missed him so much. Why did he have to mess everything up?


  I didn’t realize that I had thought out loud.

  “I hate you for messing everything up. Why didn’t you just wait? Was that too hard?”

  “Naw baby, it wasn’t hard. I fucked up. Let me come see you today?”

  I didn’t wanna see him. I just didn’t think I was going to be able to han­dle that.

  “I’m good. Wait ‘til I beat my case. I don’t need all the distractions.”

  “I’m here, ma, I love you.”

  I fought hard to keep my composure. I wanted to break down.

  “We’ll see.”Click!

  I hung up and decided to take a nap.

  “Ju? Wake up. Wake yo ass up, girl.”

  I opened my eyes and couldn’t believe what I was looking at.

  “Tiki! Bitch, you dead. Don’t be haunting my dreams; you know I’m scared of that type of shit.”

  She smiled and hit my leg.

  “Get up and talk to me. I love you. You gon’ beat this case. Focus on coming home.”

  “Coming home where?”

  Even as a ghost, she still had a sense of humor.

  “Not home with me dummy, unless...”

  “Uh, hoe, I’m not ready to be with you.”

  “Don’t let Lil Man get away with killing me.”

  I started to cry but she stopped me.

  “Cut all that crybaby bullshit out. Just be ready. You’ll get your chance.”

  She started to fade.

  “Tiki? Don’t go.”

  “JuJu, wake up!”

  I jumped up and my cellie was standing there looking at me as if I was crazy.

  “Bitch what? Stop staring at me.”

  “Well, quit talking in your sleep then. The C.O. just called you. I think you got a visitor.”

  I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and walked to the C.O’s station.

  “Campbell, you got a visitor.”

  I didn’t feel like being bothered. Maybe Jaw came anyway. I was grateful that he came, but I really didn’t wanna see him. I was escorted to the vis­iting building. I found a booth at the end of the room. I always chose that booth because I didn’t want nobody in my business in case I cried. Five minut­es passed and no Jaw.

  “What the fuck, man?”

  I was about to get up when this chick walked up to the booth. I didn’t know her so I didn’t pick up the phone. She sat down anyway and pointed to the phone. Maybe she had the wrong booth. She sat there looking at me. Now I was curious. I picked up the phone and wasted no time getting straight to the point.

  “Do I know you?”

  She licked her lips and smiled. Okayyyy.

  “No you don’t know me, but you should know that he loves me.”

  Huh? Who was this bitch?

  “Excuse me? Who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m the bitch that replaced you. Jaw wants to be with me, so quit calling him. If you do get out, you better stay away from my man. If I catch you, there’s gonna be problems.”

  I had to stand up and take a step back to size that hoe up. She was so lucky that the glass was bulletproof.

  “So let me get this straight. You came all the way up here to the county jail to tell me that? Bitch, you better hope and pray that I don’t beat this case; because if I do, where the fuck are you going to hide?”

  “Lil girl, you must not know about me or who my family is.”

  “Bitch, fuck you and yo family. I’ma make sure you see me. This ain’t what you want. You better ask your cousin and your brothers. Aw wait, you can’t, but fucking with me you’ll see ‘em real soon.”

  I hung up and gave that bitch my back as I walked outta the room. I couldn’t wait to get out. That bitch was definitely going to see me!

  Chapter 28


  I didn’t appreciate how that pussy ass nigga played me. You might think I played myself, but for real, y’all, how the fuck was I supposed to know that LJ and Jaw were the same person? I’m gonna fuck my shady ass sister up because I bet my life that she knew. Why didn’t she tell me? I’m gonna get her ass. After I got back from that cabin, I threw myself back into hustling. I had to move because it looked as if somebody tried to bomb my damn house. I haven’t even seen JoJo or heard from her. That shit made me really suspicious, beca­use she didn’t have anywhere else to go. I needed to find out Jaw’s bitch’s real name. I was going to make my way up to the county and have a little chat with her. She needed to know who I was, because Jaw and I were going to be together. He was mad, but he was going to have to get over that shit in order for us to be together. We were going to be together. Period! Where the fuck was my phone?Ring, Ring I checked the screen and saw that it wa
s Lil Man.

  “What the hell you want, maniac?”

  “I think your sister tried to have me killed.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “I told her to go to the store, and when she left I smelled gasoline. When I looked out the window, the crib went up in flames. My cousin and me jump­ed up and ran out of the house. As soon as we hit the porch, somebody start­ed shooting at us. We got away, but ever since then I ain’t heard from her.”

  I knew how I was gonna get her ass back.

  “Damn, lil bro, that’s fucked up if she did that. I’m glad you’re okay. I knew that she was grimy but never did I think that she would try and have the father of her baby killed.”

  I had to lay it on thick because I needed him. He was a killer.

  “Mia, how could she? I loved her and my baby. Where is she at?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t heard from her. Where are you at?”

  “I’ve been in this hotel room. I’m supposed to testify against JuJu in a few days.”

  “What’s her real name?”

  “Ja’ziya Campbell. Why?”

  “I got some unfinished business with her, that’s all.”

  “To be honest with you Mia, I don’t wanna testify against her. I wanna kill her and the rest of her little clique.”

  “Well I don’t know about all that snitching. Where I come from we hold court in the streets.”

  “But that detective dude want me...”

  “Is he paying you?”


  “Then fuck dude. Let him solve his own case. I’m ‘bout to hit the county.

  “Her visiting days ain’t ‘til tomorrow.”

  I was about to ask him how he knew, but I thought better of it.

  “You want me to come get you?”

  “Yeah. Fuck the courts. I’ma kill ‘em all!”

  “Where you at?”

  (The next day)

  After putting Lil Man up, I hit the streets to collect my money. Tomorrow he was supposed to testify in court. If he didn’t show, he said that the detective dude was going to come after him because he knew too much. I told him that I wouldn’t let shit happen to him. What? He didn’t need to know that I was lying. As soon as I found JoJo, I was going to let Lil Man get her ass. Blood ain’t thicker than water. She showed me that. So fuck her and that demon child that she’s carrying. I checked my watch. It was shift change at the county. By the time I made it up there, it wasn’t that crowded. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to risk running into Jaw or any of her other little friends. When I walked in, I saw her sitting at the last booth on the end. I had to admit, she was cute. She looked like she didn’t have a care in the world. I was kind of jealous. I see what Jaw saw in her. I picked up the phone and waited for her to do the same. After staring at me for a few seconds, she finally picked the phone up.


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