My Besties PT 3: The Downfall

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My Besties PT 3: The Downfall Page 15

by Asia Hill

  “You’ve gone too far.”

  “Those bitches are responsible for killing my whole family, and I’m the one who’s gone too far?”

  “But you started...”

  I couldn’t believe that bitch. Any feelings that I had for her just went out of the window. She was now a target like the rest of them hoes.

  “Man, Joe, the only thing saving you is my baby.”

  “Yeah, and you’ll never see it.”

  “I’m gonna make sure you suffer, bitch.”

  “Find me first, you pussy ass nigga.”Click!

  “Hello?” I needed to find her ass before she skipped town on me. She was a dead bitch walking. Mia was, as well!


  I almost shit on myself when the judge allowed the tape to be played. It was hard to watch, but the judge needed to see it. Lil Mama did that. Ashley was mad as hell when Lil Mama first told her about the tape. She felt as if Lil Mama should have said something. Lil Mama told her that she was coming to get her but she had that accident. She also told her that Malone needed her. Lil Mama didn’t think that he would go that far and do all that shit to her. With his ass finally out of the way and Lil Man as a no-show, we had this case in the bag. I pulled Ju’s lawyer to the side to see what he thought about the recent turn of events.

  “Hey Maria, how are you?”

  “Fine. Tell me how things are looking now after that little circus.”

  He grabbed me by the arm and led me to the hallway.

  “I can’t say for sure, but I think the jury—well not all, but some—have been compromised.”

  “Compromised! How?”

  “I’m almost sure that the detective and prosecutor paid some of them. It is sad to say but I’ve seen this a few times. I just have to prove it.”

  Those dirty motha fuckers. You see that’s how they do us. They’re scared to fi­ght us in the courtroom the right way. The government is so corrupt. They always try to trick us or break the law to have their way.

  “So how are you going to handle the situation?”

  “Well, once I question them I’ll go from there. I could smell deceit a mile away. I got this.”

  “How many do you think were compromised?”


  “I guess one of the jurors had a change of heart after I played the tape. Before you approached me, I was talking to her. She told me ... Wait, I can’t tell you. Let me do my job. I wouldn’t want blurting this out and possibly ruin­ing your niece’s chance of getting this dismissed.”

  I was so happy that I couldn’t contain myself. I wasn’t gonna tell Ju, but I broke my neck to get back in the courtroom to tell Heidi, Jaw, and her besties. Jaw damn near cried; he was so happy.

  “That was some hoe ass shit, auntie. Oh well, at least she coming home now.”

  I looked at JuJu and saw her watching us. I smiled and waved. She returned the gesture. But when she looked at Jaw, I saw a lot of pain, hurt, and anger. Oooh wee. I hated to be him if she did come home.


  Recess took forever. My lawyer was back and forth from the judge’s chamber to the courtroom. The prosecutor looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. I kept looking at the three white girls on the jury panel. They gave me no eye contact. Finally, after about two hours, the judge came back in the room.

  “All rise.”

  After the judge took his seat, he went the fuck off.

  “I don’t appreciate that my courtroom was used today as a circus.”

  He turned to the prosecutor.

  “Please rise. It has been brought to my attention that you and Detective Malone paid three jurors to vote guilty no matter what.”

  “Your honor, that’s absurd. I take my job very seriously.”

  “If that was the case, you would have never put that witness on the stand without doing your own investigation into his background. Had you done that, you would have known that he was under investigation by Internal Affairs for corruption, extortion, and kidnapping. Where was the other witness?”

  “I’m not sure. I need a few more...”

  “Excuse my French, but I’m not giving you shit. You have wasted my time and the time of the courts. You have also committed a federal offense by try­ing to buy my jurors.”

  “But your honor...”

  “Shut up! I hold you in contempt of court. You will be charged for your actions. It is prosecutors like you that make the justice system look bad. Bailiff? Get his ass outta my court room.”

  I was shocked. My judge was a G! He then turned to the jury panel.

  “And as far the three jurors who decided that $3,000 a piece was worth sending someone to jail possibly for life for a crime that they may not have committed, you can forget about your next few semesters at school. Bailiff? Lock their asses up, as well!”

  Okay. He let their asses have it. Where did that leave me?Throat Clearing

  “Ms. Campbell pleases stand.”

  Aw shit! I had to hold on to my lawyer because I was so scared.

  “I don’t even know how to address you, young lady. I can’t say that you are innocent, and I can’t say that you are guilty. I read up on your background, and I commend you for going to school and getting good grades.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I’m no fool, young lady. I know that you are not an angel. If you were, you would have never made it on Detective Malone’s radar. I understand that you knew the victims?”

  “Yes, sir. Tamiko was my best friend and Tae was my auntie.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. The justice system is not all messed up like people think. However, today just showed me—and everyone else—that there are a few rotten apples in every bunch. You are very lucky, young lady. The state failed to prove that you were responsible for those murders. I hereby declare a mistrial. Ms. Campbell, you are free to go.”Bang, Bang

  I turned around and smiled at my family. Boo stood up.

  “I’ll be downstairs waiting for you.”


  When Jaw smiled at me, I kept a straight face. I didn’t know how I was going to deal with him.

  Chapter 33


  I was bored as hell sitting in the house. I was channel surfing when I turn­ed to the midday news. My whole world came crashing down.

  “In other news, charges were dropped this afternoon for the murder suspect who was accused of killing Tamiko St. Clair and Shauntae Morgan on Thank­sgiving night. No statement was given by the D.A.’s office on why the char­ges were dropped. Stay tuned for the weather.” Click

  I shut the T.V. off and threw the remote.


  It was wartime. Jaw was mine. That bitch had better watch her back!


  I made it back to the deck before dinnertime. I gave all my shit to my homie Jade. I was in my room on the phone about to make a call when my room door came open. I thought it was Jade.

  “Bitch, you can have this phone, too.”

  I heard a familiar voice behind me, but it wasn’t Jade.

  “Lucky bitch! You thought I forgot about that shit, huh?”

  When I turned around, I saw the same three hoes that I fought when I first got here. They were all standing in my little ass cell looking as if they were ready to do some damage.

  “You still on that? Get the fuck away from me with all that bullshit.”

  I wasn’t scared, but I had a bad feeling about this one. I jumped out of my bunk and tried to move towards the door. The ringleader pulled out a big ass shiny metal knife and lunged at me. I moved out of the way and pushed passed them other two bitches. I knocked them down and was almost at the door when I felt a burning sensation coming from my back.



  She stabbed me about three more times before I blacked out. When I came to, I heard Jade screaming.

  “C.O., I NEED HELP! Ju ... stay with me, boo. You gon’ be okay.”
  I was coughing up blood, so she turned me on my side. She grabbed a towel and wiped my face.

  “Hold on, boo! Help is coming. C.O., I NEED MEDICAL, PLEASE, DAMN IT!”

  I was starting to get colder and colder by the second. My whole life flash­ed before my eyes. I saw my mother come to me with open arms. She seemed so happy. I coughed and more blood came up.

  “Ju, stay with me, please. They’re coming.”

  I saw Jaw’s face. He was holding my hand telling me how much he loved me. I was feeling myself getting weaker.WHACK! Jade slapped the shit out of me.

  “Bitch, stop closing your eyes. We’re gonna fight this shit.”

  How come I didn’t see this coming? I didn’t wanna go like this. I was only 16 years old, but I had been fighting all my life. I fought to be loved. I fought for respect. I fought for everything. Shit, I was tired. Now was the time that I really needed to fight. I didn’t think I had it in me no more. I was starting to feel light-headed. What a fucked-up way to go.


  “Damn, Lil Mama, they still take forever to process motha fuckers?”

  “Shit, you should know. I ain’t never been to the county.”

  I brought her to surprise JuJu. I left Jaw’s ass at home. I didn’t need her getting out, just turning around and going back in there for murder. This time she was going down. Two hours later and still no JuJu. Lil Mama jumped her ass outta the car and did her famous fuck-strut inside the lobby area.

  I hurried up and caught up with her because her temper was going to land her ass in one of those jail cells upstairs. I didn’t need JuJu coming out and her going in. By the time I made it in the building, she was already going off.

  “It don’t take no damn six hours to process one motha fucker. What the fuck is the hold up?”

  I could tell that there was about to be some shit because the receptionist behind the desk looked like one of them ole project ass hood rat bitches. She eye-fucked Lil Mama before she went off.

  “First off, don’t be coming up in here like I owe you something. She’ll be out when they are done processing her. What’s the name?”

  “Ja’ziya Campbell.”

  She picked up the phone and made a call. The color drained out of her face causing my heart rate to speed up. Something was wrong. Lil Mama felt it too, because she started breathing really hard trying to calm down and catch her breath. The lady came from behind the desk and walked up to us.

  “They said that the jail is on lockdown.”


  “Um, somebody was stabbed. I think it was the girl you looking for.”

  “Think or know? Don’t play with me lil girl.”

  She looked around and stepped closer.

  “I could lose my job for this. It is her.”

  “Lil Mama don’t...”

  It was too late. She snapped!


  She hit the vending machine shattering the glass.

  “She’s just a fucking baby! Damn it.”

  I had to take control.

  “I gotta go. Y’all have to leave. Call up here and ask for Captain Holmes.”

  I grabbed Lil Mama and we left.

  “Calm down. Let me see what’s going on.”

  As soon as we stepped outside, my phone rang. It was the same number that Ju had been calling me from.

  “Hello, Ju?”

  “No it’s Jade. I’m her friend.”

  “Well is she okay?”

  “Um, no. She was stabbed four times. She lost a lot of blood.”

  “Who did it?”

  “Some hoes she got into it with. I was in the shower and they ran up in her room.”

  “Keep me posted, okay?”

  “She told me to tell Jaw that she loved him.”

  “I’ll deliver the message.”


  I prayed that my plan worked. There was no way that I was going to share him with her.Ring, Ring


  “You have a collect call from Marquisha Brown. Press 5 to accept.”

  “Whud up, cuzo? You got something for me?”

  “Girl, shit been crazy up in here. Some lil bitch just got stabbed like four times. They just wheeled her ass up outta here on a stretcher.”

  “Damn, that’s fucked up. Did she die?”

  “She lost a lot of blood. When they found her, she ain’t have a pulse.”

  “I’ma send you some money. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Now that’s what the fuck I’m talking about. I got family everywhere it ma­tters. If I couldn’t have Jaw, he wouldn’t have her. I called his phone.

  “Yo? Why you keep calling me?”

  “Damn, is that how you talk to your future wife?”

  “My future what? Bitch, you crazy. My wife is JuJu. Get a life.”

  “Speaking of lives, at least I have mine.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “Turn to the news.”


  Man it was taking forever for Boo to bring my shawty back to me. Six hours and counting. I was starting to get impatient. What the fuck was she going to say to me? Better yet, what was she going to do to me? I was nervous.

  My girl was crazy.Ring, Ring

  I jumped up and grabbed my phone thinking it was Boo.

  It was that hoe, Mia. We went back and forth for a few seconds. I wasn’t about to argue with that bitch. I was about to hang up until she told me to turn to the news. I turned to channel 7 and listened.

  “Breaking news. I’m Laura Lovespell reporting live from Channel 7 News. There has been a vicious stabbing at the county jail on 26th and California tonight. The jail was put on lockdown after an inmate preparing to go home was viciously stabbed four times. The inmate was airlifted to Holy Christ Hospital in critical condition. The inmate’s name will not be released at this time. I will be following this tragic story. Brian ... back to you.”

  I sat there stuck. I know that wasn’t about my baby. I heard Mia laughing on the phone.

  “Hello? Jaw, are you there? See, if I can’t have you, you won’t have her.”


  “Not if I don’t kill you first.”

  – THE END –

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