The Super: A Bad Boy Romance

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The Super: A Bad Boy Romance Page 16

by Connor, Anne

  “Thank you!”

  It’s true. I did put a little bit of extra effort into summarizing the articles. Even when I realized that many of the assistants around me seemed to be texting with their phones hidden under their desks, I carefully perused each article assigned to me.

  And it isn’t just because I was looking for Drew’s name.

  Okay, maybe that was part of it, but it isn’t the whole story.

  “We have our eye on you, Molly. Excellent first week here. And I’m sure you’ll be moving up soon, if that’s what you want.”

  Natasha smiles and goes back to her desk.

  Is that still what I want? It would be a very simple trajectory, and I can see myself on it already. Editorial assistant, then editor for a few years, then executive editor.

  I’m on a good path, a sure path, a path that is predictable and sets me up for success. And all I have to do is make sure nothing gets in my way.

  Too bad that’s already happened, and it’s too bad that Drew has thrown my whole world into disarray.

  The stupid leaky sink. If it wasn’t for old plumbing, we never would have met again, and my life would still be perfect. I’d still know what I want. I’d still be excited about my job.

  But now, I’m not sure what I want.

  I can’t stop thinking about him, even now more than ever. About his hands, his body, his lips caressing mine.

  The rooftop terrace he brought me to was like a fantasy. The helicopter rider - in his helicopter! - was like a dream. It represented everything I’ve ever wanted, all in that moment. All of the wishing and hoping and planning and making sure everything was always just right - the right schools, the right internships - nothing could have made me believe I would be that close to it all, in such close proximity, breathing it all in and seeing it all up close.

  I finally feel like I haven’t just made it to the city, but that I am actually part of something bigger than myself. And I realize it was what I’ve always wanted. That’s what Drew was asking when he asked what I really wanted.

  And of course, I’m afraid now, more than ever, that it will be taken away from me.

  Drew Anderson, self-made billionaire real estate mogul, master of all trades, and infamous playboy. And now I’m his.

  But it’s not like I accomplished this status on my own. It’s not like when I put in the hard work to land a dream job. Drew is someone I never would have gone for before getting to know him.

  And because he just fell into my lap by pure luck and chance, because I didn’t have to work hard to earn him, I’m afraid he’ll be taken away.

  To make matters even more confounding, visiting his mom’s house with him has made me see him in a different way.

  Drew worked for everything he has. He’s secure in the fact that it can’t just be taken away. He has his name written all over his buildings, his deals, his fingerprint on the sleek interiors he’s designed, his DNA encoded in the makeup of his company.

  I don’t have that.

  And when I woke up this morning, I was waking up from more than just one dream.

  It’s still before 9:00, and the work day hasn’t technically started yet, so I decide to check out the front page of the paper online.

  Call it research. I do work for a newspaper, after all.

  I click on the gossip page. This part feels a little bit like cheating, but I want to see if there is anything about Drew online.

  Even though he’s been laying low, I know there is certainly the possibility that his case will be reported on. Maybe I’ll find something about his brother.

  Oh, shoot.

  There she is, with the other guy.

  It’s Clarissa with the very same guy I caught her with while I was shopping a few days ago.

  And the headline isn’t kind, either.

  Heiress Sneaks Out With New Man

  The article is even worse. It describes Drew as a work-obsessed guy who neglected his fiancee. It quotes a source who claims to be close to Clarissa. The article doesn’t mention that Clarissa broke off the engagement with Drew to be with her ex, Robert Crandall. It just states that she has a new man, and shows a picture of her with this other guy, who I know to not be Robert.

  One thing is clear - if anyone who knows Drew and the situation with Clarissa sees the story, they’ll know Clarissa is messing around with two different guys right now.

  This is the story I had a few days ago, the one I kept to myself for fear of embarrassing Drew. This is the story I knew would look bad for everyone involved - not just Clarissa, but Drew, too.

  I take out my phone and text him to ask if he’s looked at the news this morning.

  He texts me back quickly.

  Haven’t seen it yet, about to go into meeting. Sorry, talk later babe.

  I want to tell him, but I don’t want to distract him.

  26. Drew

  I have an important meeting upstate today. After Molly texted me, I checked out the tabloids. It’s not right, what they’re doing to me and Clarissa. Even though what she’s doing is wrong, she doesn’t deserve to have her name dragged through the mud like this.

  Let what she did be between me, her, and whoever else she’s with.

  Don’t get me wrong. I love being in the spotlight sometimes. The media’s been good to me. They’ve propelled my reputation. They’re the ones I have to thank for women throwing themselves at me and whispering to me about my big dick before I even have to.

  That’s been the beauty of this whole wild ride. When you’re just some guy, you have to work to get women. When you’re a guy like me, the women work for you.

  That’s why Molly’s different, and it’s why I like her. And it’s just one small part of why I love her.

  The meeting’s at my mom’s house. I’ve called her to broker a meeting between myself and an important mover in the real estate scene right now.

  “Rich!” I swing the rickety door to my mom’s place open and he gets up from the table with his hot tea.

  “Hello, Drew. It’s so very good to see you again.”

  Mom wipes her hands on her apron as she comes into the foyer through the kitchen.

  “I’m just pouring tea. How’s my favorite son?”

  “I promise I won’t tell Eric you said that,” I say, embracing my mom in a tender hug.

  “Wait, he isn’t here?” Rich smiles and pats me on the back.

  “Very nice. I see how it is.”

  The three of us make our way to the kitchen table. It stings a little bit to know that the house will be sold soon, but I don’t have time to reminisce today. I’m here on business.

  “So, how’ve you liked being a super, Drew?”

  He has no idea what his question means. He probably assumes I’ve been changing light bulbs for little old ladies, maybe saving a cat from a tree.

  “Let’s just say it’s reminded me of what I’ve been missing.”

  “Oh?” Mom asks. “I thought you loved living in Manhattan.”

  “I do. Don’t get me wrong. But staying away from all the craziness is just what I needed for a little while.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll be happy to know that my regular guy is coming back on Monday.”

  A little pit forms in my stomach. I knew the gig was temporary, but I’m sad I’ll have to leave. I was starting to like living in Brooklyn.

  “That’s no problem,” I say coolly. “I’m going to get a room at the Motor Inn nearby. I’m still not ready to go back to my and Eric’s place.”

  “I have a vacant unit there, Drew, if you’d like to stay there a few more days. It’s on the market right now, but I haven’t had any interest yet.”

  I take a sip of my hot Earl Grey tea with extra cinnamon, just the way my mom’s always made it.

  “You have a broker? Advertising?”

  “Not really. My regular super knows it’s available, and I do have an ad running in the paper right now.”

  “I have to tell you, Rich, that I haven’t seen
anyone come by looking for an apartment. You want me to get the word out?”

  “It’s okay. I don’t really care if it sits empty.”

  I take a sharp breath and cross one leg over the other, resting an ankle on my knee. It’s a power move, but then I remember that I’m not dealing with a cut-throat investor here. I’m dealing with my mom’s friend. I plant both feet firmly on the floor and lean forward a little, letting the sweet aroma of the tea fill my nose.

  “I have seen some people coming around the building, though. Not people looking for an apartment. Investors. Have you been approached about selling?”

  “Yeah. As a matter of fact, I have.”

  I swallow hard. Shit.


  “I’m seriously considering it, to be honest. I’m getting too old to be able to keep up the building. My super is good, and I have a good handyman, but I just can’t keep tabs on the building for much longer. It’s getting to be a little bit too much for the old man to handle.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m thinking about selling and then retiring in Florida. I can’t go back and forth between the city and here anymore. It’s too much.”

  “So do you have any real offers?”

  I clench my fists in my hands and think about Lee and his asshole assessors going into the building and destroying what Rich has built over the years. Disrupting Molly’s life and the life of her neighbors. Making the building into a spot for rich assholes like me to park their money.

  “I do have an offer. And I’m going to take it. It’s the first time I’ve really ever entertained the idea. But I want to do it.”

  He looks over at Mom. She has her hands in her lap, and her apron is covered with flour and rust. I can see that she’s been working in the house, and she seems anxious to leave.

  “It’s my time,” Rich says, looking back at me. For the first time, I’m seeing the lines in his forehead, the white of his hair.

  “What if you had another offer?” I ask, putting my cup down loudly into the saucer.

  “I don’t have time to compare bids. I don’t want to go through all the trouble of talking to more than one company. It’s too much.”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” my mom says, putting a hand over his. “You have to do what’s right for you. You’ve held out long enough. Really. It’s okay.”

  “I can’t say I’m happy with what they want to do with the building, and if I had someone come by who promised to keep it as a residence for families, I would sell to them. But no one is interested in that. They just want to buy it, flip it, make a profit and then unload it on the next buyer. No one wants anything long-term anymore. Everything’s fast these days.”

  “I think I know a buyer who would be interested in keeping the building as it is now, Rich.” I unfurl my fingers and relax them on the table. It’s a gamble, but I want him to be interested.

  “Really? Even if they say that, there’s no guarantees.”

  “Whatever Lee is offering you, I’ll double it.”

  My mom’s mouth goes slack and she looks at me with surprised, wide eyes.

  “Drew? You’re the buyer?”

  “Yeah. Look. I can’t say I’m not being selfish here. The truth is that I met a girl who lives in your building, Rich. And I’ve gotten to know her. And the building. And there’s life there. And I want to buy it, and continue what you’ve started.”

  “Drew, you don’t have to do that. I appreciate it, but it’s too much. You’ve already done me this huge favor by looking after the building.”

  “Letting me purchase it from you would be an honor, Rich. Really. It’s what I want.”

  My mom is tearing up and wiping her eyes on her apron.

  “Mom, don’t do that. You’re going to get all that crap in your eyes.”

  “Sweetheart, I can’t help it.”

  “I need to get back to the office to have some contracts drawn up. Rich, just tell me how much Lee was going to give you for the building. It’s not worth that. It’s worth double. More than double.”

  27. Drew

  “We get the good bagels again?” I ask.

  “No. Fuck ‘em. They don’t deserve the good bagels,” Sarah responds.

  When she’s done putting out a pot of hot coffee for Lee and the others, she takes a seat at the head of the conference room table.

  “You really think this is going to work?” she asks, playing around with the projector she has set up in the middle of the table, hooked up to her laptop.

  “It’s going to have to. I know how their firm works, because it’s how my firm works. It’s how all of the players in this space work”

  “Just don’t let your brother hear you call Anderson Equities your firm. You’re going to have a bigger problem on your hands if he hears that kind of thing come out of your mouth.”

  “Don’t worry about him. He’s too busy being paranoid to even notice if I hang a portrait of my face in the lobby and don’t put his picture up next to it.”

  “You’re right. Too busy looking down at his phone.”

  I pulled some of the plans Lee’s firm filed with the Department of Buildings, along with financial statements that were publicly filed with the state last year. It should have been the first thing I did, but my arrogance got the best of me, and with all the cases O’Malley’s had in the pipeline, he hasn’t had a chance to make much headway yet.

  That’s fine. I’m the one who likes a tight timeline.

  My research revealed that not only did Lee’s firm already think they were going to be able to acquire Rich’s building without even the slightest of a fight, they had a large portion of their liquid capital tied up in the Limited Liability Corporation they’d set up to fund the alterations to the building, the buyouts, and the contracts.

  I guess they didn’t think Rich would put up as much of a fight as he did.

  And now that the contracts between Rich and me have been signed and sealed, Lee and his firm are going to have to find a different multi-family building to put their capital into. I guess next time they won’t over leverage their assets, if they’re smart.

  He could drag it on and on, but now that I know he has so much money tied up in Rich’s building, any threats he makes to take this to court will be a bluff. I know it, and I’m going to let him know that I know it by showing him the gorgeous plans I worked on all morning drafting in CAD and creating quick renderings on for Rich’s building.

  I guess it’s technically my building now, but I’m going to put a little plaque on it, honoring Rich. Maybe add a palm tree to the plaque. The last I talked to him, he was planning to buy a little place of his own on the intercoastal.

  It’s really a win-win for everyone. A compromise. That’s a new word to me.

  But Molly, the person who’s the most important to me, is really the one who’s going to come out ahead. She shouldn’t have to compromise. Not for me, and not for anyone.

  There’s no way Lee isn’t going to drop his suit against Anderson Equities. All of the capital they were going to use against us is tied up in Rich’s building. There’s no way out of this one for them.

  But I’ll do the right thing. I’m not going to totally fuck Lee over. He’s a good guy. He’s just too cocky for his own good.

  To make the deal sweeter for everyone, I’m going to give his firm a little bonus to drop the lawsuit he has with Anderson Equities. They’d do it anyway, because they have no liquidity without Rich, but let’s just call it a little incentive between friendly adversaries.

  “Shit. They’re coming.”

  Sarah scrambles up and adjusts the projector so it flashes against the white dry-erase board on the wall of the conference room.

  “How do you know they’re coming, Sarah?”

  “I have psychic powers.” She stares at me and blinks. “Freaking Eric sent me an instant message on my laptop. Get it together, man!”

  She runs out of the room and hustles down the hallway to the reception are
a. It’s amazing how she can walk so fast in those heels. It’s just one of her many superpowers.

  I hear her tone change sweetly when she greets the men and ushers them into the small conference room to sweat them out a little.

  But today, I don’t want to play games. I’m ready for them. I don’t have to keep them waiting to show that I’m too important or too busy to meet with them right away.

  “Sarah, bring them in, please,” I say as she makes her way back to me, turning on a dime when she hears my words and shuffling back to them.

  “Wait,” I call after her. She spins around again to face me from the middle of the hallway.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” she huffs. “You want them to wait, or not?”

  “No. I don’t want them to wait. But why don’t you go into the conference room and sit down and make sure that the presentation is ready? I’ll get the boys.”

  Sarah gives me two thumbs up and smiles.

  “Wow. You’re your own assistant now? You think Molly will be okay with dating an assistant to some rich guy, or is she going to hold out for an actual rich guy?”

  “Won’t matter to her,” I say with a smile as I walk past her through the hall and to where Lee and the guys are sitting.

  I open the door and the men stand up.

  “Very nice for all of you to come by on such short notice.”

  “Ready to compromise?” Lee asks, reaching out his hand for me to shake.

  “Something like that.” I hover by the door and gaze at the men. For so long, we were so alike. It’s all posturing and fighting with numbers in this business. It’s all on paper. Ephemeral. There’s nothing physical. Nothing real. “I want to show you all something.”

  I stride back to the large conference room, where Sarah has our presentation open and Eric and O’Malley are just taking their seats.

  They both look scared shitless. Eric, especially, but that seems to be his default setting these days.

  “Gentlemen, please sit down,” Sarah says, gesturing to the empty seats around the table.

  “Coffee, anyone?” I ask, making my way to the corner of the room and pouring two cups for me and Sarah.


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