STICK: MC ROMANCE NOVELLA (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 8)

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STICK: MC ROMANCE NOVELLA (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 8) Page 83

by Samantha Leal


  “So I thought we were going to your mom’s?”

  “We are. I just wanted to put our things here. I haven’t seen the house since I was here for the wedding. And I haven’t seen it since it became mine. It feels pretty good. I thought we could tidy up a few things while we are here.”

  She had not given him all the details of what had transpired with the house. She just said that her mother had told her to treat it like her own house. She further implied that her mother was the one who would sign it over to her. She stopped just short of lying. No need to complicate an already complicated situation by telling Steve about the gift. Steve’s face screwed up at the mention of tidying up though. He did not like the sound of doing any kind of work apparently and Jennifer doubted that she would get any help from him. She just hoped that the rest of house was not a complete mess. Her mother, Darla had a tendency to leave work for everyone else to do, so there really was no telling what the state of the basement and main rooms would be. At least it was hers though, she thought. She assumed her mom wouldn’t care about the furnishings, but who could tell.

  The house was surprisingly well kept, and just as she had last seen it. The customary hidden key outside had been replaced with a shiny new one that opened the front door. On the kitchen table she discovered the rest of a new set of keys resting on top of a note from Charles welcoming her home. Apparently they had changed all the locks, giving her even more of a feeling that it was really hers. So it was really true. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at the familiar handwriting. Jennifer folded the note and stuck it in her pocket before Steve came in with the bags. She saw his nose crinkle at her new home, his upper class breeding coming in again. To see it from his eyes, she was sure that it was a let-down.

  “Wow, this place is tiny.”

  “It’s a three bedroom, two-story house, Steve, and it is just for me. So I think it is plenty big enough”, she said, trying not to feel, or sound, too annoyed. Then again, what he said was objectively annoying she thought.

  That was the difference between them in a nutshell. Nothing was ever good enough for a guy like Steve, who was promised the best of everything from the time he came out of his mother’s womb. He just always got whatever he wanted. He expected to get his degree and work at one of the prominent law offices in the city where he grew up. His family had connections and it was practically a done deal already. His career path was chosen purely on a monetary basis, while Jennifer wanted to get into law to help people. Her school had kids representing both sides of that fence. While some just wanted to make a difference in the world, others were just getting a license to swindle money from everyone they came in contact with. Maybe that was a bit of an extreme way to see it, but that was her view.

  “I guess. I don’t know if I would want something this small though. I need room to move.”

  She wondered if Steve realized that with every word out of his mouth, his chances of getting in her pants were dropping exponentially. Putting that thought aside, Jennifer looked around at her house proudly. It was perfect for her.

  “Well, we can’t always agree on everything,” she finally said.

  As Steve walked over to use the bathroom, Jennifer sighed to herself. She didn’t know what she was doing with him and she was just now realizing that she had not really thought through the ramifications of bringing him home with her. It would definitely signify that they were becoming more serious. He was already expecting more than she really wanted to give him, and now she was only encouraging it. He might even try to get some right then and there. The fact was, she was not even sure if she really liked him at all when he made ignorant comments like that. He didn’t seem to have a filter or monitor inside of his brain that told him that he was being an insensitive jerk. He could be sweet at other times, but at times like this the jerkiness just oozed out of him with every word, obscuring whatever good in him she had once seen. Jennifer was starting to wonder if that was why she kissed him the first time at the party where they had met. She was probably just trying to shut him up.

  “So are you ready to go babe?”

  Jennifer groaned inwardly again.

  “Just let me change real quickly and throw some makeup on.”

  Steve sighed audibly and Jennifer was finding herself wishing for the third time in ten minutes that she had just had the courage to come home and face the situation by herself. At this point though she was committed. She couldn’t very well send Steve back to campus. Dinner would be ok. She knew that it was going to be long, but she had to go to say thank you to Charles and Samuel for their incredible generosity, if nothing else.

  Jennifer purposely took her time while she was getting ready, making Steve wait as a form punishment for all of his dramatics. She knew that was pretty passive aggressive of her, but in that moment she didn’t really care. She smiled sweetly at Steve thirty minutes later as she finally came downstairs. He couldn’t be too mad at her, looking as good as she did. The dress she wore was red, short, and tight. Her heels made her legs seem a mile long and with her hair flowing down her shoulders she was an absolute bombshell. It was clear from his expression that his desire to get some had reached a crescendo and suddenly he wasn’t too keen on leaving the house at all.

  He walked over to his girlfriend and pulled her into his embrace, his lips crashing down on hers. His lips slid over hers, but she was reluctant to open her mouth. Jennifer was actually thinking about Charles as Steve touched her. It was the other man that she wished was kissing her, and pressing her against his hard body like he had in the coatroom. Given, it wasn’t the most romantic spot, but it would have to do. She pulled away from Steve as his hand crept closer to her hot center. Jennifer didn’t want him to feel how wet she was. She was not wet so much for him as she was for her own stepbrother.

  “Stop, we are already late and we need to get going.”

  The man growled and grabbed her firm ass cheek as she started to walk towards the front door. She could feel his eyes on her flesh as she walked away and she found she liked it. Maybe she would slack her thirst with her boyfriend after all. What a novel concept, she thought. He may be a dick, but he had waited quite a while after all. This was her thought as they got into her car. Her body wanted satisfaction and it did not seem that it was all that worried about who it actually came from. When she thought about hot steamy dirty sex, however, it was Charles who came to mind.


  “I am so happy you finally made it. I called and you didn’t answer.”

  “Sorry mom. I had to go by the house to drop my things and get ready.”

  “The house? I thought you were staying here and we could have Christmas morning together.”

  “I went by our old house.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t Ryan tell you?”

  “Tell her what?”

  Jennifer looked over at the aging man walking up to the stair. He was dressed formally, as he always was. She was a little caught off guard by his appearance but proceeded with the story undeterred.

  “That your sons kindly bought her house and gave it to me. Charles sent me a card and the deed to the house. Don’t tell me you didn’t know of their generosity.” She was laying on the sweetness to be sure and frame the whole thing as a grand noble gesture, lest Ryan get in the way of it going through.

  By the look on the man’s face, it was quite obvious that he didn’t know anything about it. Although he didn’t say anything, by the newly arrived twitch in his brow, the news seemed to upset him. He turned and left, presumably to go look for his impulsive, and recently very gallant sons. Jennifer introduced her mother to Steve and was in turn introduced to several of Ryan’s family members. Her sister was not there and when she asked Darla where she was, she was given a puckered look that was akin to her husbands. Sadly, it looked like she was becoming just like him.

  After some chit chat and introductions Steve was pulled into a conversation with some other guests.<
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  “Well he is a nice looking boy. He dresses well,” said Darla approvingly.

  Jennifer sighed as they watched Steve talking to Ryan’s brother. She was sure it was about something boring. She knew that by “dresses well,” her mother was speaking of the man’s means. Jennifer couldn’t have cared less about that and she couldn’t believe that the same woman who had told her to follow her heart when she was younger now seemed to only consider finances as the defining factor in her daughter’s love life.

  It was then that Charles and his brother Samuel came into the room. Jennifer was stalled for a moment as her eyes drank in the sight of her new brothers. They were similar in looks, yet each distinct and unique in his own way. Her heart pounded in her chest as they walked over to where she was standing. Samuel was attractive as well, but it was Charles who attracted Jennifer. Her mother had long been forgotten and she turned to Charles for the first time since that coat room.

  “Thank you so much!”

  There was nothing else that she could say to them but to thank them. She wasn’t sure if they knew how much it had meant to her, but she thought it was obvious that it meant the world. It meant that she could hold on to so many cherished memories. She even had hopes of maybe starting her own family there someday. Jennifer wrapped her arms around the startled man and she immediately felt the same way she had felt in the coat room. If there had not been so many people around, namely her boyfriend as well as her own new extended family, she would have liked nothing better than to finish what they had started that day so many months before. It was readily apparent that Charles was receptive to her gratitude.

  She reluctantly pulled away, though she was happy to see he was just as affected as she was. His brown eyes bore into her hers and she looked away to save herself embarrassment. Jennifer turned towards Samuel and gave him the same hug, though she did not feel the fire she did with Charles. Steve seemed to be a bit bothered by all the hugging and was quickly at her side introducing himself. Despite the knowledge that these were her new stepbrothers, some primal defense was triggered and Steve made it clear that they were a couple. She, on the other hand, had never wanted him to be gone as much as she did at that moment. Charles had a semi-deflated look on his face. Jennifer wished that she could take that look away. She actually had a pretty good idea of how she could do it, too.

  Dinner was beautiful and the food was almost so pretty to look at that she didn’t want to spoil it by eating anything. The conversation revolved around business and while Steve had plenty to say, Jennifer could not think of anything to add. She couldn’t have cared less about mergers and profit margins. All she could think about was the dark-haired man that kept looking at her from across the table. Their eyes met once and she wanted to melt into her seat.

  “So are you staying here for the night? It would be nice if we could all wake up to Christmas morning together as a family for the first time.”


  “We were going to stay at the other house weren’t we? I really wanted to help clean it up a bit,” Steve quickly interjected.

  He had actually cut Jennifer off. She knew exactly why he wanted to stay at the other house. It certainly had nothing to do with cleaning. Well, there was one thing he wanted cleaned. Or was it that there was one thing he really wanted to clean? Truth told she couldn’t really blame the poor guy.

  “Steve I haven’t missed Christmas morning with my mom my whole life. You can stay there if you really want to help and I will stay here.”

  Steve had painted himself into a corner and he knew it. He didn’t look especially happy about it, but after Jennifer’s mom overheard the plan and started gushing with excitement, he knew it was too late to back pedal.

  “Good, well that’s settled. It really means so much to me to have you here Jennifer.”

  Steve meanwhile looked like he had just been hit in the head with a frying pan as he tried to comprehend how quickly his plans to get laid had unraveled.

  Darla just looked misty eyed and Jennifer was sure that her mom had had one too many glasses of wine. At the same time she welcomed the warmth of her words. As the dinner wound down and people started to leave, Charles walked up to Jennifer, as she was matter of factly telling Steve she would see him tomorrow.

  “Would you like me to show you to your room, sis?”

  It was funny how he said the last word. There was the secret between the two and though Steve could sense another man encroaching, he could not say anything because they were siblings after all. Steve looked from one to the other and huffed in his confusion.

  “Yea, just let me give Steve the keys.”

  Jennifer pawed through her purse until she found both the car and house keys. Steve seemed genuinely shocked when she actually handed them over.

  “I will see you tomorrow sweetie, okay?”

  Knowing there was no use arguing at this point, he grumbled his assent and then surprised her with an impassioned and fiery kiss. She was not expecting it and especially not with so many of her family looking on. Her body was so ready for some loving she realized, that this kiss had almost been enough to convince her to go back home with him after all. She walked him to the door though, and after a final farewell, shut it before he could kiss her like that again. He might have been marking his territory, but it was effective nonetheless. Had he kissed her like that before they left her house earlier, the end of the day might have turned out very differently for both of them. Her hands brushed her lips for a moment as if to make sure they were still intact.

  “That was some kiss.”

  Jennifer smiled and looked back at her stepbrother sheepishly.

  “Yea, it was.”

  “You look surprised.”

  “I am, a little.”

  “Was it as good as our kiss?”

  Jennifer blushed and couldn’t quite meet his eyes. She quietly followed the tall man up the long stairs. They walked down a long hall and passed several rooms before he stopped at a door and opened it. He held it open and let her walk in before he came in behind her. He shut the door and she heard the faint click of the lock. She turned around and looked at him questioningly.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Was his kiss better?”

  Jennifer stepped back as he approached her, the same determined look that he had had before. Her mouth was dry, as were her lips.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this. It just isn’t right,” she said, trying her best to believe it herself.

  “That’s ridiculous; if our parents had never met no one would think twice about us being together. I think maybe it’s my turn to give you a kiss again.”

  He said nothing else about her being his stepsister. He seemed as eager to forget that fact as she was. His lips came in contact with hers and there was that instant spark again. Her body remembered him and happily melded against his hard chest.

  Their tongues twisted around each other and his hands explored her body once again. In their heat, he pushed her towards the bed in the middle of the guest room. Jennifer felt the back of her knees hit the mattress. His weight pushed her over and Charles fell down on top of her, his hardness instantly pressing against her mound. His mouth left hers as he started to kiss her neck. Jennifer moaned and wiggled her body underneath him, enticing him to continue his descent.

  “So?” he said, pausing in his ministrations.

  Jennifer looked up at the man over her body and sighed. She felt shy for a second, the intensity of his eyes overwhelming.

  “I have been thinking about you since the day at the wedding. Why did you just take off like that?”

  To be honest, Jennifer didn’t really know why she had run off. She certainly wasn’t going to tell him her best guess though, which was that she thought she had just felt too out of control when she was around him. She had been afraid of what she might do while under his spell. In this moment now though, she found that feeling exhilarating, rather than threatening. She was ready to let go of that control a
nd give in to her body’s yearnings. She would be whatever he needed her to be. Moreover, she would be whatever she wanted to be herself. Screw convention. In that moment, all she wanted was Charles.

  His body and mouth moved lower, nipping at the hardened nipples that poked against the thin material of her dress. His nibbling and sucking tongue, teeth, and lips went from one breast to the other and then slowly moved down her stomach. Her lower abdomen trembled as his hot breathe steamed through the thin fabric of her dress.

  “I love this dress and the color on you, but at this moment I really just want it off,” he said, almost apologetically.

  Jennifer squealed as he pulled the hem up and exposed her from the waist down. She looked past her heaving chest and saw his face start to lower to her sex. All that stood between them was a rather frilly pair of lace panties that almost matched her dress. The red made her feel sexy and the man’s mouth on her nether-lips proved that he seemed to agree.

  Jennifer’s painted nails delved into his hair and scraped along his scalp as he pulled her panties to the side. His breath became hotter and she whimpered when she felt the tip of his tongue lightly pressing against her wet button. His fingers held her open while he pressed harder and made her moan louder. Her hips came up to search for his mouth and when he locked on her engorged nub and started to suck, she bucked underneath him.

  “Yes Charles, oh God.”

  Jennifer was at the precipice and then flying over the edge entirely into oblivion before she knew it. Charles slid a finger inside of her and started to finger-fuck her quickly as her fluid squirted out around his thrusting digit. His name was on her lips, over and over again as he pushed her past pleasure. Her body heaved and contracted until it hurt. Her core was sensitive and even with a finger inside, she wanted more. He relented and pulled back to leave her. Her thighs pulled together as she closed her eyes tightly in her enjoyment of the moment.


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