Filthy Little Lies

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Filthy Little Lies Page 18

by J. S. Cooper

  “Do you really think you can figure out world peace when you can’t even decide what type of sandwich you want at lunchtime?” he said with a sarcastic tone that I chose to ignore. He knew me too well.

  “I’m not even going to dignify that comment with a response.” I put my nose up in the air and avoided his gaze.

  “Good, good.” He nodded, barely paying attention to me. Sometimes he reminded me of my dad in the way his eyes would glaze over when my mom and I talked about shopping or my nonexistent love life. “Now, Nolan will be here in the next few minutes and we’ll be able to continue discussing the plans then.”

  “Nolan?” I said slowly, my entire body going stiff as I blinked rapidly at him. “Not Nolan Montgomery?” Please, dear God, don’t let him be talking about Nolan Montgomery! Though I knew the answer before he responded. How many photographers named Nolan lived in Canyon Beach? I could only think of one.

  “Yes, Nolan Montgomery.” He smiled at me. “Oh yes, he’s Betsy’s brother, isn’t he?”

  “Uh-huh,” I mumbled, trying not to panic. I wanted to jump up and run out of the office. I didn’t want to see Nolan Montgomery, let alone work with him.

  “Then that’s even better.” He nodded and tapped the files on his desk. “Perfect, just perfect.” He stared and all I could do was stifle a groan. I couldn’t stand Nolan Montgomery. He had been the bane of my existence for most of my life. He was the older brother of my best friend Betsy and he had always acted like he was the boss of both of us. Not to mention the rest of my history with him. I didn’t even want to think about certain events.

  “What’s perfect?” A familiar deep husky voice sounded from behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Nolan. I’d know his voice in my dreams. That was the problem with living in a small town like Canyon Beach, everyone knew everyone, and you couldn’t escape the people you never wanted to see. Especially, if they were the best photographer in town. Especially, if they were your best friend’s brother. And he was your first kiss and more.

  “I was just telling, Julia here, how perfect it is that her best friend’s brother was going to be the photographer she worked on with this story. This way you can get into the nitty-gritty, the deep and dirty without any holdups.” Malcolm grinned widely, and I just stared at him with my mouth ajar. Was he for real? “Julia, you can feel free to truly be yourself on these dates and let Nolan capture the real you. It will be perfect for our weekly videos.”

  “What weekly videos?” Now my jaw was open wide and I could feel myself starting to sweat. “You didn’t say anything about videos.”

  “Well, well, well.” Malcolm just beamed at me. “Why don’t you have a seat, Nolan?” He pointed to the chair that was way too close to me and I watched as Nolan squeezed past me to sit down. He grinned at me as he sat, giving me a quick wink before he looked back at Malcolm, a devious and humorous glint in his fern-green eyes.

  “What weekly videos, Malcolm?” I said again, this time more sternly, my tone made of steel. I knew I needed to watch myself, after all, Malcolm was still my boss, but I was beside myself with annoyance. This was the last thing I needed. I squirmed in my seat just imagining Nolan watching and studying me on dates. It was embarrassing, plain and simple. I couldn’t stand him. He was a boorish, rude, chauvinistic brute. I conveniently disregarded the fact that I’d had a not so secret crush on him when I’d first started high school. And the fact that he was my first official kiss was burned from my memory. I’d grown up since then. I wasn’t even going to think about that night senior year or that moment when I was a sophomore in college. My face burned red as I stared at his familiar face. I almost felt like I was back in college.

  “He’s talking about the weekly ‘Queen of First Dates,’ video segment that will be on the Canyon Beach Chronicle website.” Nolan turned to me with an infuriating know-it-all smirk. “I’m sure you know that more and more readers prefer to read their news online.”

  “Me going on dates isn’t news.” I glared at him, my heart thudding, ever so slightly.

  “It sure is.” He smiled widely, his eyes dancing in merriment. “When’s the last time you’ve gone on a date, Jules? It will be the talk of the town.”

  “I don’t want to be the talk of the town.” My eyes narrowed as I stared at him. “And I go on plenty of dates, thank you very much.”

  “Uh-huh.” He grinned as if he knew I was lying and then turned back to Malcolm. “I think it’s a great idea. I was thinking about the turnaround time and I think I can have the videos edited in a few days, so if Jules keeps her first dates to a Friday or Saturday night, I can have the video edited and uploaded by Tuesday?”

  “That’s perfect.” Malcolm looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary. And a big canary at that. I couldn’t believe that the two of them were talking about this as if I were okay with it.

  “I’m really not cool with this, Malcolm, it’s invasive and personal… and…” I could see out of the corner of my eyes that Nolan was laughing at me and I turned to him with a death stare. “What are you laughing at?” I growled, wanting to hit him in the shoulder to get him to stop, but quickly remembered that I was no longer ten years old. I couldn’t get away with just thumping him to stop him from teasing or tormenting me.

  “I just find it funny that you’re worried about something being too personal. You could have fooled me.”


  “All the conversations you and Betsy have had regarding boys…” His voice trailed off and he raised an eyebrow at me. “Do you want me to continue?”

  “Nolan Montgomery, you are the most infuriating man I have ever met.” I folded my arms, gave him one last glare and turned back to Malcolm. “This is absolutely ridiculous! I don’t think this is a good idea, at all.” I stressed the last part and gave Malcolm my most professional look, while subliminally trying to tell him, do what I say.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, Julia.” He gave me a sad look. “Unfortunately, circulation is down and we need for this to be a hit to get advertisers back on board.” He let out a huge sigh. “I think we might have to close down if we don’t increase our revenues soon.”

  “Humph.” I just sat there with a burning face staring at him. I couldn’t believe that he was going to pull the emotional manipulation trick on me. My videos on dating were not going to save the newspaper from going down. I pursed my lips as I looked at Malcolm’s serious face and Nolan’s half-laughing expression. “I guess I will try it out, under duress, to see if it will help raise advertising revenues, but I doubt it.”

  “Actually, we already have several businesses lining up to sponsor some of the dates,” Malcolm said with a huge grin. “Tony’s Pizzeria, Lottie’s Flower Shop…” His voice trailed off as my expression turned steely again.

  “Just how long have you been planning this column, Malcolm?” My voice was soft, and I knew from the way his eyes widened that he knew that I was this close to losing it.

  “Jules, does it really matter?” Nolan answered for Malcolm in his typical alpha male fashion. “I would think that you’d be happy to get the chance to finally go on a bunch of dates. Heaven knows that you and Betsy have spent most of your lives talking about dating.”

  “Nolan Montgomery,” I said his name sharply, fire spitting from my eyes as I looked upon his handsome face. His dark hair was cut short and I could tell from his light stubble that he hadn’t shaved this morning. I wondered what he’d been doing last night that he didn’t have time to shave this morning. I shook my head slightly to stop myself from going down that road. I really didn’t care. At all. Nolan Montgomery was nothing to me.

  “Yes, Julia Gilbert?” he drawled and smiled his lazy, you don’t want to mess with me smile. I grabbed my phone and muttered under my breath.

  “Just wait until I tell Betsy about this.”

  “See, it’s like I said, nothing is too invasive for you. Just imagine I’m my sister when I’m following you around.”

  I didn’t bother looking back at him then because I knew he would have a smug look on his face and I knew that I would want to wipe it off in any way possible. And I didn’t want to get fired for assault and battery. And there was no way I wanted the police called because it was likely to be Jefferson Evian that showed up and he was Nolan’s best friend. That was another problem living in a small town. The authorities were friends with your enemies. There was no way that Jefferson would understand where I was coming from if I slapped the daylights out of Nolan.

  “Is there anything else you want to discuss, Malcolm?” I said finally, knowing there was nothing more to say. He wasn’t going to change his mind. I just had to deal with it and come up with a plan.

  “Well, there was one thing,” he said and stuttered slightly. “Nolan, I know you said you would prefer the dates to be Friday’s and Saturday’s, but I had a different plan.”

  “Oh?” Nolan said surprised, and I hid a smile. Yeah, Nolan, he’s not listening to you either.

  “Jules, I want you to go on thirty dates in thirty days,” Malcolm continued, and this time he was talking fast. “It will be great for our advertising campaign.”

  “Thirty dates in thirty days?” My voice rose, and I jumped up. “Are you joking?”

  “Well, no…” Malcolm cleared his throat. “We’ll give you a week to get ready and you will have a discretionary budget of five hundred dollars to buy some new clothes and get to the hairdressers and stuff.”

  “What’s wrong with my clothes and hair?” I glared down at him, huffing and puffing. I didn’t even bother asking him what “and stuff” meant. I didn’t want to know.

  “Well, he knows how many dates they’ve gotten you thus far.” Nolan slid into the conversation and I just ignored him.

  “Ugh. I just can’t right now.” I shook my head and walked toward the door. “I’m going home for the rest of the day. All of a sudden I feel really sick.”

  “But, Julia, we weren’t finished with…” I didn’t hear the rest of Malcolm’s conversation because I slammed the door behind me as I walked out. When I’d gone to college and studied journalism, I hadn’t imagined that this was how I would be spending my days. Not at all.

  I hurried to my desk and grabbed my phone and handbag and left the office and made my way down to the coffee shop in the lobby of the building. I was all over the place right now. Not only had it been a shock to see Nolan looking at me so smugly, but I was also feeling a little excited. I pulled out the letter that I’d received in the mail that morning and smiled to myself as I reread the note that had been sent to me.

  Dear Julia,

  How are you today? Well, I hope. I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m starting this letter so formally, but I thought that was the best way to start again after so many years. Have still kept my previous letters? I was wondering if you were still single and if you would be interested in meeting me after all these years (though I know you don’t know who I am). Maybe we can get to know each other before you decide.

  Always Yours,


  My secret admirer was back. Well, at least I assumed it was the same guy. He did use the same name as he had in the previous letters. Letters that I’d read over and over again. I still had no idea who he was, but I very much wanted to meet him. I couldn’t believe that he had started writing me again. It almost made up for the fact that Malcolm wanted to embarrass me in front of the entire town of Canyon Beach and have Nolan Montgomery record it for infamy.

  If you enjoyed this excerpt from Queen of First Dates, you can continue the rest of the story here.

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