Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology Page 78

by Gina Kincade

  A few hours later, they had both packed the essentials for their move. Where they were going, these balls and dinner parties would hopefully be a thing of her past. They were actually going to live like the working class, and she was rather thrilled about the prospect of not having to tire herself with the aristocracy any longer.

  On the carriage ride over, with the steam engine rumbling in the background rather than soft music, he gave her flowers, chocolates and a verse written on a lover’s knot. Despite the bumpy ride, she turned the paper until she had devoured every word of his sentiments, his sonorous pronouncements on paper.

  “I didn’t know what to say,” she spoke, tears welling in her eyes.

  “Every word of it is the somber truth, my lady. I love you, and am proud to escort you to this ball tonight. You make one tempting armful. So, may I ask how you are as we come up to the curb?”

  “With you, I am always quite well, and at this moment, more so than ever before.”

  “Come, let’s go raise some kind of a breeze, then.”

  Such a fuss was made when she walked into the ball, her crimson gown a tad more low cut than was the norm, shaping her entire body, accenting every curve in the color of blood. Tonight though, with her hand placed gently on James’ arm, she no longer thought to feel exposed or even scandalous. Only she knew that right below the cream lace of the top were two small red wounds, the bite of her lover. Her secret was such a fantastic notion that nothing else really seemed to matter at the moment, even the fodder for scandal-broth they had planned.

  Finally, Cecilia spotted them and waved them over to a tiny alcove near the doors to the terrace. Isabella and Laurisa’s faces both matched Cecilia’s in their disapproval of her date. Their glowers gave them more of a ‘hung gallows’ look than maidens should ever be able to possess. She knew this would be the case, him being a nightwalker and all, but she had paid it no mind, not letting it interfere with all the good and positive steps she was taking. She merely wanted to say good-bye to them.

  “Your cousins await us. They obviously know what I am.”

  “So, please, pay them no mind then. I simply need to say my good-byes.” Emma took off, looking back once to make sure he was following. He was, head down, like he was going to his execution.

  Just as she was upon them, he grabbed her arm, turned her to him. “I wanted to be the one to tell you this, but you wouldn’t let me before. I knew we would run into them, and that their moods would be sour, their feelings ardent. Remember, you said my past didn’t matter, that you forgave me. Remember that you would not let me tell you. And, if you so change your mind about me, know that I love you more than anything in this world.”

  “What are you going on so about? You are scaring me now.”

  “Gads! What this vampire is jawing about is that he was one of the one’s there the night Aunt Sophia was killed. I saw him with my own eyes holding onto the vampire who had just drained her.”

  Emma heart stopped beating then. Her body froze, colder than the hand still on her arm.

  “I tried to save her!” James exclaimed loudly, enough to rouse some attention their way, so he lowered his voice. “But, it was too late by the time I arrived, not that that fact eases my guilt one whit. Please, you must believe me. I told you that at first…well the blood lust was too strong, but after, soon after, I tried to gain control over it, and made the stupid mistake of trying to help others of my kind do the same. Got the hell beat out of me many times for my troubles. That night Emma, I was too late. I drug her killer away, and we fought until I could fight no more. After I healed in the woods, I saw you…you and your cousins, plus other family going into your aunt’s house. That was the moment I first saw you, and my dead heart came back to life. You preserved the things in her country home, and I returned there each night to study them, to learn all I could about you. You had asked me how I knew so much, and that is the how and the why of it. Please, Emma, look at me. Say something. Please tell me all is not lost to us now!”

  She turned from her cousins to him then. Her heart breaking with the loss of her aunt. She scrambled for purchase upon his words, to find something in them to let her move past all of this and move on with their plans.

  “Your oft-beastly ways are not welcome here. Unhand my cousin and go, you servant of the black spy” spat Cecilia latching onto Emma’s other arm.

  Caught in a tug-of-war, just not her body but her mind, she passed beyond the boundaries of polite conversation. “Enough already! Wait, Cecilia! Hell and blast! Just give me a minute’s peace to think.”

  He’d tried to tell her, several times in fact, but she hadn’t wanted to hear of his past. What had he done wrong really, but arrive too late? She knew him better, she wanted to believe, than to think him capable of great deception, of great misdeeds, of great violence now. It wasn’t just the last few days, but the last few months. She had not felt anger, violence, hatred; anything devilish in any way from him. In fact, if she were to be most honest, she had far more of the devil’s ways in her than James did. Rather he’d been peaceful, well to an extent even, as well as loving, protective; a whirlwind of creative energy if truth be told, something she loved feeling from him.

  “Emma,” Cecilia started again. “You are not truly considering dating one of his kind. Please tell me you are not of such weak constitution as to fall for the lies of this wretched miserable creature. They drain us, and then they kill us,” her cousin whispered. “You are lucky to have gotten through meeting him with your life.”

  She looked around at the ball before her. The noise in the room had met unbearable limits for her frazzled nerves, and all because of that blasted robot that they’d brought in. Lace papers were everywhere. Dancing had commenced. The whole place was merry, people toasting to love, speaking of betrothals no doubt. It finally hit her like she’d lived the whole of her years, maudlin drunk until now. She no longer had the need to fight against the conventions of society. She no longer felt a pawn of their fate. No, she had a future now of her own. Why? Because James loved her, and she him.

  “You tried to tell me.” Emma stated looking into James eyes. They were dark, stormy more perilous then she’d ever seen them, and yet he stayed put. He could have taken one, or even all four of them out the doors, into the yard and done them all in without anyone being able to do a damnable thing about it. But, he didn’t. He wouldn’t. Of that, she had no doubts.

  As he shook his head, she realized she’d stopped his confessions before so adamantly because she hadn’t wanted anything to stand in their way that badly. She plumed herself on being able to read people, a gift of her magick, to be able to feel their true natures. The aura’s around her so-called monster was tinged in grays, for he would always be a vampire. But, the rest of it was bright colors, warm colors, showing how he fought tooth and nail against his baser instincts to retain his humanity. Dangerous? Yes. And, he always would be. Everyone had baser instincts within them they had to do battle with on a daily basis. Did she like that fact of danger? Yes, it excited her to no end. Everything about him, about them, was something of a contradiction, but new and exciting, nonetheless.

  She turned to her cousins, giving them each a hug, which to her meant good-bye.

  “The sober truth is my dear cousins, that he has watched me, studied my ways since then, even fallen in love with me from a distance rather than dare get too close before he knew I would be safe. He had nothing to do with Aunt Sophia’s death other than to perchance be to late to stop it. He tried to tell me numerous times, but I was the one who wouldn’t listen. You might find this a fantastic notion, but there is no subterfuge in his story, in him. In fact, it is him, this vampire, who puts me now in a mind of being a better person upon this earth than I have been of late. We are leaving this night to start a new life together with or without your wishes. I’ve left a note for mother and father. They will find it when they realize I didn’t return home. I love you all, and wish you the best. I shall be back to visit fr
om time to time if you will have me into your homes, I would most like to come.”

  She turned to James then who extended his arm to her. A man of propriety till the end, he whispered in her ear, “If I but could, I would kiss you right here in this room. Thank you, Emma, my love, for understanding. I shall make you happy, I promise, the rest of your days. Do you wish to join me still in animating the robot or would you rather just make haste on our journey?”

  “I no longer have need of it. I have you, and don’t feel I have to fight their ways. I just need to establish my own, apart from proper society, with you.”

  “I’m happy to hear it. All the more reason then, just to have a little fun before we go, with no ill wishes toward anyone. It will give them all who are here tonight a purpose tomorrow, something to call upon each other and whisper about in drawing rooms all over London. Do it for them this time.”

  Her grin lit her face just as she felt inside. A great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. And while still acting in mischievous ways, it was no longer with a heavy intent.

  “There is a small sitting room close to the main entrance. Follow me,” she giggled like a debutante.

  They walked arm in arm like a couple very much in love, even steered off course a moment with a dance as they went. Yet, arriving upon the dark and empty room, a few looks around to make sure no one was watching, slipping inside, he quickly moved the long flowing red of her gown up her legs before she even had the door shut.

  “Are you wet, my love? We must be quick?” he breathed into her ear, kissing her neck.

  She gasped to feel his fingers between her folds. “You can feel, I’m more than ready. You are such a man about town here tonight, James.”

  “And, you, my dear Emma are my more than willing companion.”

  “That I am. Make magick with me.”

  He moved in haste, and the glory of it went straight to her head. Eyes closed against the haze forming in front of them from her light-headed giddiness, she held on tight as he freed himself, then pushed his already rock hard erection up inside her at the same time he bit into her neck. In the dark, she hadn’t even seen his fangs elongate.

  Instead, she saw red then black as she squeezed her eyes tightly closed, gave into the heady feel of them so abruptly joined as her inner walls adjusted around his hard invasion. She was so full of him, every muscle contracting in delight.

  Concentrate! She saw the robot in her mind, made it take a few steps, a turn, a macabre dance if you will. She knew men would try to stop it, and she imagined it evading them, of course. There was nothing with to shut it down anyway; no gears would be moving other than due to magick. The heap of metal would hit the men with his arms, out just because he was moving. Not hard, but enough to rouse them. The robot would step on a cute slipper or two, causing a squeal, not harm. And, as the aristocracy here tonight fled the party, flowers and little lace valentines would be dropped to the floor without a care.

  Right or wrong, as her body milked James, soared to the heights of pleasure and back in haste. Soon enough, the screaming started, men yelling, even the sound of good china being broken. A plus. On shaky legs, her orgasm still ripping through her, making her pulse and shudder, she returned her dress to rights. Scandalously, Emma gripped James’ hand as they excited the room, blending in with those she’d previously considered ninny-hammers and numbskulls, but just maybe had judged too harshly. They were all in a way misunderstood just as she was as well as her vampire.

  Once in the carriage, waiting their turn to enter the street, James asked after an ardent kiss, pulling her closer to him on the bench. “So, was tonight all you hankered for and more?” he winked.

  “Most wonderful Valentine’s Day of my life, my love. In years to come, you shall have a hard time making any day as great as this one was.”

  “Hmm, yes, maybe, but I shall have a grand time in the trying of it.” He kissed her forehead, squeezed her tight.

  “You had proposed before that your secret, well that it came with a surprise. What, dare I ask, would that be?”

  “It is in Devon, and I was planning the surprise, and then the confession would just come, once I got you there. But, I can’t wait a moment longer. I have taken the liberty to have brought several of you aunt’s best possessions for us to study together. No one shall miss them, as I can travel back quickly any time, returning what we have, getting others. She had a wealth of books. And, I plan on us having a lot of excess sexual energy to put to good use.”

  “James, that is a great idea, and an amazing gift, all in one. We shall have a lot of excess energy to use.” She reinforced the idea by trailing her fingers down his already re-awakening cock, hard and long under his trousers. His growl, well it would always be music to her ears, she knew.

  “I am the luckiest vampire on the earth. No more brooding nights for me…” James continued on for the rest of their ride, much to Emma’s delight making brazen-faced confessions of love as they planned their next go at sexual magick and which of his creations would next come to life, this time to suit their purposes privately.

  The End

  About the Author

  Ever since she was young, USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Kiki Howell has loved to listen to a well-woven tale with real characters, inspired plots, and delightful resolutions. Kiki spent hours lost in books and soon knew creating lives, loves, and losses with just words had to be the greatest thing she could do. She's now had over fifty stories published and couldn't be more thrilled or grateful to see her creations polished and out in the real world.

  Where to Find More of Kiki

  Please visit http://www.kikihowell.com/ to see all available titles!



  Also by Kiki Howell

  Her True Savior

  Torn Asunder

  Whiskey & Witchcraft

  At War in the Willows Trilogy


  What Lies Within Us

  Playing With Magic

  A Modern Day Witch Hunt

  Mystical Mayhem

  Love, Creativity & Magick

  When the Snow Flies: Shifter Paranormal Romance

  Working Out the Kinks

  Sacred Sex

  Snowed In! Winter Storm

  Cowboy Boots & Handcuffs

  Hidden Salem: Salem Series Book One

  Salem's Revenge: Salem Series Book Two

  Her Haunted Valentine

  Tricia Schneider

  4 Flames

  Skip To Next Story

  Copyright © Tricia Schneider 2020

  Edited by D.E. Eidem

  About Her Haunted Valentine

  When Wendy Miller’s best friend sets her up on a blind date for Valentine’s Day, she’s hopeful this guy will be Mr. Right Now if not Mr. Right Forever. Imagine her disappointment when he doesn’t show. Instead, a man named Magnus appears, saving her from a lonely evening. He’s charming, he’s handsome, and he’s single. But there’s one thing Wendy doesn’t know...

  He’s a ghost.

  Magnus was murdered on Valentine’s Day over two hundred years ago. Now, his spirit haunts the inn where he died, searching for the one who can save him from this ghostly existence. The one who will hold his heart forever.

  Chapter One

  Wendy Miller tapped the edge of the empty wineglass with her newly manicured fingernails for what could be the eightieth time. The manicure Eve bought for her just wasted money with no one to show off the dazzling candy apple shade since her date hadn’t shown yet. He was an hour late. She should’ve given up thirty minutes ago. Hell, after the first fifteen minutes of sitting at this lonely corner table in the inn’s restaurant she should’ve gotten the hint that Mr. Wonderful wasn’t going to appear.

  That was Eve’s doing, too. Playing matchmaker was her best friend’s hobby, one that Wendy often got pulled into whether she liked it or not.

  Wendy sighed, rememberi
ng Eve’s high-pitched voice waxing poetic about Mr. Wonderful and his seductive chocolate brown eyes. He was a friend of Eve’s husband and since he was single and Wendy was single and it was Valentine’s Day, well…

  Eve thought her job this time was easy-peasy.

  And hopeful, optimistic and extremely lonely Wendy was gullible enough to fall into the trap of a blind date.

  Another one.

  She hated blind dates.

  But this was the third Valentine’s Day she remained single. Frankly, she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  A passing waiter paused beside her table, offering to refill her wine.


  “Why not?” Wendy muttered and nodded her consent. She might as well get plastered drunk since she was all by her lonesome tonight. Her room was upstairs, waiting for her rejected self to climb into bed to cry herself to sleep.

  After the waiter left, she took another sip of wine, licking her lips at the delicious quality. At least, she’d gotten a good bottle of wine out of this disastrous night. And a good meal. The barest hint of leftovers on her plate was a testament to the quality of the dish.

  She’d eaten all she could, now that she didn’t have to worry about anyone watching while she ate. Another thing that bothered her about blind dates. She was all thumbs when she sat across from a handsome man she didn’t know and tried to stuff her mouth as daintily as humanly possible.

  She couldn’t not eat, especially when she was hungry. And she wasn’t one of those women who wouldn’t order a proper meal because she wanted to impress the man with the idea that she was so thin she didn’t need sustenance. One look at Wendy’s curves was proof that she had a healthy appetite, one she wouldn’t give up for any man.


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