Her Millionaire Master

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Her Millionaire Master Page 5

by Maria Monroe

  He still had on his dress slacks, but he’d taken the belt off to be more comfortable. His white dress shirt hung open, and his feet were bare. Comfortable. Bella might feel overdressed when she first arrived, but quickly she’d be removing clothing. Just thinking about it made him groan out loud, and he downed another shot.

  The antique grandfather clock from Scotland chimed the hour. Seven. She wasn’t here.

  He’d cash the fucking check then.

  He picked up the Mortlach bottle, preparing to bring it to the kitchen and pour the cheap whiskey inside it down the drain. But suddenly the doorbell rang.

  Although he hated the fact that relief poured through him, he couldn’t help it. He set the bottle back on the table and stood up straight, heading to the door. When he opened it, Bella was standing there, her face showing so clearly the nerves she was feeling. She bit her lip, looking up into his eyes, and blood rushed to his cock. She had no idea what to expect. And he couldn’t wait to show her.

  As instructed, she was wearing a skirt, a flimsy-looking one. No stockings or socks, just a pair of worn-out black heels that made her legs look even more beautiful, her calves perfect—strong and sexy. He couldn’t help himself from imagining, just for a second, how they’d look when she was on tiptoe, bending over his desk. She had on a black fitted shirt, and she was carrying a small bag, an overnight bag, he supposed.

  “Hello, Bella,” he said evenly, stepping aside so she could enter.

  “Hi, Kane.” Her voice. Sweet, with a hint of fear. Anticipation.

  His cock stirred at the sound. “Please come in.”

  She did, looking around her as she entered the foyer. What was she looking for, he wondered? Or at? Perhaps it was just her general nerves about the… situation. A grin, slightly wicked, he knew, graced his face as he turned to her. Her huge blue eyes looked up into his, and he could see the most intoxicating mix of desire and fear. Oh, Bella. You have no idea, he thought.

  “Follow me,” he ordered. “I am going to give you a brief… orientation before we get started.”

  In response she uttered a soft ‘hmmm’ sound, so quiet that he had the most unusual urge to hold her to him, to tell her it would be all right. Where is that coming from? he mentally cursed himself. Was he getting soft?

  He led her down the hallway to his office, which he had set up earlier. His office was his favorite room in the house, and he loved the entire place. One half was set aside for work, which he did on his mahogany desk. It was the perfect room for total concentration, soundproof so he couldn’t hear anything from the outside when the door was shut. This feature was dual-purpose, though, as it prevented noises inside the office from escaping as well. The sound system was incredible, and though oftentimes he concentrated best without music, he did at times enjoy classical music while he worked, his preference Mozart piano concertos or Haydn’s violin works. Although, of course, he did enjoy other types of music as well, having an affinity for the Rolling Stones and Maroon Five. He avoided clichés, but variety was, he often thought, the spice of life. Habits were important, but so was trying new things.

  It was the other half of his office that was for play. The leather couch was useful for some of his activities, but he also had a Murphy bed that was, now, pulled down. The bedding was a deep red, almost black, silky and luxurious. On the four corners of the bed were unobtrusive antiqued silver rings, perfect for attaching handcuffs or ties. And in the drawers on either side of the bed were various implements he used when he was playing, some of which he’d chosen specifically for Bella’s sessions. It had given him great pleasure to prepare for her, to think about what he’d do to her when he had her alone during their sessions. Improvisation was fun too, and essential for good experiences. But there were some things he definitely wanted to do, that he’d thought of, hard and often, in relation to Bella.

  She gasped when she saw the bed, and it made him smile. Was it bad that he enjoyed her discomfort?

  “Sit,” he said, gesturing at the couch.

  He watched while she timidly approached it, then sat down, her skirt riding up her legs a bit as she did so. He tried to look at her thighs impassively. Objectively. But her skin was so pale, her legs a perfect balance of lean muscles. He wanted to touch her. To run a hand up the inside of her thigh, wanted to push her legs apart until his fingers reached her panties, touched her wetness, sank into her delicious pussy.

  Kane cleared his throat. “I see you brought a bag. Overnight items, I presume?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “Good. You will sleep in here tonight after we’re through. There’s a bathroom right next door for you to use. You will be free to read any of the books I have, except the first editions on the second shelf. They’re quite rare, and I don’t think you want to ruin anything else expensive, do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I have Wi-Fi you can use. Food in the kitchen. You’re free to help yourself once we’re done.”

  “And if you need to work?” she whispered.

  “I have another office. Wonderful thing about laptops and Wi-Fi, isn’t it? You’re free to move wherever you’d like. Tomorrow morning you may leave any time after six a.m. Do you understand?”


  “Shall we go over the rules for your punishment, then?”

  She nodded.

  “The first rule is that you will speak when I ask you a question. No nodding. No shaking your head. You will answer with a yes or a no. Is that clear?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I expect you to do exactly as I instruct as soon as I tell you to and without question. Your safeword is whiskey.” He’d found it humorous to use that word, since it was his scotch that she’d spilled, for which she was going to be punished. “Use it when you absolutely need me to stop. I will not stop if you say no or stop or beg me to end the punishment. I will only stop when you say your safeword. Tell me your safeword, Bella.”

  “Whiskey.” Her voice was hoarse, her eyes big and blue and filled with trepidation.

  “Once you use your safeword, I will immediately stop. You’ll be allowed to use your safeword three times over the course of the five sessions. Any more than that and the deal is off. Is that clear?”


  “Do you have any questions?” he asked, looking hard into her eyes.

  “Do I have to, um, call you sir? Or anything like that?”

  He laughed, a rough sound. “You mean like in videos you’ve undoubtedly watched?”

  She blushed hard, and the pink tint in her cheeks made his cock swell.

  “You can, if you’d like. Or you can call me Kane. It’s my name.” And he loved to hear it, uttered on the lips of a woman in sheer pleasure or pain, the sound never failing to make him harder than he already was.

  “OK. Kane,” she uttered, as if trying it out. She looked so small on his couch, so scared, and for a second a hint of concern for her filled him. He remembered Charles’ warning, that he needed to be careful. That he shouldn’t break her.

  “Bella,” he said, “before we begin, I need to know that this is what you want. And I need to advise you that you should leave right now. You should get up from that couch and walk out of this house and let me cash the check. Because you’re not cut out for this. Your punishment will be hard and painful and embarrassing. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “Bella. What did I say about the way you answer me?” he warned.

  “Oh. Yes. I understand, Kane.”

  “So look me in the eyes right now and tell me you want me to punish you.”

  Her hands twisted in her lap as she raised her eyes to his. “I want you to punish me,” she said, her voice low.

  He knew it was hard for her to look at him directly and say that, and his cock throbbed at how wonderfully submissive she already was.

  “Well, then. Let’s get started.”

  Chapter Three

  Bella could hardly believe she was here. That this was happening. It wasn’t just a dream. It wasn’t just a fantasy. It wasn’t a video on the Internet. She was actually here, in Kane’s study, and he was going to punish her. Her heart was pounding, and her legs were shaky as she stood, as instructed by Kane. She could still leave. Just let him cash the check. But she really needed that money. Even more pressing, though, was the fact that her panties were damp. It was crazy to want someone to punish you, but she couldn’t help the fullness in her clit that continued to grow as Kane told her the rules. This would be embarrassing, she knew. And it would hurt. But she wanted it. Badly. There was no way she was going to leave.

  Now he was sitting on the couch looking up at her as she stood before him.

  “Bella,” he said, his voice low, sending shocks right through her. “Have you ever been spanked before?”

  She shook her head, then remembered he wanted her to answer out loud. “No,” she said, wanting to sound confident but ending up whispering, a low and sultry sound instead. Not at all what she intended!

  A muscle in Kane’s jaw tightened for a second. His jaw that was covered in evening stubble. His jaw that was so sculpted and hard. How she wanted to reach out and touch it, but that’s not at all what tonight was about. Or the next four Friday nights, for that matter. His eyes were so dark as they stared into hers. Unreadable, too. She thought she saw passion in them, in addition to the stern look, but she couldn’t be sure.

  “Well, then, Bella,” he finally said. “I’ll go slow at first. But only at first. We’ll start just like this.” He straightened his back and sat farther back on the couch. “I want you lie down over my lap.”

  Bella gulped. This was real. It was starting. And the thought of lying her body down on the couch so her ass was there for Kane made embarrassment shoot through her. But it also made wetness surge in her panties again. Still, she hesitated, unsure if she could actually make the next move.

  “Bella. I don’t want to ask you a second time. I thought I made it clear that you are to obey me immediately. You did understand that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, Kane. I did.”

  He gestured down at his lap.

  She was fairly sure she could see a huge swelling in his pants, and took a step forward. Oh, god, she thought as she awkwardly knelt on the couch next to him, then turned her body so she could lie herself down on top of him, her ass on his lap. She’d been right about his pants. She could feel his cock, hard and so big she almost gasped out loud, as it pressed into the tender flesh of her hip.

  “I’m going to give you a warm-up over your skirt, Bella. But don’t mistake it for kindness. I’ve found that a warm-up actually makes my subs able to take harder punishments. And that’s exactly what I intend to do to you.”

  “Yes, Kane,” she whispered, shifting slightly on his lap.

  He grunted, almost too quiet for her to hear, as she moved against his cock. He was as hard as she was wet. What was this dynamic, she wondered, that had them both so hot? Why were they both so turned on by what was about to happen? But she didn’t have time to think about it more because she felt his hand on her lower back, and his words, low and warm, like the good scotch she’d spilled all over his floor.

  “You are to hold still for your spanking, Bella. Yes?”


  “Good.” For a few seconds he was still, and she waited, the anticipation making her both more nervous and increasingly wet.

  And then he began.

  His hand slapped down on her ass, first her right cheek, then the left. Even through her skirt and panties, she felt the sting immediately, and before she knew it she’d uttered “ow!” out loud. As if he hadn’t heard her, Kane continued, moving back and forth from her right cheek to her left, varying the intensity of the spanks once in a while so she was never sure exactly what to expect. She felt foolish and embarrassed, over Kane’s lap while he punished her for doing something wrong, but the idea that she’d agreed to this, that she was staying here and holding still despite the beginnings of pain and despite her humiliation, made her pussy clench.

  A steady burn was building up, and she shifted once more in a vain attempt to get some relief from the spanking. His cock, harder than before if possible, reminded her of how hot this was making him. How hot it was making her. And she settled back down.

  Then he stopped. “Stand up.” His words were lower than before, a growl more than actual speech. She stood, reaching behind her to gently rub her butt through her clothes. “Take off your skirt.”

  Her hands shook as she reached to the side zipper, pulling it down and letting it fall to the floor at her feet. He looked at her appraisingly for a few seconds, then spoke again.

  “Your shirt and bra as well, please, Bella.”

  She gasped. Why did she have to take her clothes off for a spanking? But the look in his eyes told her to obey, and if she was going to use her safeword, it wouldn’t be for something like this. Slowly, she pulled her tight black shirt up and over her head, dropping it onto the floor by her skirt. When she reached behind her to unfasten her bra, Kane’s eyes darkened and narrowed. She unhooked it and dropped it, too, to the floor.

  “Pick them up, Bella,” he said suddenly. “I don’t want a mess on my floor.”

  “Yes,” she said, bending at the knees and using one arm to cover her breasts as she knelt to pick them up.

  “Don’t cover yourself,” he ordered. “Part of your punishment is humiliation, so I want to be able to see every single inch of your body. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she repeated, slowly moving her arm away from her breasts.

  “Better,” he whispered, his words warm and soft on her body. “Now please finish picking up your clothing.”

  Bella scooped everything up at once, then deposited it on the coffee table, which was pushed far back from the couch now.

  “Good. Now I want you to kneel on the couch, with your upper chest and upper arms on the back of it.”

  Clad only in her panties, Bella knelt gingerly on the couch. When she bent over to place her breasts and upper arms on top of the back rest, her bottom stuck out, and she felt her face turn bright red. She was glad Kane couldn’t see it right now.

  “Don’t move,” he said, and she heard him walking away from her, then heard a drawer open and close. When he returned he sat on the couch next to her. Unlike her, though, he was sitting normally, not bent over with his ass sticking out. “This,” he said, slapping the paddle he was holding against his other hand, “is handmade from the finest Italian leather. It was designed by a friend of mine, an expert in this field, to produce an exquisite pain for the person being spanked. That’s you, Bella, is it not?”

  “It is,” she murmured.

  “How do you think this will feel, when I’m using it on your beautiful ass?” With one hand he gently caressed her bottom, which was slightly sore from the hand-spanking she’d already received.

  “It will hurt. I think it’s going to hurt.” Her panties were soaking now, despite the fear that had taken hold in her belly. Nobody had ever spanked her before tonight, and certainly not with a gorgeous but scary-looking leather paddle. The spanking part was maybe a foot long, the handle similar to that of a hairbrush. It would be painful. There was no doubt. And still, she was wet and throbbing as she waited for it to begin.

  “It will hurt,” he agreed, continuing to rub her ass. “Very much, Bella. It’s a punishment, so it should hurt. Don’t you agree?”

  She shut her eyes tight in humiliation. She hated this part, this part where he was making her agree that she should be spanked hard. But she knew it was part of the deal. The arrangement. “Yes, I agree. It should hurt, Kane.”

  He got off the couch, and she waited, her whole body lit up with anticipation, for his next move. She could feel him standing next to her, and then he spoke again. “Bella, I want you to ask me to spank you.”

h, god. Could she do it? “Kane,” she whispered, summoning up her courage, “please spank me, Kane.”

  “With my hand again, Bella?” he asked, his voice almost playful.

  “Um, no, with the leather paddle.”

  “Say the whole thing, Bella.”

  She took a deep breath. “Kane, please spank me with the leather paddle.”

  “Good girl,” he whispered.

  She felt one hand on her lower back again. Then she felt the leather paddle as he dragged it over her thighs, then over the flimsy fabric of her panties. She shivered.

  “I’d like you to spread your legs, Bella.” Kane’s voice was so low, a rumble almost.

  Bella obliged, edging her legs apart, both humiliated and turned on by this indignity.

  “Ah, that’s beautiful, but more, please, Bella.”

  “Oh,” she moaned, and spread them further. Would he be able to see how wet the crotch of her panties was already? Would he be able to smell her arousal? Or was that part of the punishment, that she be open and spread and on display for him this way? At least she still had panties on, she thought, but it was a small consolation.

  “Now lower your shoulders as much as you can and stick your bottom out for me. Ah, yes,” he said as she complied. “I will begin soon, and I want you to stay in this position, do you understand?”

  “I understand. Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good. Are you ready?”


  For a second there was nothing but sublime anticipation, and then she both heard and felt the smack on her ass, hard, and she cried out, one hand reaching back to rub herself where the paddle had hit.

  “Uh, uh, uh. No hands. If you can’t keep yourself restrained, I’ll have to do it for you, Bella. Yes?”

  She nodded.


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