Her Millionaire Master

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Her Millionaire Master Page 9

by Maria Monroe

  “Does that surprise you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she repeated. “Well, sort of.”

  “Only sort of?” He sat back in his chair. Outside, the night was dark and silent.

  “Well, I’d thought about it before. This sort of stuff.”

  “What sort of stuff, Bella?” He knew it would embarrass her to say it out loud, but he enjoyed making her squirm.

  “You know. Spanking? And, um, anal… stuff…” She took a big gulp of her wine. “Do you do that sort of thing with all your girlfriends?”

  “I don’t have girlfriends.”

  “But in the video I saw…”

  “I have women, Bella. Relationships, even, I suppose, as much as any time spent with someone constitutes a relationship. But not girlfriends in the way most people would think.” This was true, and although Charles often tried to convince Kane to open up and have a real relationship, Kane chose not to. He didn’t want the commitment. The investment, of both time and emotion. He had enough other things to keep him busy, and as long as he had sexually satisfying experiences, he didn’t need the rest of it. He didn’t need the pretty package everyone except him seemed to crave so desperately.

  “Oh.” She looked confused. She would, he thought. She was a nice girl. A typical girl. The kind that did want the loving boyfriend and the engagement party and going out to restaurants with other couples. Well, she wouldn’t get that from him.

  “To answer your question,” he said, “yes. The women I date are all sexually submissive and enjoy that I’m dominant when we play.”

  “Oh,” she repeated. She looked curious and slightly awed and, if he was honest, there was some fear in her big blue eyes as well. He was surprised when she asked another question. “So, do you ever just have, um, regular sex?”

  “Enough questions, Bella. Go to bed.” He knew his voice was suddenly gruff, perhaps harsher than the conversation warranted, but he didn’t like that she was trying to dig deep. And he didn’t like that he didn’t mind it as much as he should. Getting emotionally intimate with people wasn’t something he did. And he wasn’t going to start now.

  She hesitated for a second, and he saw a streak of defiance in her eyes, but as soon as it appeared it was gone. Carrying her glass of wine, she walked down the hallway without looking back at him. He couldn’t stop staring at her thighs, so creamy and beautiful, as she headed away from him.

  * * *

  During the week, Kane was distracted by Bella. The compassion in her eyes when she listened to him talk about his grandfather was something he couldn’t stop seeing, as much as he wanted to rid his mind of the image. He didn’t need her concern, nor did he want it. It bothered him that he thought of her so often. The women he casually dated and played with never crossed the line in his mind that separated sexual yearning and actual compassion. Why was this girl down the street threatening his hard and fast rules about relationships?

  When Charles came by on Wednesday, he immediately eyed Kane. “How’s Bella?” asked Charles, pushing his blond hair out of his face and squinting one eye critically.

  “Fine,” muttered Kane. It was late evening, the sky already dark, and they were taking Max for a walk.

  “You’re not pushing her too hard, are you?”

  “She has a safeword, Charles. You know I never play without safewords.”

  “Except you’re not playing with her, Kane. The deal you made with her isn’t like your other relationships.”

  Kane grunted.

  “It’s fucked up, Kane. You’re going to hurt her.”

  “She knew from the beginning what it was and wasn’t.”

  “You’re my best friend, Kane. I love you. But I’ll always tell you when you’re walking the line between being the usual asshole you are and being a sadistic mother fucker. And right now, you’re on that line.”

  “Ah, you’re so refreshingly honest today, like always, Charles,” said Kane lightly, but inside he was worried that Charles was right. More than that, he was worried that he cared that Charles might be right.

  They turned the corner onto their block, and Kane noticed the street lights weren’t on for some reason. Darkness lurked around them. Kane wasn’t scared of the dark. He wasn’t scared of anything. But his instincts suddenly told him something was going on, and he always listened to his gut. He glanced down the darkened street, looking for any signs of danger.

  His gaze landed on Bella’s apartment building, and his body surged with adrenalin. He could see a figure—Bella, if the long blond hair was any indication—and a second person, hood pulled up, standing close. Something glinted in the moonlight. A knife?

  “Fuck,” he muttered, handing the leash to Charles.

  Quickly and quietly he sprinted down the sidewalk and before the hooded person had a chance to react, Kane grabbed him around the neck. “Drop the fucking knife,” he hissed, and it clattered to the ground. He was holding a young man—young enough that he probably still lived at home with his parents. A kid, really.

  “Are you OK?” he asked Bella, and it killed him that she was shaking.

  “Yes,” she said, but her voice trembled.

  Kane squeezed the guy’s neck tighter.

  “Please,” whispered the kid, his voice hoarse. “Don’t hurt me.”

  Kane let loose a cruel laugh. “Don’t hurt you? And what, exactly, were you trying to do to this woman just now?”

  “I wasn’t going to hurt her,” managed the kid. “I wanted money. That’s all.”

  “Yeah? Well, I hope you enjoy the back of a cruiser instead,” hissed Kane.

  “The police are on their way,” said Charles, who had just approached with Max. As Kane held the boy, Charles hurried to Bella and put his arms around her. “Are you OK, babe?” he asked.

  Kane watched, glad that Charles was comforting her, but pissed, too, that he wasn’t the one doing it. He’d saved her from the asshole kid, yes. But he had to admit that Charles was probably better at the comforting part. Kane wasn’t much for being gentle. Still…

  The police arrived soon and put the kid in the back of the car. They told Bella that they knew him; apparently this wasn’t the first time he’d tried this shit. They took Bella’s information, then drove off with the teenager in the back.

  “We’ll come in with you, babe,” said Charles, putting his arm around Bella.

  “OK,” she said with a smile that Kane could tell was forced. She seemed much better now, less shaky and stronger. Still, though, there was a vulnerability in her at the moment that he wasn’t accustomed to.

  “I got this,” said Kane suddenly. “You take Max to my house.” Kane wanted to be alone with her, and he shot Charles a firm look.

  Charles looked back at him, his eyes filled with challenge. He took a step closer to Kane, and said in a low voice, “Be nice, Kane.”

  “Always.” Kane winked at Charles.

  “I mean it,” said Charles over his shoulder as he headed down the sidewalk to Kane’s house.

  * * *

  Kane followed Bella up the wood stairs to her second-floor apartment. The building was old, obviously in need of updates, but had a vintage charm all the same. Bella’s apartment was small but neat, and he glanced around, taking it in.

  “My roommate’s out, I think,” said Bella, setting her purse on a chair and heading into the tiny living room. “Do you want to sit down?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” Kane sat on a worn chair. “How long have you lived here?”

  “Oh, two years?” Bella sat on the couch, twisting her hands together in her lap.

  “And do you plan to stay long?”

  “Not really. Hopefully not. I’m finishing my master’s degree in psychology and working as much as I can, around my schedule and internship, to save for a house.”

  “Ah. So that’s why you asked me for a special arrangement. You want to buy a house?”

  “I do. It’s not just any house, th
ough. It’s…” Her words trailed off. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” she said, getting up. “Do you want a drink? I have some wine. It’s cheap but not too horrible?”

  “I’d love some, Bella.”

  He watched her head into the kitchen and listened to the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. A few minutes later she returned with two glasses of wine, handing him one and sitting back on the couch.

  “Are you OK, Bella?” he asked.

  “Oh, you mean the guy with the knife? Yeah. It was scary, but I had the feeling he wouldn’t really hurt me.”

  “Jesus, you have no idea what someone could do to you! He had a knife! You think he was merely showing it to you?” Kane’s outburst surprised him.

  Bella looked surprised too. “Relax, Kane. It’s not really your concern anyway. I was fine. I am fine. It’s over.”

  “Not my concern? You’re my neighbor, Bella, and more than that, you’re…” But he didn’t know how to finish the sentence. She was something to him, as much as he hated to admit it, but he hadn’t thought enough about it—and wouldn’t think enough about it—to decide what.

  For a few moments they were silent. Finally, Bella spoke. “I’m sorry the wine isn’t great. Not like what you usually drink.”

  “Do you think I’m a snob?” asked Kane, smiling slightly.

  Bella smiled back. “Yes,” she said. Something, the wine perhaps, had made her cheeks look lively and pretty, and her blond hair was tied back in a ponytail, some loose strands curling around her face. She was cross-legged on the chair, wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She was so cute. And sexy. And funny, thought Kane, smiling more broadly now, despite his inclination not to.

  “Other than a snob, what else do you think I am?” he asked playfully.

  “I don’t know!” Bella blushed and looked away. “What do you think I am?”

  “You, Bella. Let me see. You’re ambitious. And smart. And I think you are a perfect submissive.”

  “Oh. Well, I’ve never…”

  “I know you’ve never done anything like what we’ve done before. But you’re a natural, Bella. Because you enjoy it. You crave it.” For a second he wondered what would happen when their deal was over, whether she’d pursue the lifestyle at all. Whether she’d look purposely for a man to dominate her in the bedroom. It took him by surprise when anger coursed through him at the thought of her with another man. He took a long drink of his wine, trying to rid himself of the bitter taste of jealousy.

  “You know,” said Bella suddenly, her voice low. “You never answered my question the other night.”

  “What question was that?”

  “I asked you if it turned you on to punish me. Does it, Kane?”

  It turned him on like nothing before. But admitting that to her would be like showing his hand, even just a little, and that was something he despised doing. He liked to be in control. Yet something about Bella made him feel softer, made him want to answer questions like that.

  “Does it turn me on to punish you?” he asked. “You tell me, Bella. Both times, after our session was over, do you know what I did immediately?”

  She shook her head.

  “I got in the shower. And I jerked off. Hard and fast. Because all I could think about was how goddamn hot it is to punish you. And to make you come.”

  “Oh.” She whispered it, her eyes big and gazing right into his.

  Just from her glance, and from the heated discussion, his cock was already hard, straining against his pants. He wanted release. He wanted Bella. But sex wasn’t part of their relationship. Their deal was the extent of their commitment to one another.

  Still, when Bella stood suddenly, setting her glass on the coffee table, and peeled off her T-shirt, he didn’t stop her. Without a word, she unzipped her jeans, then slowly, so fucking slowly, pushed them down her creamy thighs, stepping out of them. All she was wearing was her bra and panties, both a delicate lavender. When she reached around to unclasp her bra, Kane breathed in deeply. Her tits. They were gorgeous. The purple lace fell to the floor and there were her nipples, already so hard and pink. He was reminded that he’d yet to touch them, and he yearned to do so. But he held back.

  In only her panties, she walked toward him, her bare feet padding lightly on the floor. She knelt down between his legs, and he hissed out a breath to have her there, in that position. Exactly the way he liked it. Still, he remained otherwise silent as she reached out to feel the hard length of him through his dress pants. He looked down, turned on even more to see her small hand grabbing his thick cock.

  “So what does this mean right now?” she asked, squeezing him gently—too gently. “Does it mean you want to spank me?”

  Kane shut his eyes for a second, focusing only on her hand, massaging his cock through his pants.

  “Right now?” he finally muttered, unable to stop himself, “it means I want to fuck you, Bella. I want to finally find out how it feels to be inside your soft, wet cunt.” If she thought cunt was too harsh, she gave no indication. Deftly she undid his belt. He stood, pushing down his jeans, but Bella stopped him.

  “Let me,” she said as he began to push his boxer briefs off, and he did, his bulge growing by the second as her delicate hands grasped the waistband and lowered his underwear. She knelt as she pushed them down his legs, her face so close to his cock he couldn’t stand it. How badly he wanted to fuck her mouth, come inside it, watch his cock disappear between her fucking gorgeous lips. Someday, he thought. Except there wasn’t someday. There was right now. And three more sessions. And that was the end.

  He groaned out loud as her tongue touched his rock-hard cock, gently at first. It circled his head, then lapped up from the base to the tip.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  As she massaged his balls with one hand and gripped his cock with the other, then opened her mouth wide to take him in, he allowed his eyes to fall shut for a moment at the sheer pleasure of it. But he wanted to watch. He wanted to see his dick sink inside her, wanted to know how it looked to have her lips wrapped around his length.

  She was looking up at him, and when their eyes met it was hard to breathe. Her mouth was so hot and wet, and her lips sliding up and down his cock was the most fucking glorious thing he’d ever seen.

  Bella stood, then, so she was standing in front of him. He needed to lick those tits, needed to bite them. He bent his head, licking one of her rock-hard nipples. When she moaned he bit the right one, sinking his teeth into her flesh, enjoying the groan, half-pleasure and half-pain, that she emitted. When he raised his head again he could see her eyes were glazed with desire.

  He lowered his lips to hers to devour her mouth, then stopped himself. He wasn’t going to kiss her. That was too intimate. What was he thinking, allowing himself to get too close? This was sex, that was all. Instead, he gestured with his chin to the couch. “Bend over the end of the sofa,” he demanded.

  His cock swelled as she complied, leaning her lithe body over the edge. She was wearing only panties now, and he knew they were soaked, though he hadn’t felt them yet. In a second he was behind her yanking the flimsy material down her legs, feeling the damp and warm material as he pulled her panties off.

  Harshly he used his knee to spread her legs apart. He wanted to take her. Fuck her. Erase any trace of emotion that was trying to creep in. He lined the head of his cock up with her pussy and, in one movement, thrust all the way inside.

  She cried out, a mixture of surprise and pleasure that went straight to his head. It was dizzying, the way she responded to him, and he began to fuck her in earnest. Grabbing her hips for leverage, he slammed into her, again and again, her groans spurring him on. In just a few minutes he could feel her coming, the walls of her pussy contracting so fucking gloriously around his cock as he continued to fuck her. And then, his balls tightening and his cock pulsating, he came too, hard, cursing as he did.

  He pulled out immediately, gr
abbing his clothes. Without bothering to wipe himself off, he pulled his clothes back on and strode to the door.

  “Kane.” Bella had stood up and was holding her T-shirt in front of her like he hadn’t just seen her naked. Like he hadn’t shoved a butt plug up her ass only a few days ago.

  “Friday,” he said. He knew she wanted to talk. He knew she wanted more. And fuck if, for a split second, he didn’t want to give it to her. Cursing, he left her apartment without a look back.

  Chapter Seven

  What had she expected? Bella felt humiliated that she’d stripped for Kane, that she’d initiated what happened in her apartment. She wasn’t embarrassed that she’d slept with him. Hell, he’d done so many things to her already it seemed like the next logical step. She was embarrassed because, somewhere in the back of her obviously stupid mind, she’d thought it would mean something to him. She’d thought it would somehow change him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  It was Friday morning, and she had an odd day off of school. Instead of picking up extra jobs walking dogs, she’d decided to take the morning off and give herself a break. She’d run into Charles earlier, and he’d asked her to have coffee with him. Now, she waited in Hippies and Hipsters, a local coffee joint. She’d ordered a regular coffee and loaded it up with cream and sugar, just the way she liked it.

  She grinned as Charles walked through the door. He always looked so happy. He waved as he saw her and headed to the counter to order. His blond hair was getting long, and he kept shoving it out of his face. He had on a tight pair of white jeans, a light blue T-shirt, and a summer scarf tossed casually around his neck.

  “Babe,” he said, heading to the table and sitting down with his drink.

  “Hey, Charles! How are you?”

  “How are you is the better question,” he said, concern showing in his blue eyes. “Are you all right after the other night?”

  “Oh, you mean the kid with the knife? Yeah, I’m fine.”


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