Her Millionaire Master

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Her Millionaire Master Page 11

by Maria Monroe

  It was too much. The sensation of the plug in her bottom and Kane touching her clit was going to put her over the edge. She squeezed her legs shut, forcing Kane’s hand to quiet its movements. Kane clicked his tongue in chastisement, but removed his hand from between her legs.

  “You will regret that,” he whispered as they pulled up in front of his house. “Thank you, Bernie. You have the rest of the night off. And reservations at Symphonia for you and your wife. Dinner on me, of course.”

  “Thank you,” said Bernie, smiling broadly at them.

  “Shall we?” As they exited the car, Kane took Bella’s arm and they walked to his front door.

  Bella could feel her stomach swirl, her heart pound harder. It was time for her real punishment now, she knew. The plug at the restaurant had only been the beginning. Like an appetizer, she thought.

  As soon as they were inside, Kane closed and locked the front door and turned to Bella. “Go to my office, Bella,” he instructed her. “Take off your clothes. Sit in the armchair with your legs spread over the arms. Do not remove the plug. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” whispered Bella.


  She hurried to the office. What was he going to do to her? She was filled with both apprehension and desire, but her hands were shaking as she removed the dress, folding it and putting it on top of the clothes she’d arrived wearing. She slipped off the shoes, putting them next to the boxes of brand new shoes near the clothes rack. Slowly, she pulled the underwear down and stepped out of them, placing the black lacy material on top of the other clothes.

  Then, trembling, she sat on the armchair. Slowly, she spread her legs, lifting them over the arms of the chair. The position forced her to lie back a little, so her bottom was sticking out. She was completely exposed. Anyone walking in the door would see her pussy, and also the base of the plug sticking out of her.

  It seemed like a long time before Kane returned. Was he waiting on purpose to make the apprehension build? Probably, she thought, but when he came in, part of her wished he’d stayed away longer. His eyes were blazing as he looked at her, naked and waiting for him in the chair. He’d removed his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt, like he was ready to get to work. And she knew she was the project.

  “Ah, Bella,” he said in a low voice. “You follow instructions so well.” He strode across the floor to her, then knelt down in front of her. His hand reached out between her legs, and she felt him pushing the plug farther in again.

  She groaned, both in discomfort and pleasure. Gripping the base, he pulled the plug halfway out, stopping so its widest point stretched her delicate entrance, then plunged it back in.

  “Oh, god!” she cried out.

  He did it again, and again she moaned out loud.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked.

  “Yes! And no!”

  “Interesting,” he said idly, as he pulled it out and shoved it in once more. “To find something painful and not at the same time.” Then, abruptly, he stood, leaving Bella panting in the chair. “I wasn’t happy with what happened in the car on the ride home from the restaurant, you know.” He walked to the drawers and opened on, obviously looking for something. To punish her with, she thought with a shiver.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “You will be. I have an extra punishment planned for that. In addition to your regularly scheduled one, that is. I think,” he said, walking back over to her, “we’ll begin with the extra one. How does that sound, Bella?”

  “Fine,” she murmured, but what wasn’t fine was what he was holding in his hand. It was a leather strap, about the length and width of a ruler.

  He approached her on the right side, standing next to the chair, and he reached down between her legs to slide the leather strap against her wet pussy. “Since it’s your pussy you prevented me from touching, it’s your pussy I’m going to punish,” he said in a low voice, leaning down so she could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek.

  “No,” she moaned.

  “Yes,” he answered. “Keep your legs spread open, Bella, and your hands away. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she managed to say, her breath coming in short gasps. He was going to spank her between the legs? Oh, god! It was embarrassing. And it was going to hurt.

  “Your skin,” he said, tapping the strap gently against her wet flesh, “is very delicate here. I will not injure you. But it will hurt. It is, after all, a punishment.”

  Bella’s entire body quivered as she waited him to begin.

  “I’m going to begin now,” he finally said. “I think fifteen is a fair number, don’t you think?”

  No! she wanted to scream. But she knew that would result in additional punishments from him. “It’s fair,” she muttered.

  “I’m glad you agree. Let’s begin.”

  Once more he tapped the strap against her pussy and she could actually hear the sound of the wetness there being met with the leather. Then he hesitated and brought the strap down right between her legs.

  “Ouch!” she yelped, her thighs flying together. “That hurt, Kane!” She knew that he’d spanked her fairly gently, but the sting in such a sensitive spot made her jump.

  “This is a punishment, is it not?” he asked. “Open, Bella. That one didn’t count. We’ll start over again.”

  “Please, no!”

  “One more objection and I’ll add ten more onto the total. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” she moaned, spreading her legs once more.

  Kane leaned down, speaking softly into her ear. “I know this is not pleasant, Bella. But I want you to take your punishment well.”

  “OK,” she whispered, though she wasn’t at all sure that she could.

  “I’ll begin again,” he said.

  This time she was ready, and even though it hurt, she managed to stay in position. He spanked her more, sometimes a little lower, even hitting the base of the plug so it vibrated inside Bella. When the strap fell on her clit, she noticed he did it with less force, and though it stung, it also made her clit throb. With every smack she could hear how wet she was, and she was positive Kane could too. There was something about his warm hand on her shoulder, reminding her to stay in position, that turned her on even more. She tried to hold back the sounds of pleasure that escaped her mouth, but it was impossible.

  “It almost seems as though you enjoyed that, Bella,” said Kane in a hoarse voice.

  Bella could see a thick swell in the front of Kane’s pants. So he was enjoying this too. Somehow that knowledge made her feel powerful. Alive. Sexual.

  “Answer me,” he insisted, moving so he was standing in front of her. He unhitched her legs, one by one, from the sides of the chairs so she was sitting up.

  “You didn’t ask a question,” she replied in a whisper. “You made a statement.”

  Kane let out a low laugh. “I suppose you’re right, Bella. Answer me: did you enjoy that?”


  “Beautiful. Now let’s finish your punishment for the evening. Lie in the center of the bed, with your arms out to the sides and your legs spread.”

  Bella did as he commanded, climbing onto the bed and spreading her arms and legs wide, the plug making it awkward. When was he going to take it out? Kane approached, and she could smell his masculine scent mixed in with the scent of her own arousal.

  “You’ll notice,” he said, “that there are places on the corners of the bed that I could use to secure you, if I need to. I hope I won’t have to make use of that tonight.”

  I hope so too, she thought, although the image of Kane securing her to the bed made her pussy throb.

  “I want you to stay in position for your final punishment of the evening. I’m going to spank your ass with the same strap I just used on your pussy. How does that sound, Bella?”

  “Um, good,” she whispered, knowing that was the response he desired.

  “Shall we begin?”


  He started lightly at first, giving her butt a series of quick smacks with the strap. It stung, but not badly, and she settled into the bed, getting ready for the real pain to begin. Slowly, Kane built up the pressure, spanking her harder and harder, but so gradually that she felt ready for it as it came. He moved the strap up and down, sometimes spanking her round globes and sometimes just under them, where her ass met her thighs. Every time she clenched her cheeks in pain, the plug forced her to loosen them up again, forced her to accept her punishment without steeling her body against it.

  She didn’t know how long it lasted, just that it hurt, and after a while she felt like she was floating, her body a heady mixture of heat and pain and desire, unrequited and so strong it was almost worse than the pain.

  And then, abruptly, he stopped. Bella lay still on the bed. She gasped when she felt him tug the plug out from between her cheeks, then a damp cloth wiping her off. The bed moved as Kane got on it, and in an instant he’d rolled her over onto her back. His eyes, staring into hers, were hot. Dark brown and filled with an intensity Bella had never seen before. He knelt above her, pulling off his dress shirt and tossing it aside, then undoing his belt.

  As he unzipped his pants, he spoke, his voice low, hoarse. “I’m going to fuck you now, Bella. Is that OK?”

  “Is it part of my punishment?” she asked, unsure what the sudden switch from punishment to sex meant. She wanted him. But this was different from her previous sessions.

  He didn’t answer, instead shoved his pants and boxer briefs down, revealing his huge cock, swollen and thick. It was gorgeous, and just looking at it made Bella’s pussy clench. He was on top of her in a second, shoving her legs apart. She could feel the head of his cock up against her wetness.

  “Can I fuck you?” he growled into her ear.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  He slammed into her, so hard she couldn’t breathe, surprised by the intensity of his movement. Relentlessly, he did it again. And again, going so deep and fast that Bella could barely keep up. “I’ve wanted to do this all fucking night long,” he growled, continuing the quick pace.

  It seemed strange to hear him admit something like that, almost a weakness, thought Bella, but her mind wasn’t focused enough to concentrate on that or what it meant. Instead, her body was on fire, driven closer and closer to a total inferno each time Kane slammed into her. His groin rubbed against her clit over and over, and in just a few minutes her body was tensing, clenching, and she lit up, every part of her hot and screaming in pleasure.

  “God, Kane,” she moaned as the orgasm ripped her open. “Oh, my god.”

  His eyes, when she glanced at them, reflected the heat she was feeling, and staring into them was intense. There was so much emotion in them, a stark contrast to the collected Kane she was used to. In a few moments his cock pulsated inside her and she felt him coming, cursing as he did. For a second he collapsed on top of her. Under his warmth she felt safe. Protected.

  He pushed himself up on his arms, staring down at her. Once more she was struck with how much she could see in his eyes. He had the look of a totally sated man. Yes. But there was more. She must be mistaken, but she thought she saw compassion.

  “Kane,” she whispered, though she wasn’t sure what she wanted to say.

  “Bella.” He breathed out her name like a wish.

  When his lips moved closer to hers, a distance so minute it almost didn’t exist, she arched her body up to kiss him. Kane moved closer too, and Bella closed her eyes, waited to feel his mouth on hers for the first time.

  “No.” He got up suddenly.

  Bella’s eyes flew open, and she watched as he grabbed his clothes from the floor where he’d thrown them—so much for neatness, she thought wryly—and left the room without even turning around.

  She took a deep and shaky breath, suddenly realizing she was on the verge of tears. How come she’d just had one of the most intense orgasms of her life, but all she wanted to do was cry? She was a big girl. She’d agreed to this. Still, she was struck with the realization that Kane was worlds away. That even though he wanted to punish her and, yes, fuck her, that was all. It occurred to her that despite all the things they’d done together, all the things he’d done to her, they’d never even kissed.

  With a heavy heart she headed to the bathroom to clean up.

  Chapter Eight

  “Goddamn it,” muttered Kane as he headed to the kitchen and swung the fridge door open angrily. He grabbed a beer because it was easier than pouring himself a drink, popped off the top, and downed half of it at once. What had he been thinking? He’d known after having sex with Bella in her apartment that he couldn’t afford a repeat. Emotions, which as a rule he didn’t like to feel, were perilously close to the surface. He’d told himself it wouldn’t happen again. But he couldn’t stop himself. Her gorgeous ass. Her hot, wet pussy. Her big blue eyes. It was too much. He was weak. He’d been weak. But he wouldn’t do it again.

  He headed into the living room, where he sat on the couch, staring at the Mortlach bottle on top of the check she’d written. The check had kittens in the background. Fucking kittens. He didn’t hate kittens per se, but he hated the softness he felt inside knowing that’s what Bella had selected. Coupled with the fear he’d felt, sharp and undeniable, when he’d seen her being accosted last week? He couldn’t let it go any further.

  The office door opened, and he heard Bella go into the kitchen. He knew he should stay quiet. Sit here silently until she was finished and retreated once more to the office. Instead, and against his better judgment, he called out to her. “Bella?”

  In a few seconds, she appeared in the doorway, holding a glass of ice water and wearing a T-shirt, similar to the one she’d been in last time.

  “Would you care to join me for a few moments?” he asked.

  “Sure.” She sat in an armchair and stared at him, her hair pale, her eyes huge. “This is becoming a habit,” she said in a teasing voice, but there was something flat in her eyes.

  He wondered if it was his abrupt departure after they had sex that had affected her demeanor. “I don’t think twice makes a habit. I enjoy your company.” He shrugged. It was true, but immediately he regretted saying it; he’d expressed too much.

  “I could tell,” she said quietly.

  “Bella, I feel like I should apologize. Sex was never part of the deal. I crossed the line tonight. And at your apartment…”

  “I wanted it, Kane,” she interrupted. “I wanted you.”


  They were silent for a few moments, then Bella spoke. “Why did you buy me all the clothes and shoes? You’re losing even more money on me that way.”

  He shrugged. “I wanted to buy them for you. I don’t like seeing you in those decrepit shoes you wear. And you wore the same skirt twice in a row. I like the way you look in nice things.”

  “You won’t even get to see me in everything,” she countered. “We only have two sessions left, and there are so many outfits in there. Anyway, I can afford to buy my own clothes.”

  “Then why do you wear such cheap and old clothing?” As soon as he said it, he realized it was going to make her angry. He could visibly see her bristle.

  “Honestly, Kane? That’s none of your business. But I’ll tell you. I’m saving money, and part of that means sacrificing what I want now for what I really want later. And that’s to buy my grandmother’s house.”

  “I admire that,” said Kane genuinely. “Not everyone understands the meaning of sacrifice.”


  “Bella, I’m being sincere. I admire your strength. Tell me about your grandmother.”

  She squinted her eyes in residual anger for a second, then sighed, her body relaxing in the chair. “My grandmother was an amazing woman. She worked hard—two jobs—and took care of everybody. Her neighbors. My grandfather. Me,
mostly. My parents both worked when I was little, and I spent most of my time during the week at my grandmother’s house. I love my parents, but I spent more time with my grandma. She helped me with homework, comforted me when I was sad, cooked my meals. She was seriously the best.”

  Kane nodded. He wanted to comment on how similar her story was to his, that they both shared a strong bond with a grandparent. His emotions didn’t open that wide, though, so instead he just listened. “And the house?” he asked.

  “Oh, this old couple owns it. They want to move to a retirement home—they have some health issues and need help—but they’re waiting until I have enough money. And I almost do.”

  He nodded. “It’s funny, isn’t it,” he mused, “how physical objects can take on such importance? It’s a house. Bricks and mortar. But because of your grandmother it’s so much more than that.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” said Bella quietly.

  He did understand, more than she knew. More, perhaps, than he wanted to admit, even to himself. Why was the Mortlach so important to him? It was something to drink. Nothing more. Yet its significance was undeniable.

  “So why do you have that bottle sitting there?” she asked suddenly, her voice light. Teasing. She pointed to the Mortlach bottle on the table. “Is it to remind me of what I’ve done wrong every time I walk in the front door?”

  He stared hard at her for a moment. She was so cute and childlike, yet so sexual and gorgeous at the same time. He wanted to smile at her. To laugh with her. But he couldn’t allow that. Already he’d gone too far, gotten too close. He needed to pull back.

  Finally, he spoke, his voice quiet. “No. It’s to remind me of the fact that you’re here to be punished. Nothing more.” He was aware that his tone had gone cold. Aware, too, that the abrupt change wasn’t fair. Mostly, he was aware that he did need that reminder, because he was dangerously close to feeling something more.

  Pain flashed, quick and hard, in Bella’s eyes. He saw it before she forced a bland look onto her face. “Got it,” she said, standing and heading down the hall.


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