Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 7

by Shawn Sodman

  Soon the Sea Griffin clears the docks. Fidelma says, “Bring us to a halt!”

  Vindalia plays as the wind changes direction once again, bringing the ship to a stop over the water. Faye and Janette work to tie the rope to the dock while Fidelma pulls the rope that lets more hot air escape from the balloon. The ship slowly sets down on the water, and Samantha and Ariella pull the rope to bring the ship next to the dock.

  “Good work, everyone,” Fidelma says.

  A small crowd gathers to marvel at the wondrous ship that sits tied to the dock. Most of those who have seen a flying ship have only seen them high above the city. No flying ship has ever set down at the docks of Sheathelm.

  After securing the ship, the twins teleport back aboard as Samantha readies the plank. “All right,” Fidelma says, “Samantha, you and the others will stay on board while Ariella, Annalee, and I go fetch Fernando.”

  “Good luck,” Samantha says.

  A short time later, at the Kings Shield Inn, Fernando sits at table alone. He stares at his drink as Annalee walks in. She looks around and when she spots Fernando, she walks up to him and says, “Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. I just arrived at the docks and I am looking for someone.”

  “Sure,” Fernando replies. “Where are you supposed to find this person?”

  “Right here,” she answers.

  “Well then,” Fernando says, “I am not sure if I can help you.”

  “Oh, you already have,” Annalee says. “Ariella says hello.” Fernando looks at her, puzzled, before her iron-like fist knocks him unconscious.

  When Fernando finally comes to, he finds himself in the small brig of the Sea Griffin. He is shirtless and his wrists are bound to the opposite ends of an iron bar that is chained to the overhead. He pulls himself to his feet to take the pressure off his arms. He looks at Samantha, who is sitting in a chair next to the door.

  Samantha smiles, stands up, and says, “Good, you're finally awake.”

  Fernando tests his bindings, pulling on the chains. He looks down and sees that his ankles are shackled to the floor. Samantha opens the door and calls out, “Captain, he's regained consciousness.”

  Fernando watches the door nervously as Fidelma enters. “Who are you?” he asks.

  “Hello, Mr. Greythorn, I am Captain McMurphy,” Fidelma says.

  “McMurphy?” Fernando asks. “I have heard that name before. Trisha and Lee talked about you.”

  “Yes, Fernando, they used to work for me,” she replies as she removes her cavalier hat and hangs it on the wall. “What else have you heard?”

  “That is all, really,” he answers.

  “I've heard a lot about you, Mr. Greythorn,” Fidelma says.

  “Well then,” he says with a grin, “you seem to have me at a disadvantage.”

  “Oh, you have no idea, Fernando,” she says as she walks around the table, “just how much of a disadvantage you are in.”

  Ariella walks in and Fernando is shocked. “Ariella,” he says in disbelief.

  “So, Mr. Greythorn,” Ariella says as she walks up and stands beside Fidelma, “we meet again.”

  “I am so glad to see you,” Fernando replies.

  “That may change,” Ariella says as Annalee enters and places Fernando's belongings, including his sword, on the table.

  “You,” Fernando says to Annalee. “Did you find who you were looking for?”

  Annalee grins and says, “As a matter of fact, I did.”

  Ariella steps aside so Annalee can stand next to Fernando. “Mr. Greythorn,” Ariella says, “this is my new assistant, Annalee.”

  “Hola,” Fernando says to Annalee.

  “I'm sorry about your face,” Annalee says with a grin, gesturing to Fernando's blackened eye.

  “Let me take care of that,” Ariella says as she places her hand on the side of his face. She casts a healing spell, and as her hand glows, his eye begins to heal. “There. Now that you're as good as new...” Ariella steps back and gives Annalee a nod. Annalee clenches her fist and punches Fernando in the ribs. Her fist, turning as hard as steel as it impacts, knocks the wind out of Fernando.

  “Aren't you supposed to ask me a question before you start with the torture?” Fernando asks, breathlessly.

  “I'll ask you a question,” Ariella says. “I got my locket back,” she says as she pulls it out from under her shirt. “I also see that you got your sword. I have an empty treasure chest that was in your room that my locket seems to open. So, where's the rest of my father's treasure?”

  “It is a long story,” Fernando replies, looking around at the four women.

  Fidelma laughs and says, “Well, you certainly aren't going anywhere.”

  “I can see that,” he says as he looks up at the chains. “You know, I usually do not mind being tied up by such beautiful ladies.”

  “Save your charm!” Ariella snaps. “It won't work this time.” She grabs his face. “I'm only going to ask you this once. If I don't get a straight answer from you, we're going to let Annalee and Samantha have some fun with you.”

  Fernando's eyes shift to the tall blonde Samantha and the much shorter Annalee. Both of the ladies have smirks on their faces. Fernando smiles and says, “I think I just may want to skip to the fun.”

  “You were right, Ariella,” Fidelma says. “He is a charmer.”

  “I'm afraid, Mr. Greythorn,” Ariella says as she releases his face, “that you misunderstand me. When I say we're going to let Annalee and Samantha have some fun with you, I mean it will be fun for them... not for you.”

  “Ariella,” Fernando says more seriously, “I am truly sorry for what I have done. You have to believe me that I had no choice.”

  Ariella looks at Fidelma who nods and says, “It sounds like he's telling the truth, but why don't we save the questioning and just let me see inside his mind?”

  “Not yet,” Ariella says. “I want to give him the chance to tell me himself. If he doesn't, then I don't mind making him suffer.”

  “I promise,” Fernando says, “I did not have a choice. The goblins told me that they had my father's sword. They said the only way I could get it back was if I went along with their plan. There was only gold in the chest, along with my sword and a letter.”

  “A letter?” Ariella inquires. “Where is it?”

  “It is in my coat pocket,” he answers.

  Ariella picks up Fernando's long blue coat from the table. She searches the pockets and finds the letter that Red Beard had given him.

  Fidelma asks, “What is it?”

  Fernando answers, “I think it is a letter from her mother. It must be why he kept it. The goblins didn't care about anything other than the gold.”

  Ariella can barely hear his words as she stands there holding the parchment. “I need a moment alone,” she says as she walks out the door and up the stairs.

  Fidelma says to Samantha and Annalee, “You two keep an eye on him. I'll be right back.”

  “No problem,” Samantha replies. “Can we have some fun with him?” she asks as she clenches her fist and punches the palm of her hand.

  “For now, he seems to be cooperating,” Fidelma answers as she stands at the door. “So, no.”

  Fidelma makes her way upstairs to the upper deck. Fernando is left with Samantha and Annalee, who both stare at him.

  On the top deck, Ariella sits on a barrel, still holding onto the letter. Fidelma comes up from below and asks, “Aren't you going to read it?”

  Ariella looks up at her and replies, “I'm too afraid.”

  Fidelma pulls another barrel over to Ariella and sits next to her. “This could answer the questions you have about your mother.”

  “And it could be nothing,” Ariella says as she stares at the rolled up parchment.

  “There's only one way to find out,” Fidelma says.

  “You're right,” replies Ariella. She unrolls the letter and begins to read it:

  Dear Mother and Father,

  I'm sor
ry for leaving without saying goodbye, but the White Feather was leaving port and I had to catch it. I'm not sure if I will make it back before I give birth, but I am in good hands. I saw a mystic today and she foretold that the baby is a girl. I plan to name her Ariella, after the doll that Lana and I played with when we were children.

  I found the father, and, just as you tried to tell me, he is worthless. He already has a family, so I left immediately. I am returning now on the White Feather. I plan to send this letter with a griffin rider as soon as we reach East Artos. It should reach you long before I arrive.

  Please tell Lana that I miss her and

  The letter abruptly ends there without a signature. Ariella looks at the back of the parchment and says, “This can't be all.”

  “What does it say?” Fidelma asks.

  “It only says that my mother went to find my father,” Ariella answers as she rolls the letter back up. “There's no clue as to who he was or who my grandparents were. The only thing I know now that I didn't know before is that my mother is the one who named me.”

  “I'm sorry,” Fidelma says as she stands up. “So, what are you going to do now? As far as I can tell, Fernando is telling the truth. The only thing you're missing out on is the gold.”

  “I have a few more questions for him first,” Ariella says as she stands up and puts the letter inside her vest pocket. “After that, he's all yours.”

  “Are you certain?” Fidelma asks. “I can't help but feel the two of you have something more going on.”

  “Whatever there was between us before is now long past,” Ariella says as the two of them head back down the stairs. “You can have him for whatever reward they're willing to pay you. I have never known brothels to put a price on a man’s head unless he left without paying, and you know they hold that against the girls as well.”

  “With a price of five hundred gold,” Fidelma says, “he must have gotten a lot of girls into trouble.”

  Ariella and Fidelma walk into the brig and Ariella says, “Well, the letter wasn't much, but I appreciate you getting it for me.”

  “I am sorry, Ariella,” Fernando replies, “I wish there was more I could give you.”

  “Oh, but you can give me more,” Ariella says. “You can tell me who these goblins were, and where I can find them.”

  “I would,” Fernando replies, “but you would be putting yourself in danger if I tell you anymore.”

  Ariella looks puzzled and asks, “What do you mean by that?”

  “These are powerful people, Ariella,” Fernando explains. “I think you should just forget about the gold. There wasn't that much in the chest, anyway.”

  Fidelma steps forward and asks, “Just how much gold was there?”

  “Only a few bars,” Fernando answers.

  “Oh, no,” Fidelma says. Despite his convincing answer, Fidelma does not believe him. “That's too bad,” she says as she shakes her head. “You were doing so well with the truth.”

  Ariella looks at Fernando and says, “Annalee, would you please show Mr. Greythorn what's going to happen to him when he lies.”

  “My pleasure,” Annalee says as she walks up to Fernando.

  “Please,” he says as she makes a fist. “Don't do this.”

  Annalee takes a side stance and puts her full weight behind her punch. This knocks the wind out of Fernando for a moment.

  Ariella says, “Now, let's try this again. How many bars of gold were there?”

  “I do not know how many,” he replies, gasping for air. “I was not counting, but there was a lot of gold.”

  Ariella looks over to Fidelma who nods her head. “Very well,” Ariella says. “Now tell me where they are.”

  Fernando tries to plead with Ariella, saying, “Please, you have to believe me. I am only trying to protect you.” He then looks at Fidelma and continues, “Tell her I am telling the truth.”

  Fidelma looks at Ariella, who is waiting for her response. Fidelma says, “He seems to believe that you would be in danger, Ariella.”

  “See,” Fernando says. “I am telling the truth.”

  “Fine,” Ariella says, “I promise not to go after the gold.”

  “Good,” Fernando replies with a sigh of relief.

  “As long as you tell me who they are,” Ariella finishes.

  Fernando's look of relief is replaced with a look of concern. He says to Ariella, “I am sorry, but I cannot.”

  “Have it your way,” Ariella says as she turns to Fidelma. “My friend here, will just have to rip those thoughts from your mind.”

  Fidelma smiles as she walks up and places her hand on Fernando's forehead. She closes her eyes and concentrates. Fernando struggles to move his head, but Fidelma grabs his hair and holds him still. After a few seconds, she lets go. “I'm sorry, Ariella. His will is too strong.”

  “What do you mean?” asks Ariella. “You promised me that you would get the answers.”

  Fernando grins. “She is not going to get in my head unless I let her.”

  Ariella looks to Fidelma who says, “Unfortunately, he is right, but don't worry. We will get your answers soon enough.”

  “We better,” Ariella replies.

  “We will,” insists Fidelma. She turns to Fernando. “By the time we are done with you, you're going to wish you let me in your mind.” Turning back to Ariella, Fidelma suggests, “For now, let's get something to eat. Fernando isn't going anywhere.”

  “I am rather hungry,” Ariella says as she heads to the door. “Annalee, say goodnight to Mr. Greythorn.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Annalee replies.

  She prepares to hit Fernando in the face when Ariella says, “Not in the head. I don't want to damage his memories.”

  “I understand,” Annalee says as she instead slugs Fernando in the gut.

  “Goodnight,” Fernando says through gritted teeth.

  Samantha walks over to Fernando and says, “It's only fair that I get to say goodnight, too.” She grabs Fernando on both sides of his head and kisses him. Ariella and Fidelma watch, stunned. “Goodnight, Mr. Greythorn,” Samantha says softly.

  “That is more like it,” Fernando says with a smile, “Goodni—“

  Samantha quickly lifts her right knee into Fernando's groin. If not for the chains holding him up, Fernando would surely be laying on the floor.

  Still holding onto Fernando's head, Samantha grins and says, “I'll see you later.” She then walks over to the door to join the others.

  Ariella shakes her head and, with a smile, she says, “That was just cruel.” The ladies laugh as they leave Fernando alone in the room to contemplate what is in store for him.

  Chapter 11

  Sponge Fruit

  After an uneventful day, the scouting party of the north find themselves looking upon a small stone cottage. Smoke rises from a crude chimney along the side. The windows are covered by shutters and a tanned hide acts as a door.

  A row of shrubs just to the west of the cottage is full of berries. Sven, along with the others, wait on the other side, crouched down out of view. Holding his ax, Hellfire, Sven appears agitated, impatient for Lyra to return.

  “What is taking her so long?” he grumbles as he peers through the bush.

  “Shh,” Yentroc says to him. “Don't worry, she's just taking her time so she doesn't make a mistake.”

  “I don't understand why we all didn't go in,” Isen says. “They wouldn't have a chance.”

  “We need to practice our skills,” Evelena explains, “and that includes Lyra scouting out the situation. She should be back any second.”

  Suddenly there is a cry of pain from an orcnea inside the cottage. Sven jumps up and crashes through the shrubs, charging towards the building. Isen and Garrin follow Sven, along with the Amazons and Princess Kianna. Ya’leigh says to Kelik and Ambra, “Come on!”

  Kelik and Ambra look at each other for a moment before standing up. They follow their older sister closely as Ya’leigh quickly but cautiously advances with t
he others.

  As Sven gets closer, he hears a crashing sound comes from inside and another orcnea screech. “Lyra!” he yells as he rushes through the door. Inside, Sven looks around. There are two orcneas unconscious on the floor, but no sign of his friend. “Lyra, where are you?” Sven asks.

  “I'm here,” Lyra replies, becoming visible. Her heart is beating fast, but she tries to conceal her fear.

  The others now enter the stone structure. Evelena surveys the situation and asks, “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” Lyra answers nervously.

  “What happened?” Evelena asks.

  “I was going to try to leave and come back,” Lyra explains, “but one of them heard me. I was trapped in the corner when he got really close. I had no choice but to attack.”

  “Good work,” Rehma says.

  “Thanks,” Lyra replies.

  Sven says to Evelena, “She is lucky there were only two. We should not send her again.”

  Evelena looks to Lyra, who comes over and says to Sven, “No, I want to try it again. I know what I did wrong this time, and I won't make that mistake again.”

  Sven shakes his head and says, “But Lyra—”

  “Sven!” Lyra snaps. Her abrupt interruption catches everyone by surprise. “I am going to do it again, and you can't stop me.” Before Sven can reply, Lyra abruptly walks out of the cottage, shoving her way past him and the others. Sven is left standing there, stunned, as she leaves.

  Isen steps over to the two orcneas. Taking his morning star, he smashes each of their skulls. Kristieana looks on as the others exit the building. “Was that really necessary?” Kristieana asks.

  “I'm sorry,” Isen says with a smile, “did you want to heal them?”

  “What?” Kristieana responds. “No, you idiot, I'm just saying you could have killed them without splattering their brains all over.”

  “Oh,” Isen replies as he looks at the blood that is now all over the room. He looks at himself and can see that he, too, is covered in blood. “I needed to wash my clothes anyway.”


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