Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 9

by Shawn Sodman

  “Sven understands,” he nods. “So when Amazon makes claim and man does not turn her down, what happens then?”

  “For the Amazon, it's like a formal declaration that the male is hers,” Kel'ana explains, “and all other Amazons need to fight her to be with him. For the male, it just means that he accepts that claim until they go on their separate ways.”

  “Is it like taking vows?”

  “No,” Kel'ana laughs. “It's nothing that serious. It's just a courtship ritual.”

  “It sounds like confusing ritual,” Sven says.

  “It can be,” replies Kel'ana. “There are more rules that I don't know. Lyra probably knows them all.”

  “Sven is sure she does,” he says with a laugh.

  “Speaking of Lyra,” Kel'ana says, “if she claimed you, would you deny her?”

  Sven sighs. “Lyra is not going to claim Sven.”

  “But what if she did?” Kel'ana asks insistently.

  Sven stands up. Walking over to the small pile of wood, he grabs a broken branch. “Right now, Sven is only worried about keeping you girls safe. Sven made promise to Chance, and Sven plans to keep promise. Until Sven can talk with Chance, nothing else can happen between Lyra and Sven.” He throws the branch on the fire and sits back down.

  “So you plan to ask Chance for his permission?”

  “Sven did not say that.”

  “It sounded like it to me,” Kel'ana replies.

  Sven, frustrated by the questioning, stands up again and says, “Sven is going to go for walk now. Sven will be back soon.” He quickly leaves to avoid further interrogation from Kel'ana.

  A few hours later, Kel'ana is shaping the flames in the fire with her magic. Sven is back and is sitting once again by the fire. Over in the tents, Ya’leigh wakes and is unable to fall back asleep. She walks out to Sven and Kel'ana.

  “You can shape fire, too?” Ya’leigh asks as she looks at Kel'ana's attempted image of Lunarus. Though the flames clearly form the shape of the dragon, many details are missing.

  Kel'ana's concentration is broken, and the flames return to their natural form. “I'm not as good at it as your father,” she replies.

  “Neither am I,” Ya’leigh laughs. “What other spells do you know?”

  “For fire,” Kel'ana replies, “I can only create it and shape it. I had to learn those before I could learn how to stay warm in the cold. Mostly I know ice and water spells. How about you?”

  “I can only shape fire,” Ya’leigh answers. “The other spells I know are for combat. I can increase someone's speed and make them stronger.”

  “Sounds like Rehma and Gelana,” Kel'ana says.

  “I can also deflect a spell that is thrown at me,” Ya’leigh says. “Or catch it and throw it back.”

  “That would be useful,” Kel'ana replies.

  “I have only done it in practice,” Ya’leigh says. “I can't seem to sleep, so if you want to go to bed now, you can.”

  “Are you sure?” Kel'ana asks.

  “Yes,” Ya’leigh answers as she stretches her shoulders. “Your watch is almost over, anyway.”

  “All right,” Kel'ana says as she stands up, “I guess I will, then. Thank you.”

  Ya’leigh sits down as Kel'ana walks back to the tents. “It has been slow night,” Sven says.

  “I'm beginning to think there isn't much out here,” Ya’leigh says.

  “Maybe we should use your gate stone and return,” Sven suggests.

  “We can ask the others tomorrow,” Ya’leigh replies, “but I don't think they will want to go.”

  “It might be safer for your brother and sister.”

  “I am sure they will be sent to Dicean or Elonfar when we return.”

  “Is your father going to be angry with you?”

  “Yes,” Ya’leigh answers, “but I can deal with that.”

  Sven gets up and says, “Sven will go wake Garrin now. See you in morning.”

  Ya’leigh nods as Sven heads back to the tents to wake Garrin for the third shift.

  Day 15

  Chapter 13

  Rude Awakening

  Floating high above the city of Sheathelm, the Sea Griffin is the first to greet the new morning's light. Inside the brig, Fernando is asleep in a chair. His hands are still shackled to the iron bar that is now bound to the arms of the chair. His feet are still chained to the floor. Ariella enters the room and quietly calls out, “Fernando. Wake up, Fernando.”

  Fernando slowly opens his eyes and says, “Ariella, I was having a bad dream. I was dreaming that I was your prisoner and you were going to have two angry women torture me.”

  Samantha and Annalee enter the room as Fernando's eyes widen. “You aren't dreaming,” Samantha says as she approaches him. She begins to untie the ropes that hold the bar to the chair.

  “Thank you for not making me stand up all night,” Fernando says to Ariella.

  Fidelma enters the room and says, “You are our guest, Fernando. We want you to be comfortable.” Samantha pulls the chain that still attaches the bar to the overhead and Fernando's arms are raised above his head as he is lifted out of the chair. “It is entirely up to you just how comfortable you will be.”

  Samantha removes the chair from under Fernando as he once again stands with his hands above his head. Fernando grins at Fidelma and says, “My lady, I believe your idea of comfortable is not the same as mine.”

  “Oh, this?” Fidelma inquires innocently, pointing to the chains that hold him. “This is not supposed to be comfortable at all, but I can make it all stop.” She strokes beneath Fernando's chin with one finger and says softly, “All you have to do is answer Ariella's question.”

  Fernando looks to Ariella, who stands silently. “I already told you,” Fernando says, “I cannot tell you who these people are. Ariella, it is for your own protection.”

  “Well then,” Fidelma says, not letting Ariella respond, “I believe we have a problem.” She looks at Samantha and says, “Sam, I would like you and Annalee to make sure Mr. Greythorn is,” she looks back at Fernando and says coldly, “UN-comfortable. Just remember, Sam, you are not to hit him in the face. You have until Ariella and I return.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Samantha says with a sadistic grin.

  Fidelma and Ariella leave, closing the door behind them. Ariella asks, “Are you sure this is going to work?”

  “Relax,” Fidelma replies. “Sam and I do this all the time when I can't read the thoughts of a prisoner. She breaks them, and then I repair them. We'll check in with them shortly, but for now, let's go topside and give them some time.”

  Inside the brig, Samantha looks at Annalee and asks, “Would you like to go first?”

  “Yes, thank you,” she replies. Annalee is used to being on the other side of punishment. She is, unfortunately, familiar with how this works.

  She steps up next to Fernando as he says, “Please, my ladies, do we really have to do this?”

  Annalee doesn't answer. She draws back her hand, clenching it into a fist, then braces and strikes Fernando's left side. Her fist hardens like steel as it impacts—knocking the wind out of him.

  Annalee waits a moment while Fernando catches his breath. “I'll take that as a yes,” Fernando finally says.

  Annalee punches his ribs again. Fernando cringes in pain, the chains keeping him from collapsing onto the floor. She hits him several more times before stepping back and taking a moment to rest.

  “I don't understand,” Fernando moans. “What have I ever done to you?”

  “It's not what you've done to me,” Annalee answers, “it's what you've done to others like me.”

  “What are you talking about?” he asks.

  She angrily hits him again and yells, “Men like you, who go to the brothels, have no idea the harm that you cause women!”

  Samantha sits down and listens as Fernando tries to calm Annalee. “I swear to you,” Fernando says, “I have never slept with a woman who was being held against her will.�

  “How do you know?” Annalee asks. Before he can answer, she strikes his side once more.

  Fernando, clearly in pain, has to force the words to leave his lips, “I promise you, Annalee, I am not that kind of man.”

  Though Samantha is becoming more intrigued by this, she stands up and says, “It doesn't matter what kind of man you are, Fernando. You are going to tell Ariella what she wants to know, or we are going to continue to cause you suffering.” She walks behind him and pulls his head back by the hair. “We're just getting started. You don't want to know what I am capable of doing to you.”

  Just then, Ariella and Fidelma enter the room. Fidelma asks them, “Are the three of you having fun yet?”

  Samantha releases his hair and says, “I haven't had the pleasure yet, but trust me, I will if he doesn't tell you what you want to know.”

  “Thank you, Sam,” Fidelma says. While standing next to Fernando, Fidelma looks at him and asks, “Are you all right?” She gently places her hand on his side. Fernando winces in pain and Fidelma says softly, “Please, let me stop this for you. I don't like seeing you in such pain.” She slowly brushes Fernando's hair back and says, “I can make the pain stop. All you need to do for me is tell Ariella who the people were who took her father's treasure.”

  Fernando looks up at Ariella and doesn't say a word. He is surprised not to find any remorse on her face. He looks again at Fidelma before shaking his head and looking down.

  “I see,” Fidelma says. “I am really sorry it has to be this way.” She then turns to Ariella and says, “Come on, let's give them a few more minutes together.”

  Fernando looks up at Sam as Fidelma closes the door behind her. He says, “I guess it is your turn now.”

  Sam looks at Annalee and asks, “You don't mind, do you?”

  “No,” Annalee answers as she shrugs her right shoulder. “I need to rest my arm.”

  “Oh,” Fernando says. “I am sorry you are sore. Perhaps you could untie me and I could rub your shoulders. After all, we wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable while you are BREAKING MY RIBS!”

  Samantha laughs and says, “You are a humorous one, Fernando, I'll give you that.” She throws Fernando's belongings from the table onto the floor. She slides the table in front of Fernando and says to Annalee, “Unhook the chain from the wall for a moment.” Annalee walks over to the wall where the chain that is holding Fernando's arms up is attached. She slides a link in the chain off of a hook and Fernando's arms come down.

  Fernando sighs with relief, but he cannot move, as his feet are still chained to the floor. Samantha suddenly pushes the table hard into Fernando's waist. He falls forward and lands face down onto the table. Samantha quickly grabs the iron bar holding Fernando's wrists, and before he can react, she attaches the bar to a hook that is mounted on the side of the table near her.

  With his feet still on the ground, Fernando is now stretched across the length of the table. Samantha walks over to the wall near the door. “I don't have an iron fist like Annalee,” Samantha says, “so I am going to have to use this.” She takes a cat o' nine tails from the wall.

  “I see,” Fernando replies. “I hope you will at least be gentle. It is my first time.”

  Samantha smiles and looks at Fernando's back. She asks, “You have never been whipped, have you?”

  “Not for real,” Fernando answers.

  “I can tell,” Samantha says as she lightly runs her fingers down his back. “There isn't a mark on you.” She takes a step back. “I guess that means I get to be your first.” Fernando closes his eyes as Samantha draws back the cat o' nine tails and delivers the first strike across his back.

  On the main deck, Ariella and Fidelma are looking out over the starboard railing. The faint sound of the whip striking Fernando can be heard, along with muffled cries of pain. Fidelma looks at Ariella, who looks visibly concerned. “Don't worry,” Fidelma says to her friend, “there won't be any permanent damage. Just pain.”

  “I know,” Ariella sighs. “I just don't understand why he can't tell me. Do you think they really are that dangerous?”

  “Maybe,” Fidelma replies as Fernando yells out again. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “I just wish there was another way,” Ariella replies as they move to the port side, away from the sounds of the punishment.

  Down below, Samantha is delivering a fourth lash to Fernando. She pauses for a moment and Fernando says, “If you are getting tired, too, I would be more than happy to rub your shoulders, as well.”

  “Silence!” Samantha yells as she whips him again.

  Fernando cries out again in pain before asking, “So, why do you hate men so much?”

  Samantha ignores the inquiry and lashes his back once more. Fernando is able to contain himself and does not cry out this time. “Just tell me,” Fernando says, “I understand why the little one hates men, but what is your story?”

  Samantha grabs his hair and pulls his head back. “If you are not quiet, I am going to gag you,” she warns, “and you won't like how I do it.”

  Fidelma and Ariella are overlooking the city of Sheathelm. “This is quite a ship you have here,” Ariella says. “How did you manage to make it become invisible the other night when you were over the Red Dawn?”

  “It's all built into the ship,” Fidelma explains. “There's a diamond in the middle of the ship's wheel. That is where you must activate the spell. The gem only has enough power to keep the ship invisible for an hour per day. It isn't much, but it's enough.”

  “I wonder how much it would cost to get the Red Dawn to fly,” Ariella ponders.

  “The power stones that keep the Sea Griffin in the air are very expensive,” Fidelma says. “You would need a lot of them for the Red Dawn, or one very large one. Either way, I have no idea how much it would cost. They would have to enchant the entire ship, as well. It would take a lot of time to do it.”

  “It would be worth it,” Ariella says, looking out again over the city, “to be able to have a view like this.”

  “Let's go check on them,” Fidelma says. “I don't hear Fernando anymore.”

  Moments later, Ariella and Fidelma enter the brig once more. Fernando is still tied down across the table. His once flawless back now has several welts and lesions. In his mouth, a ruffled white cloth is held in place by a thin rope that is tied behind his head. Samantha looks to Fidelma and says, “He wouldn't stop talking.”

  “What did you use to gag him?” Ariella asks.

  “A pair of my drawers,” she answers as she unties the rope.

  Fernando spits out the cloth and tries to wet his mouth. “Could I possibly bother someone for a drink of water?”

  “I hope they were a clean pair,” Fidelma says as she sits down in front of Fernando.

  “No,” Samantha replies, “I have not had a chance to wash my clothes in a week.”

  “That's disgusting,” Fidelma says.

  “I have tasted worse things,” says Fernando.

  “That's something I didn't need to hear,” Fidelma replies. “So, you want a drink?”

  “Yes,” Fernando answers, “por favor.”

  “Faye!” Fidelma calls.

  A few moments later, one of the dark-haired twins enters and asks, “Yes, ma'am?”

  Fernando looks up and says, “You. I know you.” Faye turns her head, trying not to look at Fernando. “You were in the Inn the other day,” he continues. Fernando thinks for a moment, then says, “I understand now. You and your sister were there at the inn looking for me. Then I saved you from that man. Was he a part of this, too?”

  “No,” Faye answers. “He wasn't.” Then, feeling guilty, she looks up and adds, “Thank you for what you did for me and my sister.”

  “You are welcome,” Fernando answers.

  Faye looks away once more. Fidelma says to her, “Faye, I would like you to fetch Mr. Greythorn some water.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” she replies.

  “And, Faye?” Fi
delma adds.

  “Yes, ma'am?”

  “Do not feel sorry for Mr. Greythorn,” Fidelma says. “He can make all of this stop whenever he chooses. All he has to do is tell us the truth.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Faye replies. She leaves to retrieve the water for Fernando.

  Fidelma turns her attention back to Fernando. “Now, then, are you ready to talk?”

  “But Samantha, Annalee, and myself were just starting to have fun,” Fernando says with a smile. “Right, ladies?” he asks, looking at Annalee, who is standing to his right.

  Annalee shakes her head and looks to Ariella, who gives her a nod. Annalee strikes Fernando's right side with her fist. The impact cracks one of his ribs. Fernando cannot conceal the pain he is in. Every breath is excruciating. Ariella walks over and stands next to Annalee. She asks Fernando, “Does this hurt?” She then presses her hand firmly on the fractured rib. Fernando lets out an agonized yell. “Let me help you,” Ariella says softly. She concentrates, and soon her hands are glowing with the soft white light of a healing spell. She places them on his side and back. Soon the welts on his back disappear, and the pain in his side is gone.

  “Thank you,” Fernando says.

  Ariella leans down and whispers, “Now, are you going to tell me who took my father's treasure, or do we have to start all over again?”

  Fernando struggles with how to answer as Faye returns with the water. She hands the mug to Fidelma, who then says to Faye, “You may go now.”

  Faye glances at Fernando, who forces a smile to try to put the young girl at ease. Faye turns to leave. Once she is gone, Fidelma closes the door. Ariella says to Samantha and Annalee, “Sit him back in the chair.”

  Samantha places a chair behind Fernando before unhooking the bar from the table. Soon Fernando is sitting once again, with the iron bar secured to the arms of the chair. Fidelma lifts the mug of water to Fernando’s lips and allows him to take a drink. She asks him, “Why do you have to make this so difficult?”


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