Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 24

by Shawn Sodman

  Belron nods, and says, “I think I see them just ahead.”

  On the road before them are the three orcneas that Belron had spotted earlier. They are on horseback, and the one in the middle is carrying a white banner. Belron and Chance descend and land just under one hundred paces away. Belron dismounts from the sky drake, followed by A'ranah. Chance changes forms once again and stands in the middle of the road, awaiting the arrival of the three orcneas.

  A'ranah joins him by his side while Belron says to Nimbus, “Stay.” The drake lays down on the ground as Belron joins the others.

  Now only about fifty paces away, the orcneas stop their horses. General Lortec Ka dismounts from his horse. He says to his soldier, “You stay here and hold the reins of my horse.”

  “Yes, sir,” the soldier answers, as he takes the reins from his general.

  The third member of orcneas is General Carr Vork. He dismounts and walks his horse around Lortec to the soldier. He also hands him the reins to his horse. Carr unbuckles his staff from the saddle and says, “We will be back shortly.”

  Carr and Lortec begin to walk the rest of the way to Chance and his companions. Lortec says, “If my eyes do not deceive me, that is the Slayer, Chance Na'Moon.”

  “So it is,” Carr replies. “And the Amazon queen.”

  Lortec grunts with disgust, “It is a shame we are only here to talk.”

  Carr replies, “Just make sure you remember that, and don't let him provoke you.”

  “I will not be the one provoked,” Lortec laughs. “But if he attacks me...”

  Carr says, “If it were only the Slayer, I wouldn't be concerned. However, that Amazon is far older and more experienced than the two of us combined. I would be more worried about her, or even the drake. Chance is of no real threat to you.”

  Lortec grins and as they continue to approach.

  When they reach twenty paces, A'ranah says to Chance, “Isn't that the one you fought at Northwind?”

  “Yes, it is,” Chance answers.

  As Chance starts to become agitated, A'ranah reminds him, “Remember, we are only here to talk.” She looks at Chance, who seems to be lost in his own thoughts. She can see him breathing heavily as he tries to control his seething anger. She grabs his wrist and asks, “Chance, did you hear me?”

  Chance nods and answers, “Yes, no fighting, I understand.”

  Now only ten paces away, Lortec bellows in a jovial tone, “Slayer! It is good to see you again.”

  Unsure of how to react, Chance turns to A'ranah with a confused look. A'ranah, uncertain as well by the seemingly cheerful greeting, only shrugs her shoulders.

  Chance says to Lortec, “What is it you wish to discuss?”

  Lortec does not answer and instead continues to walk towards Chance. Carr grabs Lortec's arm and says, “That is close enough.”

  Lortec smiles at Chance and says, “I would like to say that we have come to discuss your surrender, but I doubt you would be so sensible.”

  Before Chance can respond, A'ranah snaps, “We will never surrender to you animals.”

  “Of course not,” says Lortec. “That is why we have a different offer.”

  Chance, staring at Lortec, says, “And what offer is that?”

  “It is a simple one,” replies Lortec, “We propose a ceasefire.”

  “A ceasefire?” repeats Chance.

  Carr says, “Yes, for five days, including today.”

  “Why?” Chance asks. “So you can get your reinforcements here without the elven fleet sinking your ships?”

  Lortec laughs, “We don't need any more reinforcements to win this war. We are offering you this for your own benefit. All those women and children from Northwind and Dury must be exhausted from running. We offer you this time to evacuate Sheathelm so that no woman or child will have to see the devastation that is coming.”

  A'ranah asks, “Since when do orcneas care about the women and children of humans and elves?”

  “Consider it a repayment,” says Lortec, “for the similar compassion that was showed to us in the Second Human War.” Lortec steps next to Chance. Both place their hands on the hilt of their respective swords. Lortec, towering over Chance, looks down and says, “You remember, don't you, how you let our women and children flee.”

  Chance feeling uncomfortable with the subject matter, swallows before answering, “Yes, I remember.”

  Lortec, continuing to stare down Chance, says, “Well, now it is our turn to be merciful. The only difference is that your women and children will not have to watch their fathers, brothers, and mates die.”

  The conflicting emotions become too much for Chance. He breaks eye contact with Lortec. Chance pulls A'ranah aside while Belron continues to watch Carr and Lortec. When Chance gets a short distance away, he says quietly to A'ranah, “I think we should agree to these terms.”

  “Are you certain?” she asks.

  Chance explains, “We barely have the forces we need to defend against them, and we certainly don't have the forces we need to defeat them. The lunar gate will open tomorrow and reinforcements will arrive. The goblin air ships are a few days away still, and he is right, we do need to evacuate the women and children.”

  A'ranah looks back at Lortec and Carr. She then says to Chance, “Do you trust him?”

  Chance sighs, “I don't know why, but I believe he will honor their word.”

  “We'll agree to it, then,” says A'ranah.

  Chance and A'ranah walk back over to Lortec and Carr. Chance says, “All right, we accept your offer.”

  Carr says, “Good. Now we will hold our forces no less than one night’s travel from Sheathelm, and we will allow you to prepare yourselves and evacuate your young and women. You make sure that you tell your forces to hold their aggression until the fifth dawn. This includes your forces in our territory to the north.”

  Chance asks, “What forces?”

  A'ranah quickly interjects, “I believe he is referring to the hidden troops of Amazons.”

  Chance, still puzzled, goes along with A'ranah's ruse. He says, “Of course. I just didn't know that they were aware of their presence.”

  “We are,” says Lortec. “Now we will leave you, but make no mistake, Slayer, on the fifth dawn, we will come, and when we do, I hope to face you again.”

  “I look forward to it myself,” Chance replies.

  Carr and Lortec turn their backs and start to walk back to their horses. A'ranah says, “We’d better get back to Sheathelm and tell Arioch.”

  Chance makes sure that Lortec and Carr are far enough away that they cannot hear him before he asks, “What forces was he referring to?”

  A'ranah smiles and says, “It involves something that Evelena and the others did while they were in the north.” She places her hand on Chance's forehead and casts a spell that allows her to speak with him mentally. She then communicates through her thoughts. “I'll tell you all about what she told me on the way back.”

  Further up the road, Carr and Lortec have reached their horses. Lortec says, “They do not have any forces in the north.”

  “What are you talking about?” Carr asks. “Our troops encountered them.”

  Lortec replies, “They must have only been a scouting party.”

  “How do you know?” asks Carr.

  “Chance may be good at a great many things,” replies Lortec. “But lying isn't one of them. I could tell from the look on his face that he was unaware of any troops to the north, and they aren't likely to keep such information from him.”

  Carr, frustrated, says, “So we agreed to a ceasefire for nothing.”

  “No,” Lortec says as he gets on his horse. “We may have enough forces to take them now, but in five days, when our other forces arrive… there will be no stopping us.”

  Chapter 34

  Cause for Celebration

  A short time later, in one of the many chambers within the castle of Sheathelm, Kristieana sits on the edge of an enormous bed. The bed is oppo
site the doorway, and there is a window on either side. The other two limestone walls are decorated with tapestries of landscapes. A rug covers the floor and the room is brightly lit.

  Evelena is also there. As she looks out the window, she says, “I can't believe that we’re going to be sleeping here tonight.”

  Kristieana lays back on the bed and says, “It’s far better than a tent.”

  Evelena looks up at the ceiling, where the chandelier hangs down from a rope that feeds through a pulley and comes down to a hook affixed to the wall next to the door. Instead of candles, this chandelier has five glowing stones that can be removed when darkness is desired.

  Kristieana says, “I can't believe that Princess Kianna is letting us use four of these rooms.”

  “Yes,” Evelena replies. “It’s very generous. It’s so spacious that we all could have stayed in just one.”

  Kristieana laughs, “But then we all wouldn't be able to sleep in the bed.”

  “I’m all right with my furs,” replies Evelena.

  “You really need to feel how soft the bed is,” Kristieana says.

  There is a knock at the door, and Evelena walks over and opens it. Gelana and the other sisters on their Rite of Passage are in the hallway, with the exception of Lyra. Gelana says, “We have all been summoned to the throne room.”

  “Why?” Kristieana asks.

  “I don't know,” answers Gelana. “Serena only told me to gather everyone and come down at once.”

  Kristieana asks, “Where’s Lyra?”

  Yentroc answers, “Sven went to get her from the library.”

  “Well, then,” says Evelena, “let's not keep them waiting.”

  The seven Amazons head down the hall and descend a wide spiral stairway to the lower floor. After walking down another hallway, they enter the throne room in the front center of the castle. There is a small gathering of Amazons, no more than three dozen including A'ranah. King Arioch is there, along with Princess Kianna and Isen. Chance is also there, as well as his three children.

  Ja'noa whispers to Kel'ana, “Do you think we’re in trouble for something?”

  “I don't know,” Kel'ana answers quietly.

  From the opposite side of the room, Sven and Lyra emerge from another hallway.

  A'ranah says to them, “Now that you are all here, we can begin.”

  The young Amazons join the gathering. They are in a loose circle with A'ranah standing in the center. The Amazon queen says aloud, “King Arioch and I would like to announce that there is currently a temporary ceasefire with orcneas.”

  Whispers are heard among the small crowd. A'ranah looks at Evelena with a smile and continues, “It seems the orcneas are concerned about a certain invisible army in the north, although they didn't use those terms exactly.”

  Gelana gives Evelena a pat on the back. “It worked.”

  Evelena smiles as the others join in on congratulating their sister. A'ranah says loudly over the excitement, “Congratulations to all of you.” The women begin to listen again as A'ranah continues, “Evelena told me that you all fought bravely and honorably.”

  Rehma looks down at her necklace. It is strung with dozens of white beads that make the one single black bead that Evelena had given her stand out even more. She sighs as she listens to A'ranah say, “Your actions in the north have given us extra time to prepare, as well as time for the mothers to get their children to safety.” A'ranah opens a pouch and pulls from it a bead of gold. The girls' eyes widen. A'ranah says, “Evelena, in honor or your leadership and your quick thinking, I present to you a golden token of honor.”

  Evelena nervously steps forward and bows her head. “Thank you, mother elder,” she says as she holds out her hand.

  A'ranah places the golden bead in her hand and says, “You earned it.” Evelena steps back as Yentroc and Gelana flank her sides to get a closer look at the extremely rare honor token. A'ranah says to them, “There is no need to crowd her to see the bead.” Gelana looks up at the Amazon queen and A'ranah says, “All seven of you will receiving one of your own, as well as Kristieana.”

  The seven sisters try their best to maintain their composure, but the excitement is too much for Gelana and Yentroc. They embrace one another and begin to jump in place. Ja'noa and Kel'ana do the same. Kristieana and Lyra both smile, while Rehma is the only one who remains calm.

  Over the celebratory laughing of the young women, A'ranah calls out Kel'ana's name. Kel'ana steps forward excitedly as the Queen of the Amazons says, “In honor of your marksmanship and superior tracking, as well as keeping your sisters warm in the Northwind range, I present to you a golden token of honor.”

  Kel'ana accepts the bead before bowing her head and saying, “Thank you, mother elder.”

  A'ranah nods her head as Kel'ana joins the others. A'ranah then calls for Lyra and Ja'noa. They both make their way to the front of the group and stand before her. A'ranah says, “In honor of your scouting abilities that helped prepare your sisters for battle, I present you both with golden tokens of honor.”

  The two Dri'els take their beads and thank A'ranah before stepping back. A'ranah then calls forth Kristieana and Yentroc. She says to them, “In honor of your healing to keep your sisters in good health, I present the two of you with golden tokens.”

  Yentroc eagerly takes her bead and says, “Thank you, mother elder.” She then rushes back to Gelana and shows off her award.

  Kristieana takes her golden bead as A'ranah says, “While I am glad that you were there for your sisters, unfortunately you disobeyed an order to stay behind.” Kristieana nods her head as A'ranah takes a black bead from a different pouch and says, “I am sorry, but I must also give you this.”

  Kristieana takes the black bead and says, “I understand, mother elder.”

  A'ranah smiles and adds, “I assume the golden honor was worth it?”

  “Yes, mother elder,” Kristieana laughs.

  Lastly, A'ranah calls forth Gelana and Rehma. She says to them, “In honor of your bravery in battle, in true La'harn fashion, I present to you both golden tokens.”

  Gelana is the first to take her bead. She smiles and says, “Thank you, mother elder,” before rejoining the others.

  Rehma is the last to receive her golden bead. She extends her hand and takes the token of honor. The others all notice her lack of enthusiasm for what should be special moment. A'ranah asks her, “Rehma, are all right?”

  “Yes, mother elder,” she replies with her head held low. “I just don't know if I truly deserve this honor.”

  A'ranah places her hand on Rehma's shoulder and says, “Evelena said that you faced an ogre by yourself.”

  “But I could not have defeated the ogre by myself,” replies Rehma. “It would have killed me if not for them.”

  A'ranah says, “That’s what teamwork is all about. Watching out for each other and keeping each other safe.”

  “I know, mother elder,” replies Rehma. “But I don't feel that I kept anyone safe.”

  A'ranah says, “Evelena told me that if it weren't for you, Sven may have been killed by an ogre. She said that you pushed him out of the way when you were in Ogre’s Mead.”

  “I suppose so,” Rehma says smiling slightly. “Thank you, mother elder.”

  A'ranah looks back at King Arioch and gives a nod. Arioch announces, “While the war is far from over, Belron reports that the orcneas are setting up camp far from here. At this time, it looks as though they are honoring the ceasefire. Tomorrow the lunar gate will open to Elonfar, and reinforcements will arrive.”

  A'ranah says, “While it is too soon to celebrate a victory, tonight I would like you all to relax and enjoy this reprieve.”

  The gathering of Amazons let out a collective cheer that almost sounds like a battle cry. The group begins to break up as Chance approaches Sven, who is talking with Lyra. Chance says to him, “Arioch said that you wanted to talk about something.”

  Sven looks at Lyra nervously, then nods at Chance and
says, “Yes, Sven would like to talk about something important, but it can wait.”

  “All right,” Chance replies. “I'll be at the King's Shield Inn if you need me.” Chance turns and starts to walk out of the throne room just as Isen embraces Kristieana and congratulates her. Chance hurries past them without saying a word.

  Lyra asks Sven, “What do you want to talk with Chance about?”

  Sven laughs and says, “Sven just wants to catch up with old friend.”

  “Oh,” replies Lyra, unsure of Sven's answer. “Why don't we all go to the King's Shield?”

  Gelana, overhearing Lyra's suggestion, says loudly to the others, “Let's celebrate at the King's Shield!” She then turns to Sven and asks, “They do serve alcohol, don't they?”

  “Yes,” replies Sven. “They have good drinks there.”

  “Great!” Gelana says. “Lead the way.”

  Sven nods and says, “Very well. Everyone follow Sven.”

  The seven sisters begin to leave as Isen says to Kristieana, “Why don't we go celebrate somewhere more private?”

  Kristieana holds back a smile and shakes her head. “Is that all you ever think about?” she asks.

  Isen answers, “When I’m not doing my job protecting the princess, yes.”

  “Where did you have in mind?” she asks.

  “My room,” replies Isen with a grin.

  Kristieana thinks for a bit. “All right,” she relents. “But don't think that you’ll always get what you want. Next time, you’ll have to take me to dinner.”

  “I can always get the maids to bring us food,” he replies.

  She slaps his arm and snaps, “That’s not what I mean.”

  “I know,” Isen laughs. “I was only joking. Tomorrow I will take you someplace special. We can meet in the Library at three o'clock.” He looks Kristieana up and down and adds, “You will need to wear something a lot nicer than your armor.”

  “All right,” she replies. “I'll find something. Now, why don't you show me the way to your room?”

  Not far from the castle, the seven sisters and Sven are sitting down at the King's Shield Inn. Many of the other Amazons of the Silver Moon have also come to celebrate. Music is playing, and there is a festive spirit in the air. In a far corner, Chance Na'Moon sits with his cloak over his head, much like when he was in Copper Pass.


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