Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 40

by Shawn Sodman

  He replies, “She hit me first.”

  On her knees, with her back facing her assailant, Lyra begins to cast a spell. Her hands begin to glow with white light when she feels the gentle touch of Lee's hand on her shoulder. Lee quietly says to her, “You don't want to do that.” Lyra looks up at her as Lee continues, “It will only make matters worse.” Lyra looks back at the Goliath, who is once again sitting at his table and laughing with his friends. Lee says, “Come on, I'll take you back to your friends.”

  Lyra calms herself and the glow in her hands dissipates as she ends the spell. She stands up and says to Lee, “Thank you.”

  A short time later, in the Amazon encampment, Sven has made his way to Lyra's tent. Kristieana and the others are still sitting at the fire when he approaches. Gelana asks him, “What are you doing here?”

  Sven, looking at the ground, replies, “Sven was hoping that Lyra would speak with him now.”

  Kristieana says, “She left to find you a while ago.”

  “She did?” Sven asks. “Where did she go?”

  “The King's Shield Inn,” answers Kristieana.

  “Sven must have taken a different path,” he says. “He did not see her.”

  “There she is now,” says Gelana.

  The others stand as Lyra, accompanied by Lee, approaches them. She is holding the left side of her face where she was hit. Yentroc rushes over and asks, “What happened?”

  “It's nothing,” replies Lyra as Lee escorts her over to the fire.

  Lyra sits as her friends all gather around her. Sven stays back to listen. Yentroc looks at her swollen lip and says, “This isn't nothing.”

  Lyra explains, “I went to find Sven and a man grabbed me. I hit him, so he hit me back.”

  Sven pushes his way through the women and kneels before Lyra. When he sees her face, he clenches his fists tightly. He struggles to remain calm as he asks her, “Who hit you? Give Sven name.”

  “It's not important,” Lyra says. “I’m all right.”

  Kristieana says, “We'll handle this, Sven.”

  Sven stands and faces Kristieana. He says, “If it was soldier, then Sven must face him. We cannot have fight between Amazons of Silver Moon and soldiers of Sheathelm. It is matter of honor that must be handled man to man.”

  Lyra says, “My honor is not yours to defend. I don't need you to fight my battles.”

  Sven says, “Sven knows that you do not need him, but so long as Sven draws breath, he will always defend Lyra's honor.” He turns to Lee and asks sternly, “Who hit Lyra?”

  Lee nervously glances at the others before dropping her gaze and muttering, “Gregory.”

  “Thank you,” Sven says as he starts to leave.

  “Sven!” Lyra calls. “Don't go. He’s a Goliath.”

  “Sven knows Gregory,” he replies as he continues walking.

  Lyra, concerned, warns him, “But he’s much bigger than you.”

  “Good,” Sven says as he stops and looks back at the others. “Sven could use good fight.”

  Sven walks with purpose as Lyra begins to follow him. Yentroc calls to her, “Wait! I want to go, too.”

  “We’re all going,” Kristieana says.

  “Just give me a moment to put on my boots,” says Yentroc.

  “Hurry,” says Lyra as she watches Sven exit the courtyard.

  A short time later at the King's Shield Inn, Gregory is sitting at a table drinking an ale as Sven enters the room. Sven spots him and says loudly, “Gregory Dalgaard, stand and face Sven Litburg.”

  Everyone's eyes shift to the front of the inn as Sven takes three steps and waits for Gregory to respond. The red haired Goliath stands and says, “So, dwarf of Litburg clan wants to fight Gregory.”

  Sven replies, “It is funny for you to talk about size.”

  Gregory walks over to Sven, looks down at him, and asks, “Why is that?”

  Sven, now face to face with someone larger than himself, says, “Because only small man would hit woman.”

  Gregory laughs. “So, this is about that little elven girl.”

  Sven looks him in the eyes. “That little girl means more to Sven than sea slug like you can understand.”

  “She hit me first,” says Gregory.

  “You must have been terrified,” taunts Sven.

  Gregory says, “Woman should not hit man and expect him not to fight back.”

  Sven replies, “And man should not grab woman and expect her not to fight back.”

  “She challenged Gregory,” he says.

  “Lyra is not Goliath woman,” says Sven. “She was not challenging you. She was denying you.”

  Gregory replies, “You could not even best Gregory's sister. Why does Sven think he could beat Gregory?”

  Sven nods. “It is true. Tetyana could beat most Goliath men, but that was long time ago. Sven is not same as when he left Sigtuna.”

  With a grin on his face, Gregory says, “You are still dwarf.”

  Sven takes a step back and addresses the crowd of men. He says, “Then everyone here will witness this dwarf teach Goliath lesson. You will all remember this night and tell your sons what happens to man when he disrespects woman. You will sing songs of this day.”

  Outside the inn, Lyra and the others have arrived. Gelana says, “I hope we’re not too late.”

  Just then, the two behemoths crash through the front window next to the entrance and land at Lyra's feet. Gregory is on the bottom, but he quickly forces Sven off. The two half-giants stand up and begin to trade blows with each other. Neither one seems concerned with protecting himself, but rather determined to see how hard he can hit the other.

  Sven's fist slams into the side of Gregory's face, forcing him to take a step back. Then Gregory strikes Sven with an equally powerful blow. Sven begins to bleed from the corner of his lip. He wipes the blood away and says, “Your sister hits harder than that.”

  Now incensed, Gregory tries to tackle Sven, but in his haste leaves his head low and unprotected as he charges in. Sven brings his knee up sharply into the face of the rushing half-giant. Though he is stunned, Gregory manages to wrap his arms around Sven's thighs, but he is unable to bring him down. Sven bends over and grabs Gregory around the waist. Using all his might, Sven lifts the larger man up before leaning back and throwing Gregory over his shoulder and onto the ground.

  The Amazons of the Silver Moon feel the ground beneath their feet tremor as the behemoth lands on his back. Sven kneels over Gregory and begins striking him repeatedly with his right fist. Each punch leaves the red-haired Goliath bloodier than the last. By this time, other Amazons have come to witness what has now become a brutal assault, including Va'leen and Nicari.

  “This is partly your fault,” Nicari says to her friend.

  “How?” Va'leen asks.

  “The only reason Lyra went to the King's Shield was to talk with Sven about what you did with him last night,” says Nicari. “That’s when the half-giant hit her.”

  Va'leen says, “Well, it appears that Sven is doing a good job of avenging her.”

  Nicari looks around and asks, “Why isn't anyone stopping this? Where are the guards?”

  Those watching the fight can not only can see the devastation on Gregory's swollen face, but can hear it as well, as Sven's fist, wet with Gregory's blood, smashes into the now-defenseless victim's face.

  Sven continues his relentless onslaught. Gelana says to Lyra, “He's going to kill him. You have stop this.”

  Lyra, unnerved by the violence, hesitantly steps forward and yells, “Sven, stop! That's enough.”

  Sven brings back his fist to punch the helpless man again, but holds his attack. He looks over his shoulder at Lyra and, seeing the look of horror on her face, relaxes his fist and looks back down at the battered man. Sven gets to his feet before reaching down and grabbing Gregory by his hair. Sven pulls him up to his knees, grabs his head, forces him to look at Lyra, and says, “Apologize to her now.”

  Gregory's rig
ht eye is completely swollen shut. His nose is bent and broken, and his red beard is soaked with blood. Lyra looks away from the gruesome sight. Gregory spits blood onto the ground and grumbles, “Gregory is sorry.”

  Sven looks at Lyra, who does her best to avoid looking back. He asks, “Do you forgive him?”

  Lyra glances at the two Goliaths and nods her head. “Yes,” she answers. “Please, just let him go.”

  Sven sighs and looks down at Gregory. “You are fortunate she forgave you.” Sven steps back as the beaten man stands. “If Sven ever hears that you have hurt another woman, he will be back to give another lesson.”

  Through the gathered crowd of soldiers and Amazons, Chance emerges. He surveys the situation. “I was told there was a brawl here.” Chance looks at Gregory and then at Sven. “Would someone explain to me what happened?”

  Sven answers, “This man hit Lyra, so Sven hit him more.”

  Chance looks at Lyra. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I am,” she answers.

  Chance says to two combatants, “You two will pay Mr. Forester for a new window.”

  Sven nods. “Of course.”

  “Then I suppose the matter is settled,” says Chance as he turns to leave.

  “Wait,” Kristieana calls out to him. Chance turns back as Kristieana says, “Do you want to know why this all happened?”

  “Not really,” Chance answers. “But if you think it is important...”

  “I do,” Kristieana says. “The reason Lyra came here tonight was to talk with Sven.”

  Chance asks, “Why is that important?”

  Kristieana glances at Va'leen before saying, “She wanted to talk with him about last night when Va'leen laid with Sven.”

  Va'leen bursts from the crowd and says, “It's not like that, Chance, I promise.”

  Chance looks at Va'leen but doesn't say a word. He shakes his head, then looks at Sven and asks, “Is this true?”

  Sven nods and replies, “Yes, it is. Sven was at Rusty Dagger when she offered to buy Sven drink. We talked for while, but Sven does not remember entire night. Sven woke next day, and she was in Sven's room.”

  Chance, deeply disappointed with his friend, asks, “Have you learned nothing from your past?”

  “Sven will make no excuse,” he says. “It was mistake.”

  “Yes, it was,” replies Chance. He turns to Va'leen and says, “What would possess you to lie with him? You had to have known that he and Lyra were spending a lot of time together.”

  Before Va'leen can offer an explanation, Kristieana says, “She did it to get back at Lyra for reminding me about neita.”

  Chance takes a moment to ponder. He then looks at Va'leen and asks, “Is this true?”

  “Please, Chance,” says Va'leen. “You have to believe me. Nothing happened between Sven and me last night. He was drinking a lot and I took him back to his room. After that, he passed out, and I stayed with him, but nothing happened. I swear to the gods, that is the truth.”

  “But you made Lyra believe that something had happened, didn't you?” Chance asks.

  “Yes,” Va'leen admits. “I was going to make Sven believe that we had lain together. I figured that he would tell her. In the morning Lyra showed up before Sven woke, and I was still there.”

  “You did all this just because she reminded Kristieana to invoke neita?” he asks.

  “She had no business interfering in our friendship,” Va'leen insists.

  “I was not happy with her either,” says Chance. “But she was only trying to help a friend. I apologized for snapping at her, but what you did... I can hardly believe. Now if you'll excuse me, there are two more weeks until the new moon, and the neita has not been revoked.”

  “Chance,” Va'leen calls to him. Though he can hear her, Chance leaves through the crowd.

  Chapter 54

  Falling Out

  The gathering of people quickly breaks up. The Amazons begin returning to their encampment. Gregory makes his way back into the inn as Sven approaches Lyra. He does the best he can to wipe the blood from his hands. “Did you hear what Va'leen said? Nothing happened last night.”

  “I heard,” Lyra says, trying to not look at him.

  “But you are still angry with Sven.”

  “No, I’m not angry any more. Just sad.”

  “Is that what wanted to talk with Sven about?

  “No. I was angry, and I came to tell you how I felt, but now...”

  “Now what?”

  “I don't know,” Lyra answers, still looking away.

  “Are you afraid of Sven now, because of fight?” he asks.

  “No,” she answers. “And thank you for defending my honor, although I didn't need you to.”

  Sven kneels before her and says, “Please, Lyra, tell Sven what he must do... what punishment he must endure, to earn your forgiveness.”

  Lyra finally looks at him, and with tears flowing, she says, “I’m sorry, but I just can't. You may have passed out last night, but that does not change the fact that you took another woman to your room.”

  “Sven would give anything to change that,” he says. “Sven does not remember wanting her. He can only remember talking about you. Sven swears to the gods he will never drink again.”

  “I should be going now,” says Lyra.

  Sven stands. “Of course. Goodnight, Lyra.”

  Back at the camp of the Amazons of the Silver Moon, Va'leen approaches Kristieana. She grabs Kristieana's arm and turns her to face her. “You and I have some unfinished business,” she says.

  “I couldn't agree more,” Kristieana replies. “Let’s settle this once and for all.” She unties her necklace and tosses it onto the ground between them. “I will bet all of my honor against yours.”

  Va'leen looks at the beaded strand of leather. She unties her own necklace and drops in next to Kristieana's.

  Nicari, trying to make peace between the two rivals, says, “You two cannot possibly be serious about this.”

  “I am,” Kristieana replies. “This needs to end.”

  “I couldn't agree more,” interrupts A'ranah, as she approaches the small gathering. Everyone's attention shifts to the Amazon queen. A'ranah continues, “This ends now. Pick up your necklaces and add these to them.” She opens her hand. In her palm are two black beads.

  “Mother Elder?” Kristieana asks.

  A'ranah, snaps, “The two of you have been acting like children fighting over a toy. It is absolutely disgraceful. We are at war with orcneas, and the two of you are prepared to tear each other apart.”

  Va'leen snatches her necklace up and takes one of the black beads from her mother. “All I wanted was to talk with Chance, and Kristieana prevented me from doing so.”

  A'ranah replies, “I understand your frustration, but considering your actions as of late, I can see why Kristieana would think that you are not good for him.”

  Va'leen steps back. “Mother, I would never-”

  “Enough!” A'ranah shouts. Kristieana picks up her necklace. As she takes her black bead A'ranah says to her, “As for you, a man who has rejected your claim does not need your protection from another women. If I am not mistaken, you have a man of your own to worry about.”

  Va'leen asks, “Does that mean I can see Chance?”

  “No,” answers A'ranah. “I will not interfere with the tradition of neita. Kristieana evoked it, so it is up to her.”

  “But if you don't let us fight,” says Va'leen, “I cannot challenge it.”

  “The opportunity to challenge has already passed,” says A'ranah. “Perhaps the two of you can work out your differences without fighting. Then maybe she will revoke it. In the meantime, I want the two of you to stay far from each other. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Mother Elder,” Kristieana replies as she begins to tie her necklace back on.

  “Yes, Mother,” Va'leen replies.

  “Good,” says A'ranah.

  The Amazon queen leaves as Nicari takes Va'l
een's hand and says, “Come, let's turn in for the night.”

  Va'leen and Nicari make their way between the tents of the temporary Amazon camp. Nicari says, “I know what you told me the other day, but I cannot help but believe that there is more going on between you and Chance than you are telling me.”

  Va'leen replies, “I swear to the gods that there is nothing going on between us.”

  Nicari nods in acknowledgment, and asks, “Would you like there to be?”

  “He’s just a pup,” Va'leen laughs.

  Nicari replies, “You have claimed younger men.”

  The two women reach their tent, and as they enter, Va'leen says, “I don't want to claim Chance like some conquest. He is different.”

  Nicari sits on her furs. “So you do have feelings for him?”

  “Like nothing I have ever felt before,” she replies. “I swear, if you tell anyone...”

  “I won't,” Nicari replies. “You have my word.”

  “Good,” says Va'leen. “It’s best that no one knows, not even Chance.”

  “Why?” asks Nicari, as she lies back on her fur bedding.

  Va'leen explains, “Chance does not think of me in that way, and I don’t want him to feel as if he’s obliged to try just because we’re friends.”

  Nicari asks, “Are you certain that Chance doesn't think of you as anything other than a friend?”

  “He wouldn't let me challenge the neita,” Va'leen replies.

  “Maybe he didn't want you to get hurt,” suggests Nicari.

  Va'leen sighs, “Or maybe he didn't want Kristieana to get hurt. Either way, it doesn't matter now. I cannot go near him, and even if I could, I doubt Chance would even speak with me. I have made a terrible mess of things.”

  “How long have you been in love with him?” asks Nicari.

  Va'leen sits on her bedding. “When I first met Chance, he was indeed a young pup. It was during the Dragon War. We spent a lot time together, in and out of battle. He even saved my life once, and I saved him, as well.”

  “It sounds like you built quite a bond,” says Nicari. “Why didn't you claim him?”


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