The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller

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The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller Page 24

by L. B. Simmons

  Quinn sniffles beside me, but my eyes remain trained on Kaeleb.

  “But I couldn’t tell you that, because this time around, it wasn’t about my search for you. It was about you finding yourself. Your courage. Your strength. Your love. All the amazing things that make you, you. And somehow, you managed to do it. You worked your way back up, pull by painstaking pull, until you rose up and finally found your way back to me.”

  His eyes shine as he finishes his proposal. “And I guess what I’m asking is now that you’ve found your way home” he gives me a crooked smile, “would you like to continue this journey through life together, as my wife?”

  He flips open the box and I cover my mouth.

  Inside is a perfectly cut, round, canary diamond. It’s outlined with a single crescent shape filled with tiny clear diamonds of its own. I smile to myself, and my heart leaps at the thought of wearing a constant reminder of Kaeleb’s love.

  I remain mesmerized by the sight as he says, “You have always been and will always be, my sunshine.”

  “The sun and the moon,” I whisper in response, my eyes still trained on the ring.

  “Naturally,” he responds, as murmurs and gasps fill the crowd around us.

  My eyes land on his just as someone from the surrounding horde yells, “ANSWER HIM!”

  A smile breaks across my face as I nod vigorously. “Yes!”

  Rising up off his knee, Kaeleb whisks the ring out of the box. He takes my hand into his, leaning forward and brushing his lips against mine. “I love you, Bree.”

  “I love you too, Kaeleb.” He pulls back and holds the ring in my direct line of sight, tilting it so I can see the inscription on the inside of the band.

  Shine bright. Shine always.

  I release a sob and once again face Kaeleb. My eyes latch onto his as I whisper back, “Always.”

  He nods and slides the ring onto my finger before placing another kiss on my lips. The crowd hoots and hollers around us, causing us to break apart. My face reddens as I hurriedly take my seat across from Quinn. Kaeleb, however, bows to the crowd, eliciting an eruption of more cheers.

  Quinn bounds off her seat, clapping. “You guys are getting married! I told you! I knew it!”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head, then grin.


  That boy is all mine.

  For the rest of our lives.

  Thirty minutes later, after we’ve finished lunch, we all grab our backpacks and head to the parking lot. Passing through another horde gathered for some student function, Quinn leads the way as Kaeleb and I walk hand-in-hand behind her. I glance up to him, smiling widely. He grins back and leans into me, brushing his lips against my forehead.

  We’re so lost in our bubble of love that we run right into the back of Quinn, who has stopped unexpectedly. “Quinn!” I laugh. “What’s wrong with you?”

  Pulling Kaeleb behind me, I step beside her as a nasty, evil, malicious snicker rises above the murmurs of the crowd around us.

  My eyes break away from Quinn, and I turn to see Sabrina standing there with a contorted leer on her face, eyeing us like she just stepped in dog shit. I narrow my eyes at her and can feel Kaeleb’s seething anger beating against the back of my neck.

  “Oh. My. Gawd,” she begins, thrusting her huge purse over her shoulder while smacking her gum. “Look. It’s the freak and the freak lover, getting married,” she scoffs as her eyes land on my hand. “I can’t wait to see the monstrosities you spit out of your body, Raven. I’m sure you’ll have a household of freaks at your disposal.”

  “It’s Aubrey,” I reply calmly. Kaeleb’s body tenses against the back of mine, so I reach behind me to keep him still.

  “Whatever, Aubrey. A tiger can’t change its stripes, no matter how much dye it uses to cover them up. Once a freak, always a freak.”

  And for the second time today, we find ourselves surrounded by a mass of curious people, most likely drawn by Sabrina’s threatening tone.

  Quinn steps directly in front of us, placing her tiny body protectively in front of mine and Kaeleb’s. I try really hard not to smile, but I find it damn near impossible. Kaeleb doesn’t even bother as the warmth of his laughter hits the shell of my ear.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Sabrina. No one wants to hear the hateful shit that comes out of your mouth,” Quinn spits. And just as Sabrina opens said mouth, Quinn’s voice strengthens and she yells, “Do you?” She gestures to the people around us. “Does ANYONE want to hear ANYTHING that she has to say?”

  There’s a collective “no” amongst the herd. Someone adds, “Yeah, you’re a bitch!” while another person throws in, “Go away, Sabrina!” just before a squeaky, timid voice from the back somewhere shouts, “You’re an awful person!”

  That one makes me smile.

  Quinn looks around and a grin crosses her face in appreciation for the comments. Sabrina, however, winces with each one as her face blushes beet red.

  But Quinn’s not done yet.

  “Where’s Josh? Oooooh! That’s right. He’s with Candace now. They’re engaged, yes?” Quinn asks as her face falls serious. “Sucks, doesn’t it? That explains why you no longer have any friends.” She glances back at me and Kaeleb. “Well, I do. I’ve been waiting four long years for this day and I refuse to let you ruin it for me.” She pauses. “Or for them. Sorry guys.” She throws over her shoulder in a low, apologetic tone.

  “It’s okay,” I yell-whisper back to her.

  She looks back to Sabrina. “So, go. Get out of here. No one wants you here,” Quinn adds, shooing her away with her hands. The crowd erupts with clapping and cheering when Sabrina hesitantly turns away, clearly embarrassed as she trudges her way down the sidewalk.

  The smile finally breaks free from my reins as I relax my body into Kaeleb’s. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, his body shaking with laughter. “Damn. Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better.”

  “Right?” I respond as his lips find my ear.

  Quinn turns around with a beaming smile, clapping as she bounces up and down. “That was so awesome!”

  I laugh. “Hell yeah, it was!”

  I extend my arms and she rushes into them. Kaeleb releases me and steps to my side, ruffling her hair. “Damn, girl. Remind me not to piss you off.”

  She giggles in my arms and I release her, tightening my gaze in confusion. “How did you know all of that stuff about Josh and Candace?”

  She answers with a shrug of her shoulders. “My therapist told me I needed to work on letting go of what happened. So one day I called Josh and he apologized. Like, a sincere apology. I could tell.” She lifts her eyebrows and nods her head as though trying to convince me, but I have no doubt it was.

  Sabrina is a virus, feeding off of people and infecting them with her evil as she manipulates their minds in the process. Not that I will ever condone what happened with Josh, but if his apology was enough for Quinn, it’s enough for me.

  “It only took a week or so after what happened at the club for her to turn that maliciousness on to both him and Candace. I guess with me out of the picture, she had to find some other people to attack.” She sighs. “He broke it off with her shortly after, and even tried to get in contact with me to tell me how sorry he was. He’s not a bad person, and evidently, neither is Candace.”

  She shrugs her shoulders and releases a long breath. “It’s no surprise to me that Sabrina bullied them into doing things that weren’t really indicative of who they are as people. Because a bully is all she is. All she ever will be. It’s sad really, when you think about it,” Quinn states sincerely with a sad smile on her face.

  Leave it to Quinn to be able to forgive like that. Another reason why she is an amazing person.

  “I let go of that a long time ago. But there was no way I was going to let her ruin today. For any of us,” she adds with a giggle before glancing down at my hand and reaching for it. “Speaking of which…let me see that ring again!”

lift my hand and she oohs and aahs appropriately. My eyes land on Kaeleb, and his sexy, confident half-smile makes my chest flutter like crazy.

  As soon as my heart takes flight, the clouds break and the first appearance of the sun in over a week can be felt as the heat of its rays bounce off my back.

  Coincidence? I think not.

  I turn away from him and shield my eyes, looking up into the single beam as it covers us. Absorbing its warmth, I feel the love of Linda as she sends me her message of approval. I allow her essence to flood me, knowing she’s happy now and that she will always remain ever-present as she guides me through this life.

  Kaeleb gives me credit for pulling my way out of the darkness, but as I feel her permeate my being, I know she was always right behind me, in both life and death, pushing with all her might until I found my way.

  Until I navigated my way right to this very moment.

  And as I drop my hand from my face, I give her a silent thank you before twisting my body to face Kaeleb. With his eyes gentle, full of adoration and caring, I know without a doubt that she’s helped steer me right where I need to be.


  Palmer: So, you gearing up for graduation?

  Me: (Nods) I’m on track for May.

  Palmer: Only a month left then?

  Me: (Smiles) Yeah.

  Palmer: And Kaeleb? He’s ready as well?

  Me: Yep.

  Palmer: (Grins) I hear you two are getting married. Congratulations, Aubrey. I’m very happy for both of you.

  Me: (Laughs) And to think it all started with the Elements of Trust. Who knew you had mad match-making skills?

  Palmer: (Chuckles and strokes his beard) I’m multi-talented, what can I say?

  Me: You’re more than that, Doc. You’re a miracle worker.

  Me: (Brows furrow) Why did you quit? Practicing I mean.

  Palmer: (Laughs) It would seem that I never really did, wouldn’t you say? (Sighs) I do enjoy the teaching aspect, helping people learn to break through whatever issues they have with trusting others. But sometimes I guess there are just certain individuals who silently call to me for my guidance such as you and Kaeleb. I don’t need to get paid for it. I just do it because that’s what I feel that I’ve been put on Earth to do.

  Me: (Nods) I understand completely. That’s why I’m going to med school, I think. To use my experiences to better others.

  Palmer: That’s very admirable, Aubrey. I have no doubt that you will find yourself very satisfied with your chosen profession. That passion is unyielding and when you witness a complete transformation, such as I did with you, there is truly no greater reward.

  Me: (Leans forward) I don’t think I could ever possibly convey how much you did for me, Doc. If it hadn’t been for you, I’m not sure I would be sitting here.

  Palmer: You would be. I have no doubt. The strength that you possess can’t be taught. It’s inherent. As I’ve said before, you did all the work. With or without me, you would have found your way eventually.

  Me: Well, I’m not so sure about that. (Laughs) But thank you.

  Me: (Rises from couch) I guess that’s it, Doc. I just wanted to stop by and say thank you again, for everything. See you at graduation?

  Palmer: Of course. (Stands) It’s been the utmost privilege to watch you grow over the last four years. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. I hope that you will keep in touch in the future. I will…miss our chats.

  Me: (Swallows back tears and punches him in the arm) Oh, Doc. You can’t get rid of me that easy. I’ve got your number, remember?

  Palmer: (Laughs and opens door) Well then, I look forward to hearing from you. (Face falls serious) I’m very proud of you, Aubrey. You have overcome so much over our time together and I have no doubt that you will make a profound impact on your patients, no matter what area you choose to specialize in.

  Me: (Jerks head back) Did I not tell you?

  Palmer: I don’t think you mentioned it, no. I would have remembered.

  Me: Oh. (Exhales) Well, since I had such an excellent mentor, I will obviously be pursuing Psychiatry. Working with children and adolescents specifically.

  Palmer: (Grins Widely) I think that is an excellent choice.

  Me: I thought you would. (Laughs) So you will most definitely be chatting with me a great deal in the future.

  Palmer: (Dips his head) I can’t imagine a greater honor. Thank you, Aubrey.

  Me: (Steps out of his office and turns with smile on face) No. Thank you, Doc


  Today is officially my last day here at Titan. The year passed by in the blink of an eye, but it wasn’t without some new firsts that should be mentioned:

  The first night Kaeleb and I spent together in our house. Rental house of course, but it’s our home…for the meantime. After we’d christened it multiple times, I rolled over in Kaeleb’s arms and stared at the swear jar on our bedside table, its only purpose to remind me of the meaning of unconditional love. Linda’s. Quinn’s. And of course, Kaeleb’s. Although he did strive to remind me often. Hence the reason we didn’t leave the house for an entire week.

  The first (and only) time Quinn became engaged. Tommy Larkin proposed at a candlelight dinner via serenade and she happily accepted, giggling the entire time no doubt. They’ll be getting married this summer, right after us.

  The first time we all finally managed to have a successful family dinner. Quinn’s and Tommy’s parents, Kaeleb’s grandparents, and me as we celebrated the new engagements. It was bittersweet without Linda, but as I looked at the people all around me, I knew I would never be without family. They surrounded me as we recanted the details of the proposals to everyone, and even gave encouraging hoots when we went into Quinn’s standoff with Sabrina. The pride on her mother’s face told me that she finally grasped the fact that there was no need to worry about her baby girl.

  The first time that Kaeleb caved to his grandparent’s insistence, and finally spoke to his parents. It wasn’t easy, but I think he’s finally worked through what he needs to in order find the closure he needs. They continue to speak once a week as they work on mending their relationship. They’re here today, along with his sister.

  And as I sit here in my turn to cross the stage, I reflect on my four years here at Titan University.

  I came here a terrified girl, completely hidden inside my darkness and ruled by my fears.

  Yet somehow, even while consumed by that darkness, I found my way.

  I found the courage to make new friends. Life-long friends.

  Friends that provided me strength when I thought I had none.

  Friends that forced me to face my greatest fears, no matter how much I protested.

  Friends that gave me a reason to wake up each day.

  Friends that made me laugh for the first time in years, held me when I cried, and rooted themselves deeply in my heart, refusing to cut the ties that bound us together when I pushed them away.

  They taught me the meaning of true friendship, and for that I will forever be grateful.

  I found love. True, absolute, everlasting love.

  Love that was so readily given even when I refused it.

  Love that when finally accepted, spread throughout my heart and soul, giving me the strength to look deep within myself and face my past.

  Love that doesn’t end with death, but that does, in fact, conquer it. Because in death, I found the true meaning of love and laid to rest my fears, emerging the person I was meant to be.

  But most importantly, I found myself. I found the light that had been yearning to burn inside of me all along. And once I found it, I held on tightly and nurtured it until it infused within my heart and my soul, bathing away the darkness. Cleansing me. Preparing me. Healing me.

  I died when I was eight years old.

  I existed inside death for many years until I finally discovered the true meaning of life—a gift to be utilized and never be taken for granted.

  And I will leave this c
ampus today alive and breathing, ready to make my mark on this world...

  Fully resurrected.

  “So there it is folks. The story of my resurrection. As I stated before, I hope that you find yourselves able to take something from my story. The next four years of your life, as you embark on your own journeys, will be some of the greatest and possibly some of the most difficult of your lives. There will be so many of your own firsts to experience. Take time to learn from each one.

  “In the audience among you, you will see all the people who made a difference in my life during my time here at Titan. Well, almost all of them. There’s Kaeleb McMadden, with his patented crooked smile, right there in the front row holding our six-month-old baby girl, Adley Walker McMadden in his arms. Next to him is the infamous Quinn Larkin, formerly known as Quinn Matthews. Yes, the one bouncing up and down in the chair. And next to her is her husband Tommy Larkin, along with their very handsome young man, Ethan.

  “Behind me on the stage in that chair right there, is Professor Martin Palmer. He invited me here and gave me the opportunity to share my story with you. So thank you for that, Doc. You know how I love speaking in front of crowds. I’m pretty sure this is some sort of therapeutic exercise in which I’m unknowingly participating. That being said, if you have a chance to take his Elements of Trust course, I highly recommend it.

  “All kidding aside, I wanted you to see all of these people because without their help, I wouldn’t have become Dr. Aubrey Miller and I most likely wouldn’t be standing here in front of you today. You see, whether it be the assignment of a roommate, or the pairing of your Boarding Buddy, or a certain class you take, or even a particular relationship you form with one of your professors…no matter how trivial it may seem, every situation you will find yourself in over these next four years has the potential to change your life.

  “I was lucky. I was given a second chance. And I’m using that gift to counsel patients who need help dealing with their own darkness. To help them navigate through the particularly hard times in their lives. That’s my purpose. What’s yours?


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