Just Between Us

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Just Between Us Page 3

by J. J. Scotts

  Sam was surprisingly more forceful and commanding. Ryan never would have guessed, and now all he could do was lay back and let Sam do what he wanted with him. The other man seemed to know what he needed, how to touch him, instinctively.

  “Open your eyes.” Sam’s voice was a seductive growl. “I want you to see what I do to you, Rye.” Sam stroked Ryan’s iron hard length and massaged his balls. When Ryan managed to get his eyes open, Sam was intently watching his face.

  Ryan dropped his gaze to his lap and was slammed with another powerful wave of pleasure as he saw Sam’s hands on him. He groaned at the sight of Sam’s broad, tanned fingers wrapped around his column, several shades darker than the smooth skin of his shaft. His fat crown, flushed a deep red, swelled above Sam’s fist with each upward stroke.

  Sam’s skin glistened in the dim light, filtering through the tinted windows from the street outside, reminding Ryan where they were. The realization that Sam’s skin was wet with his pre-cum overwhelmed him. He didn’t care cared where they were.

  Ryan moaned, hands fisting at his sides, wanting to touch Sam too but unable to concentrate with the other man’s skilled hands working his shaft and balls.

  “Sam.” His friend’s name was all he could get out. “Sam.”

  Sam leaned in for another deep, wet kiss. His mouth moved to Ryan’s ear, biting the tender skin of his earlobe. “You’re so hard, Rye. And hot. Your cock is burning against my fingers…you feel so much better than I imagined.”

  Ryan had no idea where this talkative, take-charge side of Sam had come from, but he couldn’t say he minded. He couldn’t say much of anything, at the moment. Sam squeezed him, and Ryan responded by jerking in his grasp.

  “I didn’t realize you’d be so thick.” Sam’s tongue painted intricate patterns against Ryan’s straining throat. “All the times I pictured sucking your cock, I never guessed your dick would be such a mouth-stretcher.” He chuckled thickly.

  The image Sam’s words called to Ryan’s mind, of his gorgeous friend’s dark head bobbing between his thighs, lips straining around his throbbing shaft, seared into Ryan’s retinas. He arched his back off the seat, choking on a gasp.

  “I never...” Ryan trailed off, moaning, unsure what he was about to confess. That he’d never wanted anything as much as he wanted that image to become a reality? That he’d never in a million years would have thought it was ever a possibility? But now Sam, his Sam, was here touching him, telling him he wanted the same things. That he’d wanted to do this, had thought about them together, and fantasized about it. “God. Sam…please!”

  He groaned out the last word, feeling the pleasure building up, the heat and pressure coiling tighter and tighter in his gut and at the base of his spine. His fingers dug into the supple leather of the car’s seat as he rocked his hips in time with Sam’s skilled stroking.

  Ryan’s breath clogged as Sam shifted suddenly. His hands kept up their wicked caress, but he slid backwards and down, kneeling on the floor of the car at Ryan’s feet. Blood pounded in Ryan’s temples, his heart throbbed in his chest, and his cock pulsed in Sam’s hand.

  Sam’s gaze was focused on Ryan’s face, his lips parted. His own breath was nearly as uneven as Ryan’s. “I’ve wanted to touch you like this, to feel your cock sliding through my fingers, to make you come.” His pace increased, the slick sound of his strokes growing louder in the confined space. “I didn’t think you’d ever want me to. I’d hoped, but...” He licked his lips, eyes flickering down to Ryan’s cock.

  “I want you too. Ah!” Ryan thrashed on the seat, delirious with desire. Sweat trickled down his throat, soaking into the collar of his shirt.

  “Good.” Sam bent forward, his hot breath wafting over the sensitive tip of Ryan’s cock. Ryan shuddered in his grip. Sam’s next upward stroke milked another drop of clear fluid from Ryan, and his tongue snaked out to lap at the sticky treat.

  Ryan made an inarticulate cawing noise at the feel of Sam’s wet hot tongue swiping over the spongy head of his prick. When the other man’s firm lips teased against the flared ridge before sliding down his slick shaft, Ryan couldn’t help but surge upward, burying his cock in Sam’s welcoming mouth.

  Sam’s tongue twined around and over his entire length as he sank all the way down to the base of Ryan’s dick. He pulled back, sucking hard, stroking hand following in the wake of his mouth. He kept his pace quick, demanding, the tight ring of his lips and fingers firm.

  “Holy fuck!” The words tore from Ryan’s throat as the slick heat of his best friend’s mouth engulfed him from root to tip. Ryan had been on the receiving end of plenty of blow jobs, but not even the best rivaled the feel of Sam’s lips sliding up and down his cock.

  It wasn’t just that his friend obviously knew what he was doing. Part of it was how aggressive his normally laconic friend was, how passionately he was slurping at Ryan’s prick. The rest was that it was Sam. Sam, who knew everything about him – everything but his lust for him. And now he knew that too.

  Thirteen years of pent up lust and love finally being released, and returned. No one else, no matter how skilled, could compete.

  Ryan stared down, still almost unable to believe this was really happening. But it was. Sam’s dark head was bent over his lap, bobbing up and down, saliva slick lips stretched wide around Ryan’s thick shaft. The wet slurp of his mouth mingled with Ryan’s moans, filling the heated air of the back seat.

  Sam was moaning too, making small, low noises in the back of his throat as he sucked Ryan deep. Ryan could feel each one vibrating up the length of his rod, tingling over his super-sensitive nerve endings.

  He lifted one shaking hand and combed his fingers through the thick fall of Sam’s dark hair, cupping the back of his skull as Sam’s tongue teased the underside of his cock. Sam’s fingers teased and massaged his balls, brushing the electric spot just behind the tight sack.

  Ryan’s grip tightened on Sam’s head involuntarily. “Sam, you feel too good.” He spoke through gritted teeth, his voice jagged with desire. “I’m gonna come.”

  Sam opened his eyes, the dark irises glittering with triumph as he lifted his gaze to Ryan’s. His only response was a low, pleased, “Mmmm.”

  The wicked look in his best friend’s sent Ryan over the edge. Heat crackled along his nerve endings, pleasure spreading out from his groin to take over his whole body. His muscles tensed, his cock swelling and throbbing between Sam’s slick lips.

  Ryan threw his head back against the seat, chords standing out in his neck as he shouted his release. His eyes wanted to close in bliss, but he didn’t want to miss the sight of Sam milking his pulsing cock into his sucking mouth. Sam’s cheeks hollowed as he drew on Ryan’s throbbing shaft. Ryan watched, eyes wide with awe as Sam’s throat worked, swallowing his seed.

  Finally, the fits of pleasure subsided and Ryan collapsed back against the car seat, panting and a little light-headed.

  Sam drew slowly off Ryan’s cock, sitting back on his heels with a slightly crooked smile. His tongue lapped a stray drop of cum from the corner of his mouth. Ryan swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing, his spent member twitching slightly at the erotic sight.

  Ryan watched as Sam climbed back onto the seat beside him. He slid one arm along the back until it rested lightly behind Ryan’s shoulders. Ryan opened his mouth to speak, couldn’t think of anything to say, closed it, cleared his throat, and tried again.

  “Did that really happen?” Even now, his brain seemed unable to process this new reality.

  Sam laughed. “You mean…did I just suck your cock?” He quirked a brow. “Depends. Are you okay with that?”

  Ryan stared at Sam, his handsome face shadowed in the dim light. Too many memories to differentiate vied for attention in his muddled mind. Sam, his best friend. Sam, his partner-in-crime. Sam, his lover.

  Ryan smiled. “I’m very okay with that.”

  “Yeah?” Sam’s head tilted slightly, and Ryan realized that, despite his take-charge attitude, his
friend was a little uncertain too. He slid closer to Sam, snaking his arm around the other man’s shoulders and pulling him in close.


  “Good,” Sam said again, slanting his mouth over Ryan’s again, taking him in another deep, demanding kiss. Their tongues dueled, sliding against each other, struggling for domination of the embrace. Ryan wasn’t sorry when Sam won, growling into his mouth as he nipped Ryan’s lower lip hard.

  { 5 }

  Neither one of them noticed when the car stopped. When Steve’s voice echoed over the intercom, Ryan jumped. Sam chuckled softly.

  “We’re here, Mr. Cavell.”

  Ryan glanced out the window, aware for the first time that they had been driving for longer than it took to get to his place. The softly glowing streetlights outside the car illuminated the dark brick of Sam’s house. He turned back to find his friend watching him, shadows making his expression impossible to read. Ryan felt a tiny prickle of cold fear. That they’d crossed a line they shouldn’t have crossed and somehow screwed up the most important relationship in his life.

  Then Sam gave him that crooked grin. “Button up,” he said with a teasing quirk of his brow at Ryan’s undone fly. “And come inside... we’re not done yet.”

  The words sent a fierce, hot thrill though Ryan’s veins. “Is that so?” He’d meant it to come out teasing and brash, something that normally came so easily to him. But instead, his voice was a wobbly croak. He was still completely thrown by this change in his friend, this new aspect of their relationship.

  Sam’s eyes glinted like obsidian as he grasped Ryan’s hand where it fumbled with his zipper and tugged it into his own lap. Ryan sucked in a breath of surprise when his palm was pressed against the iron hard ridge of Sam’s cock.

  “Does this feel done to you?” Sam asked seductively.

  Ryan shook his head, fingers exploring the impressive length hidden beneath the black cotton. He probably would have sat there all night, mesmerized by the feel of Sam’s cock in his hand, if his friend hadn’t pushed open the car door and pulled him out onto the walkway that led to the house.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Cavell. Mr. McConnell.” Steve spoke from the other side of the car. Ryan didn’t even process the driver’s words, or the fact that he seemed completely unsurprised that Ryan would be staying the night. Not that it would be the first time, but usually when that was the plan, he drove his own car.

  “Night, Steve.” Sam tossed the words back over his shoulder as he hurried to his front door, keys jingling.

  Ryan followed him, still in a haze, absently doing up the top button of his jeans. When he reached Sam’s side, the taller man pushed him hard up against the door and crushed his mouth to Ryan’s in a conquering, claiming kiss. He wrapped his arms around Sam’s broad back and let him have control, again. He wallowed in his best friend’s commanding presence, enjoying the feel of Sam’s long, lean, hard body pressed against his from chest to knee.

  The rigid length of Sam’s cock dug into Ryan’s hip. He clutched Sam tighter, rubbing himself against the hard ridge of cloth-covered flesh. Sam bit Ryan’s lip.

  “Get inside and take your clothes off.” He reached around Ryan to push the door open, and they both stumbled into the darkness beyond.


  Despite the fact that he’d had an epic orgasm only a few minutes earlier, lust slammed hard into Ryan’s gut as Sam’s guttural words echoed through the shadowed hallway. He grabbed Sam, unable to stand even the small distance between them. He wanted, needed, to feel the other man against him again.

  As soon as Ryan’s fingers curled around Sam’s biceps, Sam chuckled and dipped his head to take Ryan’s mouth again. He shoved the door shut and began dragging Ryan down the dim hall, navigating by feel, bumping into occasional tables and careening off the walls. Neither of them minded, mouths fused, hands clutching at each other.

  Ryan realized Sam was steering them toward his bedroom as he pushed him toward the stairs. He’d spent enough time at his friend’s house to be able to aid their haphazard trajectory a little despite moving backwards and having most of his concentration focused on Sam’s wicked tongue as it curled around his own.

  “Off.” Sam’s hands tugged the hem of Ryan’s t-shirt upward. His fingertips brushed up the sculpted expanse of Ryan’s abdomen, spreading his hand over his chest to feel the rapid beat of his heart.

  Ryan reached back, between his shoulder blades, and pulled the shirt off over his head, tossing it into the darkness over the stair railing. He heard a muffled thump as something in the living room was knocked to the floor, but he didn’t care. Sam’s mouth moved over his collarbone, stubble scraping as his tongue lapped at the small, tight nub of his nipple. When he scraped it with his teeth, Ryan clutched at his shoulders and moaned.

  Sam murmured against his skin in agreement. “I’ve been thinking about doing this all night.” He pinned Ryan against the railing, bending him backwards as his mouth roamed lower, kissing, sucking, and nipping at his taut skin. “Ever since you said you were getting your shirt on.”

  He tugged open the so recently fastened buttons of Ryan’s jeans. “I wanted to race over there and undress you again.”

  The confession went straight to Ryan’s aching rod. He speared his hands into Sam’s hair and yanked him back to his mouth. He sucked hard on Sam’s lower lip, releasing it with a wet pop. “I saw you, once.” His hands stroked down Sam’s back, curving over his firm ass and pulling him tight against him. Sam paused in his exploration of Ryan’s sculpted chest, eyebrows rising.

  “Saw me?”

  Ryan nodded, squeezing Sam’s hips and rocking their groins together, making them both gasp. “Undressing.”

  Sam inclined his head, brow furrowing, as he proceeded to push Ryan up the stairs. “You’ve seen me change plenty of times.”

  “Yeah, but...” Ryan shook his head. “This was the first time I noticed.”

  “Oh?” Sam heel-and-toed off his loafers and kicked them away, grinning eagerly. Ryan paused, leaning against the bathroom door to pull off his tennis shoes. Heat burned in his cheeks as he recalled the memory of the first time he’d looked at Sam and noticed the other man’s body in a sexual way.

  “We were getting ready for the spring formal. You took Rachel Rosenberg, remember?”

  Sam shrugged. “Vaguely.” He reached out to brush his fingers across Ryan’s collarbone. Ryan caught his hand and brought it to his mouth, pressing a sucking kiss to his palm.

  “You waited until the last minute to change into your tux, and you were rushing. You didn’t close the bathroom door all the way.” He left hot at the image he could still remember so vividly…Sam in nothing but his boxer-briefs, still a little gangly with adolescence but long and lean and tan. And the outline of his shaft through the thin cotton had made Ryan’s mouth go dry and his member hard.

  “Hmm,” Sam murmured, eyes widening. “Oh right, you couldn’t figure out how to adjust yourself in your dress slacks so no one would notice...” He trailed off, blinking. When he spoke again, his voice was low. “You were hard.” He swallowed, licked his lips. “You said you were thinking about taking Jenny Mack out to the lounge to make-out.”

  Sam reached down and palmed the bulge of Ryan’s once again hard cock. “So, because of me?”

  Ryan rocked into the touch. “Then, and now.”

  They reached the bedroom as Ryan slid his hands down to echo Sam’s firm caress, pushing through the half-open door together.

  Frantic now to touch more of the gorgeous man before him, Ryan began pulling at the hem of Sam’s sweater. Between the two of them, they got it up and over his head. Sam let Ryan throw the shirt away while he made short work of his belt, yanking it free of his pant loops and dropping it to the bedroom floor, where it landed with a dull thwack.

  Ryan pressed close, rubbing his mouth over the smooth curve of Sam’s shoulder up to his throat and tasting the smooth skin there. Sam wrapped his arms around his slightly shorter friend, k
neading the muscles of his back and stroking down his spine. He shoved his hands under the waistband of Ryan’s jeans and boxers, squeezing the taut globes of Ryan’s ass, the tips of his fingers grazing the cleft between. When he brushed over the tight pucker, they both moaned.

  Sam’s finger probed the entrance teasingly as he caught Ryan’s mouth in another sucking kiss, tongue thrusting into Ryan’s mouth in time with roving digit. “I’m going to take you here, Rye. I need to feel this tight ass clenching around my cock…do you want that too?”

  “Fuck yes.” Ryan pushed back against his questing finger, gritting his teeth against the sharp jolt of pleasure the touch exploded through him. The thought of having Sam like that, of taking his friend inside him, made him shudder in ecstasy. A flood of pre-cum wet his boxers as Sam continued his wicked caress.

  But he wanted more than that. He needed to touch more, taste this man he’d been dreaming of for thirteen long, empty years. His thick fingers felt stupid as he fumbled with Sam’s fly, ripping it open and pushing at the expensive material, curling his fingers to frantically tug both Sam’s slacks and boxers down the length of his legs.

  Ryan dropped to his knees, stroking his big hands down the sleekly muscled thighs and brushing over the dusting of dark hair on Sam’s toned calves. He stared at the sight of Sam, totally naked and obviously aroused.

  The reality before him was more than he could ever have imagined. Ryan knew he was attractive. He had a handsome, boy-next-door quality about his face, with his sandy brown hair and blue-grey eyes and a well-muscled physique, maintained from frequent trips to the gym.

  But Sam was gorgeous. The proverbial tall, dark, and handsome. His body was tan and toned, sculpted with long, flat areas of muscle. Broad shoulders tapered to narrow hips and long legs. Soft, dark hair curled over his chest and trailed down to the thatch at the base of his cock, which stood up hard against Sam’s belly.


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