Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 1)

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Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 1) Page 5

by Nolan Fury

  [Name: Stuart Phillips.]

  [Nickname: Zyrco.]

  [Power: Crystal Manipulation.]

  [Level: 50]

  [Special Attribute: Intelligence.]

  “So nice to finally meet you,” the professor said as he extended his hand.

  His crystalline hand glistened in the light. It was hard as a rock and looked like quartz.

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “I’m sure this is a lot for you to process. But I think you’ll do just fine here. I too am from Earth. This is who I became in the Ultraverse. It was who I was always destined to be.”

  I sure hoped I wasn’t going to turn into a crystal-like creature. But I was pretty sure my physical transformation had already completed.

  “I’ve been anticipating you for quite some time.”

  A quizzical look crinkled on my face. Was this guy some type of clairvoyant?

  “You are an Omni. That is a very rare gift. You have the potential to become very powerful. And that makes you dangerous. I’m here to see that you reach your full potential. And stay on the right path.”

  “What’s the right path?”

  The professor exchanged a momentary glance with Surge, then his eyes flicked back to me. In that brief millisecond, I could see the concern the two shared.

  “The path of truth and justice.” He paused for a moment, and his face grew solemn. “Dark forces are gaining power in the Ultraverse.”


  “As his strength increases, he will seek to dominate and enslave the people of this world—and yours. I believe that you could be the one to stop him.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence. But are you sure you’ve got the right guy?”

  “The oracles have told of the coming of a great hero. Only time will tell. Titus must not be allowed to acquire the tri-stone.”

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  The professor smiled. “That is a conversation for another day.”

  “Did you know my father?”

  “Indeed, I did. I knew both of your parents. They were good people.”

  “Were they both supers?”

  Zyrco nodded.

  “Do you know how they were killed?”

  Zyrco hesitated. “My fear is that if I tell you, you will set off on a path of revenge before you are ready. I am not here to train you to become an assassin. But there is no sense in withholding the inevitable. Titus killed your parents.”

  My whole body tensed, and rage boiled under my skin. Titus was the one who robbed me of a childhood. Destroyed my family. I hoped Zyrco was right about me becoming a great hero because I wanted to kick this Titus’s ass.

  “I require all students here to swear an oath of allegiance to uphold the principles of truth and justice.”

  I took the oath without hesitation.

  “Surge will be your liaison here and oversee your progression. You must level up your skill, increase your power, and reach your ultimate potential if the Ultraverse is to remain free.”

  Surge’s face crinkled like a kid who had been given unwanted chores.

  “Introduce him to the others, and keep him out of trouble.”

  “Professor, do you mind if I have a word with you?”

  He smiled, then glanced to me. “Ben, would you mind waiting in the hall while we speak for a moment?”

  “Sure thing.”

  I let myself out of his office and waited in the hallway. But as they spoke, I could hear their conversation as plain as day. I wasn’t really trying to eavesdrop, but it sounded like Surge was speaking into my ear. Everything about me seemed improved. I was stronger, faster, had remarkable vision, and apparently I could hear conversations in the next room.

  “I think this is a mistake,” Surge whispered. “We don’t know anything about him.”

  “I understand your hesitation,” the professor said with an assuring tone. “But I have faith in this man.”

  “You’ve been wrong before.”

  I couldn’t imagine that the professor liked that comment. But it sounded like he maintained his composure.

  “I misjudged Titus. I take full responsibility for that.”

  “If Scar can join forces with Titus, anyone can.”

  “Scar always had darkness in his heart. I think, perhaps, you chose not to see it.”

  There was a long silence.

  “You’re right. He was a bad boyfriend, and I chose to ignore the warning signs.”

  “Keep me posted on Ben’s progress,” the professor said.

  I stepped away from the door and pretended like I didn’t hear anything. Surge emerged from the office and glared at me with disdain.

  I tried my best to flash a charming smile, but it didn’t seem to crack Surge’s stone face.

  “I’ll show you to your room and give you a tour of the campus. Then you’re on your own.”

  Surge marched down the hallway, and my eyes were instantly drawn to her luscious assets. The whole tough outer shell thing was kind of turning me on. It made me want to see what was on the inside. I knew the people with tough exteriors were usually big softies on the inside. Cold hands, warm heart. That kind of thing. It was clear she had been burned by her ex and probably didn’t want anything to do with men for a while.

  Maybe it was the fact that she saved my life, but I was instantly drawn to her. And not just for her looks. Maybe there was some truth to what Emma had said to me back at the frat party. Some people you just take one look at and know your lives are going to be intertwined somehow. For better, or worse, your life will be changed forever. Hell, she had already changed my life. She had extended it.

  We walked across an inner courtyard toward the dorms. There was a large blue tree with many forked branches. Large, knotted roots dug into the ground. It looked both sinister and benevolent at the same time.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “The Tree of Eternal Being. It is believed to bring good luck and renewal. Some believe it has healing properties.”

  “What do you believe?”

  Surge shrugged. “I don’t know. But I think it’s pretty.”

  The dorm room I was assigned was identical to Surge’s, except the walls were empty and it had bare-bones furniture. It lacked the warmth and coziness of a lived in place. But I would make it mine over time.

  “Are you hungry?” Surge asked.

  “Are you kidding me? I’m starving. And I’m seriously jet-lagged.”

  Surge chuckled. “Yeah, we’re not exactly in the same time zone anymore.”

  I wasn’t sure how food worked here, or if I was going to be able to find anything that resembled what I could get back home. But at this point, I think I would have eaten just about anything.

  The cafeteria was packed with supers from across the galaxy, and other dimensions. Food fabricators created a variety of meals on demand. The devices contained proteins, fats and carbohydrates, along with colorings and flavorings. The appropriate mix was pushed through nozzles and actuators and 3D printed into just about any meal imaginable. I scrolled through the menu screen, and the device contained offerings from every corner of the universe. There were plenty of entrées that didn’t look appetizing in the least. I finally found the option for good old-fashioned pizza, and I decided to go with that. How could you screw up pizza? I figured I might get more adventurous and try some of the other fare later, but right now I needed something that I knew would hit the spot.

  I punched in my selection, and the machine went to work. I watched it create a steaming hot piece of cheese pizza in front of my eyes. It looked just like the real thing. The cheese was stringy and gooey, and the red sauce was sweet and zesty. Just like pizza back home, I had to be careful not to burn the roof of my mouth as I took the first bite. But I figured if bullets couldn’t hurt me, neither could scalding hot pizza.

  My teeth tore into the gooey cheese and dough. I didn’t even wait to sit down at a table. I bit into it right then and there in fr
ont of the machine. Surprisingly, it was pretty damn good.

  I followed Surge to a table with a few other supers and sat down. She introduced me to the gang.

  “Everybody, this is Ben. Ben, this is everybody. He is new to the Ultraverse, so, make him feel at home.”

  “Hi Ben!” a spunky little blonde said. “I’m Chrome.”

  I shook her hand, and she smiled. The smile gave way to a slight giggle. She had big blue eyes and olive skin. Her shimmering metallic silver suit was indicative of her name. It hugged her sumptuous form, and I made a mental note that if I were ever to be reincarnated, I wanted to come back as her body suit.

  “I’m Zepha,” the girl next to Chrome said. She had a soft, breathy voice. She had creamy skin, violet eyes, and lavender hair that she wore in long pigtails. She was equally gorgeous. Her black leather bodysuit competed with Chrome's for the tightest fit.

  The dude sitting at the table didn’t look as thrilled to meet me. I can’t say that I blamed him. If I had these girls to myself, I wouldn’t want some lame dude crashing my party.

  He extended his hand and gripped mine so tight he could have cracked a coconut. But with my newfound strength, it didn’t bother me. I just grinned and squeezed back as hard as I could. But my grip didn’t seem to bother him either. Confused looks played on both our faces.

  “I’m Ranger,” he said, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “Nice to meet you, Ranger.”

  I’m sure they were all pulling up my stats screen, trying to see what I was all about. I did the same thing to them. It sort of made introductions pointless, but it was nice to see that the courtesy still existed in this world.

  Chrome had the power to manipulate metal. I assume that’s how she got her nickname. Zepha could control the wind. Ranger had strength, just like I did.

  “So, how strong are you?” Ranger asked.

  “I don’t know, how strong are you?”

  “Stronger than you.”

  Surge rolled her eyes. “If you two are going to measure dick’s, do it somewhere else.”

  “Just trying to get to know the new guy, that’s all,” Ranger said.

  “Have you had a chance to see the campus?” Chrome asked with a flirtatious smile. “I’d be happy to show you around if you need a tour guide.”

  “Surge showed me around a little, but I still have a lot to learn.”

  Chrome’s eyes glimmered. She was totally hitting on me. I could get used to this kind of thing.

  Surge’s face tensed, but she tried to act disinterested.

  Ranger’s face grew redder by the minute. I was definitely invading his turf.

  “Mika is throwing a party tonight,” Chrome said. “You should come with us.”

  “Yeah, sure. Sounds fun.” After last night, I had sworn off parties. But I held out hope that tonight would be different.

  A few bits of crust were all that was left of my piece of pizza. The rumbling in my stomach demanded another slice. I grabbed my plate and stood up. “Does anybody need anything while I’m up?”

  Chrome’s blue eyes gazed at me with lascivious intent. “I’ll take some ice cream. Vanilla.”

  “One vanilla ice cream, coming right up.”

  I strolled back toward the food fabricators. My newfound hearing picked up the conversation between Chrome and Surge.

  “So, what’s the deal?” Chrome asked. “Are you into him?”

  Surge scoffed. “Please. No. What gave you that idea?”

  “He’s hot. Are you sure you still have a pulse?”

  “He’s totally not my type.”

  Chrome rolled her eyes. “So you don’t mind if I fuck him?”

  “Hey, am I invisible?” Ranger interjected, not liking the direction of the conversation.

  The girls ignored him.

  Surge glared at Chrome. “No. It’s a free universe. Do whatever you want.”

  “If you’re into him, just say so. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m not into him.” She spoke in a slow, deliberate voice.

  “If you say so.” Chrome wasn’t buying it for a minute. The jealousy in Surge’s eyes betrayed her true feelings. “Don’t get all butt-hurt when I recount all the juicy details tomorrow.”

  It looked like Surge’s cheeks were burning. She tried her best to keep a dispassionate face. But she wasn’t doing a very good job of it.

  I grabbed another piece of pizza, and a swirl of soft serve vanilla ice cream for Chrome. But it was hard for me to focus on what I was doing—their conversation had my mind spinning.

  As soon as I turned away from the food fabricator, both my pizza and the ice cream hit the floor. The pizza slapped face down and the cheese stuck to the tile like glue. The ice cream was a pile of mush, and it splattered in all directions. But that wasn’t the worst part. The red sauce and ice cream stains on the guy’s shirt that I had stepped into was going to be the bigger problem.

  He was taller and wider than I was, and he didn’t look happy. I forgot all about my newfound superpowers. In my head, I reverted to the nerdy, scrawny kid that I used to be.

  I looked up at the towering super, my heart thumping in my chest. This guy’s muscles put me to shame. He had a lot of bulk, but was still defined. Veins and muscles striations ran through his sculpted body. He had dark hair, a thick neck, and broad shoulders. He was like a tank. A wrecking machine. Why the hell did Zyrco need me when he had a guy like this?

  “Watch where you’re going, jackass!”

  I was about to say I was sorry, but the jackass comment stuck in my ear. I had a sudden rush of rage and testosterone. My chest puffed out, and my muscles flexed. I couldn’t seem to restrain myself, and I blurted the words out before I really thought about it. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”

  It was the wrong thing to say.



  Maybe I should have just apologized and called it a day. His fist wound back, then something unreal happened. I should have been used to the unreal part. I took a glance at his stat screen.

  [Name: Deacon Cook]

  [Nickname: Crusher.]

  [Power: Strength, Morph.]

  [Level: 11.]

  [Special Abilities: Unknown.]

  Level 11? Level fucking 11?

  His fist tripled in size and turned into steel. It looked like it was bolted and riveted together, forged in the Middle Ages.

  He swung hard, and his fist careened through the air, rushing toward my face. The metal knuckles cracked against my cheek, knocking me from my feet. The blow sent me rocketing through the air, across the cafeteria. My back slammed into a wall, crumbling the sheet rock. A plume of dust and debris blossomed from the damaged area. My body was covered in a small coat of gypsum.

  Gasps filled the cafeteria. Stunned faces and wide eyes fixed on the commotion.

  My cheek and jaw throbbed like hell. I shook my head and focused my gaze on the big behemoth. My hands tightened into fists, and a snarl pulled on my lips. I snorted like a bull and charged at my opponent. My powerful legs drove me forward at a speed that I had never attained in my entire life. Wind raced through my hair. Before I knew it, my legs were no longer carrying me across the room.

  I was airborne!

  Flying a few feet off the ground, I slammed into Crusher. The force of my impact carried him across the room and the two of us slammed into the opposite wall, destroying more sheet rock, sending more debris into the air. Chunks of the wall clattered to the floor, and the chalky gypsum covered us both.

  Crusher kicked me away. I flew several feet in the air, crashed on my back, and slid across the floor. I staggered to my feet and was about to charge back into the fray when a piercing voice halted me in my tracks.

  “Enough!” Zyrco’s voice rumbled. It rattled my skull and moved through the cafeteria like a shock wave from an explosion.

  No one moved.

  No one said a word.

  Crusher climbed to his feet and dusted himse
lf off.

  “Both of you, in my office. Now!”

  Now I really felt like I was being sent to the principal’s office.

  My eyes glanced across the cafeteria and found Surge. She just shook her head.

  Crusher and I filed out of the cafeteria and made a beeline toward Zyrco’s office.

  We both stood in front of his desk with our heads hung low like scolded children.

  “I will not have this kind of disruption on my campus. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” we both mumbled.

  The professor’s angry eyes blazed into me. “I’m extremely disappointed in you. Has my faith in you been misplaced?”

  “No, sir.”

  Zyrco’s gaze turned to Crusher. “And you’ve been here long enough to know better than to start trouble.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Zyrco split his fury between the two of us. “War is coming. And there will be plenty of time for the two of you to test your mettle on the battlefield.” Zyrco took a solemn pause. “One more altercation between the two of you, and I will send you both back where you came from.”

  I sure as hell didn’t want to go back to Earth. I was beginning to like who I was here.

  “Yes, sir,” I said.

  Zyrco scowled at us for another moment. “Dismissed.”

  As soon as we were in the hall, and the office door had closed, Crusher muttered, “Stay outta my way.”

  He brushed past me and stormed down the hallway. Something told me that staying out of altercations with Crusher was going to be difficult.

  I ran into Surge on the way back to my dorm room. The scowl on her face indicated she wasn't happy with me. "You realize I'm going to catch hell for what you did?"


  "Because I'm in charge of you. What you do reflects on me."

  "I'm sorry. He started it."

  "Yeah, but you didn't have to engage with him. You could have been the bigger man and walked away."

  “Isn't being a super all about kicking ass and taking names?"

  "No. It's not. It's about restraint and good judgment. Of which you seem to have neither."


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