Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 1)

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Super Mega (Heroes & Harems Book 1) Page 7

by Nolan Fury

  I couldn't help but let a prideful grin curl on my lips. No way was I ever going back to Earth now. This was just too cool.

  I climbed onto the bed beside her and wrapped my arms around her. I drifted off to sleep in post-orgasmic bliss. I don’t know how long I was out for, but she nudged me awake in the middle of the night. “You can’t stay here.”

  I didn’t want to leave. She felt good in my arms. But I climbed out of bed pulled myself together. I kissed her on the forehead and slipped out of her dorm room. I glanced down the hall in both directions, hoping no one was watching. I made my way back to my room and crashed out.

  I slept like a rock.

  I rolled out of bed the next morning and staggered down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. Surge was already in the mess hall, and the mere sight of her put a smile on my face. I strolled to her, but she didn’t exactly look happy to see me. Her narrow eyes blazed into me, and she clenched her jaw. Her face flushed red with rage. Before I had a chance to say anything, her fist cocked back, and she took a swing at me. Her knuckles cracked my cheek, and the blow knocked me on my ass.

  What the hell did I do wrong, I wondered?


  The cafeteria went silent. All eyes fell upon the two of us. Surge towered over me, her hateful gaze sending mental daggers in my direction. "Just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?"

  She stormed out of the cafeteria before I had a chance to respond.

  With a bewildered look on my face, I sprang to my feet and chased after Surge. "I didn't say anything!”

  "Really? Then how come everybody knows?"

  I shrugged. "I haven't seen anyone since I left your place. And I wouldn’t betray your trust."

  Her eyes met mine, and I hoped that she would see the sincerity in them.

  A wave of realization washed over her. "That fucking bitch! Mika!”

  Surge stormed back toward the cafeteria, but I blocked her path.

  "Hang on there. Supers don’t fight supers. It's not worth the trouble."

  Surge looked like she was about to explode. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

  I held onto her with my arms around her. "I don't see what the big deal is anyway. Unless, you're embarrassed by me?”

  Her eyes snapped to mine. “I’m not embarrassed by you. It just happened really fast between us. I don't usually move that quick.”

  "Well, I am irresistible," I said, teasingly.

  Her eyes narrowed at me. "You don't have mind control powers, or compulsion, do you?"

  I raised my hands innocently. "No. I swear. That was all you."

  She grumbled. "I'm so stupid. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I was thinking about you all morning. Mika must have read my thoughts."

  Surge looked at me and frowned. "Are you okay?” She moved her fingers toward my face and I recoiled, still a little sore from her fist. She packed a hell of a punch.

  "I'm fine. You don't hit that hard."

  She scowled at me playfully. "Yeah, well that's because I was going easy on you. You couldn't handle it if I really punched you."

  "I think I can handle just about anything you throw at me."

  "Can you?" she asked with a healthy dose of skepticism.

  I got the impression that Surge liked challenges.

  "Since I've got a lot of pent-up aggression that I need to work out, and you need some training, how about we get into the gym and spar?"

  I raised an eyebrow. “You can't be serious?"

  “I am in charge of your training." She said dryly, as a matter of fact.

  "I'm not going to hit a girl."

  "Trust me. You won't have the opportunity." She gave me a sassy wink.

  Surge led me to the training facility. It resembled an athletic center back home, but there were key differences. Thousand pound dumbbells were used for warm-ups. There were 2 ton kettle bells that could be hauled around, or levitated by those with telekinetic powers.

  "Let's see how strong you are?" Surge said. She handed me a metal bar. "That's titrontium. The strongest alloy known in this dimension. Let's see if you can bend it?”

  She had a smug grin on her face, sure that it was going to give me trouble.

  I gripped the bar and focused my energy. My biceps and pectorals flexed. The veins in my neck bulged. I really thought I was going to have to strain to accomplish anything, but the bar bent without much effort. The two opposite ends were now touching.

  "Impressive," Surge said with wide eyes.

  She led me over to a heavy bag that dangled from the ceiling. She stood behind the bag and held onto it, putting her weight against it. “Let’s see what kind of punching power you’ve got.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “This bag weighs 2000 pounds, and with my strength behind it, it’s not going anywhere. Trust me.”

  I shrugged. “If you say so.”

  I cocked my fist back, pushed off my right leg and stepped into it. I threw a right cross as hard as I could. My fist snapped the synthetic material, ripping the bag. It swayed like a pendulum, throwing Surge into the wall. Sheet rock crumbled and dust flew in the air.

  My eyes widened, and I dashed to her. “Are you okay?”

  I helped her to her feet, and she dusted herself off. She had a confused look on her face, like she couldn’t figure out how I had just done that. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Still think sparring is a good idea?”

  Surge wasn’t one to back down. “I think I can manage.”

  The sparring room was an octagonal space with a domed ceiling. The walls were lined with gel pads that could absorb a tremendous amount of impact. They were 3 feet thick and made of a blue translucent material. I pressed my hand against the jiggly substance and it deformed around the shape. It was like memory foam, but way more advanced. The floor was covered in a soft material stretched tight over padding underneath.

  Surge and I moved to the center of the ring and squared off against each other. I still wasn’t sure about this whole thing. I didn’t want to hurt her.

  She smiled at me with a cocksure grin. “Give me your best shot.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “What about the no fighting rule?”

  “We’re not fighting. We are training.”

  I hesitated for a moment. It was a moment too long.

  Surge spun with a roundhouse kick to my face. Her heel smacked against my cheek, wrenching my neck to the side. I dropped to the mat with my jaw aching, practically seeing stars.

  I stretched my jaw and tried to shake off the momentary spike of pain. I flashed her an angry look.

  She smiled. “That’s what you get for letting your guard down.”

  I staggered to my feet and rubbed my jaw. My eyes blazed into her. ”Okay. If that's the way you want to play it."

  I brought my fists into a defensive position and Surge and I circled each other in the ring like a pair of boxers. My eyes locked into hers. I threw a light punch and hoped it didn't connect. But I didn't have to worry about that. Surge sidestepped the blow, almost anticipating my move.

  "You're going to have to do better than that."

  We danced around the ring for another moment, then I threw another punch. This time I threw it for real. My fist rushed through the air, and once again Surge avoided it with ease.

  She giggled at me.

  I decided I was going to play for real. I bobbed and weaved and threw another punch as fast, and as hard, as I could. My fist whipped through the air, missing her as she slid aside. My momentum carried me forward, and I almost fell flat on my face. She kicked me in the ass, sending me the rest of the way to the mat.

  I grimaced.

  This was embarrassing.

  I sprang to my feet and spun around to face her. "All right, the gloves are coming off. No more screwing around."


  I was determined to redeem myself, but I still didn't want to hurt her.
I was getting the impression that I was incapable of hurting her.

  I sunk into my fighter’s stance, ready to engage her again.

  Surge lifted off the ground and hovered 10 feet in the air. She had an almost maniacal tone to her laugh.

  I glanced up at her. "That's not fair."

  "Yes it is." She giggled again.

  I jumped up, hoping that I could fly, but gravity brought me back down. I tried again, to no avail.

  Surge kept laughing.

  "I flew earlier. I don't see what the problem is."

  "Stop trying to jump, and start trying to fly. You flew earlier because you channeled your rage. But your energy was uncontrolled. You need to focus your mind."

  I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and willed myself to leave the ground. I felt my body light, and my toes lifted from the mat. I floated up to her level with a grin on my face. I felt a little unsteady at first. My body pitched and rolled as I tried to stabilize myself.

  Floating felt remarkable. It was like a dream. With this power, there were no limits. I could go anywhere. Climb any building. Scale any peak. The sky would literally be the limit. And maybe not even that could stop me? I wondered if I would be able to venture into space?

  “Now try to hit me again," Surge said.

  I tilted my head, and my eyes narrowed at her. My fists clenched tight, and I streaked through the air, racing toward her. I tried to anticipate the fact that she might dodge out of the way at any second. But she stood still. My body was about to crash into her when she created a glowing shield of blue energy in front of her.

  My face slammed into the energy shield, and I flopped down to the mat. Padding or no, it didn't feel good dropping from 10 feet. My head felt like I had rammed it into a brick wall.

  Surge hovered above me, laughing her ass off. She glided down to the mat and stood over me. Her hands rested on her hips, and she stood proud and tall like a true superhero. "I think you've learned a valuable lesson today."

  "What's that?"

  "You can't win a fight with brute strength alone. Supers have different abilities, and you must learn how to handle people who outmatch you in different areas."

  I swung my leg around and swiped her feet from underneath her. Her grin faded as she crashed to the mat. I rolled on top of her and smiled. A spark of desire ignited between us.

  "Easy there, stud muffin. We're here to focus on your training."

  "I am focusing on training. I'm learning how to please my instructor." I kissed her before she could say anything else. Our mouths melted into one another. She spread her legs and wrapped them around me. Her hips pressed firmly against mine.

  She felt amazing underneath me. I stiffened, and she thrust her mound against me. Our hips slid back and forth. Her soft moans of pleasure filled my ears. Her tight core stroked my shaft, and all I could think about was getting out of these clothes and getting into her.

  Things were getting pretty hot and heavy. We were like insatiable animals, going to town on the sparring room floor. Then she came to her senses. "Not here."

  She pushed me off, and I tumbled aside.

  "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?” Chrome asked with a lecherous grin.

  Surge and I sprang to our feet. We tried to compose ourselves. I shifted awkwardly, trying to hide my boner. That was an impossible task in skintight superhero pants.

  Chrome’s eyes focused on my package and she licked her luscious lips.

  Surge’s rosy red cheeks betrayed her embarrassment. "How long have you been here?"

  "Long enough to know I'd like to see more," Chrome said. "But unfortunately we don't have time. There’s been an incident, and the professor wants us to handle it.”


  "Where do you think you're going?" Surge asked.

  "I'm going with you," I replied.

  Concern filled her eyes. "You don't have enough experience. It could be dangerous."

  "I live for danger," I said, half joking.

  "Don't be such a worrywart,” Chrome said. “He'll be just fine. I'll take care of him, if you can’t handle the job.” She winked at me seductively.

  Surge's eyes blazed into her.

  "Ladies, no need to fight,” I said. I flashed a hopeful smile. “There's enough of me to go around.”

  Surge's glare redirected toward me.

  Chrome flashed a seductive grin.

  “You’re a big boy,” Surge said. “I guess you can take care of yourself.”

  I got the impression she wasn’t just talking about the mission.

  She spun around and marched out of the sparring room.

  Chrome and I followed after her.

  Surge weaved through a maze of underground passageways to a hangar bay. A sleek dropship sat on the flight deck. It had aggressive lines and graceful curves. Swept wings and dual tail fins. StarHawk and the tail number 29983 were painted on the hull. The ship was part stealth fighter, part hornet, part BlackHawk helicopter, and part tank. The smoke gray composite alloy was made of titrontium.

  Zepha and Ranger waited by the dropship, arms folded.

  "Hurry up!" Zepha yelled.

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  Nobody bothered to answer. It wasn’t high on the priority list.

  I climbed into the dropship and buckled into a passenger seat in the cargo area.

  Zepha climbed into the pilot’s seat. She pressed buttons and flicked switches. The control panel came alive with flickering lights and gauges. 3-D holographic control screens projected around the pilot seat, providing additional information and control options.

  Zepha flicked a switch, and the side doors slid shut and sealed. The engines spun up to a high-pitched whine. Zepha engaged the vertical thrusters, and I felt the craft lift from the tarmac. She flicked another switch, and the roof above the hangar bay opened. Massive metal doors slid apart, and brilliant rays of sunshine beamed down.

  Heat distorted the air beneath the vertical thrusters as the craft rose into the sky. Zepha engaged the rear thrusters and throttled up. The force of acceleration slammed my head against the seat. This thing was fast.

  Zepha pulled on the controls and banked the vehicle around. The craft rocketed through the sky, winding through the narrow passageways between the skyscrapers. It was like flying through a metallic canyon. Glowing blue thrusters rippled the air behind the vehicle, and we tore through the sky, leaving a sonic wake that rattled buildings and practically shattered glass.

  Zepha maneuvered the craft to the Vega Bank Building and hovered over the street.

  Surge handed me an earbud. “So you can communicate with the rest of the team.”

  I placed the device in my ear canal and tapped it to activate it. The device crackled with static for a moment, then went silent.

  “Surge climbed from her seat and hit a button on the bulkhead. The side door slid open. "Everybody out."

  Surge jumped out of the door and glided down to the street below.

  Ranger followed after her.

  Chrome jumped out of the door, and her body turned to liquid metal as she leapt. It was easy to see how she had earned her name. Her shiny chrome-like surface reflected the nearby buildings. Her curvaceous form glimmered in the sunlight. She spun around and latched onto the edge of the craft, and her metallic arm expanded, setting her down gently on the street below. She released her grip, and her elongated arm snapped back into its usual form.

  I unbuckled my safety harness and moved to the edge of the door. I peered down at the street below. We were only 20 or 30 yards in the air, but it might as well have been a million miles.

  "You don't have to go if you're not up to it," Zepha said.

  Her lips didn’t move. The sound of her voice didn’t crackle through my earbud. She hadn’t screamed over the roar of the engines. Her soothing voice filled my ears as if it had originated within my head.

  She flicked the vehicle on autopilot and climbed out of her seat. She moved to the door as the craft hovered in
the air.

  “You’re a telepath?”

  “To a degree. I can send thoughts, and I can receive those intentionally directed at me.”

  “Can you hear me?” I said silently in my head.

  “Yes,” she said out loud.

  I swallowed hard and peered one more time at the ground below. “Here goes nothing.”

  I leapt out of the vehicle, hoping I had this flying thing down.

  Wind rushed through my hair. My heart was in my throat—and so was my stomach. It felt like I just crested the top of a roller coaster and was plummeting down to my doom. But I managed to slow my descent. My boots smacked against the concrete. Cracks webbed in the sidewalk upon impact.

  I stood tall and surveyed the area. Cop cars had skidded up to the bank, red and blue lights flashing. Officers stood behind their vehicles with their guns drawn, aimed at the entryway.

  A cop on the sidewalk glared at me. "Are you going to pay for that?"

  I looked at him, perplexed.

  "You cracked the street. You supers think you can do whatever you want.” His voice was full of disdain. “I ought to write you a citation."

  "Sorry,” I said. “I didn't mean to do that."

  He scoffed and shook his head. He didn't care about my apology.

  I heard the officer in charge tell Surge that there were three men inside and about thirty hostages, including women and children. “We've got everything under control. We don't need your help."

  Zepha had jumped out of the vehicle and landed beside me. She glided down gently like a breeze.

  Surge and Ranger marched toward us, getting no cooperation from the officers.

  "These cops sure are friendly, aren't they?" I said, my voice thick with sarcasm.

  ”Can you blame them?" Surge replied. "With Titus and his gang wreaking havoc across the city, it's no wonder people have a bad taste in their mouths about supers."

  "Yeah, but we're here to help,” I protested.

  "Try telling that to them," Ranger said.

  "So, what do we do now?" I asked.

  "I'd like to know who we're dealing with," Surge said.

  The officer in charge was on the radio with one of the bank robbers. It looked like the conversation wasn’t going well. A moment later, he marched toward Surge with a scowl on his face.


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