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by Dan Kelly

  This evoked a quick response from the President. “What kind of an asshole do you think I am. I recruited you and your team to help me fight a serious threat against our country because I couldn’t do it on my own for a number of reasons. I’m a politician and survival is always in the forefront of my thoughts when I’m faced with seemingly insurmountable problems, but I’m not a ruthless one who throws his comrades in arms to the wolves to save his own neck.”

  Wow! Weinstein just went up 90 points in the Aldridge ‘Politicians Who Give a Damn’ poll. “I wasn’t suggesting that you were sir. I was suggesting that if you came under threat of impeachment, this would be the way to ensure that you would survive to fight another day.”

  This seemed to mollify the man as he ended their conversation with, “I’m with you all the way. Give them hell General.”

  Chapter 28


  At the same time the President and Hank concluded their phone conversation, the phone on Basil Halkias’s desk began to ring. It was James Hollingsworth. “We’ve got a deal. We just purchased a 60,000 square foot chateau for $140,000,000. $14,000,000 is to be paid up front with the balance to be paid off over twenty years at a rate of two per cent per year with the seller holding the paper. The original asking price was $160,000,000 and the purchaser would have to arrange his own financing. We got a bargain for this type of market. I made the purchase in my company name, but admitted to their being other financial backers who wished to remain silent partners. I did this because there was some concern about my company’s liquid assets. In other words, they were curious about where the down payment was coming from.”

  “Also, I’ve been in touch with Sam Ferguson and everything’s a go there. In fact, he’s ecstatic that the time table has been moved up. He says the administration is stepping all over itself trying to come up with an effective plan to deal with our latest onslaught.”

  “That’s the best news I’ve received in a long time. Good work. When can we move in?”

  “Immediately. There’s no one there but the grounds keepers, maintenance people and the housekeeping staff.”

  “Terrific. Give me the chateau’s address and I’ll notify everyone to meet me at the harbor, Pier 7, at five o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ve changed my mind about all of us traveling separately by different means and routes. The sooner and faster all of us get away from prying eyes the more comfortable I’ll feel. I have a ship leaving for Barcelona and after dropping off its cargo it will proceed to Genoa to pick up a full load to haul back to the States. All of us will be on that ship with no record of us being on board. From Genoa we’ll hop a plane to Bergamo and then take one of my private helicopters to the chateau. I have made arrangements to get us through customs with our passports and visas stamped, but with no record of this taking place. You all have your passports and required visas so there should be no hang ups.”

  After hanging up from Hollingsworth, his first call was to Feldman. “Put things in motion to set up our new base of operations; communications, computer systems, security, everything state-of-the-art. I want to be up and running no later than 48 hours after our arrival at the chateau. Once that is done, we will launch Phase Three.”

  “Consider it done. See you tomorrow morning at five.”

  Halkias notified everyone else and then, with a self-satisfied grin on his puss, sat back with a tall glass of Ouzo to contemplate who should be his targets for Phase Three.

  Chapter 29


  Sentry was all revved up and ready to make their move. Sal Peralta had managed to put together an impressive cadre of journalists to head up the media blitz against the individuals they are convinced are some of the key perpetrators of the havoc being wreaked on the American people. The game plan had been established, the timing and place of each step ascertained, the list of insinuating questions had been prepared and the roles of the people involved had been determined and assigned.

  Hank and his team sat around their conference room table doing a final review of what they had put together. Dropping his pen on the pad in front of him, Hank stood up and said, “Okay, it looks like we’re ready for the green light. Sal, turn your journalists loose and let’s kick some ass. It’s about time we started to turn the tide on these maggots.”

  Three hours later all of their planning blew up in their faces. Not one of their targets was where they were supposed to be and no one at their offices knew where they were or when they would back. Hank called the President to request that he get his agencies, the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc., to try to locate them and Barbara also put her people to work on finding them.

  It’s now three days later and no progress had been made. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these people have surmised that they are under serious scrutiny and decided to get out of town and go to ground. Hank is beside himself. He has been spoiling for a fight with these people for months now and just when he’s certain the time has arrived the focus of his anger has gone poof, disappeared without a trace. In an attempt to make Hank feel a little better Joel points out, “There’s one good thing that came out of all our hard work these past weeks.”

  Hank snarled, “Oh yeah? You must be into some serious drinking to see anything good in this mess.”

  Joel continued as though he didn’t hear him with, “As far as I’m concerned, the fact that they have fled and gone into hiding confirms that we have zeroed in on the right people. Putting this on top of all the other empirical evidence we’ve collected cinches things for me. We’ve identified the enemy and we can now focus all of our energy and resources into finding them and putting an end to their heinous skullduggery.”

  Barbara, who was sitting in the adjacent chair to his left whispered, “Heinous skullduggery? Are you finally learning to speak Irish?”

  He whispered back, “I’m trying, but the accent’s a killer.”

  She smiled, he smiled and Hank pounded on the table and roared, “What the hell do you two find so damn funny in all of this?”

  In unison they both replied with, “Sorry boss.”

  They thought Hank was going to pursue the matter much to their chagrin, but he just shook his head and stomped back into his office and slammed the door.

  After an uncomfortably long period of silence with everyone just sitting there like statues Allison blurted out, “Honk if you like peace and quiet.” This got a few chuckles, so she followed it up with, “Or, if you’re not in the mood, ponder this. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?” There were a few more chuckles and then she got what she was after, the room filled with laughter. “Boy, you had me scared there for a minute. I’ve heard of people getting lost in their thoughts, but for a while there you all looked like you’d need a map to find your way back.”

  Collette spoke up next with, “Joel, it looks like we’re up against the proverbial stone wall. These people have the means to go anywhere in the world to hide.”

  “You’re right, Collette, and we’re going to need the help of Interpol and other international agencies if we’re ever going to have a hope of bringing their whereabouts to light. I’ll give Hank an hour or so to cool down then I’ll suggest that he discuss this with the President.”

  Barbara added, “In the meantime, all we can do is sit and wait for Lady Luck to turn her smiling face our way for a change. Her backside is definitely not her good side.”

  Chapter 30

  -Breuil Cervinia, Italy-

  With the exception of Sam Ferguson, The Last Resort had arrived in Breuil Cervinia without a hitch and were settled in at the chateau ready to launch Phase Three.. Hollingsworth’s description of the chateau, the grounds and the view was right on. It was uniquely beautiful and Feldman had done a superlative job in getting their new base of operations up and running. Halkias was delighted and to kick things off he had arranged for a magnificent meal to be prepared and the best of the best wine to be served.

  As they were relaxing i
n a quite large but still rather cozy sitting room enjoying some exquisite after dinner brandy, Halkias abruptly changed the mood. “Okay, it’s time to get back to business. Tomorrow morning we launch Phase Three by bringing in some new resources to assist us in that endeavor. Bob, have arrangements been made?”

  “Yes they have and they are waiting for us to give them the first target. Who have you decided that will be?”

  “Our colleague, Sam Ferguson, has been very helpful over the past couple days by providing me with the names of possible targets and the reasons for their selection. He’s going to be a very valuable source of information in this last phase of our plan. I have spent considerable time deliberating over who will be number one on our hit parade and have finally selected the target that will generate the most furor and the most apprehension in the White House

  “We will start off with a very good friend and staunch supporter of President Weinstein, Speaker of the House John Silverman. This man has waylaid every piece of decent legislature that would have enabled the American entrepreneur to make a significant contribution to our arsenal of business products and services and as a result has seriously hampered our efforts to become more competitive in the international market place. He has consistently voted for over regulation that has also made it very difficult for American companies to compete abroad as well as in our own country. The list of absurdities that this man has pushed through the House is quite long and I won’t waste time enumerating them all. Suffice it to say, he’s the perfect person for the number one slot. Bob, make the call.”

  Chapter 31

  -Washington D. C.-

  Two days after Feldman made the call Lorraine Caldwell is passing Sam Ferguson’s office and he has his door closed again. “That’s really strange. He’s had his door closed a lot lately. He’s always complaining about how hot it gets in his office when he has the door closed.” Again, this little bit of information is stored with all of the other tidbits on Sam Ferguson deep in her subconscious vault. So far, no connection of the dots has taken place to get her attention and raise her curiosity level.

  A couple of hours later she’s called into the President’s office and is given some very bad news. “Lorraine, I just got word that John Silverman was found dead in his hotel room in Beijing.”

  “Oh, Mr. President, I’m so sorry. I know you and he were close friends. What happened to him?”

  “Don’t know yet. There are no outward signs of foul play. We’ll have to wait to hear the results of the autopsy. Would you please co-ordinate with the appropriate people the means by which we will express our condolences to his family and show our gratitude and respect for a true champion of the American way of life. Also, have Ferguson come in here. I want to arrange a press conference to inform the public about what has happened.”

  A few minutes later Ferguson arrived and Weinstein told him what had happened. Ferguson could have won an Oscar for his performance of a grief stricken admirer of an exemplary statesman. “Set up a news conference for six tonight and let no one know what it’s about. I want to nip in the bud any speculation that John was a victim of foul play by not providing any time for anyone to do so. You know these journalists. We sure don’t want to bombard the public with that kind of bad news. On top of everything else, that could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back and who knows what might happen then.”

  “How do you know he wasn’t a victim of foul play? The very fact that this happened in Beijing is suspect to say the least. He’s been an outspoken critic of how unfair China’s trade policies are and has been a strong supporter of imposing trade sanctions against them.”

  “As of now, there’s no evidence of wrongdoing by any one. Besides, the Chinese aren’t stupid. They know an international uproar would follow if they were blamed, guilty or not, for doing something like this. I’m sure the Chinese had tight security around him to prevent such an occurrence. As part of the security measures, the Chinese insisted that his mission to China to discuss ways to improve trade relations between our two countries be a clandestine one. Even his itinerary was classified information. Only those with a need to know were given it. The only people outside of China that knew about John’s trip were me, the Vice President and Lorraine.”

  “How can someone who’s been in politics for so long be so naïve? The only way a secret has a chance of remaining a secret is if no one else knows it. With every additional person that is clued in, the risk of discovery increases considerably. Even people who keep their mouths shut sometimes get careless and leave things lying around that they shouldn’t. Silverman’s admin would make a mute look like a blabber mouth, but her desk is a treasure trove of information if you know what to look for. Thank you, Florence.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mr. President. I’ll set up the press conference for six tonight. If it turns out that there is foul play, will you release that development to the press?”

  “No. That would only make the ensuing investigation more difficult by attracting kooks of all kinds and making the culprits more cautious than they otherwise might be. I’d have to notify the public eventually, but the timing of that would be determined by the progress of the investigation.”

  “Damn! I’ll have to figure a way around that when the autopsy I’m sure the Chinese are performing is completed and the truth comes out.”

  Seeing the tension on his press secretary’s face he asks, “What makes you so sure that foul play is involved?”

  “Oh, Oh.”

  “I’m not sir.”

  “Yes you are. It’s written all over your face.”

  “I just have a bad feeling, that’s all.”

  “Well, I hope that feeling’s due to this damn bug that’s driving everyone to the bathroom.”

  “Yes sir. If there’s nothing else, I’ll attend to the press conference.”


  Thirty minutes before the press conference the President gets a call from Beijing. It is the head of the Ministry of State Security, the Chinese equivalent of the CIA, Weimin Wei. He speaks perfect English. “Mr. President, the results of the autopsy are in. I am afraid there is bad news Your John Silverman was poisoned apparently by injection as a tiny puncture wound was found in the side of his neck. The poison used was an unusual one, tetrodotoxin, which is only found in the blue-ringed octopus and puffer fish. It’s a small consolation, but the poison kills within minutes so your man didn’t suffer long.

  “Although unusual as an assassin’s tool, the blue-ringed octopus and puffer fish are easy to find in this part of the world. The blue-ringed octopus can be found anywhere between Northern Australia and Japan and the puffer fish in just about any sub-tropical or tropical waters around this part of the world. We’re fairly certain the device used for the injection was a needle implanted in his pillow.

  “When we got the results of the autopsy, we tore his room apart looking for a needle or a syringe of some kind, but came up empty. By the time it dawned on us that the needle could have been in his pillow, it was too late. All of the bed linen had been laundered. I apologize for that. Our investigation is ongoing and I will keep you informed as to our progress.”

  “Thank you sir. Thank you for getting on this so promptly.” The connection was broken and the President felt that something inside of him had just broken as well.

  “Who the hell would want to kill Silverman? He’s never hurt anyone in his entire life that I know about.”

  As six o’clock rolled around, the President was struggling with his anger, trying to get his temper under control before they went on the air. He wanted so badly to let loose and berate the person or persons behind Silverman’s murder, threaten them with imminent capture and execution because he was going to bring to bear every agency, international and domestic, to hunt them down and eradicate them like the vermin they are. As the red lights on the cameras came on to signify they were live, he barely had himself under control.


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