Beginning of a Hero (Legends of Windemere)

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Beginning of a Hero (Legends of Windemere) Page 33

by Charles E Yallowitz

  Luke quietly watches her stand among the fireflies and pixies, wearing the simple clothes provided by the academy. Her brown, sun-kissed skin stands in contrast to her white peasant shirt as she starts to slowly spin on the toes of her worn boots. With her common clothes and relaxed attitude, it is hard for Luke to believe that she is the heir to one of the most powerful merchant houses of Windemere. He could feel his lips tingle when he remembers their kiss in the infirmary and their near kiss in the forest. Kira turns around to face him, but Luke quickly turns away to stare at the stars.

  “I guess we should talk. I know you’re busy preparing for a fight, but I really needed to speak to you,” she declares with a bashful expression. “Unless you want to be left alone and don’t think I’m worth your time.”

  “No need to guilt trip me. I can use the distraction and it’s peaceful here. This kind of atmosphere helps put my mind at ease and I can get a clear idea of what I’m doing,” Luke claims, taking a seat in the grass. “Well, I will get a clear idea once I stop thinking about how many people are counting on me. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?”

  “I lied,” Kira whispers as she sits down next to him.

  Luke cocks an eyebrow and puts a blade of grass between his lips. “I think you’ll have to be more specific.”

  “When I was with you in the shed, I told you that I was here to learn about warriors and gain leadership skills. The real reason I am at this academy is because my family believes that I will find my future husband here since I rejected every warrior back home,” Kira explains, nervously running her hand through her ebony hair. Luke silently notices that her cheeks are bright red. “About five years ago, a seer told me that my heart would belong to a warrior. My family has always gone to get their destiny read by a seer once they turn thirteen. I was told that the reading is used to give each of us a direction in life. So, I was flustered when you found me in the shed and I panicked. I acted poorly and made you think that I was here for false reasons.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not sure what your point is,” Luke politely interrupts.

  “The point is that I’m sorry I lied to you and embarrassed you. I really didn’t care about getting revenge for the accident during class. I don’t want any hard feelings between us,” she says, laying her hands on her lap.

  “So, have you chosen a weapon yet?” Luke asks, trying to change the subject and help her relax.

  Kira looks at Luke with a hurt expression that swiftly melts into a warm smile. “At home, one of my brothers taught me how to use a type of weapon that they don’t teach here. Theresa knows how to use it, so I will take private lessons from her next semester. Selenia has convinced her to stay for a year.”

  “Guess you found your path,” Luke states, meeting her smile with a charming grin.

  ”Not many people outside of Bor’daruk know how to use this weapon. Most people give up before they figure out all the tricks to not hurting themselves,” Kira continues, blushing and turning away from Luke’s grin. “You see, the weapon is a long chain with a sickle at one end and a heavy metal cylinder at the other end. The cylinder can be used as a club or a defensive piece. My people designed it to deal with the large scorpions that wander the desert. It allows us to stay out of the pincers’ range while attacking. My brother recently sent me one from home, so I can start learning how to use it during my free time.” She takes a deep breath and turns back to the half-elf. “Now, are you trying to avoid the topic at hand?”

  “What topic would that be? I have many topics on my mind,” Luke innocently declares, his grin growing wider. “A Lich trying to kidnap Kellia, a Hellfire Elf trying to kill me, graduating this semester, not getting killed, and keeping my remaining friends alive. The list just keeps growing. Can you narrow it down for me?”

  Kira lets out a sigh while Luke tries to avoid eye contact by watching the pixies above them. Kira clumsily pounces on Luke, easily pinning him to the ground because he refuses to fight back. She quickly bends down to kiss Luke on the lips, feeling his body immediately relax. Luke moves so that he is leaning against the tree while Kira is curled up in his lap.

  “It’s time we stopped playing around, Luke. I want to talk about us,” Kira whispers, holding his face between her warm hands. “Maybe it’s just me being young and confused, but I meant what I said at . . . back then. I fell in love with you without knowing why and I want to explore this feeling with you before it’s too late. I felt that you should know that I meant what I said before you fight that demon.” She moves her thumbs, so they gently keep his mouth closed. “Before you say anything, it isn’t because of your last name. I have the same problem as you, so I know that it isn’t the lineage that should determine how you are treated. You’re kind, funny, sweet, and brave. I think all women would want someone with a heart like yours.”

  “Thanks for the compliments, but I don’t know what to say,” he admits while he begins to absentmindedly stroke her hair. “No offense, but I never really thought about stuff like this. I’ve been so obsessed with proving that I am the hero that I claimed to be all those days ago. If you haven’t realized it yet, I’m not a real hero. I lied to get this mission from Duke Solomon’s messenger.”

  Kira rolls off Luke and snuggles against his side as she stares up at Canst, the green moon. The pixies stop dancing and disappear among the dense lower branches. Kira can feel the tiny creatures curiously watching her curled up against Luke. Everything is so quiet that she finds herself beginning to fall asleep.

  “I don’t care if you lied or not. I think you will win and prove to everyone that you are a hero. Your eyes tell me that you have the strength to win,” Kira says, slipping his arm around her. “Just don’t let go of me tonight because neither of us might have another night like this. All of us might be involved in the battle if Selenia is right about the danger, so we could both be dead by the end of the week. I’m terrified, but I feel safe in your arms, Luke. I never let anyone hold me this close in my life, so this is special to me. I guess you can tell that I grew up reading romantic bard tales and watching drama plays. I’m probably too mushy and romantic for my own good. Do you mind me being this close to you, Luke?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what to think about all this. You’re a very beautiful girl and you’ve changed my first impression that you were a spoiled brat. You’re a lot bolder than I gave you credit for. Things just seem to be happening without any warning and I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out what I should do,” Luke nervously rambles.

  “Simple. Wrap your arms around me and enjoy the night,” Kira playfully orders him. She yawns and lays her head on his shoulder, nuzzling at his neck. “Like I said, we don’t know what our futures hold. Right now, I want to feel loved and wanted for more than my name. Why do you question this so much, Luke? I can feel your heart beating as hard as mine. It can’t all be nerves. I know you enjoy holding me this close because you haven’t tried to fight any of our kisses.”

  “The first one was in the dark and the second one was without warning,” Luke contends with a chuckle.

  “Then, I will make sure you see the third kiss coming,” she promises.

  Kira pulls herself up to kiss Luke on the lips again. He pulls her away for a second before pulling her in for a harder, deeper kiss. She lets her hands run through his hair until she begins tracing her fingers around the points of his ears. It doesn’t take long for Luke to go limp and collapse to the ground, taking her with him. Kira continues nuzzling his neck while rubbing his ears and playfully kissing his cheeks. She finally stops, allowing Luke to wrap his arms around her and roll her onto her back. He pins her hands above her head while he catches his breath.

  “I’m nervous about this. I think that I really do have strong feelings for you, Kira,” Luke says, releasing her hands and letting her sit up. “Part of me thinks that this is nothing more than a passing interest or lust. We’re both away from our homes and our old lives while looking for our path. I’ve had my heart toy
ed with before and I don’t want it to happen again. What if-” He stops when Kira places a gentle finger on his lips.

  “Shush, half-elf. I’m scared too. I'm falling in love with an adventurer who I barely know anything about outside of his legendary heritage. It’s ridiculous,” Kira admits in a very low voice. “For all I know, I’m setting myself up for my first heartbreak, but maybe we should just follow our hearts as far as they take us. Let’s not think about what will happen beyond tonight. We can deal with tomorrow when the time comes. My heart is yours for this entire night and for as long as we love each other. I do believe that I love you, Luke Callindor. I don’t care if this path ends with heartbreak because this is what I feel right now. May Gabriel do what he wants to our destinies because I’ll always remember this night with you, especially when Selenia puts both of us into detention for fraternizing off academy grounds after curfew. All we need is some alcohol and then we’d be breaking almost all of the big rules.” She manages to laugh a little at her own joke, but it sounds more like a nervous giggle. A few tears begin to drip from her eyes before she realizes that she is crying.

  “Are you okay?” Luke asks.

  “I just realized what you said earlier and I want you to do it again.”

  “Do what?”

  Kira smiles at Luke and strokes his cheek. “Say my name again, Luke.”

  “Get some sleep, Kira.”

  Luke kisses her tears away and holds her tight without saying another word. She wraps her arms around him as the crickets begin singing. Kira silently falls asleep in Luke’s embrace and it doesn’t take long for Luke to fall into a deep slumber.


  “Nothing happened, Nimby. So, drop it,” Luke snaps as they search the clearing for places to hide. Fritz is already starting his spell in the middle of the clearing while Aedyn whispers a small prayer to Durag.

  “You guys were out all night. Her clothes were damp when she snuck back. I promise that I won’t rat you guys out to Selenia,” Nimby persistently swears, talking at such a fast pace that the others have to stop what they are doing and think about what he just said. “Who could blame you anyway? She’s a rich heiress with an attractive figure. By the gods, I’m starting to sound like Fritz.”

  Aedyn shakes his head in disgust and goes to hide behind a thick tree. The priest casts a small spell, which blends him into his surroundings as long as he stays still. Fritz ignores all of them as his casting becomes more intense. Everyone can see the form of Kellia begin to form around him as his chanting becomes louder. Sweat forms on the gnome’s brow as he disappears entirely from view. Luke makes sure to speak low so as not to break Fritz’s concentration.

  “Look, Nimby. Kira’s clothes were wet because of the morning dew. We slept at the base of a tree in a clearing,” Luke calmly explains, leading the halfling away from Aedyn’s hiding place. “She wanted to talk about something dealing with her weapon class and we ended up falling asleep next to each other. I’d prefer if you didn’t make such a big thing about it because I have more important things to worry about. At the top of that list is the Hellfire Elf and not getting killed by it. Kira and I are just friends and classmates. She needed someone to talk to and that is it.”

  “Guess you have a point there. A forest tracker and a bratty heiress would be an odd couple,” Nimby states, checking the underbrush for space. “More than likely she would only want you for your name. It would be a trophy boyfriend type of thing. What color are her eyes again?”

  “Green with a hint of blue,” Luke responds as he examines a hollowed tree. He stops as soon as the words leave his mouth and his face turns bright red. Stuttering noises escape his mouth, but none of them are actual words. Nimby laughs before heading toward the far side of the clearing.

  Luke stands next to the hollow tree and lets himself slowly regain his composure. He is surprised that Nimby tricked him so quickly, which he fears is a sign that he is horribly unfocused. Luke starts to wonder if he should have delayed talking with Kira until he finished his business with the Hellfire Elf. A moment’s distraction could get him or, even worse, one of his friends killed. Yet, the longer he waits in silence, the more his mind wanders to the previous night. With vivid detail, he remembers the warmth of her exotic skin and the soothing smell of her ebony hair.

  Luke gives the tip of his left ear a violent twist to painfully snap himself out of his thoughts. With a deep breath, he squeezes into the hollow tree and uses his stiletto to make several eyeholes. Centipedes, mushrooms, and molds are all over the rotting inside and there is a moist aroma of decay from the wood. Luke recognizes one type of mold that can be used to stop bleeding and decides to pocket some of it before peering through one of the eyeholes.

  “Fizzle find demon. He come here. About this far away,” Fizzle reports as he crawls into the tree. He sticks his tail straight out and his forearms are stretched forward when he tries to show the distance.

  “You have any other way to explain how far away he is?” Luke asks in a whisper.

  “Hmmm. Fizzle know sun will be there,” the drite responds with a point of his tail.

  “That means he’ll be here in about an hour, which gives us enough time to get mentally prepared. I hope Fritz can maintain the spell for that long,” Luke whispers as he continues watching.

  “Why Luke and Nimby fight?” Fizzle asks, taking a seat inside the tree.

  “It wasn’t a fight,” Luke assures the drite. “He was just getting involved in something that he had no business getting involved in. Don’t worry about it.”

  Fizzle stares at the half-elf and scratches the top of his head with the end of his tail. Finally, he blurts out, “Luke have mate?”


  “Luke smiling like with girl. Fizzle saw. Fizzle not interrupt mating,” Fizzle proudly admits. “People strange. No dance. No magic for mating. Just look happy. So, Fizzle happy for Luke.”

  “You have it all wrong, Fizzle. There was no mating involved. It was just a night spent under the stars. Nothing happened between me and Kira. I did not and I never have mated with anyone,” Luke frantically rambles, his cheeks bright red. “Can we please try to concentrate on the demon that is heading this way?”

  Fizzle continues to sit on the ground in silence. He suddenly jumps into the air as if something bit his tail. He looks very excited and hovers outside the tree. “Fizzle get it. Little person tell Fizzle word. Start with bent line then open mouth. Fizzle think dragon tooth next and then strange thing.”

  “I think you just spelled the word ‘love’,” Luke says, trying very hard not to yell at the innocent drite. “Again, you and Nimby are looking too far into this. So I know exactly what her eyes look like and I remember her scent perfectly, but that’s just my bard’s memory. It doesn’t matter that I still feel the warmth of her skin against me and the touch of her lips on mine. Uh, I’m pretty sure I was going somewhere with this that involved this is neither the time nor the place. After all, it might not be love. I just met her, so there is no way I can say that it is love without there being some doubt.”

  “Fizzle tell others about demon. Luke need alone. Fizzle know when see happy mating couple,” the drite squeaks before fluttering away.

  Luke rests his forehead against the soft, rotting trunk. “That demon better get here quickly because I can’t take much more of this.”


  Luke spends the next hour standing in the hollow tree, looking through his peepholes at Fritz and the others. A few deer and rabbits wander by, but none of them appear to be acting suspiciously. Eventually, two hours have passed since they had set the trap and taken their hiding places. Driven by a nervous curiosity, Luke slips out of the tree and silently climbs into the thick branches of a healthy elm. He scans the clearing while Fritz has his illusion pick blades of grass. With a small smile, Luke admires Fritz’s masterful illusion from his high perch. The forest tracker is sure that the complex illusion would fool him if he didn’t already know the plan. Hi
s thoughts are cut short when he hears the dying echo of a thunderclap from the direction of the academy. The clouds in that direction are showing signs of a coming storm, so Luke ignores the noise and goes back to watching the clearing.

  Minutes pass before a glint of light bounces off a metal object almost directly across from Luke. He lets his eyes naturally focus on the area and spots the Hellfire Elf near the edge of the clearing. The demon is crouched in the shadows, cautiously looking around and sniffing at the air. Another glint of metal appears as the Chaoswind is drawn from its sheath, but the Hellfire Elf still doesn’t move into the open.

  Luke continues watching the demon as he starts to feel that something is wrong. He expected the demon to be somewhat suspicious of the easy target, but its extended hesitation shows that it is being extra cautious. Days ago, it was willing to attack outside the academy where Selenia could have interfered. Now, the demon is sitting quietly in the shadows, staring hungrily at the illusion of Kellia. Luke’s muscles tense, preparing to launch him into the clearing at the first sign of trouble.

  The Hellfire Elf puts down the Chaoswind and pulls out a longbow along with a long, black arrow. The demon licks its lips as it nocks the arrow in place. Nimby and Aedyn are still unable to see the Hellfire Elf from where they are as it gets to one knee and takes aim. Luke immediately notices that the demon is aiming lower than he would if it was the real Kellia. The arrow is trained exactly on where Fritz’s head would be in the illusion.

  “It knows,” Luke hisses, leaping out of the tree and sprinting at full speed. He is drawing his sabers just as the Hellfire Elf releases its arrow. Luke slides in front of Fritz, knocking the projectile out of the air with his sabers. He can see Aedyn and Nimby starting to come out of their hiding places while the Hellfire Elf calmly puts the longbow away. Luke is barely aware of the demon muttering before his eyesight abruptly turns off.


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