Lasting Fate

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Lasting Fate Page 15

by Charisse Spiers

  It just dawned on me that after today neither she nor Londyn will be back for a while. They only came back for the weekend to celebrate our birthday. My girl crew will be non-existent once again. I left them and now they’re leaving me. It hurts a lot worse when it’s you being left behind. "I'm going to miss you too, Adalynn. You have been the most amazing friend to me since I moved here."

  She holds out her arms and a tear rolls down her cheek. "Come here."

  I walk over to her and hug her. My mind takes me back to that day that I moved here. I was so mad at my parents for uprooting us and moving us clear across the country, but it turns out that it was the best thing to ever happen to me. I was sitting on the patio, staring out at the pool when Adalynn barged into my life without a care in the world, and she's made her place in my heart since.

  It's funny how some of the most amazing friends can come from unexpected circumstances, and in those times when you're at a low in your life from things going on that you have no control over. That's what happened to me. I was a control freak that had my control taken away from me, sending me into a meltdown, but I learned sometimes that is the most amazing thing that could happen.

  When you have a chance to let loose and enjoy life your spirit is set free. My parents freed me from a life of bondage in my own chains, giving me the chance to really live. For that, I'll always be grateful. Back then I was a selfish teenager void of any love, but the girl I am today is so full of love my heart feels like it could burst from overfill.

  She squeezes me as tight as she can and I find myself tearing up as well. Goodbyes are always the worst parts of life. "I never expected that gloomy blonde by the pool to become my best friend, but yet here you are. You're a beautiful person, Kinzleigh Baker. I saw it that day and it radiates even brighter today. Never let anyone steal your shine, babe, even in the absence of me. I’m so glad you got your happily ever after, because seeing you hurt was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to watch with a friend. I was helpless in so many ways. It’s why I let you go to California and didn’t bother you, but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t love you, because I did and I still do. Now you’re here, and happy. I know I won't be here, but know that you'll always be my sister. I promise to call you everyday. I love you, Kinzleigh. Make Breyson take care of you for me or I swear I'll come back and bestow my wrath on him."

  I laugh in the midst of my tears. "I love you too. You know you're my best friend. I don't have to tell you. Now go before you're late."

  I push her back, hinting for her to leave. "Okay, okay. I'm going."

  She walks to the door and pulls her sunglasses down from where they rest on top of her red hair. "Darlin' you better give that baby a kiss from Aunt Adalynn."

  Her southern accent always gets thicker when her emotions are heightened and I absolutely adore it. I nod with a huge smile on my face. When I moved here I had so many stereotypes about southern people. Coming from the west coast I thought I was doomed and headed for cow fields in the middle of rednecks, but I was so wrong. Television ruins us, making us believe things are different than what they really are.

  My main piece of advice to anyone about life would be to ignore the stereotypes, because what you could be missing out on if you don't is an amazing life with extraordinary people.

  She realizes why I'm smiling so big. "Shut up. I don't want to hear about my country accent. Okay, I'm really going this time."

  "I wasn't going to say a word. It's amazing," I tease. "Be careful on the road!" The last syllable exits as she shuts the door.

  I'm standing in the now empty house not knowing what to do with myself. It's too quiet. Where is Breyson? After what happened in February, timing will be everything. If he's late I will be paranoid. There is nothing I can do about that.

  My cell phone starts ringing, causing me to jump. When I see Breyson's name and photo pop up on the screen my heart calms down. "Hey. Where are you?"

  "Hey, beautiful. I'm still at the ranch. I got caught up with one of the cattle. Can you just meet me here? Bryce is already with Mims and Pops. He's fine."

  "Sure. It's too quiet here anyway. I don't like it. It makes me nervous."

  "So you don't mind living with two boys? It's bound to get rowdy at some point."

  "I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll be there in ten minutes. I love you."

  "I love you too. Be careful."

  "Okay, baby. See you soon."

  I disconnect the call and drop my phone in my purse as I head for the door, grabbing Breyson's keys in my hand along the way, and locking the door behind me. Eighteen started as a good year, but quickly went to hell in a hand basket. I'm praying with everything I am that nineteen is a better year.


  I park Breyson's truck beside the big Magnolia tree next to Mims' house and my Range Rover. I'm a little behind schedule with Adalynn saying goodbye, but it doesn't look like anyone is even here. I thought it was supposed to be a bash.

  The sun is starting to go down, but it's still light outside. I knock on the door and it immediately opens. Mims is standing on the other side holding Bryce. "Hi, Mims."

  "Hey, Kinzleigh. Come in, honey. You know you don't have to knock."

  I walk inside and into the kitchen. "Do you need me to get Bryce? Where is Breyson?"

  "He's fine, honey. We're bonding. Breyson instructed me to send you to the barn. He said someone wants to see you."

  My eyebrows dip, but then I think of Divinity and I get excited. I haven't seen her in so long. "You're sure he's okay? I don't want him to be a burden."

  "Go on. It's been a long time since you've been here. Now that you both are settled in the house I expect regular visits."

  It doesn't take her telling me twice and I'm nodding and out the door, running for the barn. I can see the barn light already on. I stop, but only long enough to open the gate and close it behind me.

  "Breyson," I shout out as I come into the main doorway. Hendrix is missing, but Divinity is completely saddled for me, tied to the post. She tries to pull from the post to get to me when she hears my voice.

  "Hey, girl. I've missed you," I say as I get in reaching distance. I place my palm on her nose, running it up into her hairline. She breathes in a steady rhythm, standing still under my touch.

  "I bet you thought I left you, didn't you, girl? I'm so sorry. I'll never leave you again." I trail my fingers down her neck and along her side when I notice a folded piece of card stock tied to a piece of twine, hanging from the horn of the saddle. "What's this?"

  I remove it from the saddle and open it. It's a note.


  Meet me at our spot. Your prince will be waiting.



  I hold it to my chest, trying not to get too mushy. That is so romantic. This is one of those things you put in your hope chest to keep forever.

  I untie and mount Divinity, instructing her to go. On the first command she takes off in the direction of our tree. I've forgotten how much of a rush it is to ride like this. Nothing holds you back. It's just you and the wind in your hair.

  We make it through the section of trees that open up into the field on the back of the property. My mouth drops open when Divinity comes into the clearing. Breyson has the Oak tree lit up with white lights wrapping the branches. He's sitting on Hendrix beside it, waiting for me.

  Immediately my hand goes over my mouth and Divinity slows to a walk. I can even see a blanket spread out beneath it with a picnic basket. I can't take my eyes off of him. Hendrix inches forward, our eyes never leaving one another.

  "Miss Baker, I was instructed to take special care of you. Rumor has it today is your birthday," he says as he comes up beside me, completely serious.

  I have the biggest grin on my face right now. Role-playing used to be our thing. I feign the best southern accent I can muster. "Why yes, Mr. Abercrombie, it is. What do you have planned for me?"

  He grabs my hand and the horses make a circle as if
we're dancing horseback. "I thought we might dance. We're long overdue."

  "But there's no music."

  The horses stop and he gets off of Hendrix before helping me down by my waist. "Oh, but Miss Baker, I'll always ensure there's music for dancing."

  On point, music starts playing. I have no idea where it's even coming from. He is smiling as if he's outdone himself. It's that award-winning smile that could kill a girl's heart upon looking at it for too long. He holds his hand out and does a southern boys version of a prince's curtsy. "May I have this dance?"

  I feel like I'm in a fairytale and I've been made Cinderella for a night. My chest is hurting from the amount of love that my heart holds for him. He weakens me, but he also gives me strength. "I'll always save a dance for you," I say, and take his hand.

  He pulls me into his arms and twirls me around beside our tree. He pulls me close, resting one hand over mine, and the other on my lower back. We begin swaying to the music. It reminds me of the night at the New Years Eve ball. "I can't believe you did all of this for my birthday. I didn't know you were so romantic."

  "You make me a lot of things I never was before."

  We continue to dance in each other's arms, enjoying the beauty of the sun setting, now making the lights on our tree stand out more with the sun going down. "Do you think this will ever go away," I ask.


  "This feeling I have inside. The one where I feel so overwhelmed that I want to laugh and cry simultaneously, because the overflow of love and happiness needs a point of exit or my heart is going to explode."

  His cheek is pressed to mine. The tips of grass are starting to blow with the breeze, brushing against our legs. "I think if it was going to it would have at least dwindled by now. I feel the same way. It's weird isn't it? Feeling this way about someone so young."

  "I most certainly think we defy the norm, yes."

  "Promise me we will never be normal," he says. "No matter what we have to endure to make it, promise we will never stop fighting for each other. Sometimes life is going to suck, sometimes it will try to rip us to shreds, but we can never let it win. Promise me."

  His voice is so soft, but still holds that masculine tone. This moment is so surreal that I want to pinch myself just to see if it's real. I feel like I'm about to wake up and realize it's all just a dream. "I promise. If we made it through the last eight months we can make it through anything."

  "There's something else I want to show you."

  I put some distance between us so I can see his face. I raise a brow. "There's more?"

  "Never underestimate what I can do, Miss Baker. The best is yet to come." He pulls a handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans and puts it over my eyes, tying it in the back. "This is your last year to be a teenager. I have to make it count."

  Last time he blindfolded me like this I was surprised with a horse. I can only image what he has up his sleeve. I can't see a thing. He reaches around my waist with one arm and around the back of my knees with the other, picking me up. Immediately my arms link around his neck. "You always did spoil me, Mr. Abercrombie."

  He starts walking, to where I have no idea. "I always told you I'd try to give you the world."

  "But you already do..."

  He sets me down and places his hands over my shoulders, stopping me from moving any further than where I stand. "I want to say something before I let you see anything. I don't know why I was given the chance to have a girl like you, because you really deserve so much better than what I'll ever be, but I'm not going to question it anymore. The guy I've become since I met you actually makes me proud to claim. I'm a better person because of you. With you I'll only continue to be a better man. There are no limits to what I'm capable of when it comes to you, starting with this..."

  He removes my blindfold and what stands before me literally steals my oxygen. I know that sounds crazy, but I am finding it hard to inhale. My arms are behind me, holding him on each side of his butt, now clenching his jeans in my fist. I'm in shock.

  Standing before me is the outside of a house, completed with a frame, full roof, and the outer walls surrounded by stacks of brick ready to complete the exterior. "What is this?" I whisper, because it's all I can get out without choking.

  "Our house."

  I turn in his arms. "You're building us a house? How? When? Is this real?"

  "It's been in process since I came to California. They assured us it’d be ready to move in by Christmas at the latest." I feel faint.

  He moves in front of me, taking my hand in his. "Come on, let's go see it."

  I'm having trouble putting one foot in front of the other, but somehow my limbs begin to move. The closer we get to the doorway I notice the path lit up by candles.

  He places his hands on my waist and helps me up into the house, jumping up himself once I'm inside. I can't believe how big it is. Don't get me wrong it's nothing on the scale of massive, but it makes the house we live in now look tiny. It's perfect. I would choose this with Breyson versus a house like Preston's any day of the week.

  Rose petals are scattered along the path made of candles, sparking my curiosity of what's at the end. Breyson takes me by the hand, leading me. The inner walls are still supporting beams, making it hard to really picture the ending result, so I don't try. I'm more interested in what's at the end of his little setup.

  I listen as he explains what each room is along the way. He turns before we get to the last room, now facing me. "This is our room," he says, moving to the side.

  I walk past him, astounded by what I see. He must have spent hours doing this. The room is set up with a king size bed, fully dressed in white, and surrounded with candles along the floor. White lights are running along the top beam lighting up the room. I'm not even going to ask how he's powering them. Breyson will always find a way.

  In the middle of the bed is a section of red rose petals just as the ones that are scattered throughout the house, but sitting on top of the pile is a small square box. There are only two things that come in a box of that size, and based on our surroundings I'm going to say it's not earrings.

  I can no longer control my emotions. Everything around me has sent them into overdrive. I turn around and I'm staring at his beautiful, bare chest, just like I was that day I met him on the beach. I look up and he has a smile on his face. "Happy birthday, Princess."

  "You did all of this just for my birthday?"

  The tears are streaming down my face one after the other. I'm not even ashamed. He places a hand on each cheek, looking into my eyes. "It's the most important day. The day that represents you being born will always be the best day, because it ensured I would have you in my life. That's worth celebrating."

  "I don't know what to say." I scan his eyes, trying to find my words.

  He places his hands on the hem of my dress, pulling it up my body until he removes it completely, leaving me standing in underwear and cowgirl boots. "That's okay, because I have more to say, but first I want you naked.

  He reaches behind me, unhooking the clasp of my bra. He pulls the straps off of my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He closes in, pressing his lips to mine. I'm so ready for this man to take me that I could scream. Each time he kisses me I get so lost anything could be happening around me and I wouldn't know.

  He runs his hands from the center of my back over my butt, but underneath my panties, pushing them down as he continues downward. They fall to the floor at the same time he lifts me by the thighs. His taste is sending me into a hormonal meltdown.

  I wrap my legs around his waist as he lays me on the center of the bed, placing his hands beside me on the mattress. He releases his lips from mine. "Breyson, please don't stop. We've waited long enough. I need you this way. Please. You know I'll beg."

  He looks me in the eyes, balancing his weight on top of me on his forearms beside my shoulders. He runs his fingers through my curls. "You know you would never really have to beg me right? I like it, but sex will never be
something you have to ask for. I love sex with you more than you will ever like it with me, but before we do there is something I want to say."

  That phrase makes me nervous, but I have no idea why. "Okay."

  He stands at the foot of the bed, but never veers his eyes off of me. I watch as he unbuttons his jeans and slides them down his legs, stepping out of them. With every second that I have to wait I'm becoming more nervous, as if it's our first time. In a way it is. The one thing we will have this time that we didn't have our first time is knowing without a shadow of doubt that we love each other, completely and solely, and intertwined with each other so tight that it's as if we're one.

  He removes his briefs, slowly, as if he wants to study my reaction. I feel like my skin should be turning red from the heat that I feel inside. I look down. His dick is fully hardened and ready to go. I can't take my eyes off of him, but that's no surprise. He consumes me, and he always has.

  He takes ahold of one foot at a time, removing my boots. He places one knee on the bed, then the other, and crawls back toward me. He slides one arm underneath my back and reaches behind my head with the other. In one motion he turns, pulling me on top of him. I'm trying not to focus on his dick poking at my entrance.

  He rubs his thumb along my bottom lip. "I'm going to get mushy, but it's unavoidable so don't hold it against my manhood, okay?"

  I smile. It doesn't matter how mushy Breyson gets, he'd still reek of manliness and ooze sex appeal. The man is an ocean of testosterone. "I'll try," I tease.

  "Kinzleigh, I never cared about commitment until I met you. Some can use the excuse that they are scared, but not me. I just didn't want anything to do with a relationship. It didn't appeal to me. When I met you, though, something was different. At first I thought it was because you didn't cling onto me like most girls did, making it easy. I thought once we had sex it would go away. It wasn't until I left California that I realized it was so much more. I was going crazy, but then you showed up at school and everything just clicked into place. I was in denial for a while that it was love at our age, but you changed my mind pretty quickly. With each passing day I fell more in love with you, but what made me absolutely sure that I couldn't live without you was almost losing you. I can't live in this world without you by my side, Kinzleigh. I've tried. I can't explain the connection we have and I'm not going to try. Once I told you I was going to ruin you, but that's not true. It's you that has ruined me. You own my heart, you consume my mind, and you are completely irreplaceable. We share a child together, one we both love and would do anything for. As long we have each other we can conquer the world. You own me completely, but there is one thing missing for me to own you in return."


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