Tempted by a Cowboy

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Tempted by a Cowboy Page 8

by Vonna Harper, Melissa MacNeal

  When she tried to arch away, tried to put even the slightest bit of distance between herself and what had the ability to tear her mind to pieces, he looped an arm over her breasts. Knowing she couldn’t break free, she nevertheless demonstrated she wouldn’t easily surrender by twisting from side to side. He put an end to that nonsense by delivering a teasing slap to her buttocks.

  “What the hell was that?” she demanded.

  “Getting your attention. I do have that, don’t I?”

  Not waiting for her response, he again sealed her against him. As his arm flattened her breasts, she sighed in delicious surrender and leaned her head against his shoulder. She saw nothing. The hand now keeping her in place slid over her pelvis, pushing a groan from her. In her mind’s eye, she’d become a hobbled horse incapable of moving its roped front legs more than a few inches. Whoever had captured her had left a lasso around her.

  Now that she was his, what did he intend to do to her?

  What indeed?

  Even before his hand settled over the join between her legs, she’d widened her stance. Whether her eyes were closed or simply incapable of focusing she didn’t know, but how could she be aware of anything with her pussy trapped under his rough heat?

  “Mine,” he whispered against her ear.

  “That’s what you think?”

  “I’m simply picking up on the messages you’re giving me. And feeding off what comes naturally to me.”

  For a moment she couldn’t fathom what he was talking about, but as his hold on her pussy became more all encompassing, she decided he was referring to the way he made his living. Ropes and fences were a way of life to him, his means of controlling and protecting the livestock he was responsible for.

  All right, so she’d become his livestock, had she? A mustang mare he’d roped and hobbled and might soon brand.

  Brand? Was that what was happening? Her cunt was trapped beneath his greater strength and knowledge about her. She couldn’t begin to think how to move her arms or legs let alone free herself, but then she didn’t want to.

  Instead, every part of her being sank into pure, primitive sensation. He’d caught her arms against her sides. She couldn’t put her mind to lifting her head, and her legs had reached the end of their strength. It was all about the arm over her breasts and the hand looped over a thigh and between her legs. Spreading her. Testing her. Slipping into her sopped opening and giving her his finger to feed off.

  That was her growling again, her eyes focused on nothing, her legs strong and spent at the same time, repeatedly struggling to suck him into her center. And when he let her know he was in charge of that journey, her head rolled to the side. Her fingers fisted, relaxed, fisted again. Her pussy endlessly bathed his hand.

  “Are you with me?” he muttered. “All the way. Nothing coming between us?”

  “What—are you talking about?”

  “Assuring myself that I have your full attention.” As if punctuating his statement, he reached even farther around her hip and parted her sex lips.

  Oh, God! “You do. You do!”

  “And you want this as much as I do.”

  “I wouldn’t—damn it—wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  “Good.” That said, he nibbled the ear he’d been speaking into.

  Unable to handle the assault, she struggled to free herself, but he easily held her in place, and his finger remained against her entrance. She was going to die, goddamn die right here and now.

  Her rebellion over as soon as it had begun, she sank into him again. She made no attempt to close herself off from him. But instead of pushing his advantage, he seemed content to bathe his finger in her slick offerings. Just as she’d spread his pre-cum over his flesh, he coated her labia and washed her pubic hair. Not caring the slightest what she sounded like, she welcomed each and every touch with a groan or sigh.

  “Everything happened so damn fast the first time.” He spoke with his mouth against her ear again and his breath tickling and tantalizing her sensitive system. “I wanted it to be different this time.”

  Hadn’t they already touched on this subject with her questioning how he’d been sure there’d be a repeat performance? What had his response been? Maybe he’d begun and ended as he was doing now by stroking her labia and clit until her climax burned a heartbeat away.

  “I can’t—I’m going to—”

  “I want to feel you come.” Once more he slipped between her sex lips. “Feel you shudder and hear you scream.”

  “I don’t—scream.”

  “You’re going to tonight.”

  Yes, damn it, yes! Slam me up against insanity and show me how to live!

  Like putty and butter rolled into one. Everything about her existence was wrapped against the finger sliding past her hot, swollen defenses and stepping into her innermost cave. He deserved as much as what he was giving her, but his turn would have to wait for her to finish climbing the mountain called arousal. Her head had never been heavier, and closing her mouth had never been a more impossible task. If anything, her nipples were more tightly knotted, and she doubted any bra’s ability to contain her painfully swollen breasts.

  Damn but she loved her woman’s body! Loved the wise finger now pumping her.

  For an instant she feared her knees were giving out on her. Then she realized they were simply obeying commands from a part of her that was all instinct and need. Although he continued to finger-fuck her, instead of simply letting him do it, she sank down and rose up, cunt muscles tight around the delicious invasion and dragging him with her. Faster and faster her knees and hips worked, frenzy building, flames licking so damn deep she wondered if the top of her head might blow.

  “Slow down, slow down,” he chanted. Even as he spoke, she sensed his frenzy build. His hot energy swirled around her, adding to what had already reached combustion stage.

  Even so, she tried to tell him how impossible putting on the brakes was, but instead of words, a series of far from ladylike grunts spewed from her. She lived through, and for, the pleasure nibbling at her edges.

  “Can’t help it, damn it! I can’t stop—” No longer interested in trying to form words, she squeezed her eyes as tight as possible. Her awareness spiraled down, centered in and around her pussy. Her spine arching, she surrendered.

  Crying something obscene and honest, she dove into the whirlpool. Muscles twanged. Her knees locked, and her pussy refused to release him. Her climax rocked her; sweat ran down her sides. Some bitch of a woman was screaming. A man’s voice joined the torrent of sound.

  Even as her climax faded, she acknowledged Miguel’s role. Yes, the months of celibacy factored in, but she’d released some of her tension via her limited supply of sex toys and batteries. The climaxes she’d experienced at her own hands had been little more than puffs of steam escaping a volcano.

  Miguel had uncorked the volcano.

  And still she wasn’t done.

  “That was—incredible,” she admitted.

  “My neighbors will probably agree.”

  Far from embarrassed, she laughed. And because his finger remained inside her and his arm still captured her breasts, she couldn’t take her thoughts beyond this place and time.

  “Your turn,” she said, her eyes opening.

  “Only if you join me.”

  His voice had smoothed out, lost a little something. Unable to process the change, she opted for standing on her own feet and slipping out of his embrace. Her pussy continued to hum. Already she needed it filled again but with his cock this time. What a bitch she’d turned into, an animal in heat.


  At least Dawn’s ability to see had returned. Magnificently naked, he stood with his arms uneasy at his sides and the fingers of his right hand glistening with her arousal. He glanced over at the bed and then looked at her again.

  Letting her body speak for her, she made her way to the bed and hoisted herself onto it. She scooted over to the far side where a long, narrow window provi
ded a less-than-expansive view of the area set aside for RVs.

  After what might have been hesitation on his part, he climbed up next to her.

  Even before he could settle on his side next to her, she reached for him. Draping her arm over his shoulder, she eased her length against him. He hadn’t bothered with a bedspread, and the wool blanket under her abraded her sensitized flesh.

  “You need a woman’s touch in here,” she said. “Someone to put up curtains and figure out a color scheme.”

  Instead of picking up on her attempt at humor, he wrapped a powerful arm around her. His cock waited between them. As it slid over her thigh, she realized he’d put on a rubber. Grateful because he’d been tending to business instead of questioning whether he should join her, she reached under his length to stroke his balls.

  “Shit,” he hissed, jerking.


  “Hair trigger.” After a long, slow, but not calm breath, he continued. “I haven’t felt this close to the edge since I was seventeen. The things you do to me…”

  What things she nearly asked, but the tension riding through him supplied the answer. Remembering her own overwhelming and unreliable hormones at seventeen, she lifted a leg and draped it over his hip. She compensated for the loss of his scrotum by running her hand first over his shoulder and then what she could reach of his side.

  “Careful,” he warned.

  “Why? Not as in control as you’d like me to believe?”

  “I never said—”

  “That’s not the point.” Taking pity on him, she ceased her movements but kept her hand against his lean side. He was so warm and strong.

  “Then—what is?”

  Although she tried to recall what this excuse for a conversation had been about, her thoughts refused to go any further than skin against skin. Climaxing had been a mistake because instead of feeling satisfied, she wanted more.

  Wanted everything he had to give her.

  Not that she’d been able to hold back.

  “On your back,” he muttered. Putting weight to his words, he rolled her away from him. Then because she was jammed against the cab-over’s wall, he tugged her close before climbing on top, spreading her legs and making room for himself as he did.

  Despite the nearly useless window, enough illumination from the nearby neon lights gave her a semiclear view of the masculine form over her. If he felt the strain of supporting his upper body, his expression didn’t show it, but neither did he look calm. Running her knuckles over his biceps brought her the truth. He held onto self-control with iron hands.

  Lifting her head off the bed, she ran her mouth over his chest. Groaning, he stared down at her. In an instant of insanity and weakness, she came within a breath of kissing him only to lose courage. Much easier than what she’d long considered the ultimate in intimacy was bending her knees in a silent invitation for him to settle completely into the space she’d created.

  His head and shoulders were within a half foot of the ceiling, giving her a fleeting image of them rolling off the bed and crashing to the floor during their energetic coupling. Was this, really, that different from sex on a hay bale?

  Damn it, she didn’t want to be thinking thoughts practical or otherwise. Didn’t want to ask how deep her insanity ran. What she needed was to have her pussy filled. Determined to reach her goal, she again pressed her lips to his chest. He tasted of the way he’d spent his day, horse and physical effort, leather and hay. Needing more of his world, she licked the space between his pectoral muscles.

  Expelling a harsh breath, he reared up. His cock slid from her slit to her mons. “Damn it, Dawn. You’re playing with fire.”

  “I love fire.”

  “Then you’re going to get it.”

  Heat whipped through her, took her from logic and intellect to something raw. Slipping her arms around his neck, she pulled her upper body against him. Her muscles trembling from the strain, she held the contact, felt his life strength. The only thing she didn’t do was kiss him. He made no move to do so himself.

  When trembling became pain, she reluctantly lowered herself back onto the bed. Her head pounded. Do it, do it!

  Movement from him splintered her silent refrain. He was sliding down, settling himself more fully into the space they’d both had a hand in creating. His features blurred and then all but disappeared because she could only do one thing at a time, and that was anticipate. Offer herself to him.

  Still bracing himself over her but now with a single arm, he slid a hand under her buttocks and lifted her. Closing her eyes in anticipation, she rolled her crotch toward him. Her wet, warm, and swollen cunt twitched. One second passed and then two. Losing track of time, she could only wait.

  He touched her, his tip barely kissing her labial lips. When he pulled away, she cried out. Shocked by the desperate sound, she ground her teeth together.

  Then he touched her there again, not a quick kiss this time but more, determination meeting willing surrender.

  “Yes,” she whimpered. Although every inch of her being ached to suck him into her, until he’d given her enough to hold on to, she could only wait. Ache and anticipate. “Miguel?”


  His command was too damn complex. Unable to think how to tell him that, she gave herself over to what little of his cock he’d gifted her with. Damn his self-control! How could he possibly stand keeping himself at her entrance?

  “What are you doing?” she demanded. “If you’re trying to drive me crazy—”

  “I’m not.”

  Then what? But he’d begun to tremble, negating the need to ask. Gathering her strength again, she pulled up so her breasts rubbed his chest. Fiery pins and needles attacked her nipples. Still clinging to his neck, she nibbled his chin. His mouth was so close, desperately so.

  “Shit! Shit,” he gasped.

  “Who needs to be quiet now, who?”

  Instead of answering, he pushed forward and into her. Just like that, a single smooth movement and he’d filled her. Her inner tissues wept and rejoiced. Strength flooded from her. The rough blanket scraped her back again.

  “Yes,” she muttered. “Oh, God, yes.”

  Much as she wanted to give him everything he deserved, at first all she could do was focus on their mating. This wasn’t a dream, no longer part of the fantasies she’d unwisely fed herself. The real thing, his cock skewering her and her flooding pussy welcoming him, became her world. She cared nothing about their surroundings or Blanco or Monday morning. This was him. And her. Fucking. Both of them weak and vulnerable and strong and brave all at the same time.

  Wondering if he felt the same way restored enough of her brain that she was able to respond to his long, hard thrusts. The bed rocked. Maybe the cab-over itself was being shaken.

  “Your neighbors. They’re going to know.”

  “Do you care?”


  “Neither do I.”

  His admission still echoed when he shoved himself at and into her again. This time instead of riding with him, she set herself. The slide of cock against pussy burned her cheeks and clenched her stomach. Eyes resolutely closed, she tossed her head from side to side, feeling, experiencing. He came at her once more, this thrust as long and commanding as those that had come before and yet was, what, more intimate?

  When he had nothing more of his hard, hot length to give her, he remained in place, his every muscle trembling, breathing like a racehorse.

  “Yes, oh, God, yes,” she gasped.

  Long after she thought he’d give way, his cock continued to ream her. Riding the current with him, she lost touch with where her body ended and his began. They’d become part of a united whole, strangers bonding in the most primal way.

  Except for a kiss.

  When, finally, he drew back, she tried to go with him, but with him anchoring her body, she had no choice but to let him go and wait. Anticipate. Her body from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet was on fire. Wan
ting only one thing in life.

  He came at and for her again, plunging deep only to stop and then pick up the pace again, claiming more and more of her core. Owning it. Tension wrapped his body; his breathing picked up.

  Hers matched his pace.

  “Do it!” she demanded, oblivious to anything except the two of them. “Let go!”


  Determined to feed off everything he was experiencing, she opened her eyes to see him arch up and away from her. He seemed to be trying to free his upper body while what mattered the most remained trapped inside her.

  “Are you afraid of me?” she asked.

  “Afraid? No. Shit, ah, shit!”

  There. A man breaking loose. Losing control and becoming animal. She looped one hand around his neck. The other stole to his shoulders in time to feel them turn to stone. His cock pummeled her pussy.

  “Yes!” She scratched his shoulder blade. “Yes!”

  Miguel, climaxing. Inside her. His cum trapped by the damnable rubber but every muscle shouting as release shook him. Unexpected tears burned her eyes. Not bothering to blink them away, she stared through the mist at his tortured features.

  Still shaking and with sweat blooming everywhere, he lowered himself onto her. His greater weight collapsed her, trapped her between him and the blanket. Sealed them together.

  Then he turned his head and sucked a breast into his mouth and she lost it. She screamed and shook as her second climax slammed into her.

  Terrified her.

  Nightfall had officially taken over by the time Dawn scooted away from Miguel and climbed out of bed. The last few minutes were less than clear, making her think she must have dozed off. Going by his breathing, she knew he’d fallen asleep shortly after pulling out of her and removing the rubber. He’d muttered something when she’d lifted his arm off her, and his breathing had quieted. He was now awake, or nearly so.


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