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Shelly's Forbidden Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 39

by Lynette Bernard

  She reached out and hugged her big sister tightly. To receive her sister’s love and hug in return was like coming home. She missed this. She missed Shelly.

  “Thanks, honey. Now, we need to get you straightened out.”

  “I don’t need to be straightened out,” Janine said sternly, her voice suddenly cold and hard. She eased out of Shelly’s embrace and looked at her calmly.

  “Yeah, you do. We need to get you out of this cold, unsafe apartment,” Shelly told her gently. “Please come with us to the pack home. Mia, Dean, and Mitchell are living there while they’re going to college. I know they would be welcoming to you.”

  “I don’t think I can, Shelly,” Janine said almost immediately.

  “Why not, honey?”

  “Mia is great. She’s always been nice to me.”

  “Dean and Mitchell aren’t nice to you?” Shelly asked, concerned.

  “They’re so young.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much of a reason to not want to be with them. Besides, you’re only twenty-two. Mitchell is twenty-four. Dean is nearly nineteen,” Shelly said calmly. “They’re not children.”

  Seeing the way Janine tensed at the mention of the two men, she worried that her little sister might feel as if she was going to have to take care of everyone. She couldn’t allow Janine to stress over it. She had enough to deal with just attending her classes and working hard to get through her days.

  “Age doesn’t really have anything to do with it, Janine.” Shelly continued. “It’s what the person has gone through that determines their maturity. I think those guys have maturity in spades. You can’t go through what they’ve gone through and remain innocent.” Shelly reached up and tugged on Janine’s long, blonde hair and twisted it within her fingers to hold on tightly. “From what Laurie has told me, her kids have had to grow up pretty fast. They’re good people who protected her and each other from Laurie’s abusive ex-husband.”

  “Did he hurt Dean and Mia?” Janine asked, her heart hurting at the very thought of her mate and his sister being abused.

  “Laurie told me that he did,” Shelly admitted. “He tried to run Mia off the road when she was driving. She was injured pretty badly.”

  “I remember,” Janine said softly. “What about Dean?”

  Shelly sighed softly. It hurt her to think about the abuse that Dean had gone through every time he tried to protect his mother or his sister. “His father hurt him a lot, Janine,” she admitted. “He would throw Dean across the room when he was just a little cub. Dean also received quite a few beatings with his father’s belt before Laurie was able to pull her ex-husband away. It’s a wonder that Dean has turned out to be such a positive and good man.” She looked at Janine and saw the pain in the younger woman’s face. “Suzie told me that Mitchell was often the object of abuse in Randall’s pack because he couldn’t shift. Max and Eli were ordered to beat him at one time. They refused.”

  “What happened?”

  “Max and Eli took the beating for him.”

  “Oh, Shelly,” Janine whispered, aching for Mia, Dean, and Mitchell. She wanted to be with them and comfort them. She also ached for Max and Eli. They were good men to protect Mitchell.

  “I know. It was awful. It just shows you how Mitchell suffered. It also shows you how wonderful my men are.”

  Shelly was quiet for a moment as she thought about the trials that they had all gone through. She felt the sorrow within Janine and knew that the young woman was feeling deep worry for all of them. She reached up and touched Janine’s face lightly, brushing away the single tear that slid down her left cheek.

  “Suzie’s mate Drew told me that Mitchell being unable to shift was because he hadn’t met his triad partner. Now that he has, he and Dean are best friends, and Mitchell can shift. He actually saved Laurie when her ex-husband came to the Circle Three Ranch. Laurie told me that Dean and Mitchell have found their mate. She saved Dean when he was injured by Alpha Randall. Dean would have probably died if it weren’t for their mate claiming him when none of them were around.”

  “Laurie knows that?” Janine asked, surprised. “Does she know who she is?”

  She reached up and took careful hold of the garnet heart on the gold chain that Dean and Mitchell had given her, somehow worrying that the necklace would give up her secret to Shelly. Janine never took the necklace off. It was a constant reminder of the two men that she truly cared about. She had to keep her desires for her mates hidden. She couldn’t allow anyone to know that she wanted to be with them. She refused to bring either man sadness—and that’s what she truly thought she would bring to them.

  “No. Laurie doesn’t know who their mate is. No one does. Dean and Mitchell refused to tell,” Shelly said, her gentle voice interrupting Janine’s thoughts. “They said it had to be their mate’s choice to come forward. Until then, they’re both determined to keep her identity a secret.”

  “That’s nice,” Janine whispered.

  “It is, but it’s also hard on Dean and Mitchell. They have a mating that’s half started. Dean is suffering because he hasn’t been able to complete the bonding. Mitchell is suffering because he doesn’t have any connection to their mate.”

  Janine felt even worse for forcing her mates to keep her identity a secret. She had no idea that they would suffer because of her choice to leave. She truly thought that she was helping Dean heal. She knew that she couldn’t possibly have made any other decision at the time even though Dean had been only eighteen and not technically eligible to be claimed. She couldn’t allow Dean to die when she knew that her claiming bite would help him heal. Now that she knew that her claiming bite had caused Dean to suffer because of her and had caused Mitchell to suffer without her, she questioned herself. She had to make things right somehow.

  “Dean has gone through a series of bites from Mitchell so that he could adapt to the wolf physiology.”

  “Why would he do that?” Janine asked, horrified by the process that Dean had subjected himself to. It couldn’t have been easy for him.

  “One of Drew’s fathers is human and explained what he had to do in order to claim Drew’s mother and be part of a true triad,” Shelly explained. “Dean wanted to be able to claim their mate when she was ready to accept their triad relationship.”

  “Wow,” Janine whispered, overwhelmed.

  “Yeah. Wow. You have to give Dean credit for taking a chance and trusting in the shifter world,” Shelly said softly.

  “I would say he was a brave and kind guy if he wasn’t so annoying,” Janine said, laughing softly.

  “Why is he annoying?” Shelly asked, confused.

  “He always teases me,” Janine explained. “I swear, if he calls me sexy wolf babe one more time, I’m going to smack him.”

  Shelly looked at Janine in shock. Dean called Janine sexy wolf babe? That’s what Max had told her that Dean called his mate!

  Chapter 39

  Mia Young sat on the floor beside the bed in one of the spare bedrooms of the pack house that she shared with Dean and Mitchell. Her friend Marra Matthews was finally asleep. Her friend’s blonde hair was partially covering her face, hiding the streaks of tears that covered her cheeks.

  Mia’s heart hurt for her friend. As far as Mia was concerned, Marra had been the victim of cruel teasing and abuse for the last time. Today had been the last straw. When she saw Marra’s books knocked from her arms as she struggled with her backpack in the student cafeteria, Mia had been furious. Marra was such a shy and sweet woman. Mia didn’t understand how bullies picked their targets. She thought they targeted Marra because she was so kind. Those jerks knew that Marra would never fight back. Well, she had Mia in her corner now, and no one messed with her friends.

  Marra was going to school to get her nursing degree just as Mia was. They had become fast friends the moment they had realized that four out of the five classes that they were taking the first semester were the same. It didn’t matter that Marra was ten years older than Mia. They
were so much alike in their drive to become nurses that Mia felt the connection to the shy woman at once. She was a good friend who made Mia laugh, listened to her worries, and encouraged her when Mia was down.

  It was good to have such a supportive and kind friend. Mia already considered Marra her sister. They both worked hard in their classes. Marra studied like a fiend. So did Mia. Mia felt as if she had found someone that she trusted beyond anyone she had ever trusted. The only people Mia had ever had faith in before were Dean, their mother, and Aunt Nikki. Now that they were all a part of Jace and Jackson’s pack family, Mia had a guarded hope that she was now part of a loving family that she could believe in. She could feel the cold walls of protection that she had placed around her heart slowly melting as she cautiously allowed others in. It was scary to be so vulnerable, and it had taken a good amount of courage to take a chance on being hurt again by allowing people into her heart.

  Reaching into the back pocket of her jeans, she pulled out her cell phone and made the connection to the man that she texted daily to assure him of her safety. Those daily phone checkins gave her a sense of peace.

  “Mia?” Jace’s voice asked at once. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “Jace, do you remember me talking about my friend Marra?” Mia asked softly so as not to disturb her friend as she slept.

  “I do.”

  “She’s had a really rough time lately. I’m afraid for her safety. Is it okay if she lives with us in your house?”



  “Of course, Mia. If you need her to live there in order to keep her safe, that’s all I need to know.”

  “Jace, you’re the best,” Mia said, relieved.

  The deep chuckles that sounded through the connection made her smile. She really liked her stepfathers. She was hesitant to admit to herself that she really loved them. Loving was something she was afraid to do.

  Jace and Jackson were loving partners to her mother. They were also kind and caring parents to her, Dean, and Mitchell. Mia knew very well what a father should not be in her own poor excuse of a father. Now that she’d been exposed to the people of Jace’s pack, she was able to see and experience what a loving family truly was. She was thankful to be a part of it.

  “Mia, keep our pack secrets from your friend for now,” Jace cautioned her. “Once I’ve met her, and she’s met our family, we can decide together if we can trust her with the ways of our people.”

  “I promise,” Mia vowed sincerely. “She doesn’t have anyone, Jace. She’s worked and saved forever so she could go to school. She has no family. She has only me, Dean, and Mitchell as friends.”

  “Then she’s a smart woman,” Jace interrupted her. “She’s picked the best three cubs on campus to be friends with.”

  “I’m not a cub, Jace,” Mia protested.

  “You will always be my cub, Mia,” Jace told her gently.

  Mia was instantly silent at Jace’s declaration. “Are you trying to make me cry?” Mia accused him after a moment.

  “No, Mia,” Jace said, laughing softly. “I’m trying to tell you how important you are to me and Jackson.”

  “Okay,” Mia whispered. “You’re important to me, too.” Her voice was so soft as she spoke, she wondered if Jace could even hear her. She had to tell him how she felt, even if he couldn’t hear her.

  “Thank you, cub,” Jace’s answered.

  “So it’s okay for Marra to stay with us until we all graduate?” Mia asked, wanting to clarify his permission for her friend staying with them permanently.

  “Yes. I’ve sent two of my most trusted enforcers to stay with all of you to ensure your safety,” he said calmly. “I want you to be welcoming to them, Mia.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Mia asked, suddenly suspicious.

  “Because the two men I sent to you are your mates.”


  “Mia, you need to give your mates a chance.”

  “I don’t want or need mates.”

  “Sweetheart, please listen to me.”

  Mia closed her eyes and sighed tiredly.

  “When triad partners meet their destined mate, many things happen.”

  “Like what?”

  “A bond starts to form. Your men connected with your soul. When you’re not with them, they experience physical pain.”


  “Yes, Mia. Lucian and Cole have used their discipline and determination to give you the space you asked them to give you. But you need to know that they’re suffering without you and will continue to suffer until you accept them.”

  “Jace, why didn’t you explain this to me before?” Mia asked angrily. “I don’t want to hurt them.”

  “I was trying to protect you,” Jace explained, sighing heavily. Sometimes the weight of being alpha was overwhelming. “I thought you needed to go to college and learn to be on your own before you committed yourself to Luc and Cole.”

  “You don’t think that anymore?” Mia questioned.

  “Your mother has convinced me that love is more important than anything,” Jace admitted. “She’s a very smart woman, Mia.”

  Mia couldn’t help but laugh. “She is, Jace,” Mia agreed.

  “She seems to think that Luc and Cole need your acceptance. She also thinks that you need theirs. I think she’s right. My men are hurting without you, Mia. Will you give them a chance?”

  “I don’t know, Jace. I’ll have to think about it.”

  “You have until this evening,” Jace told her very seriously. “I’ve sent both men to talk with you and try to work things out. I want them to stay with you, Dean, Mitchell, and now Marra, until you graduate.”

  Mia was speechless. She felt anger at the position she was being put in, but she had to admit that a small part of her was looking forward to seeing the men again. There were many nights that she pictured Luc and Cole holding her as she slept. It was the only way she could wind down and relax. She missed their gentle strength.

  “The men have been assigned to renovate the pack house while they’re there,” Jace continued. “They’ll also be watching out for all of you to make sure that you’re healthy and rested. I’ve been assured that they’re good cooks and will be making meals for all of you so you can concentrate on your studies.”

  Mia couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Luc and Cole cooking and taking care of all of them. Instead of annoying her, it gave her such a sense of warmth. It was shocking to her that she was feeling that way. She had run from Luc and Cole for the past few months. Maybe it was time to stop running.

  “Okay, Jace. I’ll give them a chance,” Mia agreed quietly, a small flare of hope filling her with warmth. “I hope Mom knows what she’s talking about.”

  Chapter 40

  Max and Eli carried Janine’s meager amount of belongings toward the pack house that would be her new home. They didn’t know how Shelly had convinced the young woman to move into the pack house not far from the university, but both men were relieved. Neither one of them was going to leave Janine in that unsafe, freezing apartment complex. It was their responsibility to see to the safety of pack family. They took that responsibility very seriously.

  Janine looks nervous, Eli said softly to Shelly through their link as they walked toward the house that was going to be the perfect place to keep the four cubs safe. It had three floors with enough room to house many more people if need be.

  She is, Shelly agreed. There was no way she would compromise Janine’s secret. It wasn’t hers to tell.

  Max stepped up to the front door and pressed the solid brass doorbell button. He looked at the reinforced steel grating on the screen door and saw that it was solid and secure. The black steel door behind it was equally as strong and had an arch design. It looked elegant, but Max knew the quality of the heavy door. It was top-of-the-line in security. There was also a camera pointed down on them from the area to the left of the doorway. To the untrained eye, it would look like an orna
mental piece that complimented the doorway, but Max knew that it housed the camera and sound equipment that was obviously set in place to protect the home. Jace and Jackson had taken no chances with the cubs’ safety.

  The front door was opened slowly, the young woman that faced them looking at them stoically. The look on her face and the wariness in her brown eyes made Max like her immediately. He also liked the fact that she stood safely behind the screen door, never moving to unlock it.

  “Can I help you?” she asked firmly, looking over the group with a discerning eye.

  “Hi, Mia,” Janine said softly as she took a hesitant step forward and placed herself between Max and Eli.

  “Janine!” Mia called out, reaching out to unlock the screen door, pushing it open, and grabbing for Janine to draw her into her embrace. “It’s so good to see you!”

  Janine allowed herself to be pulled into Mia’s arms, laughing softly at the fierce way that Dean’s sister was hugging her. “It’s good to see you, too,” she whispered, meaning it sincerely.

  Mia eased back and smiled down at Janine, noticing that there were several people waiting patiently behind her in the shadows. “Who are they, Janine?” she asked as she pulled Janine up the one step to have her stand beside her. She eased Janine back into the open doorway and stood firmly between her pack friend and the unknown men who were currently watching her with an interest that made her more than a little nervous.

  “They’re pack,” Janine explained. “You’ve already met Shelly. These are her mates Max and Eli. They came to see me today and convinced me that I should be staying here with you, Dean, and Mitchell. I don’t know how I feel about that, to be honest. Do you think you would mind if I stayed here with you?”

  There was hesitance in Janine’s voice. She had no expectations that this was a done deal. She wouldn’t stay here if they didn’t want her to, despite the unsafe atmosphere of her apartment complex or the cold in her apartment. She was already nervous enough that Dean and Mitchell might have decided that their lives would be better off without her.


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