In one case of a 148 mile wide crater, the depth is a mere 3 miles, about half of which is accounted for merely by the surrounding wall of rock thrown up around it. Weirder still is the fact that the floor of the crater is convex, following the curvature of the Moon’s surface, rather than concave.614
The mechanism most familiar to current science that can cause such shallow craters are ...thermonuclear explosions.
2. Double Cratering
Another odd feature of lunar craters was noticed by Richard C. Hoagland, after pouring over Moon photographs. This was the occurrence of “double craters,” craters in close proximity to each other, having the same size, and more or less the same directional orientation. Meteoric bombardment over billions of years might explain some of these, but not their fairly frequent occurrence on the Moon. Briefly put, the presence of such phenomena is suggestive of deliberate targeting, not random bombardment by meteors.
E. It Rings, Too!
A “superhard” layer of material beneath the surface of the Moon impervious to deep penetration by meteors; dense, localized areas of strong localized gravity causing orbiting satellites to “dip” and accelerate; enormously tall “shards” projecting out from the lunar surface in defiance of the meteoric bombardment; “pie slices” and other anomalously rectilinear formations on the surface; gravitational anomalies and shallow craters, suggesting the Moon is “hollow,” or at the minimum has an interior core of much less dense material than that towards its surface, a model itself at variance with standard models of the interiors of solid planets: all this suggests that the Moon, if not an artificial body in its own right, at least has some elements on and beneath its surface that are artificial in nature.
Confirmation of the “hollow Moon” idea came in a dramatic and unexpected fashion when the Lunar Module ascent stage of Apollo 12 was jettisoned from the Command Module after depositing the two astronauts on board for their return journey to Earth. The ascent stage was sent crashing back into the Moon where special seismographic equipment left on its surface recorded the shock waves and radioed them back to earth. The results “staggered NASA scientists. The artificially created Moonquake lasted 55 minutes!”615 But this was not all. Scientists were baffled by the type of signals that were recorded. The waves started small, then gained in size to a peak, lasted “for unbelievably long periods of time.” This is completely different behavior from seismic waves generated on the Earth.616 Subsequent experiments with components from the failed Apollo 13 mission, and later from Apollo 14, generated Moonquakes that lasted for about 3 hours and 20 minutes in each case, with the waves in each case traveling to a depth of 22-25 miles.617
There was a further puzzle to the Moonquakes. Werner Von Braun reveled to Popular Science magazine in January of 1972 that the velocity of the waves gradually increased to a depth beneath the lunar surface of about 15 miles, whereupon there was a sudden increase, an increase only possible if the material became suddenly much denser. Around 40 miles beneath the surface the velocity of the waves was about 6 miles per second.618 The outer maria of the Moon were composed of a mixture or metals, some of them very rare: iron, titanium, beryllium, molybdenum, and yttrium. It is perhaps significant that the velocity of sound through such material is approximately the same: about six miles per second. This suggests that deep beneath the lunar surface there is a thick layer of what can only be described as a “specially alloyed” compound of these rare metals.
This would explain why the Moon, to the shock of the scientists performing these experiments, rang like a bell.
Rounding out this picture of high lunar strangeness are the curious features noted about some of the moon rocks brought back by Apollo, and also by Soviet unmanned probes. Apollo 16 brought back samples of Moon rocks that contained rusted iron, an impossibility without the presence of free oxygen and hydrogen.619 But the August 26, 1976 edition of the Detroit Free Press carried a short article from the Associated Press wire service about a startling Russian announcement. The Russians, it seemed, had discovered their own particles of lunar iron returned to the Soviet Union in one of their probes. The iron could not, did not, and would not rust. As the newspaper noted, such “rustless” iron cannot be manufactured on Earth” and yet, to be rustless, some sort of manufacturing process has to be involved.620 The only other place such rustless iron is known is the iron column in New Delhi, India, thought to be incomparably old and also, like the lunar rustless iron, this pole does not rust, though it has stood outside enduring monsoon after monsoon.
Finally, lunar soil and rock samples that were brought back to Earth by Apollo 12 and 14 contained traces of Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237, isotopes that were “never previously found in nature.”621 Of course such isotopes may be synthesized, but that is the point: prior to the Apollo missions they had to be synthesized.
F. Apollo 12 and 13 and Other Moon Miscellanies
This excursion into lunar anomalies would not be complete without mention of the Apollo 12 and 13 missions, and their very near disastrous outcomes. Apollo 12 was only the second of man’s flights to land on the Moon, lifting off from Earth in November of 1969. However, less than a minute after lift-off the craft was struck by lightning when it was barely a mile and a half above Earth. All its electrical systems were shut down. The astronauts — Charles Conrad, Dick Gordon, and Allan Bean — worked calmly and restored all the craft’s electrical power and systems.622 The origin of the lightning bolt was a mystery, since the nearest weather reports of lightning were some twenty miles distant.623
Then, while on the way to the Moon, observatories from around the world reported seeing flashing lights both leading and trailing the spaceship. The day after lift off, November 15, 1969, the three astronauts radioed Mission Control that they also had spotted the “bogeys,” i.e., the UFOs. 624
The Apollo 12 lightning-UFO episode has led some UFOlogists and others to speculate that someone was trying halt manned missions to the Moon and, having failed to do so, traveled along with it to keep a close eye on things. While possible, another explanation would be that the Soviet Union might have been using some of its own Tesla weaponry to stop the missions.
An even more chilling rumor was related by NASA insider and engineer Maurice Chatelain regarding the ill-fated Apollo 13 mission. Chatelain maintained
That there was a lot of talk and speculation within the space agency about the unsuccessful mission. It seems that Apollo 13 was carrying a secret payload - a nuclear device that was to be detonated on the Moon’s surface. The nuclear test would be measured by the seismographic packages left on the surface at the two previous Apollo sites, in order to determine the infrastructure properties of the Moon. A predominant opinion circulating at the space agency was that a UFO trailing Apollo 13 deliberately caused the mysterious explosion of an oxygen tank in the service module, in order to prevent the planned nuclear detonation.625
While the idea of a “secret nuclear payload” seems highly unlikely, it is interesting that elements inside of NASA would even be speculating along such lines, much less along the lines of a deliberate sabotage of the mission by an “extraterrestrial power.”
What emerges from all this is that there is a substantial case for the idea that, at the minimum, the Moon is covered is anomalous formations highly suggestive of an artificial origin. And at the maximum, all the strange features of the Moon’s gravitational pull, its almost impossible-to-account-for celestial mechanics in its orbit around the Earth, its oddly shallow craters, the apparent presence miles beneath its surface of a hard metallic “inner crust”, and its ability to “ring like a bell,” may point to the whole planet being a gigantic artificial structure.
Something else has emerged from all this as well, and that is the persistent presence within the space program - from the first days of organized observation of the lunar surface by the Pentagon and the various intelligence agencies in 1953, to the heavy presence within the astronaut corps itself - of the military. It has been suggested in
this chapter that one possible reason for this heavy military presence in the initial days of space exploration, was to suppress any data that indicated former or current habitation of our nearby celestial neighbors. A reason for this was also suggested, and that is that the “hidden” space programs of the United States and the Soviet Union may have been not only to suppress evidences of an ancient war, but also to possibly recover the technology that made that war possible.
This last possibility - that of covering up evidence of an ancient war while simultaneously seeking to recover some of the lost technology of that war - will loom as an even larger possibility in the next chapter.
“It was (John Brandenburg’s) suggestion that, if the craters on this part of Mars were ‘artificial, ’ there would be a may to tell — because nuclear explosions (as opposed to meteor craters) would be shallower... On the other hand, he said(undercutting, in the next breath, my brief hope that here was a definitive test!), the craters produced in targets in the lab, as part of the new Space Defense Initiative tests, were deep — not unlike meteor craters themselves — a direct result of the way they were produced: by the exotic particle beams ‘burying’ their energy deep within the targets. ”
Richard C. Hoagland626
Along with the Moon, Mars is without doubt the planet that has the most hold on the human imagination. Its persistent association with war and destruction within astrological lore goes back as far as recorded human memory extends. And ever since the Viking Mars probe took its famous picture of the Sphinx-like Face on the surface of that planet’s Cydonia region, it has become the focus of a protracted debate between “Face believers” and “Face debunkers.” Previous chapters have shown that, in so far as ancient myth is concerned, Mars and its ruler(s) was a definite and decisive player in the ancient Cosmic War. Accordingly, one may look for anomalous objects on the surface of Mars, for corroboration of the idea that there was once a civilization there, and one may look also for evidence that at least some of Mars may have undergone deliberate destruction. However, since the whole Cydonia-Face controversy has engendered so much debate, nothing will be said about it here except toward the end of this chapter. Here our concentration will be on other anomalous features on Mars’ and its satellite Phobos’ surfaces that are suggestive of an artificial origin. The reader should bear in mind that what will be covered in this chapter is but a very small sampling of a very large catalogue of anomalous formations on that planet.
A. Mars Surface Anomalies
1. The “Airport”
The following picture and its computer enhancement were taken by Mariner 9. Ever since, the strange formation, which exhibits structural elements, including rectilinearity and other regular geometric designs, has been dubbed the “Airport” for its resemblance to a modern airport terminal.
Mariner 9, # 4209, of the “Airport” on Mars. Location 1.9° S 186.4°W
Computer Enhancement of The Mariner 9 Airport
It is conceivable that some sort of geological process could account for such a formation. But as will be seen, if this is the case then Mars is home to a variety of geological processes of a very exotic nature, since there are so many disparate types of anomalies to account for.
2. “Hexagons”
For example, consider the following hexagonal structure on the surface of Mars. While hexagons do form naturally in crystals, it is difficult to imagine such a large structure arising from natural crystal-forming processes. The following photos were taken by Mars Global Surveyor.
Mars Global Surveyor Hexagons
In this picture there are actually two hexagons visible, the large one toward the center, and a smaller one towards the lower left hand corner. Some unknown geological process might account for the rise of such structures, but if that were the case, how would one account for the apparent isolation of the unknown geological process in this region, and for the fact that only two such hexagons appear to have been formed?
3. Pyramidal and Other Rectilinear Formations
While giant hexagons and “airports” might be accounted for by some unknown and exotic geological process, four-sided pyramids possessing symmetry along perpendicular axes is a whole other matter.
A Martian Four-Sided Pyramid
The Cydonia region, thanks to the efforts of Richard C Hoagland, Errol Torrun, Vincent DePietro, Mark Carlotto and so many others, is well known to be dotted with a number of pyramidal formations, including the large and well-known five-sided D & M Pyramid. But the presence of such structures in other areas of the Martian surface strongly suggests that one is in the presence of a common cultural matrix. The Sphinx-like Face, the Cydonia Pyramids and other formations, and now another pyramid not in Cydonia, decreases considerably the likelihood that the Cydonia formations are accidents of nature. Geological processes might explain large hexagons and large “airports”, but they will not adequately explain such formations, which are not known to occur in nature. This fact, along with the presence of such structures on the Earth, and the odd presence of rectilinear and other regular surface features on the Moon suggestive of artificiality, imply that we might be in the presence of a common culture.
Another odd feature found on Mars is the presence of depressions in its surface that, superficially, resemble craters, but which, on closer examination, reveal themselves to have a degraded rectangular structure underlying them. Again, the question inevitably arises of how would natural processes such as meteor impacts account for such features?
Double Rectangular “Craters” on Mars
An even more stunning example of a rectangular “crater” is the following.
Again, what natural process would account for this?
Another picture, released from Malin Space Systems, appears to be nothing but a typical region of Mars, with some non-descript geological features.
But closer inspection will reveal a wealth of details about this “non-descript” formation that are quite anomalous. Note first that the bulge is almost perfectly circular. And note the zigzag rectilinear feature to the left on the top of the bulge. On the right side of the bulge note again the straight lines that form a “design” almost reminiscent of a seventeenth and eighteenth century Vauban-style fortress.
The “Bulge” with Zigzag lines and “Vauban” Style “Fortress
This extremely interesting feature with all its anomalous characteristics might be accounted for by geological processes, to be sure, but if so, then it would appear that a number of discrete and very different processes would be at work, and in a most unusual combination. In short, natural causes might account for some of these features, but for all of them to be present in one location, with such straight-lined regularity, would seem to stretch plausibility. The only other explanation is that these features are the creations of intelligence, and that one is looking at degradations of structure that have occurred over time.
4. “The Monoliths”
One very difficult feature to explain by natural causes is a grouping of what appears to be monoliths. This photo was actually released by NASA under Dr. Malin — in charge of the Mars Global Surveyor — a feat in and off itself.
Mars Monoliths Grouping
What are these odd objects? And what geological process might account for them? On any view, it would be difficult to account for this feature as being merely and exclusively the product of natural causes, and if not, one is left with artificial intelligent construction.
5. More Double Cratering
A feature found on the Moon is also found on Mars: “double cratering.” Richard Hoagland, again, was the one who noticed this odd characteristic, and began to wonder about a mechanism that could explain it. To see why, it is necessary to place what he says in the context of his wider musings on craters.
Craters themselves — whether double or not — are a significant geological technique for the dating of surface features on planets.
1) Given
that every other solid planetary body in the solar system has major portions of its surface “saturated” with large (above 20 km) craters — Mars has roughly one entire hemisphere (the southern) covered with such craters.
2) Given that the central assumption for the creation of these “shoulder-to-shoulder” craters is that there was a period of intense bombardment very early in the history of the entire solar system — Mars’ heavily cratered terrain most probably dates from this “heavy bombardment period’ as well.
3) Given that the presence of these ancient crated terrains on the Moon, Mercury, and the satellites of the outer planets...bespeaks preservation in the airless vacuum of these objects’ surfaces — the preservation of similar terrain on Mars argues forcefully for negligible erosion, most likely from the lack of dense atmosphere for most of the lifetime of the planet.
4) Given that the other hemisphere of Mars (the northern) matches similar terrains on the Moon and Mercury, in terms of far less cratering — this “two-faced” distribution of craters argues ...that there was a dramatic drop-off in the rate of cratering for Mars, consistent with a solar system-wide termination of “heavy bombardment” 4 billion years ago.627
The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts Page 37