The Baby Truth

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The Baby Truth Page 8

by Stella Bagwell

  “Hmm. Guess that’s possible,” Bella mused aloud. “Darci was a touchy subject with Claudia. The woman never offered to show me a picture of her late daughter or to talk about her. I guess the whole ordeal was just too painful for Claudia to deal with. Maybe it’s the same with Bart, and the sight of Sassy did set him off.”

  “Well, Evan spoke right out and admitted that Sassy looked like their late sister. But the resemblance could all be coincidence and Bart is simply being like you suggested—old and crotchety.”

  Bella frowned. “This doesn’t sound good, Jett. When you dig into any family there’s always a chance you’ll open a can of worms. Even if you’re not worried about your job, you’d be alienating friends that you’ve had since childhood.”

  “Look, Bella, the old man was the only one raising a ruckus. I honestly believe the rest of the family would be pleased to discover that Sassy was a part of them, somehow.”

  “What about Orin? You haven’t mentioned him in all of this.”

  Jett shrugged. “He was more than kind to Sassy. If he’s hiding any sort of information, it certainly didn’t show.”

  Bella rose to her feet. “There’s always DNA testing, you know. Have you discussed that possibility with Sassy?”

  “No. But it’s crossed my mind more than once.”

  “Then why haven’t you mentioned it to her?”

  “Because I have the feeling she wouldn’t want to go that route. To her that would be forcing the issue and she doesn’t want to push herself on anyone.” He swiped a hand over his face. “If the Calhouns suggested it, that might be different. But for now, Sassy believes everything is over. She wants to go home.”

  Ignoring the cat, Bella picked up her coat and handbag. “And you don’t want her to go.”

  Sighing, he rose to his feet and walked over to the fireplace. Bella was right, he thought. He didn’t want Sassy to go. At least, not yet. Her spunky courage and generous smile made her so different from his ex-wife that being in her company almost made him forget he’d sworn off women. Not to mention that he still couldn’t get that impulsive kiss out of his mind.

  As he pulled the screen shut, he said, “If she’s a Calhoun she deserves to be acknowledged as one.”

  “And the fact that you like her has nothing to do with your wanting to keep her here.”

  Turning, he frowned at his sister. “Is anything wrong with that?”

  She answered with a knowing smile. “You should be asking yourself that question, not me.” Suddenly yawning, she covered her open mouth with her hand. “Sorry, Jett. I’m dog tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As Jett watched his sister leave the room, he realized Bella was right. He needed to ask himself several things regarding his feelings toward Sassy. Trouble was, he didn’t know if he could find the answers.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, after spending a fitful night rolling from one side of his bed to the other, Jett entered the kitchen to find Sassy sitting at the table dressed in a robe and pajamas with a cup of coffee in front of her. A cell phone was jammed to her ear and what she was saying stopped him in his tracks.

  “Oh, so, not today? Then tomorrow is the first flight with an open seat? What time will it be departing?”

  Before he could stop himself or even think about what he was doing, Jett leaned across the table, plucked the phone from her hand and ended the call.

  Incredulous, Sassy leaped to her feet and grabbed at the phone he had clutched in his fist. “Give me that!” she ordered. “I was trying to make my flight arrangements! You’ve broken the connection!”

  He lifted the phone even farther out of her reach, and with a wail of frustration she jumped and snatched at his hand in an attempt to retrieve it. Her effort not only failed, but caused her to teeter forward and fall against his chest.

  Before she could manage to right herself, Jett wrapped his arms around her and tugged her even closer. “That was my intention,” he said lowly. “To keep you here.”

  Her head lolled backward, and as he watched a look of surprise part her plush lips, nothing about the Calhouns or why she’d come to Nevada mattered. All he could think about was tasting those lips again, of feeling her warm curves pressed close to him.

  Their gazes locked and the soft lights flickering in her eyes drew his head down to hers.


  His whispered name was little more than a soft breath brushing his cheeks and the erotic sensation broke the last tenuous thread of his self-control.

  With a groan vibrating deep in his throat, he tightened the circle of his arms and closed the last bit of space between their mouths.

  Jett never planned for the kiss to get out of control, but after the first few seconds of having her in his arms, his ability to think vanished and the more basic senses of taste and touch took over.

  Her lips were like a rich dessert. One that he’d not allowed himself to indulge in for far too long. And the hunger her kiss invoked in him was swiftly taking control. As his lips feasted on the sweet curves of her mouth, he could feel the warmth of her hands lying flat against his shoulders, the soft mounds of her breasts pressing against his chest.

  He didn’t want the pleasure to end, but far too soon she began to stir and draw away. Jett forced himself to lift his head and allow her to step back and out of his arms.

  While he sucked in a deep breath and tried to gather his senses, she swallowed hard and shoved a swathe of hair off her forehead. “What was that supposed to be?” she finally asked. “Some sort of persuasion to make me stay?”

  His gaze took in her powder-blue robe and silky white pajamas, the red hair curling wild and free upon her shoulders and the naked curve of her just-kissed lips. He couldn’t remember any woman ever looking more desirable to him, and the urge to pull her back into his arms stirred like a churning sea in the pit of his stomach.

  “I don’t know,” he answered frankly. “Could it? Persuade you, I mean?”

  Her lips pressed together as a shade of deep coral flooded her cheeks.

  “No! It’s shown me that the sooner I get out of here, the better!”

  “Why?” he asked softly. “You seemed to be enjoying that kiss as much as I was.”

  Turning her back to him, she sank into the chair she’d been sitting in when he first entered the kitchen. She was clearly stunned, but then, so was he. Grabbing her phone, then snatching her into his arms wasn’t his normal behavior. But when he’d heard her making plans to leave, his first reaction was to stop her. For her sake and for his.

  “That’s exactly why I need to go,” she murmured in a voice so low he could hardly hear it. “I might be tempted to kiss you again. And that wouldn’t be good.”

  Moving up behind her, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “Sassy, I understand you’ve been through a lot lately, and I’m probably not helping matters, kissing you that way. But that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to turn off your feelings as a woman.”

  Beneath his fingers, he could feel her body stiffen.

  “I’ve got to do that,” she said flatly. “I’m going to have a baby.”

  The confusion in her voice had Jett groaning with frustration. “Does that mean you’re going to shut yourself off? To never allow another man into your life? That’s not normal, Sassy.”

  “Maybe not. But I’m not taking chances. At least...not for a long time.”

  Sighing, he placed her phone on the table near her coffee cup. If she wanted to leave that badly, there was nothing he could do about it.

  “I can’t blame you for feeling that way,” he admitted. “For a long time now, I’ve not wanted to take chances. But I—for a moment there with you—well, I almost wanted to.”

  Her head suddenly swiveled around and the questions he saw in her eyes had him quick
ly turning and walking over to the kitchen cabinets. Jett wasn’t ready to explain the heartache he’d gone through any more than he was ready to explain what he was feeling at the moment. Mainly because he wasn’t exactly sure what he was feeling.

  “Jett, I don’t think...”

  Her words trailed away on a wary note and he decided the best thing he could do for the both of them right now was to focus her attention on the Calhouns and away from that impulsive kiss. “Forget about me and that kiss, Sassy. And forget about hurrying back to New Mexico. It’s far too soon for you to be calling this quits with the Calhouns.”

  As he fetched a cup from the cabinet, he darted a glance in her direction. She was frowning at him with sheer disbelief.

  “The Calhouns? I thought lawyers were supposed to have common sense. Clearly you missed out on your share of it.”

  He shoved the cup under the coffee machine and punched the brew button. “You’re probably right. Common sense would tell me to let you run back to New Mexico with your tail tucked between your legs. But my gut instinct is telling me that you should stay here. Until you learn for sure whether you have a connection to the Calhoun family.”

  The stream of coffee gurgled to a stop and Jett carried the cup over to the table. As he sank into the chair angled to her left, she looked at him, and the sight of her blue eyes and fresh young face had him suddenly wondering how it would feel to have her with him every morning, to have the right to kiss her and make love to her. Would it be different with Sassy? Would it be tender togetherness? Or the constant nightmare he’d endured with Erica?

  “Jett, I told you from the very beginning—”

  Her words were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of his phone sitting on the end of the breakfast bar. Jett excused himself and went to answer it.

  As soon as he spotted the name on the caller ID, a sense of unease rushed through him. No one at the Silver Horn called him early on a Sunday morning. Yanking up the receiver, he answered briskly, “Jett here.”

  “Jett, it’s Orin. I hate to bother you so early, but I thought you ought to know that Dad is in the hospital.”

  Jett glanced anxiously over at Sassy. Oh, God, she was already concerned about causing trouble for the family. What was she going to think now? he wondered sickly. “What happened?”

  “His blood pressure went out of sight. The doctor is trying to get it under control before he suffers a stroke.”

  “I’m sorry to hear this, Orin. Especially after last night. Bart wasn’t happy about something.”

  “Hell, Jett, don’t blame this on your visit last night. We both know that Dad has had problems with his blood pressure these past few years. And his temper. And the two don’t mix well.”

  Jett had known Bart Calhoun from the time he’d been a young boy. He’d even considered the man as an extended grandfather. But he’d always been aware of Bart’s hot head and domineering ways. Some men mellowed with age. Unfortunately, Bart had done the opposite and grown even more ornery.

  “Bart isn’t the most laid-back person in the world,” Jett agreed, then asked, “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Thanks, but there’s nothing right now. I’ll keep you informed.”

  By the time Jett hung up the phone, Sassy was already on her feet, walking toward him. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop,” she said, “but I couldn’t help overhearing something about the hospital. What’s happened?”

  Seeing no way to soften the news, he didn’t hedge. “It’s Bart. He’s in the hospital being treated for dangerously high blood pressure.”

  Stunned by the news, Sassy’s hand clutched her throat. “Oh, my. This is just awful, Jett. So awful.”

  He touched fingertips to her cheek. “You’ve gone very pale, Sassy. And I don’t want this to upset you.”

  “But it does! You saw the man last night. The sight of me sent him into a rage. My coming here has made him ill!”

  Wrapping his hands around her shoulders, he said, “If the sight of you has affected Bart this much, then it’s clear he’s covering for someone or himself. And I’m going to find out what it’s all about.”

  Dropping her head in her hands, she moaned with misgivings. “Nothing is worth this, Jett. If Bart Calhoun dies—”

  “He isn’t going to die! The old man is too tough and stubborn to do that. But clearly his health will have to get better before I can talk to him about this. That’s why you can’t get in a hurry to leave.”

  “But it would be best for everyone if I did,” she argued.

  “Really? You came here hoping to find information about your parents. But I think you want to leave, not because of the Calhouns or Bart, but because of me.”

  Removing her hands from her face, she looked at him through squinted eyes. “If you’re referring to that kiss—”

  “That’s exactly what I’m referring to.”

  “Sorry to deflate your ego,” she said with defiant sarcasm. “But you didn’t exactly shake the ground beneath my feet.”

  Undeterred by her flippant reply, his hands slipped from her shoulders to her back. “Then maybe I should try again,” he murmured.

  Wide-eyed, she wriggled away from him and rushed out of the room just as Bella was entering it.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Bella asked as she stared after Sassy’s retreating back.

  Swiping a hand through his hair, Jett walked over to the refrigerator and began to collect bacon, eggs and butter in the crook of his arm. “I’ll tell you about it over breakfast.”

  * * *

  A half hour later, Sassy had dressed in jeans and a dark green shirt and was straightening the bedcovers when a knock sounded on the door.

  Expecting it to be Jett, she was surprised and somewhat relieved when she opened the door to see Bella standing in front of her.

  “May I come in?” she asked politely.

  “Please do.” Sassy opened the door wider. “I was just tidying the bed.”

  “I hope you’ve been comfortable,” Bella said, as she walked past Sassy into the spacious bedroom.

  Walking over to the bed, Sassy finished smoothing the thick white comforter. “Everything is very nice, Bella. To be honest, I’m not used to sleeping in such luxury. In my little rental I only have enough space for a twin bed, and the mattress on it is beginning to sag.”

  Bella took a seat on the cedar chest located at the foot of the bed. “So you don’t room with the family you work for?”

  Walking over to the dresser, Sassy picked up a yellow-and-green scarf and looped it loosely around her neck. “I did when I first went to work for them. Back then I was only a teenager with no other place to go.”

  “Jett told me about the fire that took your parents and your home. I can’t begin to imagine going through such tragedy.”

  Even though her gaze was on the mirror, Sassy wasn’t really seeing herself. She was seeing George and Gloria Matthews, the two people she’d believed had been responsible for bringing her into this world. Now all the wonderful memories she had of her adoptive parents were skewed with confusion and even a sense of betrayal. She’d always been a strong girl. She could have handled the truth. But maybe they’d not seen that strength in her. Or perhaps they’d simply wanted to shield her from her uncertain beginnings. Either way, she’d never have the chance to ask them why they’d withheld the truth from her.

  “The Cantrells got me through it,” she told Bella. “And when I turned twenty I decided it was time for me to find a place of my own.”

  Bella asked, “You like living on your own better?”

  Turning away from the dresser, Sassy shrugged. “Most of the time I like having my privacy. Other times it can get pretty lonely.”

  “I understand exactly. Before Jett talked me into moving in with him I was living alone. I’m divorced,�
� Bella explained.

  Bella was a beautiful and intelligent woman. Sassy couldn’t imagine any man allowing her to slip out of his life, but then Bella could be the one who’d initiated the divorce. Either way, Sassy wasn’t going to pry.

  “I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you,” she told Bella.

  With a wry smile, the other woman waved a dismissive hand through the air. “I was sorry, too—when it happened. But that’s all in the past. Right now, I want to make sure you’re okay. Jett says you’ve not eaten breakfast yet.”

  “There wasn’t any need for him to send you to check on me,” Sassy said with a spurt of annoyance.

  Bella’s brows rose to a faint arch. “He didn’t. He’s already eaten and left the house to go feed the livestock. I was the one who was worried about you eating.”

  Sassy let out a pent-up breath. The mere fact that Jett was no longer in the house was enough to leave her feeling unexplainably empty. Heaven help her! Was it the pregnancy causing an overload of hormones to make her crazy? Or just the power of the man himself? When she was near him, she was constantly telling herself that she needed to run from the excitement and pleasure he made her feel. Then, when she was away from him, she wanted to be right back in his arms.

  She said, “Oh. Well, thanks for asking. But actually I’m not feeling very hungry.”

  Rising from her seat on the chest, Bella walked over to where Sassy stood. “I’m hardly an expert on the subject, but shouldn’t you be eating for the baby now? I’ve heard the first few months of nutrition are the most important. Maybe you could handle some toast and juice? It might make you feel better.”

  Bella’s suggestions were enough to make Sassy see she was behaving immaturely, and that was worse than embarrassing. She was a responsible woman with a baby on the way. She needed to be behaving that way instead of letting Jett’s kiss turn her into a silly schoolgirl.

  “Bella, I’m sorry. Normally I’m not so—”

  “Emotional?” Bella suggested with an understanding smile.

  “You’re being kind to call it that,” Sassy said ruefully. “And you’re right about breakfast. I have to eat for my baby now. Not just myself.”


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