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Never Forget The Past (The Men 0f Fire Beach Book 4)

Page 11

by Lorana Hoopes

  “Thank you both,” Felicity said.

  Suddenly Bubba wondered if Felicity might know about Rachel Hanes. Maybe she had been a patient or maybe she had just been privy to some gossip. Either way, he figured it was worth a shot. “Felicity, do you know Rachel Hanes?”

  “Rachel Hanes,” she appeared to think for a moment before nodding. “Yeah, the odd one, right? Always hanging around coffee shops, but never speaking to anyone?”

  “Sounds like her. Do you know her story?”

  Felicity cocked her head at him. “You don’t remember her?”

  Bubba blinked at the tone in Felicity’s voice. It was obvious she thought he should know her, so why couldn’t he remember her. “No, should I? She seems familiar, but I can’t place her and I don’t remember her name.”

  “Her husband was the one killed at the construction site. You told me you watched him die and felt badly you all didn’t reach him in time.”

  Bubba fell into the nearby recliner and ran a hand across his forehead. He’d forgotten all about that incident. Or maybe pushed it from his mind was more like it. It wasn’t the only death he’d ever seen, but it had certainly been one of the more gruesome.

  “I’m afraid I’m not following,” Makenna said. “Can someone fill me in?”

  Bubba sighed as the memories flooded his mind. “About a month before the murders started five years ago, the fire department was called out to a construction incident. A worker had been working on the top of a building when the scaffolding he was standing on broke beneath him. He was still holding on when we arrived, but before we could get a ladder to him, his fingers slipped, and he fell to his death. We all watched as the life drained out of him. It was horrible.”

  “Was Rachel there?” Makenna asked. “Why would she blame you and not the other firemen?”

  “I was the one extending the ladder. The story was in the newspaper for the next week, and an investigation was even opened, but I was cleared.”

  “Well, that is definitely a reason to ask Rachel a few questions,” Makenna said. “What could have triggered her now though?”

  “I’d have to look to be sure, but I’m fairly certain that the first recent death would be five years to the day that her husband died.”

  Before Makenna could respond, the sound of glass shattering carried through the house.

  “What was that?” His mother’s fearful eyes glanced toward the front of the house.

  “Wait here.” Bubba raced toward the utility room where the fire extinguisher was stored. He couldn’t smell the gas as he rounded the corner, but he knew the fire would not be far behind.

  “I’m going after her,” Makenna called as she pulled her gun and raced past Bubba and toward the front of the house.

  “Be careful,” he called, but she was already out of earshot.

  * * *

  Makenna rounded the corner just as the flame erupted. The force of the heat lifted her and flung her back against the wall. Though she didn’t lose consciousness, for a moment she also couldn’t move. Shock. It had to be shock.

  She watched as the flame crept closer to her. Was she going to die here? She needed to get up, but her body refused to cooperate. Then she saw the white foam of the fire extinguisher and Bubba wielding the nozzle with an expert touch.

  The fire danced and darted as if trying to avoid capture, but Bubba had been quick, and he had the flame out before it could destroy more of the house.

  “Are you okay?” he asked after setting the fire extinguisher down. He knelt down beside her and placed his hands on her cheeks. “Makenna, are you okay?”

  Makenna could see his lips moving, enough to make out the words, but all she could hear was ringing. “I’m fine, I think.” She felt her mouth moving, but she couldn’t even hear her own words. She hoped that he could.

  “You need to see a doctor.” The words were muffled but she could make them out as the ringing subsided. Bubba’s eyes brimmed with concern as his fingers touched her face and then slid down her neck and arms as if searching for injuries.

  She knew she did, but she also needed to see if the arsonist was still outside. The chances were slim. Makenna had probably missed her window, but she had to be sure. “Not until I see if she’s still here.”

  Bubba shook his head, and his hands returned to her face. He held her gingerly, and Makenna warmed at the look in his eyes. They were failing miserably at this professional only relationship. “You’re in no condition to chase anyone down, and she’s probably long gone by now. Let me call an ambulance. None of us can stay here tonight anyway.”

  Makenna wanted to argue, but her body still wasn’t responding the way it should. Instead, she nodded and tried to stand. Bubba moved his hands to her shoulders and pressed gently. “You’re not moving until an ambulance arrives to check you out.”

  A small smile touched her lips. She had suspected he was a protector, and she couldn’t deny that it felt nice having someone take care of her. If only he lived closer. If only she could convince him to stay. “Okay, I won’t move, but can you click on my radio, so I can call dispatch?”

  “Of course.” He grabbed the radio from her belt.

  Makenna prayed it hadn’t been injured in the blast and would still work. Relief flooded her at the sound of the familiar squelch when he pressed the call button. He held it to her mouth. “Dispatch, this is Captain Drake. I need an ambo and a squad car to 353 Fir Street.”

  “Captain Drake, Matt, are you two okay?” Bubba’s mother’s voice carried in from the other room.

  “We’re okay, Mom, but we can’t stay here. Pack some clothes and things you and Dad need. We’ll find a place to stay for tonight.”

  “You can stay with me,” Makenna said although she wasn’t sure Bubba staying in her house was a good idea. Not with him looking at her like that, and her heart racing the way it was.

  He smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I appreciate the offer, Makenna, but I don’t think your place will be any safer. If she knows where I live, she probably knows where you live too.”

  “You’re right,” Makenna agreed, placing her hand on his. She really wished she wasn’t injured because the desire to kiss him right now burned throughout her body. “She attacked much earlier than usual, and not in the normal way.”

  “What do you mean?” Bubba asked.

  “Molotov cocktail. The flame exploded when I walked in the room. I bet if you look around, you’ll find glass shards. Maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll find fingerprints on those shards.”

  Bubba stepped away from her and scanned the floor. A moment later, he leaned over and, using the hem of his shirt, he picked something up from the floor. “Looks like you’re right.”

  Makenna marveled at how careful he was with the evidence. He had good instincts. She wondered if she could convince him to cross into police work and stay here with her. “Tad and Kelsey should be here soon. We’ll let them deal with the evidence, but we have to figure out somewhere to go.”

  “You’re going to the hospital to get checked out. Maybe we can get some hotel rooms after that.”

  The front door opened then and Tad and Kelsey burst in. “Captain? Are you okay?”

  “I think I’m just shaken up, Tad, but I need to get looked at. Did you see her outside? The arsonist?”

  Tad shook his head. “No, there was no one out there.”

  Makenna nodded. “I figured. We’ll find her another way. She used a Molotov cocktail this time. Bubba found one glass shard, but I’m sure there are more. You and Kelsey see what you can find while I’m getting checked out.”

  “Of course, Captain. And then what?” Kelsey asked.

  “Then we need to find a place to stay. No one can stay here, and I don’t trust my place or Felicity’s.”

  “I have room at my place,” Kelsey offered.

  Bubba shook his head. “Kelsey, we couldn’t impose.”

  “Yes, you can. I insist. I’ll take you and your family to my
house while Captain Drake gets looked at.”

  Makenna exchanged a glance with Bubba. It wasn’t her first choice, but right now, their options were limited.

  “No, you can take my family, but I’m going with Makenna.”

  Tad and Kelsey exchanged a glance, but before they could say anything, the EMTs entered and began strapping Makenna to the board. As they loaded her in the ambulance, she prayed that her injuries weren’t serious enough to keep her off the case. More than ever, she needed to find this woman and stop her.

  Bubba climbed up beside her and grabbed her hand as the EMT began prepping her arm for an IV.

  “We’re going to have to talk about this soon,” Makenna said, smiling up at him. Something had definitely changed between them, and though she had no idea where it might end up, she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

  He returned her smile and squeezed her hand. “Promise, but let’s get you checked out first.”

  Chapter 18

  “You didn’t have to come with me,” Makenna said as Bubba wheeled her out to the waiting police cruiser a few hours later. He hadn’t left her side except for when she’d been taken back for x-rays. She’d called Tad to come pick them up only because Bubba didn’t have a car with him.

  “Yeah, I did. You’re tough, Makenna, but everyone has limits, and sometimes I wonder if you know yours. Also, in case you didn’t notice, I’d like to keep you around.”

  Makenna’s lips twitched into a lop-sided grin. How did he seem to know her so well in so short a time? “Okay, perhaps you’re right. I don’t always know when to stop, but all this time we’ve lost at the hospital?” She shrugged. “I feel like we’re running out of time.”

  “I know, and I feel it too, but I have to trust that God brought us together to catch this woman and that He won’t let us fail. However, we have to take care of ourselves to be useful to Him and that means rest and recovery, Makenna.”

  Makenna nodded at his sage wisdom. She’d been so caught up in following the evidence that she hadn’t been bringing it to God, and maybe that was part of the issue.

  Tad stepped out of the cruiser as they approached and flashed a tight smile. “Glad to see you’re okay, Captain. We got everyone set up at Kelsey’s house.”

  He held out a hand, and Bubba took her other arm. Together, they helped her stand, shuffle the few feet to the car, and slide into the passenger seat. “Good, I think a little sleep is in order, but then I want everyone looking for Rachel Hanes. We think she might be the arsonist, and we need to end this. Today.” It was after midnight, so she was counting it as the beginning of the day.

  “Understood. I’ve got Brayden checking on the glass shards. He’ll alert us if any fingerprints pop up.”

  “Good, I’d also like you to find out everything you can about Kevin Hanes’s accident from five years ago. I need to know if that’s what started all of this, and if it is, what the recent trigger was. Bubba and I will pick up Rachel Hanes.”

  Tad’s face pulled into a tight line. “No offense, Captain, but how about you let me pick up Rachel?” Makenna opened her mouth to protest, but Tad held up his hand to stop her and continued. “If she is the killer, who knows what she might do, and you’re not in peak condition. I promise I’ll bring her straight to the station so you can question her.”

  “He’s right, Makenna,” Bubba agreed. “You’re going to need to take it slow for a few days.”

  Makenna knew they were right, but she hated being sidelined especially when she felt they were so close to finally ending it. “Fine. Bubba and I will research, but you ask her nothing without me there.”

  “Got it.” He chuckled and shook his head as he shut her door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  Ten minutes later, Kelsey met them at her front door. “Welcome to my home,” she said, gesturing to the open area behind her. “Patrick, Margaret, and Felicity are all upstairs. Are you ready to do the same?”

  Makenna wanted to say no. She wasn’t sure she would be getting any sleep tonight anyway, but she had promised Bubba she’d at least try. Who knew what tomorrow would hold. “Yes, let’s get some rest, and we can debrief tomorrow morning.”

  “You got it.” As Kelsey led the way up the stairs, Makenna grabbed the railing with one hand and let Bubba offer support with the other. Her eyes scanned the house as she made her way slowly up the steps.

  The house was nothing like Kelsey. Filled with knick knacks and all sorts of kitchy paintings, it was a stark contrast to Kelsey’s minimalist attitude. Had she inherited it then? Or had she purchased it this way and just been too busy to make any changes?

  “It’s a lovely house, Kelsey,” Makenna said as they reached the landing. She hated that she was already out of breath.

  “Thanks. It was my aunt’s which is part of why I moved here. She and I had very different styles, but the structure of the house was so good that I couldn’t sell it. One of these days, I’ll renovate it though.” She opened a door to reveal a pink flowery bedroom. “You can take this one, Captain. Sorry about the pattern.”

  “It’s fine,” Makenna said though her stomach was already turning from the assault of flowers on the walls. She squeezed Bubba’s arm one last time before closing the bedroom door. They hadn’t had their “talk” yet, both agreeing they would rather wait for the case to be over, but Makenna knew strictly professional was no longer an option. She’d felt the change in his touch when he assessed her injuries, and she’d seen it in his eyes both then and on the way to the hospital. The question was what did she do about it?

  She changed into a spare shirt Kelsey had and brushed her teeth with an extra toothbrush before climbing into the bed. As she stared at the ceiling, her thoughts alternated between finding the killer and having a heartfelt conversation with Bubba.

  She knew she felt something for him, but was it enough to leave her job? Would he ever consider moving here? The questions cycled through her mind, but there would be no answers tonight. Maybe after they caught the killer but not tonight. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and prayed for peace, for safety, and for help in closing this case.

  * * *

  Bubba stared at the ceiling in the guest room and tried to process his feelings. It had been a long time since he had opened his heart, but he wanted to. He was tired of being alone, tired of watching his friends find love and trying to live vicariously through them. He’d shut those feelings off for fear he would fall for someone and she would get hurt because of him, but when he’d seen Makenna lying against the wall, he’d been so afraid that she was dead. That she had died before he got to tell her how he felt. He knew his feelings for her had been growing, but he hadn’t known how much until then.

  And he knew she was feeling something too. He’d seen it in her eyes when he touched her, felt it spark between them, and she’d said they needed to talk in the ambulance. But where did that leave them? Could he come back and live in Woodville and be Matt Fisher again? Would she ever consider leaving? Could they make a long distance relationship work? It was easier with video chats and instant messaging, but they both had demanding jobs. Could they even find times to virtually meet up?

  Bubba pulled out his cell phone and opened his Bible App. He usually preferred holding the Bible in his hands - there was something about the feel of it that always gave him comfort - but as he didn’t have his Bible, his phone would have to do. He flipped to the book of John and began reading. As he did, he prayed for wisdom. His life had changed so much in the last few days, and he had no idea what he was going to do when the killer was caught. But he did know that God could offer peace, and that was exactly what he needed right now.

  * * *

  How could she have been so stupid? She never should have gone to Matt’s house, and she certainly shouldn’t have thrown the bottle in. She’d let her anger get the best of her, and that wasn’t smart. She needed to be smart. She needed wisdom. However, the voice was still curiously silent. Had she angered him with her failu
res? Was he done with her now? What would she do if he stopped talking? Could she let the weak voice take over again?

  “Help me,” she pleaded with her empty room, but there was no answer. At least not from him.

  “Let it go,” the coward said. “It’s over.”

  With a snarl, she ripped Matt Fisher’s picture off her wall. “No, it’s not over until I say it’s over. Attacking the house with everyone there was stupid, but attacking one of his family members wouldn’t be. And she knew just who to choose. It was almost too easy.

  Chapter 19

  “Did we find anything on the glass shards?” Makenna asked Brayden when she entered the police station the next morning. Her body was still stiff and sore, but the sleep had helped a little. Even though it hadn’t been enough. She could walk without assistance, but running would be out of the question as would tackling anyone if it were necessary.

  Brayden set his coffee mug down and rubbed his eyes. He had been manning the station all night, and she would let him take the rest of the day off to sleep, but she needed an update first.

  “Still waiting on the lab, Captain.”

  She turned to Kelsey and Tad. “Did you find anything else at the scene? Any usable footprints outside?” She had sent them back to Bubba’s parents’ house after breakfast to see if the killer had left any clues outside that had been missed in the dark the night before.

  “Nothing,” Kelsey said with a soft shake of her head. “I think we got lucky at Dr. Hayworth’s because his sprinkler system had been leaking which made the ground wet. Everywhere else, it’s hard and cold and covered with leaves.”

  Makenna sighed. She had been hoping for better news though she’d expected this outcome. “Okay, so that means it’s time to pick up Rachel. Her husband was killed in a construction accident, and Matt was named in the story that came out about it. Kelsey, you and Tad go find her and bring her in. Brayden, go home and get some sleep. Bubba and I will start looking into the Kevin Hanes accident and see if it’s the trigger.”


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